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["178"] = "A set of rules about how the government works.",
["178"] = "A set of rules about how the government works.",
["179"] = "A constitution is a founding document defining how a society will be governed.  A constitution must be created before any other government object. They are created at a [[CapitolItem|Capitol]].<br /> <br />Overthrowing Governments<br />Once a capitol is placed, a constitution can be ratified by opening it and clicking Ratify. As long as there are no other constitutions, the government will be immediately created.<br /> <br />If there is already a constitution active, a new constitution can only take its place if the housing value of its room exceeds the existing constitution by a significant amount, depending on the server settings. <br /> <br />Note: A forthcoming update of Eco will allow multiple concurrent governments.",
["179"] = "A constitution is a founding document defining how a society will be governed.  A constitution must be created before any other government object. They are created at a [[CapitolItem|Capitol]].<br /> <br />Overthrowing Governments<br />Once a capitol is placed, a constitution can be ratified by opening it and clicking Ratify. As long as there are no other constitutions, the government will be immediately created.<br /> <br />If there is already a constitution active, a new constitution can only take its place if the housing value of its room exceeds the existing constitution by a significant amount, depending on the server settings. <br /> <br />Note: A forthcoming update of Eco will allow multiple concurrent governments.",
[180] = "The founding document for a government.",
["180"] = "The founding document for a government.",
[181] = "Demographics are classes of citizen, created in the government. These can then be used anywhere you can specify a citizen (permissions, laws, etc).<br /><br />For example, citizens could define a demographic 'Lumberjacks', which would only contain users with a logging skill level of 3 or more.  Then, a law could be created that only permits 'Lumberjacks' to cut down old-growth trees.<br /><br />Demographics are defined at a [[CensusBureauItem|Census Bureau]].<br /><br />Demographics can also have wages set on them. Wages are paid periodically as long as a citizen remains within the demographic.",
["181"] = "Demographics are classes of citizen, created in the government. These can then be used anywhere you can specify a citizen (permissions, laws, etc).<br /><br />For example, citizens could define a demographic 'Lumberjacks', which would only contain users with a logging skill level of 3 or more.  Then, a law could be created that only permits 'Lumberjacks' to cut down old-growth trees.<br /><br />Demographics are defined at a [[CensusBureauItem|Census Bureau]].<br /><br />Demographics can also have wages set on them. Wages are paid periodically as long as a citizen remains within the demographic.",
[182] = "Defines

Revision as of 12:20, 28 June 2024

The EcopediaData is currently used in:

-- Eco Version :
-- Export Language: English

return {
	["0"] = "Components related to the economy.",
	["1"] = "The Bank Component is where [[Bank Accounts]] are created and managed. Citizens can create multiple accounts for themselves or share accounts with other citizens. Accounts can also be assigned to [[Titles]] and [[Demographics]].",
	["2"] = "Account Users can perform transactions using the account (adding and removing funds).<br /><br />Account Managers can change the users in both the manager list and the user list, rename the account, and perform transactions. <br /><br />In the Advanced Settings, you can set the account as a Government Account.  Government accounts can receive and pay out tax funds, and are ignored when collecting tax and calculating personal wealth. To set this, you must have government banking priviliges, assigned by an [[Elected Titles|Elected Title]].",
	["3"] = "The Bank component is used to create and manage bank accounts",
	["4"] = "The Contract Board Component allows citizens to post and accepts [[Contracts]] and [[Work Parties]], allowing enforced labor and other agreements between citizens.",
	["5"] = "Setting Up a Contract",
