
From Eco - English Wiki
Revision as of 23:18, 6 December 2019 by Dennis (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)

The Module:Skills is currently used in:

-- Eco Version : beta

return {
    commands = {
        ['AddAccountManager'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'AddAccountManager',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Adds user as manager to bank account with ID.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'BankAccount',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'account',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'target',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'false',
        ['AddAccountUser'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'AddAccountUser',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Adds user to bank account with ID.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'BankAccount',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'account',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'target',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'false',
        ['AddToDeed'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'AddToDeed',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Adds user to current deed (if username is not provided then adds current user)',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'username',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
        ['Admin'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Admin',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Adds user as an Admin by account id, steamid, slgid, or username',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'adminIdOrName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['AllAccounts'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'AllAccounts',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Display all bank accounts in the game.',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['AllBlocks'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'AllBlocks',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns all blocks.  Optional integer parameter for how many rows to make the blocks in, default is 1 row.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'rows',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1',
        ['AllConstructed'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'AllConstructed',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns all player constructable blocks',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['AllPlants'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'AllPlants',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns all plant blocks',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'rows',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1',
        ['AllSkills'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'AllSkills',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Unlocks all skills',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['AllTerrain'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'AllTerrain',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns all diggable blocks',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['AllWorldObjects'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'AllWorldObjects',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns all world objects',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Atm'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Atm',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Add atmosphere',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['AuthLevel'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'AuthLevel',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Displays your authorization level',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Ban'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Ban',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Bans user by account id, steamid, slgid, or username',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'banUserIDOrName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'reason',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '',
        ['BuildTechTree'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'BuildTechTree',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Builds every worldobject in an appropriate building and fills it with fuel',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['BunnyTime'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'BunnyTime',
                    ['helpText'] = '3',
                    ['level'] = nil,
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['CancelAllDebtFromPlayer'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'CancelAllDebtFromPlayer',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Cancel debt that a particular player has accumulated.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'otherPlayer',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['ChatTest'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'ChatTest',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spam a bunch of stuff to chat',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '3',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'count',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '300',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'tagCount',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '10',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Boolean',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'gibberish',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = 'True',
        ['ClaimRect'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'ClaimRect',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Claims plots in a given rect.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'xSide',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '5',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'ySide',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '5',
        ['ClearLaws'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'ClearLaws',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Removes all active laws',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['ClearRubble'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'ClearRubble',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Clears rubble around the player.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'radius',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '10',
        ['CreateAccount'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'CreateAccount',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Creates an account with specified name.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'name',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
        ['CreateDebt'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'CreateDebt',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Create debt between two players in a currency that matches the given name.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '6',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'lender',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'borrower',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'paybackAmount',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg4Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg4Name'] = 'interest',
                    ['arg4Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg5Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg5Name'] = 'daysTillDue',
                    ['arg5Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg6Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg6Name'] = 'currencyName',
                    ['arg6Optional'] = 'false',
        ['Creative'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Creative',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Remove restrictions and gives you every skill at max level.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['DeleteAccount'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'DeleteAccount',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Deletes an account even if there is still currency on it.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'BankAccount',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'account',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['DeleteContract'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'DeleteContract',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Deletes a contract, given a Contract ID. Contract IDs can be found in the contract tooltips from the contracts tab in the economy viewer.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'contractID',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['DestroyedAtmosphere'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'DestroyedAtmosphere',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Set the percent of a destoryed atmosphere to display, blended to over a given number of seconds.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'percent',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '0.5',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'time',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '5',
        ['DestroyMeteor'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'DestroyMeteor',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Destroys the meteor in orbit.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Digest'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Digest',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Turn calories into waste',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Dummy'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Dummy',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a dummy avatar',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'count',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1',
        ['Dump'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Dump',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Dumps all items from your inventory.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['DumpCarried'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'DumpCarried',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Dumps all carried items.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['DumpSelected'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'DumpSelected',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Dumps all items in your selected toolbar slot.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Durability'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Durability',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Set the durability of the item you are holding',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'durability',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1',
        ['Eat'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Eat',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Max your calories',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Exceptional'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Exceptional',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Throws an exception, very useful',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['FastForward'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'FastForward',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Force the world to fast forward. Pass 0 to stop.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Boolean',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'set',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = 'True',
        ['FillMeUp'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'FillMeUp',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Adds random items to the user\'s inventory.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Fly'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Fly',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Toggles fly mode',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['ForceGive'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'ForceGive',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Give yourself an item (Forced, ignores restrictions)',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'itemName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'number',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '1',
