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Revision as of 01:18, 8 March 2021 by Avaren (talk | contribs)

This module contains functions for Module:GetRecipes. It uses the following Modules:

-- Module:CraftingParser (
local p = {}

local Utils = require('Module:Utils')

-- Compares two recipes ( a < b ? true : false )
function recipeCompare(a, b)

    --not in v0.9
    --if not a.efficiencySkills[1] and not b.efficiencySkills[1] then return false
    --elseif a.efficiencySkills[1] and not b.efficiencySkills[1] then return false
    --elseif not a.efficiencySkills[1] and b.efficiencySkills[1] then return true
    --elseif a.efficiencySkills[1] < b.efficiencySkills[1] then return true
    --elseif a.efficiencySkills[1] > b.efficiencySkills[1] then return false
    if (a.skillNeeds[1] ~= nil and b.skillNeeds[1] ~= nil) then 
        if a.skillNeeds[1][1] < b.skillNeeds[1][1] then 
            return true
        elseif a.skillNeeds[1][1] > b.skillNeeds[1][1] then 
            return false
        elseif not a.skillNeeds[1][2] and b.skillNeeds[1][2] then
            return true
        elseif a.skillNeeds[1][2] and not b.skillNeeds[1][2] then
            return false
        elseif a.skillNeeds[1][2] and a.skillNeeds[1][2] < b.skillNeeds[1][2] then
            return true
        elseif a.skillNeeds[1][2] and a.skillNeeds[1][2] > b.skillNeeds[1][2] then
            return false
    elseif a.defaultVariant < b.defaultVariant then
        return true
    elseif a.defaultVariant > b.defaultVariant then
        return false
    -- else
    --     return a.defaultVariant <= b.defaultVariant

-- Parses arguments into a table of recipes
function frameParse( args )
    local parsedRecipes = {}

    -- Set variables
    local dispCraftStn = tonumber( args.displayCraftStation )
    local checkImage = tonumber( args.checkForImage )

    -- Iterate over every recipe passed in
    for i = 1, args.numRecipes do
        table.insert( parsedRecipes, i, {
            ['dispCraftStn'] = dispCraftStn,
            ['checkImage'] = checkImage,
            ['craftStn'] = {args['craftStation'..i], args['craftStationImg'..i]},
            ['item1'] = {args['item'..i..'.1'], args['itemImg'..i..'.1'], args['itemNum'..i..'.1']},
            ['item2'] = {args['item'..i..'.2'], args['itemImg'..i..'.2'], args['itemNum'..i..'.2']},
            ['skillNeed'] = {args['skillNeed'..i], args['skillNeedImg'..i], args['skillLvlNeed'..i]},
            ['mater1'] = {args['material'..i..'.1'], args['materialImg'..i..'.1'], args['materialNum'..i..'.1']},
            ['mater2'] = {args['material'..i..'.2'], args['materialImg'..i..'.2'], args['materialNum'..i..'.2']},
            ['mater3'] = {args['material'..i..'.3'], args['materialImg'..i..'.3'], args['materialNum'..i..'.3']},
            ['mater4'] = {args['material'..i..'.4'], args['materialImg'..i..'.4'], args['materialNum'..i..'.4']},
            ['cTime'] = args['craftTime'..i],
            ['affSkill1'] = {args['affectSkill'..i..'.1'], args['affectSkillImg'..i..'.1']},
            ['affSkill2'] = {args['affectSkill'..i..'.2'], args['affectSkillImg'..i..'.2']},
            --TODO - construct new parts of the table here

    return parsedRecipes

-- Formats and sorts recipes
function formatRecipes( recipes )
  -- Sort recipes
  table.sort( recipes, recipeCompare )

  return recipes

-- Called from Template:RecipeTable
-- Calls Module:RecipeTable
-- Returns the wikitext returned by Module:RecipeTable
function p.raw( f )
    -- get args from the Template, parse them into recipes
    local recipes = frameParse( Utils.normaliseArgs(f) )

    -- Format the recipes
    recipes = formatRecipes( recipes )

    -- Call RecipeTable
    local recipeTable = require( "Module:RecipeTable" )
    return recipeTable.main( recipes )

-- Called from Module:GetRecipes
-- Calls Module:RecipeTable
-- Returns the wikitext returned by Module:RecipeTable
function p.formattedItem( products, ingredients, item )
    -- Format the recipes, and call RecipeTable on each table
    local recipeTable = require( "Module:RecipeTable" )
    local returnVal = '=== '..L.t('Crafting Recipes')..' ===\n\n'
    if (products ~= nil and #products ~= 0) then
        returnVal = returnVal .. recipeTable.main( formatRecipes(products) ) .. '\n\n=== '..L.t('Used in Recipes')..' ===\n\n'        
        returnVal = returnVal .. "''"..L.t('None').."''\n\n=== '..L.t('Used in Recipes')..' ===\n\n "
    if (ingredients ~= nil and #ingredients ~= 0) then
        returnVal = returnVal .. recipeTable.main( formatRecipes(ingredients) )
        returnVal = returnVal .. "''"..L.t('None').."''\n"       

    return returnVal

-- Called from Module:GetRecipes
-- Calls Module:RecipeTable
-- Returns formatted wikitext, including wikitext returned from Module:RecipeTable
function p.formattedTable( recipes, table )
    -- Format the recipes, and call RecipeTable
    local recipeTable = require( "Module:RecipeTable" )
    local returnVal = '=== ' .. L.t('Recipes at %s'):format(table) .. ' ===\n\n'
    if #recipes == 0 then
        returnVal = returnVal .. "''"..L.t('None').."''\n"
        returnVal = returnVal .. recipeTable.main( formatRecipes( recipes ) )
    return returnVal

-- Called from Module:GetRecipes
-- Calls Module:RecipeTable
-- Returns formatted wikitext, including wikitext returned from Module:RecipeTable
function p.formattedGroup( recipes, group )
    -- Format the recipes, and call RecipeTable
    local recipeTable = require( "Module:RecipeTable" )
    local returnVal = '=== ' .. L.t('%s Recipes'):format(group) .. ' ===\n\n'
    if #recipes == 0 then
        returnVal = returnVal .. "''"..L.t('None').."''\n"
        returnVal = returnVal .. recipeTable.main( formatRecipes( recipes ) )
    return returnVal

return p