	["6"] = "When posting a contract, it may have as many or as few clauses as desired, and each clause can be configured to describe the job requested.  Each clause must be satisfied before the contract is considered complete.<br /><br />When 'Auto-Accept' is checked, completion of contracts is auto-detected by the system.  For example, if a contract is set to build a road between two points, the contractor performing the work can open the contract in their side menu and press 'Job Finished', which will trigger a detection if the job is indeed complete. If so, the contract will be paid out according to the agreement and automatically closed.<br /><br />The 'Custom Clause' is a special clause that allows players to describe in words what they would like done. If a contract contains such a clause, it must be manually approved by the client (auto-accept may not be checked), since auto-detection can't determine when it's finished.<br />  <br />When auto-detection is unchecked, the contractor will click 'Job Finished' when they believe the job is done, and the contractor will then either accept or reject the completion.  Contracts without auto-accept require more trust between citizens, as there is no guarantee the contractor will honestly accept a completed job.  Citizens are advised to use [[Reputation]] as a means of determining trust in these situations.<br /><br />Contracts have a set time length they must be completed within, determined when posting the contract. In addition, contracts can be set to repeat for reoccurring jobs - when this is enabled, each time a contract is accepted the repetition counter will reduce by one.<br /><br />Any payment offered for a contract will be held in a special Escrow [[Bank Accounts|Bank Account]] while the contract is active.  If the contract completes successfully, that payment will be transferred to the contractor, and if it fails it will be refunded to the client.  A deposit can also be collected by the contractor, which will be held in escrow and refunded to the contractor upon successful completion, or given to the client upon failure.",
	["7"] = "Work Parties",
	["8"] = "[[Work Parties]] can also be posted on a Contract Board, allowing the creation of tasks that can be completed by multiple other citizens, as opposed to contracts which are an agreement between two parties only. Before posting a work party, a citizen must start a work order on a crafting table they own.<br /><br />After posting a work party, Laborers can join the project at the Contract Board. By default anyone can join the work party as a laborer, but requirements can be set for individual roles or general requirements for anyone to join. When 'Expand Roles When Full' is checked, space for new laborers to join is created automatically when all roles are filled.<br /><br />When setting the Work desired, the poster of the work party can decide to hire for labor, resources, or both. Any citizen who contributes to the work party will recieve a share of the payment based on the amount of work they provided. By assigning additional Weight to a particular job in a work party, that job will recieve a higher share of the payment.",
	["9"] = "There are a variety of Payment options for a work party, and multiple payment options can be offered for the same work party.<br /><br />- When offering [[Currency]] as a payment, there is an option to 'Pay as you Go' which will pay out laborers as they contribute instead of paying a lump sum when the contract is finished.<br /><br />- When offering [[Reputation]] as a payment, it will be split by all citizens who contributed when the work party is finished.<br /><br />- When offering [[Research]] as a payment, all citizens who contribute the required amount will instantly discover the technology when the work party is finished. Research can be offered as payment only when the work party is creating a research book or if the citizen offering the work party has the research book in their inventory when posting the work party.<br /><br />- When granting a [[Titles|Title]] as a payment, the citizen posting the contract must be a title manager for the title being offered. All citizens who contribute the minimum amount will be granted the new title. The Access Type determines if they will become a title manager or title user.",
	["10"] = "The Contract Board Component allows citizens to post or accept contracts and work party offers",
	["11"] = "The Credit Component allows citizens to set the currency and bank account for all transactions on an object they own.",
	["12"] = "When selecting [[Bank Accounts]], citizens can select any account they have been granted access to (performed in a [[Bank Component]]). By default, the citizen's personal account will be selected.<br /><br />Any of the world's [[Currency|Currencies]] can be selected in the Credit Component. This is the currency that will be used for any transactions that take place on that object (for example a [[Store Component|Store]] will accept whatever currency is set here). <br /><br />When selecting 'None' for the currency in a store, direct trades are possible without the need for a currency.<br /><br />Objects with a [[Crafting Component]] can define a fee for authorized citizens to use them. The settings in the Credit Component will determine what currency that fee is charged in and what account the funds are deposited to.",
	["13"] = "The Credit Component allows citizens to set the bank account and currency for transactions on an object.",
	["14"] = "The Deed Sales Component allows citizens to buy and sell [[Property]].",
