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There are 2 primary purposes for player homes in Eco:

  1. Most crafting stations must be placed in an enclosed room to function.
  2. Adding furniture to a home will provide players with a passive Skill Point boost.

Early in the game, each room can serve both these functions, as lower-tier crafting stations can share space with furniture. Some crafting stations, however, such as the Anvil and Assembly Line, will disable the skill point gains from furniture, requiring specific rooms if the furniture bonuses are to be preserved.

Rooms and Crafting

A room is a space that is completely enclosed with blocks. Gaps in walls for windows and doorways can be up to 2 blocks wide and 1 block tall or 2 blocks tall and 1 block wide. A doorway does not need to have a Door installed. Gaps in the ceiling, such as for stairs or a ladder, will combine a room with the one above it or invalidate the room completely if open to the sky.

Checking the "Status" tab of a crafting station placed within the room will display any issues preventing the table from functioning.

All crafting stations and furniture take up a certain amount of room volume, distinct from the physical "footprint" of the object. Crafting station volume requirements are generally much higher than furniture volume requirements.


By default, a crafting station on private property claimed with a Land Claim Stake will only be usable by the property owner. This can be changed in the "Auth" tab of the crafting station. Adding player names, demographics or Everyone to the auth list will allow others to use the crafting station.

Crafting stations that are not on claimed property are usable by anyone, even if they are within a partially claimed room. Template:See

Building Materials

Most crafting stations will only function if they are placed inside a room composed of a certain amount of blocks from a specific "tier" of building materials.

Raw materials that can be stacked, such as Dirt and Stone, can be used to make room walls, ceilings, and floors, but they are Tier 0 and will lower the Room Tier.

Below is a List of Block Tiers if a Block has a Variant it may not be shown in the list. For example, Mortared Granite is a variant of Mortarted Stone so it won't appear.

More Information:Block Tiers

Tier 0

<dpl> category = Tier_0 category = Block namespace = </dpl>

Tier 1

<dpl> category = Tier_1 category = Block namespace = </dpl>

Tier 2

<dpl> category = Tier_2 category = Block namespace = </dpl>

Tier 3

<dpl> category = Tier_3 category = Block namespace = </dpl>

Tier 4

<dpl> category = Tier_4 category = Block namespace = </dpl>

Furniture and Skill Points

The pie chart on the right displays the value balance of the 4 room types. This player is receiving 80 skill points per day from their housing bonus.

Housing is one of several ways players can gain passive Skill Points. To start gaining SP, furniture must be placed in rooms. Each furniture has a "Skill value", representing how many SP per day a player would receive if that furniture is in their house and activated (meaning there's a green light in the upper-left corner of the furniture's GUI when you right click it.) Ensuring that the furniture is activated will depend on the furniture in question: Most furniture must be placed on solid ground, most fuel consuming items must be fuelled, items requiring electrical or mechanical power must be powered, etc.

At the most basic level, you can assume that adding furniture to rooms on land you own will increase your SP bonus from housing, but the math can get complicated.

Diminishing Returns

When determining how many SP/day a given piece of furniture will give you, there are three different kinds of diminishing returns you must consider:

Category Diminishing Returns

The first is *category* diminishing returns. Each piece of furniture belongs to a category, and each item past the first in a given category yields less value than the previous. For instance, both Stuffed Jaguars and Carved Pumpkins are in the "decorative" category, so putting both in a room will count for less.

You can calculate for yourself the diminishing returns as follows: First, take all the items in a given category and put them in a list, ordered with the highest valued items on top with the lowest at the bottom. The top item contributes its full value. Each item underneath it takes the penalty listed under "Repeats yield X% less value each" once for *each* item above it. Sum the items in the list to get the value for the category. Sum the categories in the room to get the total value for the room.

Example 1: A room has two stuffed jaguars, a carved pumpkin, and a small rug in it. We create a list of all the "Decoration" objects in the room, and order them by their value: The two stuffed jaguars are at the top of the list with a value of three, and the carved pumpkin is at the bottom with a value of 1. The first stuffed jaguar contributes its full 3. The second stuffed jaguar says "Repeats yield 90% less," so its value of 3 is reduced to 0.3. The Carved Pumpkin says "Repeats yield 60% less," and there are two items above it in the list. Its value of 1 is reduced by 60% for the first jaguar (leaving it at .4) and by 60% *again* for the second jaguar (leaving it at .16) The Small Rug, despite being decorative, actually belongs to its own category of "rugs", so it is alone in its own list and contributes its full .5 value. The total value for the room is 3.96.

Example 2: We put a third stuffed jaguar into the room. Now there are three stuffed jaguars in the list, followed by the carved pumpkin. As before, the first stuffed jaguar contributes its full 3 and the second stuffed jaguar yields 0.3. The third jaguard is reduced by another 90%, for .03. The Carved Pumpkin now has its value of 1 is reduced by 60% *three times*, bringing it to 0.064. The Small Rug, being in its own category, is unaffected. The end result is that adding the third jaguar has *lowered* the room's value from 3.96 to 3.89, showing that more furniture is not always better if it "conflicts" with other furniture with low diminishing returns.

To avoid category diminishing returns, try to fill your home with a variety of different furniture categories that have a low % penalty on yields when repeated.

Note that there is a *hard asymptotic cap* on furniture yields. For instance, if you have spam a piece of furniture with a 50% reduction, then no matter how many repeats of that furniture you have, you will never achieve more than 2x that furniture's base value by spamming that piece of furniture.

