
From Eco - English Wiki
Revision as of 13:46, 18 October 2020 by Owenowen101 (talk | contribs)

There are 2 primary purposes for player homes in Eco:

  1. Most crafting stations must be placed in an enclosed room to function.
  2. Adding furniture to a home will provide players with a passive Skill Point boost.

Early in the game, each room can serve both these functions, as lower-tier crafting stations can share space with furniture. Some crafting stations, however, such as the Anvil and Assembly Line, will disable the skill point gains from furniture, requiring specific rooms if the furniture bonuses are to be preserved.

Rooms and Crafting

A room is a space that is completely enclosed with blocks. Gaps in walls for windows and doorways can be up to 2 blocks wide and 1 block tall or 2 blocks tall and 1 block wide. A doorway does not need to have a Door installed. Gaps in the ceiling, such as for stairs or a ladder, will combine a room with the one above it or invalidate the room completely if open to the sky.

Checking the "Status" tab of a crafting station placed within the room will display any issues preventing the table from functioning.

All crafting stations and furniture take up a certain amount of room volume, distinct from the physical "footprint" of the object. Crafting station volume requirements are generally much higher than furniture volume requirements.


By default, a crafting station on private property claimed with a Land Claim Stake will only be usable by the property owner. This can be changed in the "Auth" tab of the crafting station. Adding player names, demographics or Everyone to the auth list will allow others to use the crafting station.

Crafting stations that are not on claimed property are usable by anyone, even if they are within a partially claimed room.


Building Materials

Most crafting stations will only function if they are placed inside a room composed of a certain amount of blocks from a specific "tier" of building materials.

Raw materials that can be stacked, such as Log and Stone, can be used to make room walls, ceilings, and floors, but do not have a building tier.


Tier 1

<dpl> category = Tier_1 category = Blocks </dpl>

Tier 2

<dpl> category = Tier_2 category = Blocks </dpl>

Tier 3

<dpl> category = Tier_3 category = Blocks </dpl>

Tier 4

<dpl> category = Tier_4 category = Blocks </dpl>

Furniture and Skill Points

The pie chart on the right displays the value balance of the 4 room types. This player is receiving 80 skill points per day from their housing bonus.

Housing is one of several ways players can gain passive Skill Points. To start gaining SP, furniture must be placed in rooms.

There are four kinds of rooms available to the player: Bathroom, Bedroom, Kitchen, and General Room. All rooms except the General Room have specific furniture items that, when placed, designate that room as a specific type. A General Room must contain none of these room-specific furniture items.

For maximum skill gain, there must be a balanced overall score from the four kinds of rooms. In most cases, only one room of each type is enough to reach the maximum skill point bonus from housing. However, it is possible to have more than one of a specific room as long as the room values are balanced.

To gain a higher room value, you must increase the quality of your rooms by:

  1. Either adding more room-specific furniture to the room or adding "General Room" items (which can be added to all kinds of rooms), while maintaining room balance.
  2. Adding a range of different furniture types to a room. (The multiple use of the same furniture type causes diminishing returns.)
  3. Using higher Value Furniture.
  4. Use higher tier building materials. (The use of Low tier Building materials with High Value furniture will result in a reduction.)
  • Don't put any "industrial" items like a Blast Furnace or Bloomery in any of these rooms. Create a separate room instead to prevent skill point losses.

Diminishing Returns

The first furniture item placed into the first room of that kind will grant that item's full value, but every item placed after it will give less value compared to the value of the previous item. These diminishing returns apply to each piece of furniture in the same room as well as each additional room of the same type.

Placing fuel-powered lamps however, triggers a separate skill point counter. The first lamp you place down will give its full point value, ignoring other furnishings. The diminishing returns kick in on the lamps afterward.

Furniture Value

Information Coming Soon...


Players only receive SP bonuses from furniture placed on land they own. Only the Deed holder receives the bonus, meaning players cannot share housing SP bonuses.

However, players can still share a room by claiming different plots within the same room and placing their furniture on those plots. For players who are working closely together, this is a good way of conserving building materials.

