
From Eco - English Wiki
Revision as of 06:57, 4 August 2020 by Deantwo (talk | contribs) (Removed unused language tags.)

Eco world government determines the allocation of taxes and distribution of tax revenue. Only the leader of a world has the power.


Players can call an election and nominate themselves for world leader at any time through the Laws menu. Players can write a short "speech" to go along with their candidacy that will be broadcast to all server players.

Once an election is called, players on the server have 24 hours to vote for the candidates or add themselves as nominees.

Voting is done in the Web Interface using a preferential voting system. Players may rank their candidates by order of preference.

World Leader

After 24 hours, a player is elected leader based on the voting results.

The world leader has the power to set the World Objective and to set tax rates at the Treasury.

Treasury & Taxes

There are currently 4 types of taxes, all of which are deposited directly into the Treasury bank account:

  • Sales Tax
  • Crafting Fee Tax
  • Contract Tax
  • Direct Transfer Tax

Other Types of Government

By altering Laws, a variety of forms of government can be formed. This is done by altering or restricting which selected demographic can vote on laws. For example if you remove the rights of citizens to vote and only allow a newly created demographic to be able to vote you have effectively created an Oligarchy. Or if you only allow yourself to vote, you have effectively changed the type of government to an Autocracy.