
From Eco - English Wiki
Revision as of 18:31, 5 August 2020 by ZeelNightwolf (talk | contribs) (Redirect Link + wording edit)

Smog is a type of Air Pollution that is caused by the burning of fuels at Crafting Tables, or by the use of Vehicles.

Smog must be vented from work tables that have a pipe tab when accessing it, in order for the table to operate properly. However, they will hold X amount of smog before it will stop and require venting.

Venting can be done with Copper Pipe,Iron Pipe and Steel Pipe.

If you stop the use of the smog-producing work tables the area around the exhaust port will return to its normal self and pollution will reduce to zero. At this time, it is unconfirmed if you can break the environment with to much smog and prevent regrowth.

Known Smog Producing Tables

Oil Refinery
Cement Kiln
Blast Furnace
