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return {
return {
items = {
    skills = {
Acorn = {
        ['Advanced Baking'] = {
untranslated = "Acorn",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Baking',
category = nil,
                    ['title'] = '',
group = "Food",
                    ['description'] = 'Advanced baking mostly improves recipes that involve a leavening agent. Level by crafting advanced baking recipes.',
description = "Plant to grow an oak tree.",
                    ['skillID'] = 'AdvancedBakingSkill',
tagGroups = {
                    ['skillIDNum'] = '765',
                    ['maxLevel'] = '7',
                    ['root'] = false,
                    ['rootSkill'] = '[[Chef]]',
maxStack = 100,
                    ['specialty'] = true,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['specialtySkill'] = nil,
weight = 50,
                    ['prerequisites'] = nil,
calories = 0,
                    ['childSkills'] = nil,
carbs = 0,
                    ['specialtySkillBook'] = '[[Advanced Baking Skill Book]]',
protein = 0,
                    ['specialtySkillScroll'] = '[[Advanced Baking Skill Scroll]]',
fat = 0,
                    ['itemsGiven'] = nil,
vitamins = 0,
                    ['talents'] =  {
density = 0,
                            ['level3'] = {'[[Advanced Baking Focused Speed Talent]]', '[[Advanced Baking Parallel Speed Talent]]'},
fuel = nil,
                            ['level6'] = {'[[Advanced Baking Frugal Req Talent]]'},
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['benefits'] =  {
skillValue = nil,
                            ['level1'] = {
roomCategory = nil,
                                    {'[[Bearclaw]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
furnitureType = nil,
                                    {'[[Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                                    {'[[Camas Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
materialTier = nil,
                                    {'[[Elk Wellington]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
fuelsUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Fruit Tart]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
gridRadius = nil,
                                    {'[[Leavened Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
energyUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Macaroons]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
energyProduced = nil,
                                    {'[[Pastry Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
energyType = nil,
                                    {'[[Pirozhok]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
fluidsUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Stuffed Turkey]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
fluidsProduced = nil,
                                    {'[[Advanced Baking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5000'},
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
                            ['level2'] = {
mobile = nil,
                                    {'[[Bearclaw]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
roomSizeReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
roomMatReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Camas Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
roomContainReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Elk Wellington]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
inventorySlots = nil,
                                    {'[[Fruit Tart]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                                    {'[[Leavened Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                                    {'[[Macaroons]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
NutrientElement = nil,
                                    {'[[Pastry Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
type = "AcornItem",
                                    {'[[Pirozhok]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
typeID = 0,
                                    {'[[Stuffed Turkey]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
                                    {'[[Advanced Baking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4500'},
["Acorn Powder"] = {
untranslated = "Acorn Powder",
                            ['level3'] = {
category = nil,
                                    {'[[Bearclaw]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
group = "Food",
                                    {'[[Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
description = "Powdered acorn.",
                                    {'[[Camas Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
tagGroups = {
                                    {'[[Elk Wellington]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
                                    {'[[Fruit Tart]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
                                    {'[[Leavened Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
maxStack = 100,
                                    {'[[Macaroons]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
carried = "Backpack",
                                    {'[[Pastry Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
weight = 200,
                                    {'[[Pirozhok]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
calories = 40,
                                    {'[[Stuffed Turkey]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
carbs = 1,
                                    {'[[Advanced Baking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4000'},
protein = 5,
fat = 2,
                            ['level4'] = {
vitamins = 5,
                                    {'[[Bearclaw]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
density = 32.5,
                                    {'[[Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
fuel = nil,
                                    {'[[Camas Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
yield = nil,
                                    {'[[Elk Wellington]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
currency = nil,
                                    {'[[Fruit Tart]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
skillValue = nil,
                                    {'[[Leavened Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
roomCategory = nil,
                                    {'[[Macaroons]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
furnitureType = nil,
                                    {'[[Pastry Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                                    {'[[Pirozhok]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
materialTier = nil,
                                    {'[[Stuffed Turkey]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
fuelsUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Advanced Baking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '3500'},
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                            ['level5'] = {
energyProduced = nil,
                                    {'[[Bearclaw]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
energyType = nil,
                                    {'[[Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
fluidsUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Camas Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
fluidsProduced = nil,
                                    {'[[Elk Wellington]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
validTalents = nil,
                                    {'[[Fruit Tart]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
footprint = nil,
                                    {'[[Leavened Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
mobile = nil,
                                    {'[[Macaroons]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
roomSizeReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Pastry Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
roomMatReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Pirozhok]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
roomContainReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Stuffed Turkey]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
inventorySlots = nil,
                                    {'[[Advanced Baking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '3000'},
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                            ['level6'] = {
NutrientElement = nil,
                                    {'[[Bearclaw]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
type = "AcornPowderItem",
                                    {'[[Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
typeID = 0,
                                    {'[[Camas Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
                                    {'[[Elk Wellington]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
["Adorned Ashlar Basalt Bench"] = {
                                    {'[[Fruit Tart]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
untranslated = "Adorned Ashlar Basalt Bench",
                                    {'[[Leavened Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
category = nil,
                                    {'[[Macaroons]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
group = "Housing Objects",
                                    {'[[Pastry Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
description = "A fancy ashlar stone bench that has been adorned with gold.",
                                    {'[[Pirozhok]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
tagGroups = {
                                    {'[[Stuffed Turkey]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
                                    {'[[Advanced Baking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '2500'},
maxStack = 1,
                            ['level7'] = {
carried = "Backpack",
                                    {'[[Bearclaw]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
weight = 1000,
                                    {'[[Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
calories = nil,
                                    {'[[Camas Bread]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
carbs = nil,
                                    {'[[Elk Wellington]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
protein = nil,
                                    {'[[Fruit Tart]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
fat = nil,
                                    {'[[Leavened Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
vitamins = nil,