	["15"] = "By visiting a [[Real Estate Desk|Real Estate Desk]], citizens can create listings for their deeds and view the listings of other citizens. All posted listings can be accessed from any real estate desk.<br /><br />When creating a listing, the property owner sets the price and [[Currency]] used. All revenue will go into the selected [[Bank Accounts|Bank Account]].<br /><br />When buying a deed, the currency will be taken from the bank account selected by the buyer. <br /><br />After property is sold, the deed and all objects contained on the deed are transferred to the new owner.",
	["16"] = "The Deed Sales Component allows citizens to buy and sell property.",
	["17"] = "The Exchange Component allows citizens to trade one [[Currency]] for another.",
	["18"] = "Exchanging Currency",
	["19"] = "The owner of a [[CurrencyExchangeItem]] uses the Exchange Component to offer currency exchanges to other citizens. When setting up an exchange, the Owner Currency is the currency being offered for sale. For each unit of owner currency purchased, citizens will be charged the set amount of alternate currency.<br /><br />When an [[Authorization Component|Authorized Consumer]] visits the currency exchange, they will see a list of all offered exchanges. By default, all citizens are authorized consumers.",
	["20"] = "Exchange Restrictions",
	["21"] = "The owner of the Currency Exchange has the option to setup Balance Restrictions. These will prevent citizens from exchanging currency if the amount of currency in the chosen account does not meet the restriction.<br /><br />The number on the left is the minimum currency holding and the number on the right is the maximum currency holding. If either value for the balance restriction is left at 0, there will be no limit for that part of the balance restriction.",
	["22"] = "Allows citizens to setup a currency exchange .",
	["23"] = "The Item Distribution Component allows the owner to provide free items to new citizens, as an act of good will and to boost initial citizen prosperity.",
	["24"] = "All new citizens who qualify (based on how long they have played) can collect their items by visiting the [[DistributionStationItem]]. Upon entering the world, new citizens will start with a global map marker to alert them that the items are available. Note that the [[Storage Component]] must remain stocked with the items being distributed to allow new citizens to collect them.<br /><br />The owner may designate what items are to be distributed, how many of each item, and how recently the citizen must have joined the world to be eligible.",
	["25"] = "Allows the owner to provide free items to new citizens, as an act of good will and to boost initial citizen prosperity.",
	["26"] = "The Mint Component allows citizens to create [[Currency|Currencies]] which are backed by a resource.",
	["27"] = "When creating a currency at a [[MintItem]], a backing item is chosen, as well as an amount of Coins per Item that are generated from each item consumed.  By using a backing item for currency, the total possible amount of currency can be limited to the number of items contributed, thus providing more stability as it becomes harder to flood the market with new currency.  The choice in backing item will affect this, with more rare items generally providing more stability by being harder to obtain.<br /><br />The backing material and coins per item are permanent, so take care when deciding how to back a currency. Once a currency is minted, it will become tied to the mint it was created on, even if that mint is picked up.<br /><br />Citizens who have been granted consumer rights in the [[Authorization Component]] can use the Mint Component to mint additional currency. Currency can be minted into the target [[Bank Accounts|Bank Account]] selected by the mint owner, or any bank account the citizen minting has access to in the [[Bank Component]].",
	["28"] = "Allows citizens to create and print backed currencies.",
	["29"] = "The Store Component allows citizens to set items they wish to buy from and sell to other citizens. These actions can happen automatically, not requiring the store owner to be online.",
	["30"] = "The currency and bank account selected in the [[Credit Component]] will be used for all transactions at the store. When selecting 'None' for the currency in a store, direct trades are possible that are not subject to sales tax. <br /> <br />A store owner can link specific containers in the [[Storage Component]] to pick which items are considered part of the store's inventory. By default, all nearby storage containers are linked to the store when it is first placed.<br /><br />When creating a Sale List, only the price needs to be set. The inventory for a Sale List is determined automatically by the availability of items in the linked storage containers.<br /><br />When creating a Purchase List, the price and Max to Buy quantity for each item must be decided. If the Max to Buy quantity is left at zero, the store will continue to purchase items until the linked containers are full. If a Max to Buy quantity is specified, citizens can sell that item until the linked storage contains that amount.<br /><br />For tools with durability, a minimum durability to buy/sell can be set, and only items of that durability or higher will be eligible for trade via the store.",
