
From Eco - English Wiki


Use to create tiny icons (and captions). By default, the icon size is 28px but it can be re-defined.


Field Accepted Parameters Example Notes
name file name Cooking No file extension needed (assumes .png).
style 1,2,3 1 Defines the (caption) style. Default is a small icon that is unlinkable with no caption.
  • 1 = outputs the icon name as plain text next to the icon
  • 2 = outputs the icon name as a small caption below the icon
  • 3 = outputs no caption, but links the icon itself to its page of the same name. Recommended to use with size parameter
link Page Name Skills Optional. Use if you want the icon to also link to a page.
  • When set to the default of 1, it will link to the same name as the icon, but you can overwrite by writing in the designated page name in this field. If you are using this, you must write out link=
size any px size 50 If you are using this, you must write out size= and assumes px.


Example Syntax Result
No Style, Size 100px
{{Icon|name=Charred Meat}}
Module:IconUtils 'name' must be specified.
Style 1
Module:IconUtils 'name' must be specified.
Style 1 with link to its page
Module:IconUtils 'name' must be specified.
Style 2
Module:IconUtils 'name' must be specified.
Style 2 with link to Skills page
Module:IconUtils 'name' must be specified.
Style 2, Size 100px
Module:IconUtils 'name' must be specified.
Style 3, different link, Size 80px
Module:IconUtils 'name' must be specified.