        ['GetPathToItem'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'GetPathToItem',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Gets the resources needed to craft something',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'target',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['Give'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Give',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Give yourself an item',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'itemName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'number',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '1',
        ['GiveSkillPoints'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'GiveSkillPoints',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Give skillpoints to another player',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'otherPlayer',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'number',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '10',
        ['Greenthumb'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Greenthumb',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns random plants',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'radius',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '10',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Boolean',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'trees',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = 'False',
        ['Help'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Help',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Displays all the commands avaliable',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'text',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '',
        ['Iodide'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Iodide',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Set radiation dose to 0',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Irradiate'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Irradiate',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Max out player radiation dose',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Kick'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Kick',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Kicks user',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'kickUser',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'reason',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '',
        ['KillPlants'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'KillPlants',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Kills all plants in an area',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'radius',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '10',
        ['KillTrees'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'KillTrees',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Cuts all trees in an area',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'radius',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '10',
        ['LastPlayerOnEarth'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'LastPlayerOnEarth',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Kills all spawned dummys',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Leader'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Leader',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Set the leader',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'player',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '',
        ['Level'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Level',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Level the terrain',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '3',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'x',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '15',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'y',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '15',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'blockType',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = 'GrassBlock',
        ['LevelUp'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'LevelUp',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Levels up a string matching the passed name to the max.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'skillName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['LevelUpAll'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'LevelUpAll',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Levels all skills up 1 level at a time (no chunks).',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'num',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1',
        ['LevelUpUser'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'LevelUpUser',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Level up a user by one.  Default levels you up.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'name',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
        ['ListAdmins'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'ListAdmins',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Displays a list of all administrators.',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['ListUnobtainableItems'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'ListUnobtainableItems',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Lists the items that cannot be crafted from some set of other items.  Note that many of these are not meant to be crafted, e.g. hips and stone.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['ListUsers'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'ListUsers',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Displays a list of all known users, showing username and ID.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['MakeMeteorVisible'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'MakeMeteorVisible',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Make the meteor enter the targetable range, or the specified angle if one is passed in.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'angle',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '300',
        ['Mark'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Mark',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Drops a waypoint at the current position.  Accepts an optional text string for the waypoint.',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'text',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
        ['MassInteract'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'MassInteract',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Uses your currently selected tool on surrounding blocks',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'size',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1',
        ['MassPlant'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'MassPlant',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a bunch of one plant',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '4',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'radius',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '10',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'speciesName',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'yield',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = '0.8',
                    ['arg4Type'] = 'Boolean',
                    ['arg4Name'] = 'trees',
                    ['arg4Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg4Default'] = 'False',
        ['MeteorFall'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'MeteorFall',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Begin the meteor impact sequence',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['MeteorHitWorldLayers'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'MeteorHitWorldLayers',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Triggers world layers to act as if they were hit by a meteor.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['MeteorImpact'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'MeteorImpact',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Make the meteor strike instantly.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['MeteorRain'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'MeteorRain',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Makes meteorites rain down the sky, accepting the number to send and how long between them.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '3',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'count',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'timeBetween',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '1',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'radius',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = '20',
        ['MeTime'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'MeTime',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a clone of your avatar',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'count',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1',
        ['Midnight'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Midnight',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Set time to midnight',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Move'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Move',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Moves you to position x, y, z; where xyz are integers.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '3',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'x',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'y',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'z',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'false',
        ['Noah'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Noah',
                    ['helpText'] = '3',
                    ['level'] = nil,
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'count',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1',
        ['Noon'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Noon',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Set time to noon',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['NoSkills'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'NoSkills',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Resets all skills to default',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['OneShot'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'OneShot',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Kills nearest animal',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['OpenServerUI'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'OpenServerUI',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Opens the server GUI, if the user is a local user.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['OwnAll'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'OwnAll',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Claim all property',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Owner'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Owner',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Change owner of current deed',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'newOwner',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
        ['OwnNone'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'OwnNone',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Revoke your property',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'otherPlayer',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
