Module:Utils: Difference between revisions

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Demian (talk | contribs)
m Undo revision 8382 by Demian (talk) Broke the function.
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-- @author User:Avaren
-- @author User:Avaren
function p.checkImage(name, too_expensive)
function p.checkImage(name, too_expensive)
local icon = name:gsub('%s+', '') .. '_Icon.png'
local icon = name:gsub('%s+', '') .. '_icon.png'
if too_expensive then
if too_expensive then
return icon
return icon

Revision as of 18:23, 1 May 2024

This module provides utility functions used from other modules.


Add the following line of code at the top of your file.

local Utils = require("Module:Utils")

-- You may then call functions from this module in your script. For example:
local tableLength = Utils.tableLen(myTable)

local p = {}

--- Trims and parses the args into a table, then returns the table
-- @author User:Avaren
function p.normaliseArgs(frame)
	local origArgs = frame:getParent().args
	local args = {}

	for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do
		v = mw.text.trim(tostring(v))
		if v ~= '' then
			args[k] = v

	return args

--- Get path to icon file.
-- @author User:Avaren
function p.checkImage(name, too_expensive)
	local icon = name:gsub('%s+', '') .. '_icon.png'
	if too_expensive then
		return icon

	if mw.title.makeTitle('File', icon).file.exists then
		return icon
		return 'NoImage.png'

--- Check if <code>item</code> is in given <code>array</code>.
-- @param item Item to look for
-- @param #table array Table to check
-- @return #bool <code>true</code> if <code>item</code> is in <code>array</code>
-- @author User:Avaren
local function in_array(item, array)
	-- Should only use on short arrays
	local set = {}
	for _, l in ipairs(array) do
		set[l] = true
	return set[item] ~= nil

--- Build HTML code for an icon image.
-- @param name string
-- @param size string|nil One of: <code>"iconNormal"</code> (64px) or <code>"iconRecipe"</code> (44px). Default: <code>"iconNormal"</code>
-- @param bg string|nil
-- @param border string|nil
-- @param too_expensive boolean|nil
-- @author User:Avaren
function p.build_icon(name, link, size, bg, border, too_expensive)
	local L = require('Module:Localization') -- local import

	if not size then
		size = 'iconNormal'
	local icon_bg
	if bg then
		icon_bg = bg
	local icon_border
	if border then
		icon_border = border

	local item_data = mw.loadData('Module:ItemData')
	local item = item_data.items[name]
	local image
	if item then
		if item['group'] == L.t('Skill Books') then
			image = 'SkillBook.png'
			icon_bg = 'iconGold'
		elseif item['group'] == L.t('Skill Scrolls') then
			image = 'Skill Scroll'
			icon_bg = 'iconGold'
			-- Attempt to generate skill page
		elseif in_array(L.t('Basic Research'), item['tagGroups']) then
			image = string.sub(item['untranslated'], 1, -7):gsub('%s+', '') .. '_Icon.png'
			icon_bg = 'paperBasic'
		elseif in_array(L.t('Advanced Research'), item['tagGroups']) then
			image = string.sub(item['untranslated'], 1, -10):gsub('%s+', '') .. '_Icon.png'
			icon_bg = 'paperAdvanced'
		elseif in_array(L.t('Modern Research'), item['tagGroups']) then
			image = string.sub(item['untranslated'], 1, -8):gsub('%s+', '') .. '_Icon.png'
			icon_bg = 'paperModern'
			image = p.checkImage(item['untranslated'], too_expensive)
		if not icon_bg then
			if item['group'] == L.t('Food') then
				icon_bg = 'iconGreen'
			elseif item['carried'] == L.t('Hands') then
				icon_bg = 'iconBrown'
		image = p.checkImage(name, too_expensive)

	if not icon_bg then
		icon_bg = 'iconBlue'

	if border then
		icon_border = border
		icon_border = 'borderBlue'

	if size == 'iconNormal' then
		icon_container = 'iconContainer'
		icon_container = 'iconContainerSmall'

	if not link then
		link = ''
		link = '|link='

	local file = '[[File:' .. image .. '|frameless|class=' .. size .. ' ' .. icon_bg .. link ..']]'
	return '<div class="' .. icon_container .. '"><div class="iconStack">' .. file .. '</div><div class="iconBorder ' .. icon_border .. '" style="position:absolute;"></div></div>'

