Fruit Salad

From Eco - English Wiki

Fruit Salad is a simple salad cooked at the Cast Iron Stove.
There are multiple recipes that produce a Fruit Salad. They are Mixed Fruit Salad and Exotic Fruit Salad.

See Also[edit | edit source]

For a list of food recipes, see Food.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Cast Iron Stove Fruit Salad x1 Prickly Pear Fruit x10 Pumpkin x6 Cooking
Level 1
4 25 1
Cast Iron Stove Fruit Salad x1 Huckleberries x10 Beet x6 Cooking
Level 1
4 25 1
Cast Iron Stove Fruit Salad x1 Papaya x10 Pineapple x8 Cooking
Level 1
4 25 1

Used in Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Kitchen Sweet Salad x1 Basic Salad x2 Fruit Salad x2 Simple Syrup x4 Advanced Cooking
Level 3
6 65 1

Notes[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]