                                    {'[[Macaroons]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
density = nil,
                                    {'[[Pastry Dough]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
fuel = nil,
                                    {'[[Pirozhok]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
yield = nil,
                                    {'[[Stuffed Turkey]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
currency = nil,
                                    {'[[Advanced Baking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '2000'},
skillValue = "3",
roomCategory = "Seating",
furnitureType = "Chair",
                    ['recipes'] =  {
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
                            ['level0'] = {},
materialTier = nil,
                            ['level1'] = {'[[Bread]]', '[[Camas Bread]]', '[[Leavened Dough]]', '[[Pastry Dough]]'},
fuelsUsed = nil,
                            ['level2'] = {'[[Bearclaw]]', '[[Fruit Tart]]', '[[Macaroons]]', '[[Pirozhok]]'},
gridRadius = nil,
                            ['level3'] = {'[[Elk Wellington]]'},
energyUsed = nil,
                            ['level4'] = {'[[Stuffed Turkey]]'},
energyProduced = nil,
                            ['level5'] = {},
energyType = nil,
                            ['level6'] = {},
fluidsUsed = nil,
                            ['level7'] = {'[[Advanced Baking Advanced Upgrade]]'},
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
        ['Advanced Cooking'] = {
mobile = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Cooking',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['title'] = '',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Advanced cooking techniques for producing more complex foods. Level by crafting advanced cooking recipes.',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['skillID'] = 'AdvancedCookingSkill',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['skillIDNum'] = '768',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['maxLevel'] = '7',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['root'] = false,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['rootSkill'] = '[[Chef]]',
type = "AdornedAshlarBasaltBenchItem",
                    ['specialty'] = true,
typeID = 0,
                    ['specialtySkill'] = nil,
                    ['prerequisites'] = nil,
["Adorned Ashlar Basalt Chair"] = {
                    ['childSkills'] = nil,
untranslated = "Adorned Ashlar Basalt Chair",
                    ['specialtySkillBook'] = '[[Advanced Cooking Skill Book]]',
category = nil,
                    ['specialtySkillScroll'] = '[[Advanced Cooking Skill Scroll]]',
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['itemsGiven'] = nil,
description = "A fancy ashlar stone chair that has been adorned with gold. A throne fit for a king.",
                    ['talents'] =  {
tagGroups = {
                            ['level3'] = {'[[Advanced Cooking Focused Speed Talent]]', '[[Advanced Cooking Parallel Speed Talent]]'},
                            ['level6'] = {'[[Advanced Cooking Frugal Req Talent]]'},
maxStack = 1,
                    ['benefits'] =  {
carried = "Backpack",
                            ['level1'] = {
weight = 1000,
                                    {'[[Bear SUPREME]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
calories = nil,
                                    {'[[Boiled Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
carbs = nil,
                                    {'[[Boiled Sausage]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
protein = nil,
                                    {'[[Corn Fritters]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
fat = nil,
                                    {'[[Crimson Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
vitamins = nil,
                                    {'[[Elk Taco]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
density = nil,
                                    {'[[Fried Hare Haunches]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
fuel = nil,
                                    {'[[Huckleberry Extract]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
yield = nil,
                                    {'[[Infused Oil]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
currency = nil,
                                    {'[[Pineapple Friend Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
skillValue = "2",
                                    {'[[Seared Meat]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
roomCategory = "Seating",
                                    {'[[Simple Syrup]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
furnitureType = "Chair",
                                    {'[[Sweet Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
repeatsDepreciation = "0.7",
                                    {'[[Tortilla]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
materialTier = nil,
                                    {'[[Wild Mix]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10'},
fuelsUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Culinary Research Paper Modern]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '500'},
gridRadius = nil,
                                    {'[[Advanced Cooking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5000'},
energyUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Refine Tallow]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '15'},
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
                            ['level2'] = {
fluidsUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Bear SUPREME]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
fluidsProduced = nil,
                                    {'[[Boiled Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
validTalents = nil,
                                    {'[[Boiled Sausage]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
footprint = "1x1x2",
                                    {'[[Corn Fritters]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
mobile = nil,
                                    {'[[Crimson Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
roomSizeReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Elk Taco]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
roomMatReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Fried Hare Haunches]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
roomContainReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Huckleberry Extract]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
inventorySlots = nil,
                                    {'[[Infused Oil]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                                    {'[[Pineapple Friend Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                                    {'[[Seared Meat]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
NutrientElement = nil,
                                    {'[[Simple Syrup]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
type = "AdornedAshlarBasaltChairItem",
                                    {'[[Sweet Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
typeID = 0,
                                    {'[[Tortilla]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
                                    {'[[Wild Mix]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
["Adorned Ashlar Basalt Table"] = {
                                    {'[[Culinary Research Paper Modern]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '450'},
untranslated = "Adorned Ashlar Basalt Table",
                                    {'[[Advanced Cooking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4500'},
category = nil,
                                    {'[[Refine Tallow]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '13.5'},
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A fancy ashlar stone table that has been adorned with gold.",
                            ['level3'] = {
tagGroups = {
                                    {'[[Bear SUPREME]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
                                    {'[[Boiled Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
                                    {'[[Boiled Sausage]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
maxStack = 1,
                                    {'[[Corn Fritters]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
carried = "Backpack",
                                    {'[[Crimson Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
weight = 2000,
                                    {'[[Elk Taco]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
calories = nil,
                                    {'[[Fried Hare Haunches]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
carbs = nil,
                                    {'[[Huckleberry Extract]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
protein = nil,
                                    {'[[Infused Oil]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
fat = nil,
                                    {'[[Pineapple Friend Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
vitamins = nil,
                                    {'[[Seared Meat]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
density = nil,
                                    {'[[Simple Syrup]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
fuel = nil,
                                    {'[[Sweet Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
yield = nil,
                                    {'[[Tortilla]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
currency = nil,
                                    {'[[Wild Mix]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '8'},
skillValue = "3.5",
                                    {'[[Culinary Research Paper Modern]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '400'},
roomCategory = "Seating",
                                    {'[[Advanced Cooking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4000'},
furnitureType = "Table",
                                    {'[[Refine Tallow]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '12'},
repeatsDepreciation = "0.6",
materialTier = nil,
                            ['level4'] = {
fuelsUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Bear SUPREME]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
gridRadius = nil,
                                    {'[[Boiled Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
energyUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Boiled Sausage]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
energyProduced = nil,
                                    {'[[Corn Fritters]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
