Small Wood Cart

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Revision as of 23:30, 6 December 2019 by Dennis (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)

Small Wood Cart
Crafted Objects
Small wood cart for hauling minimal loads.
Created at: Workbench
Carried in: Backpack
Weight: 50kg
Stack limit: 100
Item ID: SmallWoodCartItem
World Object
Dimensions (X,Y,Z): 1x2x1

The Small Wood Cart is a vehicle in Eco. It allows you to transport up to 1400 kg of items (with 8 slots).



A Small wood cart makes transporting small quantities of materials long distances very easy. The player uses WASD to control the wood cart and the direction the player is facing is independent from the way the cart moves, in a pulling style. This allows a player to look around while using the same controls and this makes it easier when maneuvering in tight spaces.

Once the cart is placed the player receives a deed for the cart. The player must have the cart's deed in order to pick up an empty cart.


Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Workbench Small Wood Cart x1 Hewn Log Tag x10 Wood Board Tag x15 Logging
Level 1
2 50 3

Used in Recipes



  • Small Wood Cart works on all terrain type.
  • Wood carts can very easily get stuck on ramps. If they get stuck the best thing to do is to remove blocks from the side. Or try to place a block under them to shoot them into the air. The safest way to fix a cart is to bring a stockpile or chest, empty the cart and use a hammer to pick it back up.