	["32"] = "Sets up an interface for other citizens to buy and sell goods from/to you automatically.",
	["33"] = "Components related to the government.",
	["34"] = "The Civic Action Component allows citizens to participate in [[Elections]], perform [[Executive Actions]], and resign from office, depending on which object is being used.",
	["35"] = "Participating in Elections",
	["36"] = "When using the Civic Action Component at a [[Ballot Box|Ballot Box]], citizens can run for [[Elected Titles]] and participate in elections. <br /><br />By pressing the Vote button, players are redirected to the web interface where they can see all running [[Elections]], discuss them with their fellow citizens, provide evidence for their arguments with [[Data]], and vote.  <br /><br />Citizens who have been granted Veto power in the current [[Election Processes|Election Process]] can instantly overturn an election.<br /><br />To run for elected titles, first an eligible citizen must use the Start Election action. Once an election has started, eligible citizens can select Enter Election to join the race and give a campaign speech. Candidates can opt to Withdraw from Election at any time using the option available on a Ballot Box.",
	["37"] = "Performing Executive Actions",
	["38"] = "Using the Civic Action Component at an [[Executive Office|Executive Office]] allows an elected title to perform one-time executive actions that affect a set of citizens.<br /><br />The Citizen Conditions dictate which citizens the executive action applies to, and multiple conditions can be set for a citizen to quality. To perform an action for all citizens, use the [[Demographic]] ‘Everyone’ as the citizen condition.<br /><br />The Action on Each Citizen will take effect as soon as the executive action is approved. Multiple actions can be performed at once for each citizen who meets the conditions.",
	["39"] = "Government Office Actions",
	["40"] = "At the [[Government Office|Government Office]], the Civic Action Component allows elected titles to resign or remove other elected titles from office.<br /><br />The Resign from Office action allows any elected official to step down from their position. If a Successor title was assigned to the Elected Title when it was created, a new official will be randomly selected from all citizens holding that title; otherwise the Elected Title becomes vacant.<br /><br />The Remove Official from Office action allows citizens who have be given the authority the remove elected titles from office. The same rules for finding a successor apply as if the official resigned.",
	["41"] = "Allows citizens to participate in elections and perform executive actions.",
	["42"] = "The Civic Object Component allows citizens to propose, amend, and repeal various Civic Objects.",
	["43"] = "Civic Duties",
	["44"] = "Within a Civic Object Component, you will see a list of your [[Civic Duties]]. This informs the citizen what permissions they have regarding civic objects, given the current [[Constitution]].The possibilities of different civic duties are:",
	["45"] = "The Civic Object Component allows citizens to propose, amend, and repeal civic objects.",
	["46"] = "The Registrar Component allows for the creation and management of non-elected [[Titles]].  These titles can be used for many of the same purposes as [[Elected Titles]], but they are appointed at the Registrar.",
	["47"] = "Assigning Titles",
	["48"] = "Title Managers can rename the title and assign new managers and title holders. Title Managers are not considered Title Users.<br /><br />Title Users are the citizens considered title holders and receive all associated benefits and conditions.",
	["49"] = "Advanced Settings",
	["50"] = "In the Advanced Settings, requirements for title holders can be set, and hourly wages can be assigned to title holders who qualify.<br />  <br />When deciding what is Required of Office Holders a variety of conditions can be set. If a citizen fails to maintain these requirements, they will lose their assignment as a Title User. By using a 'Set of Conditions', multiple requirements can be set for title holders.<br /> <br />Wages are paid to Title Users from any [[Bank Accounts|Bank Account]] that a Title Manager has been given to permission to use in the [[Bank Component]]. Wages are paid each hour (depending on World settings) into the personal account of each Title User. The Wage Type can be used to exclude offline hours from wage payments.",