energyType = nil,
                                    {'[[Crimson Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
fluidsUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Elk Taco]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
fluidsProduced = nil,
                                    {'[[Fried Hare Haunches]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
validTalents = nil,
                                    {'[[Huckleberry Extract]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
footprint = "2x1x1",
                                    {'[[Infused Oil]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
mobile = nil,
                                    {'[[Pineapple Friend Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
roomSizeReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Seared Meat]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
roomMatReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Simple Syrup]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
roomContainReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Sweet Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
inventorySlots = nil,
                                    {'[[Tortilla]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                                    {'[[Wild Mix]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7'},
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                                    {'[[Culinary Research Paper Modern]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '350'},
NutrientElement = nil,
                                    {'[[Advanced Cooking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '3500'},
type = "AdornedAshlarBasaltTableItem",
                                    {'[[Refine Tallow]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '10.5'},
typeID = 0,
                            ['level5'] = {
["Adorned Ashlar Stone Bench"] = {
                                    {'[[Bear SUPREME]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
untranslated = "Adorned Ashlar Stone Bench",
                                    {'[[Boiled Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
category = nil,
                                    {'[[Boiled Sausage]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
group = "Housing Objects",
                                    {'[[Corn Fritters]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
description = "A fancy ashlar stone bench that has been adorned with gold.",
                                    {'[[Crimson Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
tagGroups = {
                                    {'[[Elk Taco]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
                                    {'[[Fried Hare Haunches]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
                                    {'[[Huckleberry Extract]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
maxStack = 1,
                                    {'[[Infused Oil]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
carried = "Backpack",
                                    {'[[Pineapple Friend Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
weight = 1000,
                                    {'[[Seared Meat]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
calories = nil,
                                    {'[[Simple Syrup]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
carbs = nil,
                                    {'[[Sweet Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
protein = nil,
                                    {'[[Tortilla]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
fat = nil,
                                    {'[[Wild Mix]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '6'},
vitamins = nil,
                                    {'[[Culinary Research Paper Modern]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '300'},
density = nil,
                                    {'[[Advanced Cooking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '3000'},
fuel = nil,
                                    {'[[Refine Tallow]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '9'},
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
                            ['level6'] = {
skillValue = "3",
                                    {'[[Bear SUPREME]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
roomCategory = "Seating",
                                    {'[[Boiled Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
furnitureType = "Chair",
                                    {'[[Boiled Sausage]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
                                    {'[[Corn Fritters]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
materialTier = nil,
                                    {'[[Crimson Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
fuelsUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Elk Taco]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
gridRadius = nil,
                                    {'[[Fried Hare Haunches]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
energyUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Huckleberry Extract]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
energyProduced = nil,
                                    {'[[Infused Oil]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
energyType = nil,
                                    {'[[Pineapple Friend Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
fluidsUsed = nil,
                                    {'[[Seared Meat]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
fluidsProduced = nil,
                                    {'[[Simple Syrup]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
validTalents = nil,
                                    {'[[Sweet Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
footprint = "2x1x2",
                                    {'[[Tortilla]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
mobile = nil,
                                    {'[[Wild Mix]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '5'},
roomSizeReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Culinary Research Paper Modern]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '250'},
roomMatReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Advanced Cooking Advanced Upgrade]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '2500'},
roomContainReq = nil,
                                    {'[[Refine Tallow]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '7.5'},
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                            ['level7'] = {
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                                    {'[[Bear SUPREME]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
NutrientElement = nil,
                                    {'[[Boiled Rice]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
type = "AdornedAshlarStoneBenchItem",
                                    {'[[Boiled Sausage]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
typeID = 0,
                                    {'[[Corn Fritters]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
                                    {'[[Crimson Salad]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
["Adorned Ashlar Stone Chair"] = {
                                    {'[[Elk Taco]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
untranslated = "Adorned Ashlar Stone Chair",
                                    {'[[Fried Hare Haunches]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '4'},
category = nil,
                                    {'[[Huckleberry Extract]]', 'Decreases', 'calories of labor', '
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A fancy ashlar stone chair that has been adorned with gold. A throne fit for a king.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "2",
roomCategory = "Seating",
furnitureType = "Chair",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.7",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdornedAshlarStoneChairItem",
typeID = 0,
["Adorned Ashlar Stone Table"] = {
untranslated = "Adorned Ashlar Stone Table",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A fancy ashlar stone table that has been adorned with gold.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "3.5",
roomCategory = "Seating",
furnitureType = "Table",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.6",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x1",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdornedAshlarStoneTableItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Baking Skill Book"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Baking Skill Book",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
description = "Advanced Baking Skill Book",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Books",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Advanced Baking Skill BookItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Baking Skill Scroll"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Baking Skill Scroll",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
description = "Advanced Baking Skill Scroll",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Scrolls",
maxStack = 10,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Advanced Baking Skill ScrollItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Baking Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Baking Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Advanced Baking recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedBakingUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Carpentry Table"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Carpentry Table",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A modern carpentry table with an electric motor and heavy duty steel sawblades.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "3x2x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedCarpentryTableItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Circuit"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Circuit",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "A complex electrical component used in advanced electronics.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedCircuitItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Combustion Engine"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Combustion Engine",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "A more advanced version of the normal combustion engine that produces a greater output.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedCombustionEngineItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Cooking Skill Book"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Cooking Skill Book",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
