
From Eco - English Wiki
Revision as of 12:09, 29 June 2024 by StalEF (talk | contribs)
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Chefs create highly nutritious food using the raw food provided by hunters and farmers.
Skill Information
Profession: Chef
Leads to: Advanced Baking
Leads to: Advanced Cooking
Leads to: Baking
Leads to: Campfire Cooking
Leads to: Cooking
Leads to: Cutting Edge Cooking
Max Level: Level 7
Talent Information
Level 3 Talents:
Level 6 Talents:
Item ID: ChefSkill

Chef is a profession including all cooking specialties and skills. Milling and Farming, despite having some edible crafts (namely Sun Cheese and Bean Sprouts, respectively), do not fit this category, but greatly assist Chefs.

Specialties[edit | edit source]