--- Get HTML code for an icon image.
-- @author User:Avaren
function p.Icon(frame)
	args = p.normaliseArgs(frame)
	return p.build_icon(,, args.size,, args.border, args.too_expensive)

--- Calculate the length of a table by iterating over every item in it.
-- <code>mw.LoadData</code> prevents <code>#tbl</code> from working correctly.
-- @param #table tbl Table to calculate the length of
-- @return #number Length of the table.
-- @author User:Avaren
function p.tableLen(tbl)
	local count = 0
	for _, v in ipairs(tbl) do
		if v == nil then
			return count
		count = count + 1
	return count

--- Check if <code>value</code> is not <code>nil</code> and return it or if it is <code>nil</code> fall back to <code>default</code>.
-- @param value Value to check
-- @param default Value to fall back to
-- @return <code>value</code> if it is not <code>nil</code>
-- @return <code>default</code> if <code>value</code> is <code>nil</code>
-- @author User:Demian
-- @see valueOrDash
-- @see formatNilToYesNo
-- @see formatBoolToYesNo
function p.valueOrDefault(value, default)
	return nil == value and default or value

--- Check if <code>value</code> is not <code>nil</code> and return it or if it is <code>nil</code> fall back to the em-dash (—).
-- The em-dash (—) is commonly used represent a missing, not applicable (N/A), or a negative ("no") value with just a single character.
-- @param value Value to check
-- @return <code>value</code> if it is not <code>nil</code>
-- @return #string "—" if <code>value</code> is <code>nil</code>
-- @author User:Demian
-- @see valueOrDefault
function p.valueOrDash(value)
	return nil == value and "—" or value

--- Check if <code>value</code> is not <code>nil</code> and return "Yes" or "No".
-- @param value Value to check
-- @return #string "Yes" if <code>value</code> is not <code>nil</code>
-- @return #string "No" if <code>value</code> is <code>nil</code>
-- @author User:Demian
-- @see valueOrDefault
-- @usage formatNilToYesNo("Hello") == "Yes"
-- @usage formatNilToYesNo(nil) == "No"
function p.formatNilToYesNo(value)
	-- TODO: Support i18n.
	return nil == value and "No" or "Yes"

--- Check if <code>value</code> <em>evaluates</em> as <code>true</code> and return "Yes" or "No".
-- @param value Value to evaluate. Does not have to be a bool.
-- @return #string "Yes" if <code>value</code> evaluates as <code>true</code>
-- @return #string "No" if <code>value</code> evaluates as <code>false</code>
-- @author User:Demian
-- @see valueOrDefault
-- @usage formatBoolToYesNo("") == true
-- @usage formatBoolToYesNo(123) == true
-- @usage formatBoolToYesNo(nil) == false
function p.formatBoolToYesNo(value)
	-- TODO: Support i18n.
	return value and "Yes" or "No"

--- Format the input values into a string representing the range between the values.
-- Returning an an empty string intended to ease concatenation with other strings.
-- The en-dash (–) (instead of the hyphen-minus "-") is the appropriate character to signify a range of values.
-- @param #number min Minimum value (left side)
-- @param #number max Maximum value (right side)
-- @param #number default Default value in case of an error (only value).
-- @param #string valueFormat Format string used with <code>mw.ustring.format</code>.
-- @return #string "<code>min</code>–<code>max</code>" if <code>min < max</code>
-- @return #string "<code>default</code>" formatted with <code>valueFormat</code> if <code>min == max</code> or <code>min > max</code> and <code>default ~= nil</code>
-- @return #string "" (empty string) if either <code>min</code> <strong>or</strong> <code>max</code> do not convert to a numerical value
-- @return #nil <code>nil</code> if <code>min == max</code> or <code>min > max</code> and <code>default == nil</code>
-- @author User:Demian
function p.toRangeString(min, max, default, valueFormat)
	min = tonumber(p.valueOrDefault(min, nil))
	max = tonumber(p.valueOrDefault(max, nil))
	default = tonumber(p.valueOrDefault(default, nil))

	if nil ~= min and nil ~= max then
		if min < max then
			return mw.ustring.format(mw.ustring.format("%s–%s", valueFormat, valueFormat), min, max)
		elseif nil == default then
			return nil
			return mw.ustring.format(valueFormat, default)

	return ""

