ATTENTION! The process of updating WiKi to version Eco 10.x has begun. Those wishing to participate can find out more Information on our ECO Contribution Wiki Discord.
From April 26 to May 12, errors may occur in the Wiki, as we will be carrying out a major update to the information processing modules.


From Eco - English Wiki
Revision as of 19:21, 10 October 2020 by Salbris (talk | contribs) (Skipped variant recipes temporarily until variant lookup can be improved.)


This module is called by Template:GetRecipes, and is the entry point for modules in the system that displays crafting recipes. It takes the item passed to the template, and uses Module:CraftingRecipes to get every recipe related to the item. The resulting list of recipes is then passed to Module:CraftingParser, and the results from CraftingParser are returned to the template.

If the template is passed, this module creates a table using details from the following Modules:

local p = {}

-- Grabs args from the parent frame
-- Trims and parses the args into a table, then returns the table
function norm()
    local origArgs = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args
    local args = {}
    for k, v in pairs( origArgs ) do
        v = mw.text.trim( tostring( v ) )
        if v ~= '' then
            args[k] = v
    return args

-- Main entry point for the Module
function p.main()
    -- get args from the Template
    local args = norm()
    -- assign variables for item, table, and group
    local item = args.item
    local table = args.table
    local group =

    -- load list of recipes
    local completeList = require( "Module:CraftingRecipes" )
    local recipeList =
    local itemList = completeList.items
    local tableList = completeList.tables
    -- groups no longer exists. Need to check all dependencies on this throughout other modules. Expecting implication to be removal of 'used in' table in the wiki.
    --local groupList = completeList.groups
    -- initialize a table to store recipes
    local recipes = {}
    -- load CraftingParser
    local parser = require( "Module:CraftingParser" )

    -- priority: item > table > group
    if item ~= nil then
        if itemList[item] == nil then
            return '===Crafting Recipes===\n\'\'None\'\'\n===Used in Recipes (potentially deprecated due to removal of groups - clean this up)===\n\'\'None\'\'\n'
        for num = 1, #itemList[item] do
            --nil entries in itemList are causing errors. Need to deal with exceptions where entry is ''
            if itemList[item][num] ~= '' then --skip blank entry in array. Applies to Bars (Iron Bars, Steel Bars, etc).
				if recipeList[itemList[item][num]] ~= nil then --skip missing recipes as those use variants
					recipes[num] = recipeList[itemList[item][num]]
            --Handle situations where itemList has a single, blank entry. Set value to item name provided by the calling page. Occurs for all tools. Could cause other issues for invalid item names.
            if #itemList[item] == 1 and itemList[item][num] == '' then
            	recipes[num] = recipeList[item]
        return parser.formattedItem( recipes, item )
    elseif table ~= nil then
		--GROUP deprecated
        --if group ~= nil then
            --local count = 1
            --for num = 1, #tableList[table] do
                --for gnum = 1, #groupList[group] do
                    --if tableList[table][num] == groupList[group][gnum] then
                        --recipes[count] = recipeList[tableList[table][num]]
                        --count = count + 1
            for num = 1, #tableList[table] do
                recipes[num] = recipeList[tableList[table][num]]
        return parser.formattedTable( recipes, table )
    --GROUP deprecated
    --elseif group ~= nil then
        --for num = 1, #groupList[group] do
            --recipes[num] = recipeList[groupList[group][num]]
        --return parser.formattedGroup( recipes, group )
        return 'Invalid use of parameters, please see [[Template:GetRecipes]].'

return p