description = "Advanced Cooking Skill Book",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Books",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Advanced Cooking Skill BookItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Cooking Skill Scroll"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Cooking Skill Scroll",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
description = "Advanced Cooking Skill Scroll",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Scrolls",
maxStack = 10,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Advanced Cooking Skill ScrollItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Cooking Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Cooking Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Advanced Cooking recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedCookingUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Masonry Skill Book"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Masonry Skill Book",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
description = "Advanced Masonry Skill Book",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Books",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Advanced Masonry Skill BookItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Masonry Skill Scroll"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Masonry Skill Scroll",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
description = "Advanced Masonry Skill Scroll",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Scrolls",
maxStack = 10,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Advanced Masonry Skill ScrollItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Masonry Table"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Masonry Table",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A workbench for the advanced shaping of rocks into beautiful stone.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "3x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedMasonryTableItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Masonry Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Masonry Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Modern Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Advanced Masonry recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedMasonryUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Smelting Skill Book"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Smelting Skill Book",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
description = "Advanced Smelting Skill Book",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Books",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Advanced Smelting Skill BookItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Smelting Skill Scroll"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Smelting Skill Scroll",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
description = "Advanced Smelting Skill Scroll",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Scrolls",
maxStack = 10,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Advanced Smelting Skill ScrollItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Smelting Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Smelting Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Advanced Smelting recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedSmeltingUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Tailoring Table"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Tailoring Table",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "An advanced tailoring table.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "4x2x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedTailoringTableItem",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Upgrade 1"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Upgrade 1",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Advanced Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
tagGroups = {
"Advanced Upgrade",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedUpgradeLvl1Item",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Upgrade 2"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Upgrade 2",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Advanced Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
tagGroups = {
"Advanced Upgrade",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedUpgradeLvl2Item",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Upgrade 3"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Upgrade 3",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Advanced Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
tagGroups = {
"Advanced Upgrade",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedUpgradeLvl3Item",
typeID = 0,
["Advanced Upgrade 4"] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Upgrade 4",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Advanced Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
tagGroups = {
"Advanced Upgrade",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AdvancedUpgradeLvl4Item",
typeID = 0,
["Agave Leaves"] = {
untranslated = "Agave Leaves",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "The succulent leaves of the agave plant can be cooked to make a nice meal.",
tagGroups = {
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 75,
calories = 200,
carbs = 2,
protein = 1,
fat = 1,
vitamins = 4,
density = 4.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AgaveLeavesItem",
typeID = 0,
["Agave Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Agave Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow an agave plant.",
tagGroups = {
"Crop Seed",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AgaveSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
["Agouti Carcass"] = {
untranslated = "Agouti Carcass",
category = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
description = "A dead agouti.",
tagGroups = {
"Tiny Carcass",
"Tiny Fur Carcass",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AgoutiCarcassItem",
typeID = 0,
["Agouti Enchiladas"] = {
untranslated = "Agouti Enchiladas",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Sweet and savory...it doesn't have to be an Agouti.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 550,
calories = 800,
carbs = 20,
protein = 8,
fat = 27,
vitamins = 3,
density = 7.249999999999999,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AgoutiEnchiladasItem",
typeID = 0,
["Agriculture Research Paper Advanced"] = {
untranslated = "Agriculture Research Paper Advanced",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "A document containing important research information. Used to discover new skills at the research table.",
tagGroups = {
"Advanced Research",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AgricultureResearchPaperAdvancedItem",
typeID = 0,
["Agriculture Research Paper Modern"] = {
untranslated = "Agriculture Research Paper Modern",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "A document containing important research information. Used to discover new skills at the research table.",
tagGroups = {
"Modern Research",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AgricultureResearchPaperModernItem",
typeID = 0,
["Alligator Carcass"] = {
untranslated = "Alligator Carcass",
category = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
description = "A dead alligator.",
tagGroups = {
"Medium Carcass",
"Medium Leather Carcass",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AlligatorCarcassItem",
typeID = 0,
["Amanita Mushroom Spores"] = {
untranslated = "Amanita Mushroom Spores",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow amanita mushrooms. Not sure why you'd want these poisonous mushrooms, though.",
tagGroups = {
"Crop Seed",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AmanitaMushroomSporesItem",
typeID = 0,
["Amanita Mushrooms"] = {
untranslated = "Amanita Mushrooms",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A potentially poisonous mushroom. It might not be wise to eat it raw, but it can be detoxified when prepared properly by a chef. Eat at your own risk!",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 75,
calories = -200,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = -0.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AmanitaMushroomsItem",
typeID = 0,
Amendments = {
untranslated = "Amendments",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "Allows the modification of the constitution.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "3x2x3",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AmendmentsItem",
typeID = 0,
Anvil = {
untranslated = "Anvil",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A solid shaped piece of metal used to hammer ingots into tools and other useful things.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AnvilItem",
typeID = 0,
["Arctic Willow Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Arctic Willow Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow arctic willow.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "ArcticWillowSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
Arrastra = {
untranslated = "Arrastra",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A primitive rock mill of dragged boulders.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "4x3x3",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "ArrastraItem",
typeID = 0,
Arrow = {
untranslated = "Arrow",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "Use with the bow to hunt for food (or amaze your friends by shooting apples off of their heads).",
tagGroups = {
"Burnable Fuel",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = 500,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "ArrowItem",
typeID = 0,
["Art Supplies"] = {
untranslated = "Art Supplies",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "A set of art supplies that ",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 150,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "ArtSuppliesItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Basalt"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Basalt",
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
description = "Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.",
tagGroups = {
"Ashlar Stone",
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = 4,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarBasaltItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Basalt Bench"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Basalt Bench",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "An ashlar stone bench. Great for display though maybe not as comfy as a padded couch.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "2.5",
