
From Eco - English Wiki

Sandstone is a type of rock that can be found near the surface of the world. It, along with Iron Ore, constitutes the majority of Desert biomes' underground. It is however not exclusive to those locations.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes


Used in Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Advanced Masonry Table Ashlar Sandstone x1 Crushed Sandstone x2 Sandstone x20 Mortar x6 Steel Bar x1 Advanced Masonry
Level 1
0.64 180 1.5
Stamp Mill Crushed Sandstone x5 Sandstone x20 Mining
Level 1
1 50 0.5
Arrastra Crushed Sandstone x3 Sandstone x12 Mining
Level 1
2 30 0.5
Jaw Crusher Crushed Sandstone x5 Sandstone x20 Mining
Level 1
0.5 70 0.5