Candle Stand

From Eco - English Wiki
Candle Stand
World Object
A fancy candelabra for providing small amounts of light.
Created at: Anvil
Weight: 0kg
Item ID: CandleStandItem

The Candle Stand is a simple light source that can be fueled with Oil or Tallow.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Anvil Candle Stand x1 Iron Bar x3 Tallow Candle x3 Smelting
Level 3
4 60 3

Used in Recipes


Building[edit | edit source]

The Candle Stand does not have any building requirements. It can be placed on the ground, outside, inside, or on Tables.

Gallery[edit | edit source]