Electric Water Pump

From Eco - English Wiki
Electric Water Pump
Crafted Objects
Pumps water from a source into a pipe network.
Created at: Electric Machinist Table
Carried in: Backpack
Weight: 20kg
Stack limit: 1
Item ID: ElectricWaterPumpItem
World Object
Dimensions (X,Y,Z): 1x3x2

The Electric Water Pump can be used to pump Water through Pipes. It consumes 60W of Electric Power and can pump 1 liter per second. It must be placed on solid ground. It requires one input pipe to be linked by Pipes to a Water source and one output pipe to be linked by Pipes to one or more Crafting Table that requires a Water source.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Electric Machinist Table Electric Water Pump x1 Iron Pipe x12 Iron Bar x8 Mechanics
Level 4
8 120 10

Used in Recipes
