
From Eco - English Wiki
Revision as of 19:18, 23 February 2022 by Demian (talk | contribs) (→‎Behaviour: Add link.)
Water Animal
Health: 7.0
Idle Speed: 0.2m/s
Eats: Turkey, Tuna, Salmon, Trout, Deer, Elk, Hare, Agouti, Snapping Turtle, Tortoise, Crab
Climb Height: 0.0m
Carbon Released: 0.0ppm
Harvest Item: Alligator Carcass
Flees: Yes
Fear Factor: 0.0
Flee Speed: 1.5m/s
Attack Chance: 80 %
Attack Damage: 3.0
Detect Range: 12.5m
Attack Range: 2.5m

See Also

For a list of animals, see Animals.


Found in Rainforest biome.



Real life Facts

THE AMERICAN ALLIGATOR ( Alligator mississippiensis) is the largest reptile in North America. They live in freshwater wetlands in the southeastern United States.

The American alligator is a conservation success story. Once endangered, they have now made a remarkable recovery. State and federal conservation measures, habitat preservation, and reduced demand for alligator products have resulted in a wild population of more than one million alligators.

They have between 74 and 80 teeth in their jaws at any given time.

They can use tools. American alligators have been observed using lures to hunt birds.

Alligators are ecosystem engineers. Alligators play an important role in their wetland ecosystems by creating small ponds known as alligator holes. Alligator holes retain water during the dry season and provide habitats for other animals.



9.1.4 Alligator Speed was increased from 1.0 to 1.5.
9.0.0 Alligator was added to ECO.