
From Eco - English Wiki
Revision as of 12:27, 5 May 2024 by Avaren (talk | contribs) (Update BiomeData for version

-- Eco Version :
    -- Export Language: English

    return {
	DeepOcean = {
		ID = "DeepOcean",
		MainBiome = "Ocean",
		Name = "Deep Ocean",
		Description = "The deepest parts of the ocean, bearing the largest marine species and migrating populations of fish.",
		Land = false,
		Lakes = false,
		Color = "SteelBlue",
		ElevationMin = -1.0,
		ElevationMax = -0.4,
		TemperatureMin = 0.0,
		TemperatureMax = 0.4,
		MoistureMin = 0.0,
		MoistureMax = 1.0,
		GeneralBlock = "BasaltBlock",
	Ocean = {
		ID = "Ocean",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "Ocean",
		Description = "The parts of the ocean on the continental shelves, abundant with life.",
		Land = false,
		Lakes = false,
		Color = "LightSkyBlue",
		ElevationMin = -0.3,
		ElevationMax = -0.05,
		TemperatureMin = 0.4,
		TemperatureMax = 1.0,
		MoistureMin = 0.0,
		MoistureMax = 1.0,
		GeneralBlock = "BasaltBlock",
	Coast = {
		ID = "Coast",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "",
		Description = "",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = false,
		Color = "LightGoldenrodYellow",
		ElevationMin = 0.02,
		ElevationMax = 0.1,
		TemperatureMin = 0.0,
		TemperatureMax = 1.0,
		MoistureMin = 0.0,
		MoistureMax = 1.0,
		GeneralBlock = "LimestoneBlock",
	Grassland = {
		ID = "Grassland",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "Grasslands",
		Description = "A biome where there is enough water to support grasses but not many trees.",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = true,
		Color = "LightGreen",
		ElevationMin = 0.02,
		ElevationMax = 0.4,
		TemperatureMin = 0.4,
		TemperatureMax = 0.8,
		MoistureMin = 0.3,
		MoistureMax = 0.5,
		GeneralBlock = "LimestoneBlock",
	WarmForest = {
		ID = "WarmForest",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "Warm Forest",
		Description = "A biome wet enough to support dense tree cover, and warm enough that broadleaf trees tend to dominate.",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = false,
		Color = "DarkGoldenrod",
		ElevationMin = 0.1,
		ElevationMax = 0.5,
		TemperatureMin = 0.5,
		TemperatureMax = 0.8,
		MoistureMin = 0.5,
		MoistureMax = 0.6,
		GeneralBlock = "GraniteBlock",
	ColdForest = {
		ID = "ColdForest",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "Cold Forest",
		Description = "A biome wet enough to support dense tree cover, and cold enough that conniferous trees tend to dominate.",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = false,
		Color = "ForestGreen",
		ElevationMin = 0.1,
		ElevationMax = 0.7,
		TemperatureMin = 0.2,
		TemperatureMax = 0.5,
		MoistureMin = 0.5,
		MoistureMax = 0.6,
		GeneralBlock = "GraniteBlock",
	RainForest = {
		ID = "RainForest",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "Rainforest",
		Description = "A wet and warm biome that supports a forest abundant with plant and animal life.",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = true,
		Color = "LightSeaGreen",
		ElevationMin = 0.1,
		ElevationMax = 0.5,
		TemperatureMin = 0.6,
		TemperatureMax = 0.8,
		MoistureMin = 0.7,
		MoistureMax = 1.0,
		GeneralBlock = "ShaleBlock",
	Desert = {
		ID = "Desert",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "Desert",
		Description = "The dryest biome, and in Eco currently the hottest as well.",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = false,
		Color = "SandyBrown",
		ElevationMin = 0.02,
		ElevationMax = 0.2,
		TemperatureMin = 0.7,