        ['PassLaws'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'PassLaws',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Pass all pending laws',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Players'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Players',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Returns a list of online players',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['PolluteAir'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'PolluteAir',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Creates AIR POLLUTION MACHINES OF DOOM',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['PolluteCO2'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'PolluteCO2',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Creates x PPM of air pollution',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'ppm',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['PolluteWorld'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'PolluteWorld',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Rains tailings from the heavens to ruin the world',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['PoorBunnies'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'PoorBunnies',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Kills all animals',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['RaiseSeaLevel'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'RaiseSeaLevel',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Rasies the sea level by a passed in amount.  Careful with this one!',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'val',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1.5',
        ['Record'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Record',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Toggles record mode',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['RegenLayer'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'RegenLayer',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Regenerates a world layer, restoring it to the state it would be in if the world were newly generated.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'layerName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['RemoveAccountManager'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'RemoveAccountManager',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Adds user as manager to bank account with ID.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'BankAccount',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'account',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'target',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'false',
        ['RemoveAccountUser'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'RemoveAccountUser',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Removes user from bank account with ID.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'BankAccount',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'account',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'target',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'false',
        ['RemoveAdmin'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'RemoveAdmin',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Removes user as an Admin',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'adminIdOrName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['RemoveFromDeed'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'RemoveFromDeed',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Removes user from current deed (if username is not provided then removes current user)',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'username',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
        ['RepairAllRooms'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'RepairAllRooms',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Repairs all broken rooms. This command may take a long time and create heavy-load on the server, so only use it when many rooms are broken',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['ResetTutorial'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'ResetTutorial',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Resets the tutorial, including record of given items (which menu option does not do).',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['RunTests'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'RunTests',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Run a series of chat commands to test the game.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Save'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Save',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Save the world!',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['SeaLevel'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SeaLevel',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Displays the current sea level and how much it has risen.',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['ServerCrash'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'ServerCrash',
                    ['helpText'] = 'A command to force the server to crash',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['SetAccountOwner'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SetAccountOwner',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Manually set an account creator.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'BankAccount',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'account',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'target',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'false',
        ['SetPowerCost'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SetPowerCost',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Reduces power consumption of all existing objects withing a given radius to passed value (defaults zero).',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'cost',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '0',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'radius',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '20',
        ['SetReputation'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SetReputation',
                    ['helpText'] = 'A command to set the user\'s reputation',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '3',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'targetUser',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'rep',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '0',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Boolean',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'clampValue',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = 'False',
        ['SetReputationRelative'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SetReputationRelative',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Set the user\'s reputation relative to another',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '3',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'targetUser',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'fromUser',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'rep',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = '0',
        ['SetSpawn'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SetSpawn',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Changes the spawn location to your current location',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Shuffle'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Shuffle',
                    ['helpText'] = '3',
                    ['level'] = nil,
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'x',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '10',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'y',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '10',
        ['ShuffleObjects'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'ShuffleObjects',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a large number of random worldobjects.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'count',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '100',
        ['SkillPoints'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SkillPoints',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Give yourself skill points',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'number',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '10000',
        ['SkillRate'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SkillRate',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Displays or sets the current skill rate multiplier.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'skillRate',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '-1',
        ['SpamDb'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpamDb',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spams database operations, in the hopes of reproducing errors or lag',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'numSeconds',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '2',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'numWriteThreads',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '16',
        ['Spawn'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Spawn',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns item in building',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '8',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'itemName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Boolean',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'claim',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = 'True',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'type',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = '4',
                    ['arg4Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg4Name'] = 'x',
                    ['arg4Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg4Default'] = '12',
                    ['arg5Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg5Name'] = 'y',
                    ['arg5Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg5Default'] = '8',
                    ['arg6Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg6Name'] = 'z',
                    ['arg6Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg6Default'] = '12',
                    ['arg7Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg7Name'] = 'roofType',
                    ['arg7Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg7Default'] = '1',
                    ['arg8Type'] = 'Boolean',
                    ['arg8Name'] = 'createWindows',
                    ['arg8Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg8Default'] = 'True',
        ['SpawnAccounts'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnAccounts',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Create new bank accounts for each user.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'count',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '5',
        ['SpawnAnimal'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnAnimal',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a number of animals',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'speciesName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = 'Hare',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'count',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '1',
        ['SpawnBed'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnBed',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawn a bed and sleep in it.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['SpawnBuilding'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnBuilding',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a building by specifying which tier',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '6',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'type',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'x',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '4',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'y',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = '4',
                    ['arg4Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg4Name'] = 'z',
                    ['arg4Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg4Default'] = '4',
                    ['arg5Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg5Name'] = 'roofType',
                    ['arg5Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg5Default'] = '1',
                    ['arg6Type'] = 'Boolean',
                    ['arg6Name'] = 'createWindows',
                    ['arg6Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg6Default'] = 'True',