--- Get all keys from <code>tbl</code> and sort them in alphabetical order.
-- @param #table tbl Table to get keys from
-- @return #table Input table keys in alphabetical order.
-- @author User:Demian
-- @see getSortedValues
function p.getSortedKeys(tbl)
	local sorted = {}

	for key in pairs(tbl) do
		table.insert(sorted, key)


	return sorted

--- Get all values from <code>tbl</code> and sort them in alphabetical order.
-- @param #table tbl Table to get values from
-- @return #table Input table values in alphabetical order.
-- @author User:Demian
-- @see getSortedKeys
function p.getSortedValues(tbl)
	local sorted = {}

	for _, value in ipairs(tbl) do
		table.insert(sorted, value)


	return sorted

--- Split <code>str</code> by the given character.
-- @param #string str String to split
-- @param #string separator String that separates values in <code>str</code>. May optionally be surrounded by 1 <em>whitespace</em> character by default.
-- @return #table Table of strings that were split from <code>str</code>.
-- @author User:Demian
-- @usage splitString("hello, world", ",") == {"hello", "world"}
function p.splitString(str, separator)
	local tbl = {}

	for token in mw.ustring.gmatch(str, mw.ustring.format("%%s?([^%s]+)%%s?", separator)) do
		table.insert(tbl, token)

	return tbl

--- Sort items in the given list of values <code>str</code> separated with <code>separator</code> and return them as a single string.
-- @param #string str String with values separated by <code>separator</code>
-- @param #string separator String that separates values in <code>str</code>
-- @param #string joiner String used to join sorted values from <code>str</code>.
-- @return #string <code>str</code> with items sorted in alphabetical order.
-- @author User:Demian
-- @usage sortListString("Dog,Ape, Cat", ",", ";") == "Ape;Cat;Dog"
function p.sortListString(str, separator, joiner)
	-- Split string by commas.
	-- Sort items.
	-- Rejoin into string.
	return table.concat(p.getSortedValues(p.splitString(str, separator)), joiner)

--- Check if a page with the title "<code>name</code> (<code>disambiguationTitle</code>)" exists in the database and return that page title, otherwise return "<code>name</code>".
-- Use sparingly as this uses a comparatively slow MediaWiki function check if a page exists.
-- Using this function p.will create a new entry in the <code>Special:WantedPages</code> list.
-- Be careful when calling this function p.and do not pass garbage into its parameters so you do not clog up that list.
-- This is a long-standing issue with MediaWiki that has not yet been solved, and may not be possible to solve without an architectural change to the software.
-- @param #string name Name of a page.
-- @param #string disambiguationTitle Disambiguation clarifier in a page title.
-- @return #string "<code>name</code> (<code>disambiguationTitle</code>)"
-- @return #string "<code>name</code>"
-- @author User:Demian
function p.getDirectPageName(name, disambiguationTitle)
	-- Try to get the actual end page instead of the disambiguation page if it exists.
	-- E.g. Salmon has "Salmon (animal)" and "Salmon (item)" as well as the "Salmon" disambiguation page between these two.
	local directPage = mw.ustring.format("%s (%s)", name, disambiguationTitle)
	return and directPage or name

