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The collaboration settings on a server affect how quickly skill points are gained and how many specialties players can acquire. There are default four settings: None, Low, Medium, and High. Server administrators can also create their own, non-standard collaboration settings. (Such as making a category between Low and Medium.) Strange Loop Games recommends you base the Collaboration level based on the number of players you expect to have on the server:

None 'Low 'Medium 'High
1-3 players 3-10 players 10-30 players 30+ players

Collaboration Settings

The Collaboration settings affect the following:

Specialty Costs

A server with a higher collaboration setting will require more experience points to earn the next Specialization Point, reducing the number of specialties a single player can obtain in the 30 day window before the meteor hits. The player always starts with a specialization point in Self-Improvement and one free specialization point. The experience values for each new skill point do not change after the 7th additional point and their values under the different collaboration settings are:

None Low Medium High
2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 10, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 40, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200

Skill Gain

A server with a higher collaboration setting will cause players to gain experience slower, whereas a low collaboration setting will cause players to gain skill faster. This applies to both player experience and specialty experience.

None Low Medium High
500% 200% 100% 100%

Craft Resource/Time modifier

A server with a lower Collaboration modifier causes players to craft items faster and less expensively.

None Low Collaboration Medium Collaboration High Collaboration
50% Time/Resources required Normal Time/Resources required Normal Time/Resources required Normal Time/Resources required

Endgame Crafting Cost

A server with a high collaboration setting increases the cost of two specific items: The laser and the Computer Lab.

None Low Medium High
Normal Normal Normal Expensive

Other Settings

There are two unused modifiers: "Player Experience per Specialty" and "Specialty Experience per Level," which, regardless of Collaboration level, are set to 0 and 25, respectively. Despite being unaffected by the default collaboration presets, sever operators coming up with their own custom collaboration settings may change them.