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From Eco - English Wiki
Revision as of 19:23, 16 March 2021 by Avaren (talk | contribs)
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Documentation[edit source]

This module is a part of the Template:TagDetails, and is used to generate cards that display information about Tags.

If the template is passed, this module is used with the following Modules:

-- Credit: User:Avaren

local Utils = require('Module:Utils')
local L = require('Module:Localization')

local p = {}

local function icon_frame(name, link, bg, text, expensive)
    local icon = Utils.build_icon(name, link, nil, bg, nil, expensive)
    return '<div style="border: 5px outset #A9A9A9; background: #DCDCDC; display:inline-block; width: auto; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;">' .. icon .. text ..'</div>'

-- build tag list
function p.tagList(frame)
    local args = Utils.normaliseArgs(frame)

    -- check that all necessary arguments are passed correctly
    if == nil or == '' then
        return '\'name\' must be specified.'

    local tagName =

    local itemData = mw.loadData("Module:ItemData")

    local tagList = itemData.tags

    local itemList = tagList[tagName]

    if (itemList == nil) then
        return tagName .. " could not be found in Module:ItemData"

    local text = ""

    local tagLink = L.t('%s Tag'):format(tagName)

    text = text .. icon_frame(L.tag(tagName) .. 'Tag', tagLink, 'iconWhite', '<h3>[[' .. tagLink .. ']]</h3>', false)

    local tagCount = Utils.tableLen(itemList)
    if tagCount > 98 then
        expensive = true
        expensive = false

    text = text .. '\n\n\n' .. string.format(L.t('Item with the %s Tag:', tagCount), tagName) .. '\n'

    for _, item in pairs(itemList) do
        text = text .. icon_frame(item, item, nil, '<h3>[[' .. item .. ']]</h3>', expensive)

    return text

return p