	["51"] = "Allows creation and management of non-elected titles.",
	["52"] = "The Treasury Component allows [[Elected Titles]] that have been granted the right to 'Set Taxes at the Treasury' to adjust the tax rate and select the World Default Currency.",
	["53"] = "Taxes",
	["54"] = "After [[Taxes]] are set in the Treasury Component, they are automatically applied to all relevant transactions. All revenue goes into the Treasury [[Bank Accounts|Bank Account]]. Elected titles that have the setting 'Government Banking Privileges' can transact directly from the Treasury account (allowing selection of the account within the [[Credit Component]]).  Money can also come out of the treasury via [[Laws]] that make payments to citizens.",
	["55"] = "World Default Currency",
	["56"] = "The World Default Currency is the default [[Currency]] used when placing a new object that contain the Credit Component. Citizens can still choose to use any currency in a [[Trade]], but having a World Default Currency makes it is easier to establish an economy with a common currency.",
	["57"] = "Direct Taxes",
	["58"] = "Elected Titles with rights to 'Set Taxes at the Treasury' can tax or allocate funds directly from citizens. This is done through managing the desired currency and selecting which citizens the action will apply to. An elected title must always give a reason why they are performing this action that is displayed to all citizens.<br />	  <br />Treasury management also includes the option to dump currency from the Treasury account. This will remove the currency permanently, so take care when using this ability on backed currencies.",
	["59"] = "Allows citizens holding an Elected Title with tax permission to set taxes and select the World Default Currency.",
	["60"] = "Components related to housing.",
	["61"] = "The Authorization Component allows specifying what permissions citizens have on the object.",
	["62"] = "The Deed displayed here is simply a link to the deed of the [[Property]] which the object is on (or the deed associated with the [[Vehicle Component|Vehicle]] if it is one).<br /><br />Authorized Consumers can be listed here, either as specific people, [[Titles]], or [[Demographics]].  Anyone listed can interact with the object without having full control.  A store, for example, will allow citizens with consumer rights to buy and sell there, but only citizens with full rights to the property may change what is for sale, or move the store itself.<br /><br />All placed objects have authorization components.",
	["63"] = "Allows citizens to set the access rights of a given object.",
	["64"] = "Beds allow citizens to accelerate time when all citizens are using it simultaneously (or offline).  <br />  <br />(This feature is disabled by default on dedicated servers to prevent accelerating time when users are offline, but can be enabled by a server administrator.)",
	["65"] = "Allows sleeping in single-player servers or servers where sleep is enabled.",
	["66"] = "Components related to industry.",
	["67"] = "The Crafting Component is used to [[Crafting|Craft]] items, add resources or labor, and cancel existing projects. When contributing to a [[Work Parties|Work Party]], the Crafting Component can be accessed by citizens who have joined the work party.",
	["68"] = "Crafting Items",
	["69"] = "After selecting an item and quantity to craft, resources and labor are required to start the project. These resources can be added manually (placing them directly on the crafting table) or by linking a [[Storage Component]] that contains them.<br /><br />Citizens with a related [[Specialties|Specialty]] require less calories to add labor. Some projects require skilled labor from a citizen with the corresponding specialty. This reduction is applied after the work order is started so citizens of various skill level can contribute to the same work party.<br /><br />By adding an upgrade in the [[Modules Component]], work orders on a crafting table will have reduced crafting time and resource costs.<br /><br />If a project is cancelled early (by right clicking the order), the resources will be refunded but the spent labor will be lost.",
	["70"] = "Adding Labor",
	["71"] = "For every unit of labor needed, [[Nutrition|Calories]] are consumed. After a work order is started, citizens can add labor by pressing the 'Work' button in the Crafting Component. <br /><br />Once a project is started, labor can quickly be added from outside the Crafting Component by right clicking on a crafting table. When adding labor in this way, holding down 'Ctrl' will add 5x the normal amount of labor. Holding down 'Alt' will add all available calories.",
	["72"] = "Tagged Ingredients",
	["73"] = "Some recipes use Tagged Ingredients that can accept similar items as inputs. For example, an item may specify it needs 'Rock', and will accept any type of rock with that tag ([[GraniteItem]], [[BasaltItem]], etc).<br />	<br />Tagged ingredients will be consumed automatically, so there is no need to create separate orders using the different ingredients.",