		TemperatureMax = 1.0,
		MoistureMin = 0.0,
		MoistureMax = 0.3,
		GeneralBlock = "SandstoneBlock",
	Taiga = {
		ID = "Taiga",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "Taiga",
		Description = "A cold and somewhat dry biome that supports a sparse forest of conniferous trees.",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = true,
		Color = "OliveDrab",
		ElevationMin = 0.3,
		ElevationMax = 1.0,
		TemperatureMin = 0.2,
		TemperatureMax = 0.3,
		MoistureMin = 0.2,
		MoistureMax = 0.5,
		GeneralBlock = "GraniteBlock",
	Tundra = {
		ID = "Tundra",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "Tundra",
		Description = "A very cold biome that cannot support trees but is host to a unique plant and animal community.",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = true,
		Color = "DarkKhaki",
		ElevationMin = 0.4,
		ElevationMax = 1.0,
		TemperatureMin = 0.1,
		TemperatureMax = 0.2,
		MoistureMin = 0.0,
		MoistureMax = 0.6,
		GeneralBlock = "GraniteBlock",
	Ice = {
		ID = "Ice",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "Ice",
		Description = "The coldest areas of the land, covered by glacial ice.",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = false,
		Color = "White",
		ElevationMin = 0.6,
		ElevationMax = 1.0,
		TemperatureMin = 0.0,
		TemperatureMax = 0.1,
		MoistureMin = 0.0,
		MoistureMax = 0.6,
		GeneralBlock = "GraniteBlock",
	Wetland = {
		ID = "Wetland",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "Wetlands",
		Description = "A unique biome characterized by a saturation of the soil with fresh or brackish water.",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = true,
		Color = "DarkGreen",
		ElevationMin = 0.02,
		ElevationMax = 0.3,
		TemperatureMin = 0.4,
		TemperatureMax = 0.6,
		MoistureMin = 0.6,
		MoistureMax = 0.8,
		GeneralBlock = "ShaleBlock",
	ColdCoast = {
		ID = "ColdCoast",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "Cold Coast",
		Description = "Beaches and shallow waters in colder climates.",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = true,
		Color = "LightCyan",
		ElevationMin = 0.05,
		ElevationMax = 0.1,
		TemperatureMin = 0.0,
		TemperatureMax = 1.0,
		MoistureMin = 0.0,
		MoistureMax = 1.0,
		GeneralBlock = "LimestoneBlock",
	WarmCoast = {
		ID = "WarmCoast",
		MainBiome = "",
		Name = "Warm Coast",
		Description = "Beaches and shallow waters in warmer climates.",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = true,
		Color = "LightGoldenrodYellow",
		ElevationMin = 0.05,
		ElevationMax = 0.1,
		TemperatureMin = 0.0,
		TemperatureMax = 1.0,
		MoistureMin = 0.0,
		MoistureMax = 1.0,
		GeneralBlock = "SandstoneBlock",
	Steppe = {
		ID = "Steppe",
		MainBiome = "Grassland",
		Name = "Cold Steppe",
		Description = "A geologically uplifted part of the desert with species more tolerant to cold and that enjoy the steep cliffs caused by erosion.",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = false,
		Color = "LightGreen",
		ElevationMin = 0.325,
		ElevationMax = 0.4,
		TemperatureMin = 0.4,
		TemperatureMax = 0.8,
		MoistureMin = 0.3,
		MoistureMax = 0.5,
		GeneralBlock = "LimestoneBlock",
	HighDesert = {
		ID = "HighDesert",
		MainBiome = "Desert",
		Name = "High Desert",
		Description = "A slightly colder grassland, often characterized by even fewer trees and larger open spaces.  ",
		Land = true,
		Lakes = false,
		Color = "SandyBrown",
		ElevationMin = 0.225,
		ElevationMax = 0.3,
		TemperatureMin = 0.7,
		TemperatureMax = 1.0,
		MoistureMin = 0.0,
		MoistureMax = 0.3,
		GeneralBlock = "SandstoneBlock",