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Technical guides

Optimization - Web Interface

If you are running your Web Interface behind Cloudflare, you can configure caching to improve transfer time as the default server is slow on transferring. Here is a config using Cache Rules on your Cloudflare Dashboard. Make sure to replace YOUR-DOMAIN with your domain you used

Set this as a new first rule, you can name it "eco optimizion - do not cache the api endpoint". Make sure to set "Bypass cache" so this does not get cached.

    and (http.request.uri.path contains "/api" or http.request.uri.path contains "/Layers")

Create a second rule, this is for caching assets and static objects. Make sure to set "Eligible for cache" and "Override origin" on the "Edge TTL". You can set the TTL higher, i recommend 14 days or higher. For "Browser TTL" You can make it 2 days or higher

    and not http.request.uri.path contains "/api" 
    and (http.request.uri.path contains "/css" or http.request.uri.path contains "/js" or http.request.uri.path contains "/img")