Crushed Slag

From Eco - English Wiki

Crushed Slag is the result of crushing Slag in either a Stamp Mill or a Jaw Crusher.

Strategies[edit | edit source]

Due to being a byproduct of the Smelting process and functions the same as any other crushed rock type, it can be preferable to use it for recipes such as Asphalt Concrete as it provides opportunities for trade for Smelters looking to get rid of an unneeded item, and Engineers requiring a lot of crushed rock to mass produce roads.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Stamp Mill Crushed Slag x5 Slag x20 Mining
Level 1
2 120 0.5
Jaw Crusher Crushed Slag x5 Slag x20 Mining
Level 1
0.5 150 0.5

Used in Recipes


History[edit | edit source]

9.0.0 Beta Introduced to ECO