        ['SpawnBuildingOfMaterial'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnBuildingOfMaterial',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a building by specifying the material to use',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '6',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'material',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'x',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '4',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'y',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = '4',
                    ['arg4Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg4Name'] = 'z',
                    ['arg4Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg4Default'] = '4',
                    ['arg5Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg5Name'] = 'roofType',
                    ['arg5Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg5Default'] = '1',
                    ['arg6Type'] = 'Boolean',
                    ['arg6Name'] = 'createWindows',
                    ['arg6Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg6Default'] = 'True',
        ['SpawnContracts'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnContracts',
                    ['helpText'] = '3',
                    ['level'] = nil,
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['SpawnCrafting'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnCrafting',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Creates a craft setup where output from one thing is input to another.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'copies',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1',
        ['SpawnCrater'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnCrater',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Create a crater at the current position.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'size',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '5',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Boolean',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'addPollution',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = 'True',
        ['SpawnEconomy'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnEconomy',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns all the various parts of an economy.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'ordersPerStore',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '20',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'stores',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '5',
        ['SpawnFullStockpile'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnFullStockpile',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Generate a full stockpile',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['SpawnLasers'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnLasers',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns the end-game lasers and power supplies, and drops their power needs.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['SpawnMeteor'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnMeteor',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a meteor into orbit, regardless of current disaster settings.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['SpawnObjects'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnObjects',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawn all of the objects containing a string in its name. If they have text, add that too, can optionally set the string range.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '3',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'objectstring',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'textLengthMin',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '3',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'textLengthMax',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = '40',
        ['SpawnPlant'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnPlant',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a plant or plants in a row with increasing ages',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'speciesName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = 'Birch',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'count',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '1',
        ['SpawnRoad'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnRoad',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a road',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '4',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'length',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '25',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'width',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '4',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'buildTypeVal',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = '0',
                    ['arg4Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg4Name'] = 'bottomType',
                    ['arg4Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg4Default'] = '2',
        ['SpawnRubble'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnRubble',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Rains rubble around the player.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'blockTypeName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = 'Granite',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'rubble',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '32',
        ['SpawnSewage'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnSewage',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawn a village that will have a sewage network.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['SpawnStockpile'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnStockpile',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a stockpile containing stacks of the listed items.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '5',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'item1',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = 'LogItem',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'item2',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'item3',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg4Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg4Name'] = 'item4',
                    ['arg4Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg5Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg5Name'] = 'item5',
                    ['arg5Optional'] = 'true',
        ['SpawnTable'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnTable',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawn a crafting table of the given name and make it operate.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'name',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['SpawnTech'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnTech',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns some things (objects, blocks, etc) at a certain tech tier',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'tier',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1',
        ['SpawnTitles'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnTitles',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Create a bunch of titles for testing.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'number',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '5',
        ['SpawnToll'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnToll',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Create a test toll object triggering some basic stuff.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['SpawnVillage'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnVillage',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a village',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'type',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'count',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'false',
        ['SpawnWorldObjects'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SpawnWorldObjects',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a large number of worldobjects of the given name.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'worldObjectItemName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = 'WorkbenchItem',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'count',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '10',
        ['StartTest'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'StartTest',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Run a test with logging active.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'testname',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['SteamSale'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'SteamSale',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Give every player an amount of money',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'amount',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1000',
        ['Tax'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Tax',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Tax all accounts in all currencies a specified amount of money, into the treasury by default or a specified account.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'amount',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '1000',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'accountID',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '0',
        ['TechTreeSimulation'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TechTreeSimulation',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Simulates the tech tree',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Teleport'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Teleport',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Teleport to an xyz coordinate',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'x',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '-1',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'z',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '-1',
        ['TeleportPlayer'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TeleportPlayer',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Teleport to a player',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'otherPlayer',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['TeleportTarget'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TeleportTarget',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Teleports otherPlayer to an xyz coordinate',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '4',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'otherPlayer',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'x',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '-1',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'y',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = '-1',
                    ['arg4Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg4Name'] = 'z',
                    ['arg4Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg4Default'] = '-1',
        ['TeleportTargetPlayer'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TeleportTargetPlayer',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Teleports player A to player B',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'targetA',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'targetB',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'false',
        ['TestAllRecipes'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestAllRecipes',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Attempts to craft all of the craftable items',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestAxesAndChainsaw'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestAxesAndChainsaw',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Test cutting trees with axe and chainsaw.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestBows'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestBows',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Test bow and arrows.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestContracts'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestContracts',