--- Create a wikilink with [[square brackets]] from parameters.
-- @param #string pageName The actual name of a page to create a link to
-- @param #string displayText Text to display as a clickable link instead of the page name. If <code>nil</code>, <code>pageName</code> is displayed instead.
-- @param #bool twoLineDisplayText Force the <em>last word</em> of <code>displayText</code> on the next line
-- @return #string "[[<code>name</code>|<code>displayText</code>]]" if <code>displayText</code> is not <code>nil</code>
-- @return #string "[[<code>name</code>]]" if <code>displayText</code> is <code>nil</code> or the same string as <code>name</code>
-- @author User:Demian
function p.formatWikilink(pageName, displayText, twoLineDisplayText)
	local finalDisplayText = p.valueOrDefault(displayText, pageName)

	if twoLineDisplayText then
		local lastSpaceIdx = mw.ustring.find(finalDisplayText, " [^ ]*$")

		if nil ~= lastSpaceIdx then
			finalDisplayText = mw.ustring.format("%s<br>%s", mw.ustring.sub(finalDisplayText, 0, lastSpaceIdx-1), mw.ustring.sub(finalDisplayText, lastSpaceIdx+1))

	if pageName == finalDisplayText then
		return mw.ustring.format("[[%s]]", pageName)
		return mw.ustring.format("[[%s|%s]]", pageName, finalDisplayText)

--- Add thousands separator to given number and use custom decimal point.
-- Extension:NumberFormat is more extensive, but more cumbersome to use and also not installed at the moment.
-- @param #string number Number to format. Is processed as a string regardless of type.
-- @param #string thousandsSeparator String to place between each set of 3 digits. Default: " "
-- @param #string decimalPoint String to place between the whole and fractional part of the number. Default: "."
-- @return #string <code>number</code> with the specified thousands separator and decimal point.
-- @return #string <code>number</code> unchanged if it contained 1 or more characters that are <strong>not</strong> a: digit, one of ".,-", a space.
-- @author User:Demian
-- @usage formatNumber(-1234567.89) = "-1 234 567.89"
-- @usage formatNumber("1234567,89", ".", "_") = "1,234,567_89"
function p.formatNumber(number, thousandsSeparator, decimalPoint)
	-- Default separator to space.
	if nil == thousandsSeparator then
		thousandsSeparator = " "

	-- Default point to period.
	if nil == decimalPoint then
		decimalPoint = "."

	-- We're dealing with formatting a string here.
	local numberString = tostring(number)

	-- Check if the input number is reasonable.
	-- Does NOT check for multiple instance of each character.
	-- E.g. Inputting something like 123-456.789 will lead to incorrect results.
	-- I can't handle every edge case: garbage in, garbage out.
	-- The user has to have some responsibility in inputting reasonable numbers.
	if mw.ustring.find(numberString, "[^%d%.%-, ]") then
		return number

	-- Split input into parts.
	-- 1st group: MAY start with a "-".
	-- 2nd group: MUST contain 1 or more digits-
	-- 3rd group: MAY start with with one of ".,"
	-- 3rd group: MAY have 0 or more digits.
	local _, _, minus, digits, fraction = mw.ustring.find(tostring(numberString), "(-?)(%d+)([%.,]?%d*)")

	-- Reverse the string of digits.
	-- Append the thousands separator after (before when reversed again) each set of 3 digits.
	digits = mw.ustring.gsub(string.reverse(digits), "(%d%d%d)", mw.ustring.format("%%1%s", thousandsSeparator))

	-- Replace the existing decimal separator with the specified one.
	if "" ~= fraction then
		fraction = mw.ustring.format("%s%s",decimalPoint, mw.ustring.sub(fraction, 2))

	-- Reverse the string of digits back to the original direction.
	-- If the string digits starts with the thousands separator, remove the separator.
	-- Add the optional minus in front and the optional fractional part at the back.
	-- Need to remember to escape the thousandsSeparator, it could be "." which would translate to "any character"!
	return mw.ustring.format("%s%s%s", minus, mw.ustring.gsub(string.reverse(digits), mw.ustring.format("^%%s", thousandsSeparator), ""), fraction)

--- Check if the string is empty or <code>nil</code>.
-- @param #string str String to check
-- @return #bool <code>true</code> if <code>str</code> is <code>nil</code> or an empty string ("").
-- @author User:Demian
function p.isEmpty(str)
	return nil == str or "" == str

return p