Law Examples

From Eco - English Wiki
Revision as of 08:14, 24 February 2019 by Maintenance script (talk | contribs) (added descriptions of laws)
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These Law Examples are player-created laws, made on the Web UI. These laws can be used to accomplish common goals in-game, such as reward players for cleaning up tree debris, impose a wealth tax, or punish inactive players.

Keep in mind that some of the laws here may have been created in older versions of Eco, therefore their appearance, clauses, or effects in-game may be outdated.

Wages and Taxes

Citizen Wage and Wealth Tax

Tax money from the wealthy and allocate money to the poor once per day.

Player Inactivity

Inactivity Demographics

Simple demographics that will make it a lot easier to make future laws that only affect people that haven't been online for a long time.

You are declared Inactive if you are not online for 4 days.

You are declared a Deserter if you have not been online for 8 days.

Abandonment Tax

Requires Inactivity Demographics law.

Every 12 hours, tax players that have been declared Inactive 5%.

Take all money from players that have been declared Deserters.