roomCategory = "Seating",
furnitureType = "Chair",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarBasaltBenchItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Basalt Chair"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Basalt Chair",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "An ashlar stone chair. Great for display though maybe not as comfy as a padded chair.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "1.7",
roomCategory = "Seating",
furnitureType = "Chair",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.7",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarBasaltChairItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Basalt Door"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Basalt Door",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A heavy ashlar stone door.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = 4,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x3x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarBasaltDoorItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Basalt Fireplace"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Basalt Fireplace",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A fancy ashlar stone fireplace. Nothing beats sitting around the fire on a cold day.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "3",
roomCategory = "Living Room",
furnitureType = "Fireplace",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "3x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarBasaltFireplaceItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Basalt Table"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Basalt Table",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A large stone table crafted by an expert mason.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "3",
roomCategory = "Seating",
furnitureType = "Table",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.6",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x1",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarBasaltTableItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Gneiss"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Gneiss",
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
description = "Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.",
tagGroups = {
"Ashlar Stone",
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = 4,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarGneissItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Granite"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Granite",
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
description = "Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.",
tagGroups = {
"Ashlar Stone",
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = 4,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarGraniteItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Large Basalt Fountain"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Large Basalt Fountain",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "3",
roomCategory = "Decoration",
furnitureType = "Fountain",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "4x4x3",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarLargeBasaltFountainItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Large Stone Fountain"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Large Stone Fountain",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "3",
roomCategory = "Decoration",
furnitureType = "Fountain",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "4x4x3",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarLargeStoneFountainItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Limestone"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Limestone",
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
description = "Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.",
tagGroups = {
"Ashlar Stone",
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = 4,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarLimestoneItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Sandstone"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Sandstone",
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
description = "Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.",
tagGroups = {
"Ashlar Stone",
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = 4,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarSandstoneItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Shale"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Shale",
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
description = "Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.",
tagGroups = {
"Ashlar Stone",
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = 4,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarShaleItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Small Basalt Fountain"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Small Basalt Fountain",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece. Small enough to fit indoors.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "1.5",
roomCategory = "Decoration",
furnitureType = "Fountain",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarSmallBasaltFountainItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Small Stone Fountain"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Small Stone Fountain",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece. Small enough to fit indoors.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "1.5",
roomCategory = "Decoration",
furnitureType = "Fountain",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarSmallStoneFountainItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Stone Bench"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Stone Bench",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "An ashlar stone bench. Great for display though maybe not as comfy as a padded couch.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "2.5",
roomCategory = "Seating",
furnitureType = "Chair",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarStoneBenchItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Stone Chair"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Stone Chair",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "An ashlar stone chair. Great for display though maybe not as comfy as a padded chair.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "1.7",
roomCategory = "Seating",
furnitureType = "Chair",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.7",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarStoneChairItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Stone Door"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Stone Door",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A heavy ashlar stone door.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = 4,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x3x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarStoneDoorItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Stone Fireplace"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Stone Fireplace",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A fancy ashlar stone fireplace. Nothing beats sitting around the fire on a cold day.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "3",
roomCategory = "Living Room",
furnitureType = "Fireplace",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "3x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarStoneFireplaceItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ashlar Stone Table"] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Stone Table",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A large stone table crafted by an expert mason.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "3",
roomCategory = "Seating",
furnitureType = "Table",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.6",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x1",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AshlarStoneTableItem",
typeID = 0,
["Asphalt Concrete"] = {
untranslated = "Asphalt Concrete",
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
description = "A paved surface constructed with asphalt and concrete. It's durable and extremely efficient for any wheeled vehicle.",
tagGroups = {
"Road Type",
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AsphaltConcreteItem",
typeID = 0,
["Assembly Line"] = {
untranslated = "Assembly Line",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "The assembly line allows for mass production of mechanical products.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "6x7x4",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AssemblyLineItem",
typeID = 0,
["Automatic Loom"] = {
untranslated = "Automatic Loom",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "An automated device for making fabric by weaving yarn or thread.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "4x5x3",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AutomaticLoomItem",
typeID = 0,
["Autumn Stew"] = {
untranslated = "Autumn Stew",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A healthy and cozy meal for those cold days.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 600,
calories = 1200,
carbs = 13,
protein = 8,
fat = 5,
vitamins = 12,
density = 3.166666666666667,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AutumnStewItem",
typeID = 0,
["Baked Agave"] = {
untranslated = "Baked Agave",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Charred agave leaves are too fiberous to eat entirely, but you can certainly chew them.",
tagGroups = {
"Baked Food",
"Baked Vegetable",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 700,
carbs = 14,
protein = 2,
fat = 4,
vitamins = 8,
density = 4.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BakedAgaveItem",
typeID = 0,
["Baked Beet"] = {
untranslated = "Baked Beet",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Baked beets that retain more nutrients than more simple methods of cooking.",
tagGroups = {
"Baked Food",
"Baked Vegetable",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 700,
carbs = 10,
protein = 1,
fat = 2,
vitamins = 15,
density = 4.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BakedBeetItem",
typeID = 0,
["Baked Corn"] = {
untranslated = "Baked Corn",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Baked corn that retains more nutrients than more simple methods of cooking.",
tagGroups = {
"Baked Food",
"Baked Vegetable",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 700,
carbs = 12,
protein = 3,
fat = 2,
vitamins = 11,
density = 4.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BakedCornItem",
