Steam Tractor Harvester

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Revision as of 15:54, 28 February 2021 by ZeelNightwolf (talk | contribs)
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Steam Tractor Harvester
An attachment for the steam tractor that allows for quick harvesting of plants.
Created at: Assembly Line
Carried in: Backpack
Weight: 100kg
Stack limit: 100
Item ID: SteamTractorHarvesterItem

The Steam Tractor Harvester is an attachment (module) for the Steam Tractor.

When driven, it automatically harvests crops and wild plants in front of the tractor, including Grass. The harvested items are placed in the storage of the Steam Tractor.

Harvesting with this module does yield benefit from the Gathering skill.

Operating Instructions[edit | edit source]

The Steam Tractor Harvester has the same controls as the Steam Tractor.

  • W — Accelerate forward
  • S — Reverse
  • A — Turn Left
  • D — Turn Right
  • Q — Toggle the harvester module on/off
  • E — Enter/exit Steam Tractor

Target engine while off the tractor to access storage/fuel.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Assembly Line Steam Tractor Harvester x1 Iron Plate x12 Screws x12 Iron Pipe x8 Mechanics
Level 1
2 120 10

Used in Recipes
