Talk:Copper Ore

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Revision as of 03:52, 28 March 2022 by (talk) (block spawnability rates in different biomes)
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Latest comment: 28 March 2022 by in topic block spawnability rates in different biomes

block spawnability rates in different biomes[edit source]

according to the source code, copper ore does not spawn most frequently in the boreal forest. for the person who wants to edit this entry, i recommend you look through \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Eco\Eco_Data\Server\Configs\ in some code editing software (or even notepad) and Ctrl+F look for BiomeName": "Taiga; BiomeName": "Tundra; BiomeName": "Ice; and BiomeName": "ColdForest, look for the "SpawnPercentChance" value of various "SubModules" of those biomes, and read through it yourself. under "Taiga" (source code name for Boreal Forest), the CopperOreBlock submodule (aka a vein of copper ore) has a "SpawnAtLeastOnce": true, but a "SpawnPercentChance" of 6 in 100,000, meaning that these "Submodule" veins of ore within the boreal forest will probably only show up once in your map, maybe twice if it's a big map.

this is my interpretation of the source code. whoever thought it was 40% probably looked at the Taiga "NoiseFrequency" and thought that meant for all blocks listed, which would be weird considering the total number of spawnable blocks in that biome is like 6, giving a total of 240% spawn chance. if you look at a biome map in game, you'll see a "Boreal Forest" value of anything 40% or lower. i don't know what this means, but that's probably what the "NoiseFrequency" relates to

the only reason i found this was because i created a new world, /remove'd all granite and just looked through the map underground. most copper spawned in ice and tundra biomes, which correlates to a "DepositTerrainModule" submodule with CopperOreBlock, having a "SpawnPercentChance" of 15 in 100,000, not much more likely but still, combining that with a generally smaller area and a "SpawnAtLeastOnce": true, means that you're much more likely to find it in tundra/ice parts, especially where they're beside each other, since the ores spread past the boundaries of the biomes.

an argument against that i would consider: the block count range for the copperoreblock "deposit" submodule under taiga that spawns once every 100,000 spawns at it's smallest 8 times as much ore as the other biomes' copperoreblock "deposit" submodules do, at it's largest twice as much ore. but it only spawns once.

people are going crazy because they've read this wiki and spread the false rumour around

some things that aren't clear to me:

1: the difference between "DepthRange" and "DepositDepthRange";
2: why i'm not just playing minecraft;
3: 2 doesn't apply;
4: what "NoiseFrequency" actually does;
5: what "Min" and "Max" before the "SubModules" are listed means;

i hope this starts a longer discussion, and adjusts some of the wiki editors' assumptions on how easy reading source code is. sorry if the text is like 8 kB too long. 04:41, 28 March 2022 (CEST)Reply

i'm sorry, rant not over. the idea that it would be 40% at a specific height also is completely bonkers, whoever came up with that factoid. 04:51, 28 March 2022 (CEST)Reply