typeID = 0,
["Baked Heart Of Palm"] = {
untranslated = "Baked Heart Of Palm",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Baked heart of palm that retains more nutrients than more simple methods of cooking.",
tagGroups = {
"Baked Food",
"Baked Vegetable",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 700,
carbs = 12,
protein = 6,
fat = 4,
vitamins = 6,
density = 4.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BakedHeartOfPalmItem",
typeID = 0,
["Baked Meat"] = {
untranslated = "Baked Meat",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Baked meat is less fatty than other methods of cooking.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 800,
calories = 700,
carbs = 0,
protein = 17,
fat = 13,
vitamins = 0,
density = 4.285714285714286,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BakedMeatItem",
typeID = 0,
["Baked Roast"] = {
untranslated = "Baked Roast",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A trussed roast baked to perfection.",
tagGroups = {
"Baked Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 900,
calories = 1000,
carbs = 4,
protein = 16,
fat = 10,
vitamins = 4,
density = 3.4000000000000004,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BakedRoastItem",
typeID = 0,
["Baked Taro"] = {
untranslated = "Baked Taro",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Baked taro root.",
tagGroups = {
"Baked Food",
"Baked Vegetable",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 700,
carbs = 8,
protein = 6,
fat = 2,
vitamins = 12,
density = 4.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BakedTaroItem",
typeID = 0,
["Baked Tomato"] = {
untranslated = "Baked Tomato",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Baked tomatoes might not look as red or plump as the raw variety, but they are nice and tasty.",
tagGroups = {
"Baked Food",
"Baked Vegetable",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 700,
carbs = 16,
protein = 1,
fat = 5,
vitamins = 6,
density = 4.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BakedTomatoItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bakery Oven"] = {
untranslated = "Bakery Oven",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A solidly built brick oven useful for baking all manner of treats.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "3",
roomCategory = "Kitchen",
furnitureType = "Cooking",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.3",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "3x2x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BakeryOvenItem",
typeID = 0,
["Baking Skill Book"] = {
untranslated = "Baking Skill Book",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
description = "Baking Skill Book",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Books",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Baking Skill BookItem",
typeID = 0,
["Baking Skill Scroll"] = {
untranslated = "Baking Skill Scroll",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
description = "Baking Skill Scroll",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Scrolls",
maxStack = 10,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Baking Skill ScrollItem",
typeID = 0,
["Baking Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Baking Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Baking recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BakingUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Ballot Box"] = {
untranslated = "Ballot Box",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A tamper proof box where votes are cast. Citizens can run for elected office here.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BallotBoxItem",
typeID = 0,
Bandana = {
untranslated = "Bandana",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "It just looks cool.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BandanaItem",
typeID = 0,
["Banh Xeo"] = {
untranslated = "Banh Xeo",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Wrap the pancakes in the greens, then dip.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = 1550,
carbs = 26,
protein = 17,
fat = 10,
vitamins = 4,
density = 3.6774193548387095,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BanhXeoItem",
typeID = 0,
Bank = {
untranslated = "Bank",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "Allows players to create and use bank accounts.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x2x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BankItem",
typeID = 0,
Bannock = {
untranslated = "Bannock",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A dense whole wheat unleavened bread.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = 700,
carbs = 15,
protein = 3,
fat = 6,
vitamins = 0,
density = 3.428571428571429,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BannockItem",
typeID = 0,
Barrel = {
untranslated = "Barrel",
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
description = "A metal barrel for carrying liquids.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BarrelItem",
typeID = 0,
["Barrel Cactus Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Barrel Cactus Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow barrel cactus.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BarrelCactusSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
Basalt = {
untranslated = "Basalt",
category = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
description = "A hard and heavy rock with some uses in construction. Basalt forms directly from lava erupted volcanically, making it an extrusive igneous rock. The basis of all bedrock in the oceans.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 7500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BasaltItem",
typeID = 0,
["Basic Backpack"] = {
untranslated = "Basic Backpack",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "A basic backpack to carry supplies.\\n\\n(Increases max carry weight by 5 kg)",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BasicBackpackItem",
typeID = 0,
["Basic Circuit"] = {
untranslated = "Basic Circuit",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "A complex electrical component used in advanced electronics.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BasicCircuitItem",
typeID = 0,
["Basic Engineering Skill Book"] = {
untranslated = "Basic Engineering Skill Book",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
description = "Basic Engineering Skill Book",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Books",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Basic Engineering Skill BookItem",
typeID = 0,
["Basic Engineering Skill Scroll"] = {
untranslated = "Basic Engineering Skill Scroll",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
description = "Basic Engineering Skill Scroll",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Scrolls",
maxStack = 10,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Basic Engineering Skill ScrollItem",
typeID = 0,
["Basic Engineering Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Basic Engineering Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Basic Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Basic Engineering recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BasicEngineeringUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Basic Salad"] = {
untranslated = "Basic Salad",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A seemingly random assortment of wild plants that form a sort of salad.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 800,
carbs = 18,
protein = 6,
fat = 4,
vitamins = 10,
density = 4.75,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BasicSaladItem",
typeID = 0,
["Basic Upgrade 1"] = {
untranslated = "Basic Upgrade 1",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Basic Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
tagGroups = {
"Basic Upgrade",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BasicUpgradeLvl1Item",
typeID = 0,
["Basic Upgrade 2"] = {
untranslated = "Basic Upgrade 2",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Basic Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
tagGroups = {
"Basic Upgrade",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BasicUpgradeLvl2Item",
typeID = 0,
["Basic Upgrade 3"] = {
untranslated = "Basic Upgrade 3",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Basic Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
tagGroups = {
"Basic Upgrade",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BasicUpgradeLvl3Item",
typeID = 0,
["Basic Upgrade 4"] = {
untranslated = "Basic Upgrade 4",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Basic Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
tagGroups = {
"Basic Upgrade",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BasicUpgradeLvl4Item",
typeID = 0,
Bass = {
untranslated = "Bass",
category = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
description = "A bass. ",
tagGroups = {
"Medium Fish",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 800,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BassItem",
typeID = 0,
Bathtub = {
untranslated = "Bathtub",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A porcelain bathtub for when you need to get clean or just relax.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "3",
roomCategory = "Bathroom",
furnitureType = "Sink",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x2x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BathtubItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bean Paste"] = {
untranslated = "Bean Paste",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Smashed beans can work as a thickener or flavour enhancer.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 200,
calories = 40,
carbs = 3,
protein = 5,
fat = 7,
vitamins = 0,
density = 37.5,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeanPasteItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bean Sprout"] = {
untranslated = "Bean Sprout",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "The small sprouts from a grown bean plant.",
tagGroups = {
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 100,
carbs = 2,
protein = 1,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 5,
density = 8.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeanSproutItem",
typeID = 0,
Beans = {
untranslated = "Beans",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A good source of protein.",
tagGroups = {
"Crop Seed",
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 150,
carbs = 1,
protein = 4,
fat = 3,
vitamins = 0,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeansItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bear SUPREME"] = {