Room Types

You can only define the room type if you own the land where the room is. Otherwise the room will not be recognized as a type of room, even if there is a room specific item in there. You don't have to own the entirety of the room, just a part of it is enough.


A bathroom is defined by any room containing any of the following items:

Item Type Value Dim. Return (% of value)
File:WashingMachine Icon.png
Washing Machine
Washing 5 20
File:Washboard Icon.png
Washing 2 50
File:Toilet Icon.png
Toilet 3 10
File:WoodenLatrine Icon.png
Wooden Latrine
Toilet 1.5 10
File:Sink Icon.png
Sink 5 20
File:Bathtub Icon.png
Sink 3 50
File:SmallSink Icon.png
Small Sink
Sink 2 70


Placing a bed in a room makes it a bedroom:

Item Type Value Dim. Return (% of value)
File:WoodenFabricBed Icon.png
Wooden Fabric Bed
Bed 4 20
File:WoodenStrawBed Icon.png
Wooden Straw Bed
Bed 2 40


Putting any cooking-related furniture besides a campfire in a room will make it into a kitchen.

Item Type Value Dim. Return (% of value)
File:Refrigerator Icon.png
Food storage 5 30
File:Icebox Icon.png
Food storage 1.5 30
File:BakeryOven Icon.png
Bakery Oven
Cooking 3 30
File:Mill Icon.png
Food preparation 2 50
File:Stove Icon.png
Cooking 3 30
File:Kitchen Icon.png
Cooking 3 30
File:CastIronStove Icon.png
Cast Iron Stove
Cooking 2 30
File:ButcheryTable Icon.png
Butchery Table
Food preparation 2 50
File:SaltBasket Icon.png
Salt Basket
Spices 1.5 40

General Room

A general room is a room containing only furniture that is not specific to any of the other rooms.

The general furniture can be used in any room in order to get more Skill Points.

Item Type Value Dim. Return (% of value)
File:Bookshelf Icon.png
Shelves 2 50
File:ShelfCabinet Icon.png
Shelf Cabinet
Shelves 2 50
File:ElectricWallLamp Icon.png
Electric Wall Lamp
Lights 2.5 70
File:TallowLamp Icon.png
Tallow Lamp
Lights 1 70
File:WallCandle Icon.png
Wall Candle
Lights 1 70
File:CandleStand Icon.png
Candle Stand
Lights 1.2 70
File:CeilingCandle Icon.png
Ceiling Candle
Lights 1.4 70
File:StoneBrazier Icon.png
Stone Brazier
Lights 1 70
File:TallowCandle Icon.png
Tallow Candle
Lights 0.8 70

File:Couch Icon.png

File:PaddedChair Icon.png
Padded Chair
Seating 1.5 80
File:Chair Icon.png
Seating 0.5 90
File:LargeRug Icon.png
Large Rug
Rug 2 50
File:MediumRug Icon.png
Medium Rug
Rug 1 50
File:SmallRug Icon.png
Small Rug
Rug 0.5 50
File:Table Icon.png
Tables 2 60
File:SmallTable Icon.png
Small Table
Tables 1 70
File:RoundPot Icon.png
Round Pot
Decoration 1 40
File:SquarePot Icon.png
Square Pot
Decoration 1 40


All items in this list will drag Skill Point bonus down to 0 in any room they are placed in.

Item Type
File:Anvil Icon.png
File:BlastFurnace Icon.png
Blast Furnace
File:Bloomery Icon.png
File:CementKiln Icon.png
Cement Kiln
File:CombustionGenerator Icon.png
Combustion Generator
File:ElectronicsAssembly Icon.png
Electronics Assembly
File:Factory Icon.png
File:Laser Icon.png
File:OilRefinery Icon.png
Oil Refinery
File:Sawmill Icon.png
File:SolarGenerator Icon.png
Solar Generator
File:Waterwheel Icon.png
File:WindTurbine Icon.png
Wind Turbine
File:Windmill Icon.png