	["74"] = "Parent Recipes",
	["75"] = "Some recipes are part of larger group of recipes, known as Parent Recipes. When crafting one of these recipes, a citizen may select a specific variation to produce. The number crafted will be the quantity selected for the parent recipe.<br /><br />By default only recipes that have available resources will be displayed. By checking 'Show All', all possible variations will be displayed.",
	["76"] = "The Crafting Component is used to craft items and add labor to projects.",
	["77"] = "The Module Component allows citizens to insert upgrades into their [[Crafting]] tables. After inserting an upgrade, work orders on that table will have reduced resource costs and crafting times.",
	["78"] = "Using Upgrades",
	["79"] = "Upgrades come in five different quality levels. A level 1 upgrade decreases the resource cost and craft time by 10%, with each progressive level adding an additional decrease.<br /><br />Crafting tables accept different types of upgrades. Early tables accept 'Basic Upgrades', while later tables require 'Advanced Upgrades' or 'Modern Upgrades'. Each tier of upgrade has five different quality levels, with the highest quality level being a Specialty Upgrade.<br /><br />Some recipes have costs using Static Ingredients. Static ingredients are not affected by the resource cost reduction, but the recipes that contain them still get a reduction for crafting time.",
	["80"] = "Specialty Upgrades",
	["81"] = "The highest level of upgrade can only be crafted by a citizen who has reached the maximum level in their chosen [[Specialties|Specialty]]. Unlike other upgrades, these upgrades recieve an additional cost reduction when crafting recipes using the specified profession.<br /><br />Some specialties have different tiers of upgrades that correspond to different crafting tables. For example, [[CarpentrySkill]] has the [[CarpentryBasicUpgradeItem]] for the [[CarpentryTableItem]] and the [[CarpentryAdvancedUpgradeItem]] for the [[SawmillItem]].",
	["82"] = "Allows citizens to upgrade their crafting tables.",
	["83"] = "The Pipe Component allows a citizen to check the status of an object’s smog output, water usage, and sewage flow.",
	["84"] = "Smog Output",
	["85"] = "By checking the Smog Output tooltip, a citizen can find additional information about the current object’s pollution output and the world’s [[Pollution]] levels.<br />	<br />Pipes can be used to redirect the flow of the air pollution. The pipes containing the Smog Output can have multiple inputs but must have only one open end, outside of all rooms, and above the object.<br /><br />Objects that emit smog pollution only pollute when the object is active.",
	["86"] = "Water and Sewage",
	["87"] = "Objects with a Water Input and pumps with a Water Output connect through a system of pipes. Water pipes systems can have multiple inputs for water pumps and multiple outputs for each object with a water demand.	<br /><br />By checking the water tooltip in the Pipe Component, a citizen can see exactly how much water an object is producing or consuming. If there is not enough water being produced, objects will start to become inactive.<br /><br />Pipes containing Sewage Output function similar to water pipes, but the [[Sewage]] they contain is a source of ground pollution. After [[Waste Filter|Waste Filters]] are invented, the sewage output can be piped into to a filter to mitigate the ground pollution.",
	["88"] = "The Pipe Component allows a citizen to check the status of an object’s smog output and water usage.",
	["89"] = "The Power Component is used to check the status of local power grid. It is also used to check the consumption of objects that require fuel to operate.",
	["90"] = "Fuel",
	["91"] = "Objects that consume fuel will can have fuel input here, and each may require different types of fuel to operate. The tooltips for the accepted fuel contain a list of specific items that can be used to fuel the object. Fuel can also be added from the [[Storage Component]].<br /><br />While operating, an object consumes fuel every second, measured in Watts (W). Each type of fuel contains a different amount of potential energy, measured in Joules (J). For every 1 Watt needed per second, 1 Joule of energy is consumed. Fuel is not consumed while the object is inactive.",
	["92"] = "Energy Stats",
	["93"] = "There are two types of [[Power]] that can be used by an object, Electric and Mechanical. The power grid displays the type and availability of the needed power for this object. If there is not enough power supply to match the power demanded, objects will become inactive.<br /><br />Power generators that consume fuel become inactive if there are no nearby objects demanding power. There is no need to turn them on and off to conserve fuel.",
