
From Eco - English Wiki
Crafted Objects
Uses the power of flowing water to produce mechanical power. Must be placed in fresh water and produces double power when placed in both a river and waterfall.
Created at: Carpentry Table
Used at: Research Table
Carried in: Backpack
Weight: 50kg
Stack limit: 1
Item ID: WaterwheelItem

The Waterwheel is an object that generates mechanical power when placed in flowing water.

It produces 20W of mechanical energy to the grid it is connected to.

Some servers may forbid the placement of Waterwheels outside of rivers via Laws.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Carpentry Table Waterwheel x1 Hewn Log Tag x10 Wood Board Tag x5 Basic Engineering
Level 1
5 180 8

Used in Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Research Table Engineering Research Paper Advanced x1 Waterwheel x2 Windmill x2 Basic Engineering
Level 1
0 120 1.5