Tool Bench

From Eco - English Wiki

Tool Bench
Work Stations
A place to craft and fix up tools.
Created at: Campsite
Carried in: Backpack
Weight: 10kg
Stack limit: 1
Item ID: ToolBenchItem
Crafting Table,
World Object
Dimensions (X,Y,Z): 2x2x2

The Tool Bench is used to make and repair tools. To repair a tool click on the 'Repair' tab then place the degraded tool in the 'Item' slot to see the skill and material required to repair the item. The material to repair the used tool must be the same as the tool is made of, i.e. a steel axe needs steel bars to be repaired.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Campsite Tool Bench x1 Wood Tag x20 Rock Tag x10 None 1 50 0

Used in Recipes


Recipes at Tool Bench

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Tool Bench Arrow x4 Wood Tag x1 None 0.1 30 0
Tool Bench Claim Tool x1 Wood Tag x10 None 0.5 200 0
Tool Bench Fishing Pole x1 Plant Fibers x5 Wood Tag x10 None 5 25 0
Tool Bench Soil Sampler x1 Wood Tag x2 Wood Board Tag x2 Fertilizers
Level 1
4 50 1
Tool Bench Stone Axe x1 Wood Tag x4 Rock Tag x10 None 0.5 10 0
Tool Bench Stone Hammer x1 Wood Tag x4 Rock Tag x10 None 0.5 10 0
Tool Bench Stone Machete x1 Wood Tag x4 Rock Tag x10 None 0.5 10 0
Tool Bench Stone Pickaxe x1 Wood Tag x4 Rock Tag x10 None 0.5 10 0
Tool Bench Stone Road Tool x1 Wood Tag x4 Rock Tag x10 Basic Engineering
Level 1
0.5 10 0.1
Tool Bench Stone Sickle x1 Wood Tag x4 Rock Tag x10 None 0.5 10 0
Tool Bench Wooden Bow x1 Plant Fibers x30 Wood Tag x16 None 0.5 10 0
Tool Bench Wooden Hoe x1 Wood Tag x10 None 0.5 10 0
Tool Bench Wooden Shovel x1 Wood Tag x10 None 0.5 10 0

Gallery[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

  • In Beta 9.0 the Repair Station was renamed to Tool Bench.