	["94"] = "The Power Component is used to check the supply and demand for power and fuel.",
	["95"] = "The Repair Component allows citizens to repair tools at a [[ToolBenchItem]].",
	["96"] = "After inserting a broken tool, the repair costs will appear. Advanced tools can be repaired for less resources by citizens with the corresponding [[Specialties|Specialty]]. The resources used can be manually added by a citizen or taken from a linked container in the [[Storage Component]].<br /><br />The owner of a Tool Bench can allow other citizens access to repair their own tools for a fee set in the [[Credit Component]]. When offering tool repair to the public, consumer rights must be given in the [[Authorization Component]].",
	["97"] = "Allows citizens to repair tools.",
	["98"] = "The Status Component allows citizens to see the requirements for an object to be active, and which of those requirements are met. If an object causes [[Pollution]], the status component also shows the lifetime pollution production for that object.",
	["99"] = "Object Status",
	["100"] = "Each condition in the Status Component must be satisfied before an object can be active.  Some examples of conditions include:<br /><br />- Being contained in a valid [[Rooms|Room]]<br /><br />- Having enough [[Power]]<br /><br />- A working [[Sewage]] system",
	["101"] = "Status Indicator",
	["102"] = "When interacting with an object with a Status Component, citizens can quickly see the status of the object by checking the status indicator in the top left corner. A green circle means an object is active while a red circle means it is inactive.",
	["103"] = "Displays if an object is active or inactive and why.",
	["104"] = "The Storage Component is used to manage the inventory of storage containers and link them to objects that need storage.",
	["105"] = "Managing Storage",
	["106"] = "Inventory can be moved between containers by dragging stacks of items from one container to another.<br /><br />Holding down the 'Shift' key while dragging items will move all stacks of the same item between containers. Right clicking a stack of items will allow a player to divide a stack into smaller quantities. Holding down ‘Ctrl’ when clicking a stack of items will split the stack in half.<br /><br />Some storage containers, like a [[StockpileItem]], can contain any type of item. Other storage containers, like a [[StorageChestItem]], can only contain non-carriable items.",
	["107"] = "Linking Storage Containers",
	["108"] = "An object can be linked to containers in the Storage Component by selecting the check box for the container. Once linked, the object gain access to all items in the containers and can use the container for storage. When linking storage containers, the topmost container in the Storage Component will be used first for storage.  The order can be changed by clicking and dragging the storage displays in the list.",
	["109"] = "Manages inventory and allows linking storage to other objects.",
	["110"] = "An economy thriving with trade is essential to developing the technology needed to stop the meteor.",
	["111"] = "Bank accounts are storages of [[Currency]] that one or more citizen can access.  Each citizen enters the world with a permanent Personal Bank Account, containing an infinite amount of their Personal Credit. Additional bank accounts can be granted and have their access-rights adjusted at a [[bank component|Bank]].<br /><br />Bank accounts are useful for organizing currency, allowing access to funds by multiple parties, and storing the collection of taxes and designating who can access them.  Governments will generally setup a number of bank accounts to manage the in-flow of taxes, ensuring the funds are used as intended.  Each bank account can hold unlimited amounts of unlimited currencies, with each currency tracked separately. Clicking on the bank account will display the ledger listing all transactions to or from it, as all transactions in Eco are public.",
	["112"] = "Bank accounts serve as a storage and separation of currency for various uses by various citizens and government entities.",
	["113"] = "A contract is an agreement between two citizens created at a [[contract board component|Contract Board]].  The agreement can have any number of clauses, and specify combinations of work to be performed and compensation to be paid.  It is posted by the client citizen, and can be accepted by any valid citizen asynchronously.",
	["114"] = "Examples of contract include:<br />    - Create a road between two designated points.<br />    - Loan money between two parties with a given interest rate and due date.<br />    - Build a room of given requirements at a specific location.<br />    - Custom requirements described in text, and accepted/rejected by the client upon completion.",
	["115"] = "Contracts maintain an agreement between two citizens.",