untranslated = "Bear SUPREME",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Just because the name has 'bear' in it doesn't mean it actually contains bear.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = 1250,
carbs = 6,
protein = 22,
fat = 23,
vitamins = 9,
density = 4.8,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BearSUPREMEItem",
typeID = 0,
Bearclaw = {
untranslated = "Bearclaw",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A sweet pastry with seperated sections that look a bit like a claw.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 850,
carbs = 14,
protein = 4,
fat = 21,
vitamins = 7,
density = 5.411764705882352,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BearclawItem",
typeID = 0,
Bearpack = {
untranslated = "Bearpack",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Can you carry as much as a bear! Not really, but it helps you carry more.\\n\\n(Increases max carry weight by 15 kg)",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BearpackItem",
typeID = 0,
["Beaver Carcass"] = {
untranslated = "Beaver Carcass",
category = nil,
group = "Item",
description = "A dead beaver.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeaverCarcassItem",
typeID = 0,
Beet = {
untranslated = "Beet",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A brilliantly colored bulb with an earthy sweetness.",
tagGroups = {
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 125,
calories = 230,
carbs = 2,
protein = 0,
fat = 2,
vitamins = 4,
density = 3.4782608695652173,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeetItem",
typeID = 0,
["Beet Campfire Salad"] = {
untranslated = "Beet Campfire Salad",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A myriad of plants that make a healthy and odd blend.",
tagGroups = {
"Campfire Salad",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 200,
calories = 900,
carbs = 8,
protein = 4,
fat = 3,
vitamins = 13,
density = 3.111111111111111,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeetCampfireSaladItem",
typeID = 0,
["Beet Greens"] = {
untranslated = "Beet Greens",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "The leafy greens from a beet with a distinctive red stem.",
tagGroups = {
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = 100,
carbs = 3,
protein = 1,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 4,
density = 8.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeetGreensItem",
typeID = 0,
["Beet Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Beet Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow beets.",
tagGroups = {
"Crop Seed",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeetSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
["Berry Extract Fertilizer"] = {
untranslated = "Berry Extract Fertilizer",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "An excellent fertilizer that provides a mix of nutrients, but especially potassium.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BerryExtractFertilizerItem",
typeID = 0,
["Big Backpack"] = {
untranslated = "Big Backpack",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "A survival backpack that offers more support than the basic backpack.\\n\\n(Increases max carry weight by 10 kg)",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BigBackpackItem",
typeID = 0,
["Big Bluestem Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Big Bluestem Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow a big bluestem plant.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BigBluestemSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bighorn Carcass"] = {
untranslated = "Bighorn Carcass",
category = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
description = "A dead bighorn.",
tagGroups = {
"Medium Carcass",
"Medium Wooly Carcass",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 3500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BighornCarcassItem",
typeID = 0,
Biodiesel = {
untranslated = "Biodiesel",
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
description = "A vegetable or animal fat-based diesel fuel.",
tagGroups = {
"Liquid Fuel",
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 30000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = 80000,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BiodieselItem",
typeID = 0,
["Birch Log"] = {
untranslated = "Birch Log",
category = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
description = "Birch log is a type of hardwood, notable for its white and papery bark.",
tagGroups = {
"Burnable Fuel",
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = 4000,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BirchLogItem",
typeID = 0,
["Birch Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Birch Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow into a birch sapling.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BirchSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bison Carcass"] = {
untranslated = "Bison Carcass",
category = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
description = "A dead bison.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BisonCarcassItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bison Chow Fun"] = {
untranslated = "Bison Chow Fun",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Who says food can't be fun?",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 550,
calories = 1450,
carbs = 16,
protein = 13,
fat = 20,
vitamins = 8,
density = 3.9310344827586206,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BisonChowFunItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bison Mount"] = {
untranslated = "Bison Mount",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A fluffy, but very dead, bison head on a mount.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "4.5",
roomCategory = "Living Room",
furnitureType = "Statue",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.2",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x2x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BisonMountItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blacksmith Advanced Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Blacksmith Advanced Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Blacksmith recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BlacksmithAdvancedUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blacksmith Skill Book"] = {
untranslated = "Blacksmith Skill Book",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
description = "Blacksmith Skill Book",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Books",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Blacksmith Skill BookItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blacksmith Skill Scroll"] = {
untranslated = "Blacksmith Skill Scroll",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
description = "Blacksmith Skill Scroll",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Scrolls",
maxStack = 10,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Blacksmith Skill ScrollItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blacksmith Table"] = {
untranslated = "Blacksmith Table",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A simple workplace with assorted tools for creating both decorative pieces and necessary items.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BlacksmithTableItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blacksmith Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Blacksmith Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Basic Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Blacksmith recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BlacksmithUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blast Furnace"] = {
untranslated = "Blast Furnace",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A superior replacement for the bloomery that can produce steel.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "3x3x5",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BlastFurnaceItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blood Meal Fertilizer"] = {
untranslated = "Blood Meal Fertilizer",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "Blood meal is a great source of nitrogen.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BloodMealFertilizerItem",
typeID = 0,
Bloomery = {
untranslated = "Bloomery",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A chimney-shaped furnace for smelting ores.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BloomeryItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blue Shark"] = {
untranslated = "Blue Shark",
category = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
description = "A blue shark.",
tagGroups = {
"Large Fish",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BlueSharkItem",
typeID = 0,
Board = {
untranslated = "Board",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "A higher quality board used for long lasting furniture.",
tagGroups = {
"Burnable Fuel",
"Wood Board",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = 2000,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoardItem",
typeID = 0,
["Board Of Elections"] = {
untranslated = "Board Of Elections",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "Allows the creation of Election Processes, which are different kinds of elections with different settings (who can vote, who can veto, etc).",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "4x2x3",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoardOfElectionsItem",
typeID = 0,
["Boiled Grains"] = {
untranslated = "Boiled Grains",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A dish of plain boiled grains that can be topped with fruit to make a nice tasting porridge.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = 350,
carbs = 9,
protein = 2,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 1,
density = 3.428571428571429,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoiledGrainsItem",
typeID = 0,
["Boiled Rice"] = {
untranslated = "Boiled Rice",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Soft and fluffy.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = 210,
carbs = 13,
protein = 2,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 7.142857142857142,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoiledRiceItem",
typeID = 0,
["Boiled Sausage"] = {
untranslated = "Boiled Sausage",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Boiled sausages might not be as pretty as grilled ones, but they're still tasty.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 600,
carbs = 0,
protein = 27,
fat = 22,
vitamins = 0,
density = 8.166666666666666,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoiledSausageItem",
typeID = 0,
Boiler = {
untranslated = "Boiler",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "A vessel used for heating fluids.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoilerItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bolete Mushroom Spores"] = {