Material Diminishing Returns

The second type of diminishing returns is *material* diminishing returns. The room's value, as calculated above, may be reduced depending on the tier of the room. As mentioned above under building materials, each room has a tier based on what materials were used to construct it. Each room can only support 5 value worth of furniture per tier of the room. (For instance, a tier 3 room can support 15 value worth of furniture.) Rooms made of mixed materials can yield decimal tiers, such as a brick/mortared sandstone room being tier 1.39 and supporting 6.95 worth of furniture.

Any value *past* what the room can support is affected by diminishing returns, on *top* of the category diminishing returns listed above. This is a reduction on the value of the room. The first 100% of the soft cap counts as 100%, the second 100% of the soft cap counts as 50%, the third 100% of the soft cap counts as 25%, etc. Thus, like the Category Diminishing Returns, there is an asymptotic hard cap to the value of any room: No matter how much furniture you have in a room, you cannot get more than twice the value of the room's soft cap.

Room Diminishing Returns

Room diminishing returns works like category diminishing returns, except that it applies to rooms instead of pieces of furniture.

There are four "categories" of rooms: Kitchens, Bathrooms, Bedrooms, and General Rooms. To determine what kind of room a given room is, the game looks for any furniture that is in a given category. For instance, a Latrine has a "Room Category" of "Bathroom," so including it in a room will turn that room into a bathroom. The exception is furniture in the "General" category; this can be added to any room without changing the room type, and a room is considered a "general" room if it entirely lacks bedroom, bathroom, or kitchen specific furniture. If furniture conflicts (such as a Latrine and a Wooden Straw Bed in the same room) then the room's type will be determined by which category has the highest total base value. All furniture from the other room category (such as bathroom furniture in a bedroom) will be disabled and their yields will be 0.

There is one special room category for furniture: "Industrial" Any industrial furniture in a room will automatically make that room industrial, regardless of what other furniture is in the room. All industrial rooms contribute 0 room score, regardless of their contents. Thus, putting a bloomery in your bedroom will nullify its SP yields entirely.

The first room in each of the four useful categories provides its full value to a player's housing SP bonus. Each room past the first in any given category is subject to a 50% penalized value. Thus, if you have two bathrooms, one at value 8 and one at value 6, your total score for bathrooms will be 11. (8 + 50% of 6).

A players total SP due to housing is equal to the sum of the four categories of rooms.

Improving your Housing Score

To summarize the above: to gain a higher room value, you must increase the quality of your rooms. You can do this by:

  1. Adding more furniture or replacing the furniture you already have with higher value versions so your base SP yield increases.
  2. Adding a range of different furniture types to a room so you lose as little as possible due to Category Diminishing Returns.
  3. Balancing your room types so you lose as little as possible to Room Diminishing Returns.
  4. Use higher tier building materials so you lose as little as possible due to Material Diminishing Returns.
  5. Ensuring that any industrial furniture items, such as a Blast Furnace or Bloomery, is stored in its own room.

Hypothetical Maximums

In theory, a tier 4 room can support 20 value of furniture, and asymptotically approaches an adjusted value of 40. A player can have four such rooms, for a total value of 160, and as a player build duplicates of these rooms, they will asymptotically approach a total of 320 SP/day.

In practice, however, the nature of the asymptotic hard cap makes 320 unachievable. Players can never actually get there; they can only get arbitrarily close. Players must choose at what point the diminishing returns are strong enough that it is no longer worth improving their housing. For instance, two copies of a four room complex that has an adjusted value of 30/room can give a player 180 SP/day, which is a highly respectable amount and should be sufficient even for late game.

Furniture Value

Information coming soon ...


Deeds can support multiple residents and allows duplication of each room without incurring duplicate room penalty. IE: A deed with 2 residents can have 8 rooms (2x kitchen, 2x living room, 2x bedroom, 2x bathroom) without incurring a room penalty.

Adding residents incurs a new penalty that reduces total housing bonus (table coming soon ...). Though the penalty is far less than the additional rooms and rewards more residents. IE: 3 residents incurs a 50% reduction of housing bonus but allows 3x the rooms without penalty; theoretically a tier 1 soft-capped house with 12 rooms would provide a bonus of 30 while a tier 1 soft-capped house of 4 rooms would provide a bonus of 20 as a sole resident.

Room Types

You can only define the room type if you own the land where the room is. Otherwise, the room will not be recognized as a type of room, even if there is a room-specific item in there. You don't have to own the entirety of the room, just a part of it is enough. Template:Main Current Rooms in Eco: <dpl> category = Room namespace = Category shownamespace = false ordermethod=titlewithoutnamespace </dpl>

Available Furniture

Bathroom Furniture

A bathroom is defined as any room containing any of the following items:

Script error: No such module "HousingTable".

Bedroom Furniture

A bedroom is defined as any room containing any of the following items:

Script error: No such module "HousingTable".

Kitchen Furniture

A kitchen is defined as any room containing any of the following items:

Script error: No such module "HousingTable".

General Furniture

General is a room containing only furniture that is not specific to any of the other rooms. The general furniture can be used in any room in order to get more Skill Points. The following are General items:

Script error: No such module "HousingTable".

Industrial Furniture

Industrial items will remove all Skill Point Value of a room to 0 and turn the room into an Industrial Room regardless of any other items. All items in this list are Industrial items: <dpl> category = Industrial ordermethod=titlewithoutnamespace format = {| class="wikitable"¶!Items,¶|-¶|%PAGE%,,¶|} </dpl>