
From Eco - English Wiki

The Laser is an object that is used to shoot down the Meteor. Four lasers and a Computer Lab, along with a large amount of Power, are required to destroy the meteor. The lasers need to have the meteor in sight to activate and they take 30 seconds to charge, so don't wait till 0 seconds to fire. A single laser needs 6000W of Electric Power to function. So, 24000W are needed to power all four lasers.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Robotic Assembly Line Laser x1 Gold Bar x80 Steel Bar x80 Framed Glass x80 Advanced Circuit x40 Electronics
Level 6
100 900 50
Electric Motor x2 Radiator x10

Used in Recipes


Gallery[edit | edit source]