untranslated = "Bolete Mushroom Spores",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow bolete mushrooms.",
tagGroups = {
"Crop Seed",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoleteMushroomSporesItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bolete Mushrooms"] = {
untranslated = "Bolete Mushrooms",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Boletus edulis.",
tagGroups = {
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 75,
calories = 200,
carbs = 2,
protein = 4,
fat = 1,
vitamins = 1,
density = 4.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoleteMushroomsItem",
typeID = 0,
Bookshelf = {
untranslated = "Bookshelf",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A place to store knowledge and information; leads to the town hall.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "2",
roomCategory = "Living Room",
furnitureType = "Shelves",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BookshelfItem",
typeID = 0,
Brazier = {
untranslated = "Brazier",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A metal stand which can hold burning fuel to provide light.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "1.2",
roomCategory = "Lighting",
furnitureType = "Lights",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.7",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BrazierItem",
typeID = 0,
Bread = {
untranslated = "Bread",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A delicious, crispy crust hides the soft interior.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = 750,
carbs = 23,
protein = 6,
fat = 4,
vitamins = 2,
density = 4.666666666666667,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BreadItem",
typeID = 0,
Brick = {
untranslated = "Brick",
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
description = "Durable building material made from fired blocks and mortar.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = 2,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BrickItem",
typeID = 0,
["Brick Fireplace"] = {
untranslated = "Brick Fireplace",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A rustic brick fireplace. Nothing beats sitting around the fire on a cold day.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "2",
roomCategory = "Living Room",
furnitureType = "Fireplace",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "3x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BrickFireplaceItem",
typeID = 0,
["Builder Boots"] = {
untranslated = "Builder Boots",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Snug work boots with side zippers.\\n\\n(Decreases calories consumed when using tools by 30\\u0025)",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BuilderBootsItem",
typeID = 0,
["Builder Gloves"] = {
untranslated = "Builder Gloves",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Leather construction gloves with durable palms and fabric backs for breathability.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BuilderGlovesItem",
typeID = 0,
["Builder Helmet"] = {
untranslated = "Builder Helmet",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "A plastic hard hat that protects from falling objects and other hazards found in construction sites.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BuilderHelmetItem",
typeID = 0,
["Builder Overalls"] = {
untranslated = "Builder Overalls",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Durable overalls with cargo pockets and hammer loops.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BuilderOverallsItem",
typeID = 0,
["Builder Shirt"] = {
untranslated = "Builder Shirt",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "A short sleeved work shirt made from a blend of cotton and synthetic materials. ",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BuilderShirtItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bullrush Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Bullrush Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow bullrush.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BullrushSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bunchgrass Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Bunchgrass Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow bunchgrass.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BunchgrassSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
["Butchery Skill Book"] = {
untranslated = "Butchery Skill Book",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
description = "Butchery Skill Book",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Books",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Butchery Skill BookItem",
typeID = 0,
["Butchery Skill Scroll"] = {
untranslated = "Butchery Skill Scroll",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
description = "Butchery Skill Scroll",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Scrolls",
maxStack = 10,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Butchery Skill ScrollItem",
typeID = 0,
["Butchery Table"] = {
untranslated = "Butchery Table",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A block and cleaver to process raw meat into fancier dishes.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "2",
roomCategory = "Kitchen",
furnitureType = "Food Preparation",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "ButcheryTableItem",
typeID = 0,
["Butchery Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Butchery Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Basic Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Butchery recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "ButcheryUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
Bycocket = {
untranslated = "Bycocket",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Also called chapeau a bec, or Billed Hat in france due to it's bird-beak like appearance.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BycocketItem",
typeID = 0,
["CO2 Canister"] = {
untranslated = "CO2 Canister",
category = nil,
group = "Item",
description = "For creating fancy foams!",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = nil,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CO2CanisterItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camas Ash Fertilizer"] = {
untranslated = "Camas Ash Fertilizer",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "Camas ash fertilizer, though not very potent, is a great source of potassium.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamasAshFertilizerItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camas Bread"] = {
untranslated = "Camas Bread",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A bread with a camas twist for a bit of flavor and fun. ",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = 800,
carbs = 13,
protein = 5,
fat = 11,
vitamins = 7,
density = 4.5,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamasBreadItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camas Bulb"] = {
untranslated = "Camas Bulb",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow a camas plant.",
tagGroups = {
"Crop Seed",
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 75,
calories = 150,
carbs = 1,
protein = 2,
fat = 5,
vitamins = 0,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamasBulbItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camas Bulb Bake"] = {
untranslated = "Camas Bulb Bake",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A spread of evenly baked camas bulbs; soft in the middle, golden brown on the outside.",
tagGroups = {
"Baked Food",
"Baked Vegetable",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 700,
carbs = 12,
protein = 7,
fat = 5,
vitamins = 4,
density = 4.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamasBulbBakeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camas Paste"] = {
untranslated = "Camas Paste",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Pulverized camas works as an excellent thickener or flavour enhancer.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = 60,
carbs = 3,
protein = 2,
fat = 10,
vitamins = 0,
density = 25.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamasPasteItem",
typeID = 0,
Camera = {
untranslated = "Camera",
category = nil,
group = "Item",
description = "",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 3000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CameraItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camera Film"] = {
untranslated = "Camera Film",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "A film used inside a camera.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CameraFilmItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camo Pants"] = {
untranslated = "Camo Pants",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Hide from the animals!\\n\\n(Reduces the detection range of animals)",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamoPantsItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camo Shirt"] = {
untranslated = "Camo Shirt",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Hide from the animals!\\n\\n(Reduces the detection range of animals)",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamoShirtItem",
typeID = 0,
Campfire = {
untranslated = "Campfire",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "Cook like a caveman on an uneven fire.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x2x1",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CampfireItem",
typeID = 0,
["Campfire Cooking Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Campfire Cooking Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Basic Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Campfire Cooking recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CampfireCookingUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Campfire Roast"] = {
untranslated = "Campfire Roast",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "The uneven flame might be mediocre for cooking, but the open flame imparts a great flavor.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = 1000,
carbs = 0,
protein = 16,
fat = 12,
vitamins = 0,
density = 2.8000000000000003,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CampfireRoastItem",
typeID = 0,
Campsite = {
untranslated = "Campsite",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A campsite.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "4x2x3",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CampsiteItem",
typeID = 0,
["Candle Stand"] = {
untranslated = "Candle Stand",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A fancy candelabra for providing small amounts of light.",
tagGroups = {
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