                    ['helpText'] = '3',
                    ['level'] = nil,
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'contractClause',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
        ['TestCranes'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestCranes',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Setup a test environment for cranes.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestDistributionStation'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestDistributionStation',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Creates and applys a Distribution Station.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestElevator'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestElevator',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Setup an elevator for testing',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestExchange'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestExchange',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns 2 test exchanges, one for the user and one for another user. Adds some entries, performs some tests.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestGiveAllItems'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestGiveAllItems',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Attempts to give the user all of the items, then remove them',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestHammers'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestHammers',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Run a series of chat commands to test the game.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestInteractAir'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestInteractAir',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Attempts to give the user all items and interact with them',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestInteractObjects'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestInteractObjects',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Attempts to interact with all objects in the world',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestPickupBlock'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestPickupBlock',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Attempts picking up all world block objects in the world',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestPipes'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestPipes',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a setup for testing pipes.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestPlaceAllWorldBlocks'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestPlaceAllWorldBlocks',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Attempts placing all world block objects in the world',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestPlaceGarbage'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestPlaceGarbage',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Attempt to place a bunch of garbage bags in the world.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestPlaceObjects'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestPlaceObjects',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Attempts placing all objects in the world twice',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestPropertyClaimTool'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestPropertyClaimTool',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Test claiming and unclaiming property.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestRoom'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestRoom',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Check the current surroundings to see if it\'s a room, and if not explain why not.',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestSewage'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestSewage',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a setup for testing pipes.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TestTreasury'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TestTreasury',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spawns a test treasury, makes the user the leader, opens UI, allocates taxes.',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['ThirdPerson'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'ThirdPerson',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Toggles Third Person Camera',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Time'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Time',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Set time to the specified hour',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'hour',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['TitleAdd'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TitleAdd',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Creates a new title.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '3',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'name',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'maxOccupants',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '1',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Boolean',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'elected',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg3Default'] = 'True',
        ['TitleAssign'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TitleAssign',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Assigns a given user to a given title, assigning to yourself if none is specified.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Title',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'title',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'assignTo',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
        ['TitleClear'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TitleClear',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Clears all occupants from a title.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Title',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'title',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['TitleDelete'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TitleDelete',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Permanently deletes a title.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Title',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'title',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['TitleList'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TitleList',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Lists all existing titles and info about them.',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TitleRename'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TitleRename',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Rename a new title.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Title',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'title',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'newName',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'false',
        ['TitleSet'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TitleSet',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Set values for a title.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '3',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Title',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'title',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'maxOccupants',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg3Type'] = 'Boolean',
                    ['arg3Name'] = 'elected',
                    ['arg3Optional'] = 'false',
        ['TitleUnassign'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TitleUnassign',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Removes a given user from a given title, removing from yourself if none is specified.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Title',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'title',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'unassignUser',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
        ['Toggle'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Toggle',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Toggles the show state of a UI, by UI prefab name',
                    ['level'] = 'developer',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'uiName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['Trample'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Trample',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Tramples the surrounding ground',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['TrashCity'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'TrashCity',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Just incase you like living in TRASH CITY',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Unclaim'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Unclaim',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Unclaim the plot you\'re standing on',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['UnclaimAbandoned'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'UnclaimAbandoned',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Unclaim plots across the world where the owner hasn\'t logged in for X days',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Single',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'days',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['Unstuck'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Unstuck',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Attempts to unstick your avatar',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['UserActivity'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'UserActivity',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Displays a list of users and when they last logged in.',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Vomit'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Vomit',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Empties your stomach',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['WarnUser'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'WarnUser',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Sends a warning to a player',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '2',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'warnUser',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
                    ['arg2Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg2Name'] = 'warning',
                    ['arg2Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg2Default'] = '',
        ['WhatAmI'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'WhatAmI',
                    ['helpText'] = 'View your current skill title',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['Whitelist'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Whitelist',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Adds user to the whitelist by account id, steamid, slgid, or username',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'String',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'whitelistIdOrName',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['WhoAmI'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'WhoAmI',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Shows your user ID',
                    ['level'] = 'user',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '0',
        ['WhoIs'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'WhoIs',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Shows the user ID of the requested user.',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'User',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'otherUser',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'false',
        ['Work'] = {
                    ['command'] = 'Work',
                    ['helpText'] = 'Spends calories',
                    ['level'] = 'admin',
                    ['commandIsMethod'] = 'true',
                    ['parameters'] = '1',
                    ['arg1Type'] = 'Int32',
                    ['arg1Name'] = 'useCalories',
                    ['arg1Optional'] = 'true',
                    ['arg1Default'] = '100000',