
From Eco - English Wiki
Revision as of 02:53, 5 March 2021 by Avaren (talk | contribs)

return {
  msgs = {
    ['%'] = {'%'},
    ['%s at %sL'] = {'%s at %sL'},
    ['%s per 100 cals'] = {'%s per 100 cals'},
    ['ALL ROOM VALUE LOST'] = {'Alle Zimmerwert verloren'},
    ['Block Items'] = {'Block Items'},
    ['Calorie'] = {'Calorie', 'Calories'},
    ['Can back a currency'] = {'Wird als Währung verwendet'},
    ['Carbs'] = {'Kohlenhydrate'},
    ['Carried in'] = {'Getragen'},
    ['Crafting'] = {'Crafting'},
    ['Created at'] = {'Created at'},
    ['Description'] = {'Beschreibung'},
    ['Dim. Return %'] = {'Abnehmender Ertrag'},
    ['Dimensions (X,Y,Z)'] = {'Maße (X,Y,Z)'},
    ['Energy Produced'] = {'Energie produziert'},
    ['Energy Type'] = {'Energietyp'},
    ['Energy Used'] = {'Energieverbrauch'},
    ['Fat'] = {'Fett'},
    ['Food'] = {'Nahrung'},
    ['Fuel'] = {'Kraftstoffe'},
    ['Fuel energy'] = {'Kraftstoff'},
    ['Fuels Used'] = {'Kraftstoffe'},
    ['Furniture Type'] = {'Möbeltyp'},
    ['General'] = {'General'},
    ['Grid Radius'] = {'Gitterradius'},
    ['Housing'] = {'Gehäuse'},
    ['ID'] = {'ID', 'IDs'},
    ['ID Number'] = {'ID-Nummer'},
    ['Improve Gathering'] = {'Ertrag verbessern'},
    ['Industrial'] = {'Industrial'},
    ['Input'] = {'Eingang'},
    ['Inventory Max Weight'] = {'Inventar Max. Gewicht'},
    ['Inventory Slots'] = {'Inventarplätze'},
    ['Item'] = {'Item', 'Items'},
    ['Item ID'] = {'Artikel-ID'},
    ['Item with the %s Tag:'] = {'Item with the %s Tag:', 'Items with the %s Tag:'},
    ['Level'] = {'Level'},
    ['Liquid/Gas'] = {'Flüssigkeit / Gas'},
    ['N/A'] = {'N/A'},
    ['Nutrients'] = {'Nutrients'},
    ['Nutrition Density'] = {'Nutrition Density'},
    ['Object'] = {'Object'},
    ['Output'] = {'Ausgabe'},
    ['Placement'] = {'Platzierung'},
    ['Power'] = {'Power'},
    ['Protein'] = {'Protein'},
    ['Road Items'] = {'Road Items'},
    ['Room Category'] = {'Zimmerkategorie'},
    ['Room Material'] = {'Raummaterial', 'Raummaterialien'},
    ['Room Required'] = {'Zimmer erforderlich'},
    ['Room Size'] = {'Raumgröße'},
    ['Skill Books'] = {'Fertigkeitsbücher'},
    ['Skill Scrolls'] = {'Skilschriftrollen'},
    ['Stack limit'] = {'Stapellimit'},
    ['Storage'] = {'Speicherung'},
    ['Tag'] = {'Tag', 'Tags'},
    ['Unlimited'] = {'Unbegrenzt'},
    ['Used as Currency'] = {'Used as Currency'},
    ['Used at'] = {'Used at'},
    ['Value'] = {'Wert'},
    ['Vehicle/Mobile Object'] = {'Fahrzeug / mobiles Objekt'},
    ['Vitamins'] = {'Vitamine'},
    ['Weight'] = {'Gewicht'},
    ['World  Object'] = {'World  Object'},
    ['World Object'] = {'World Object'},
    ['World Object Items'] = {'World Object Items'},
    ['cal'] = {'cal'},
    ['kg'] = {'kg'},