Shorn Wool

From Eco - English Wiki

Shorn Wool is created from butchering certain animal carcasses at the Butchery Table. It is used to create Wool Yarn at the Tailoring Table, or Advanced Tailoring Table.

See Also[edit | edit source]

More information on Butchery.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Butchery Table Raw Meat x10 Leather Hide x2 Shorn Wool x3 Bison Carcass x1 Butchery
Level 1
2 70 5
Butchery Table Raw Meat x1 Fur Pelt x1 Shorn Wool x1 Hare Carcass x1 Butchery
Level 1
0.5 25 1
Butchery Table Raw Meat x5 Leather Hide x1 Shorn Wool x2 Medium Wooly Carcass Tag x1 Butchery
Level 1
1.5 50 4

Used in Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Tailoring Table Wool Yarn x1 Shorn Wool x4 Tailoring
Level 1
1 60 0.5
Advanced Tailoring Table Wool Yarn x1 Shorn Wool x3 Tailoring
Level 1
0.75 60 0.5

History[edit | edit source]

Beta 9.3.0 Shorn Wool was Introduced to Eco in the Tailoring Update