	["116"] = "Crafting is the creation of new products from ingredients, labor, and/or power.  Crafting may also create byproducts that cause pollution and negatively affec the environemnt.  It forms the backbone of the economy, generating demand for resources which come from the ecosystem around them, as well as demand for individual skilled labor and shared services like [[Power Component|Power]] or [[Sewage]].<br /><br />Any table which has a [[Crafting Component]] can create products defined in a list. Crafting tables can be shared, each having configurable [[Authorization Component]] that determines who may access them, and fees can be set in the [[Credit Component]] on the table to earn money from sharing your table.<br /><br />The inputs and outputs can either be taken directly from the crafting table, or placed in an attached [[Storage Component]].  Placing ingredients and products in storage allows citizens to queue up large orders that run automatically. <br /><br />Many recipes require labor of a specific [[skills overview|Skill]].  While any citizen can start a crafting recipe or contribute ingredients, only a citizen with the required skills may add labor to it.  To form a group and have many citizens contribute to a work order while sharing in payment, [[Work Parties]] may be created.",
	["117"] = "Crafting is the creation of products by citizens at specific tables.",
	["118"] = "Currencies are a means of facilitating trade, as a representation of value. Their value is entirely determined by how they’re used.<br /><br />There are two types of currencies in Eco, backed and unbacked.<br />  <br />An unbacked currency is currency by fiat, and every player starts with their own personal currency with an infinite amount. These are especially useful early game when there is no global currency designated.  However, these currencies require a lot of trust that the owner of them does not manipulate their value, as they have an unlimited amount and can easily destabilize an economy that uses them.<br />  <br />Backed currencies are much more stable. A backed currency is created at a [[Mint Component|Mint]] by converting a currency supporting material into coins.  More currency can only be created by acquiring more of the given material.  This provides a much stronger limit on the amounts of currency that can be introduced into the world and forms a stronger foundation for global trade.  Often, a world will choose to move from a collection of personal currencies to one or more backed currencies as the economy grows through the arc of the game, and more global trade and collaboration is required.<br />  <br />Currencies can be transferred to others in the Economy Viewer, as well as through [[Trade]].  All currency is stored in a [[Bank Accounts|Bank Account]].",
	["119"] = "Currency is a societal construct that makes trade easier.",
	["120"] = "Economy has frequently nothing whatever to do with the amount of money being spent, but with the wisdom used in spending it.<br />    Henry Ford",
	["121"] = "The economy comprises the actions of harvesting, production and trade among citizens, taking from the [[Ecosystem Overview|Ecosystem]] under the regulation of the [[Government Overview|Government]]. Citizens will need to ensure a smoothly running economy in order to progress technology enough to stop the meteor, without letting it run amok and destroy the planet through pollution in the process.",
	["122"] = "Economy Concepts",
	["123"] = "- [[Crafting]]. Using industrial tools to create new goods.<br />  - [[Trade]]. Exchange of goods created by individuals with different specialties or access to resources.<br />  - [[Transport]].  Moving resources from place to place, and building infrastructure throughout the world to do so.<br />  - [[Research]]. Advancing human knowledge for the betterment of society.<br />  - [[Currency]]. A representation of value created by citizens that facilitates economic activity.<br />  - [[Work Parties]]. Organized labor groups sharing rewards.<br />  - [[Contracts]]. Agreements between two citizens regarding labor or other arrangements.<br />  - [[Bank Accounts]]. Containers of currency with configurable access.<br />  - [[Finance]]. Providing capital to other citizens to help them progress while making a profit yourself.",
	["124"] = "The economy consists of all resource usage, trade, and technological progress by citizens.",
	["125"] = "Through the use of [[Contracts]], Citizens in Eco can create loan and bond agreements between two parties, tracking automatically the interest payment and due date of the funds.  Loans and bonds are a great way for new citizens to collaborate with long-time citizens with more wealth in a way that benefits both parties and increases societal progress.<br /><br />If a citizen takes a loan, the offering party gives them money which they are expected to pay with interest.<br />If a citizen purchases a bond, they give money to the offering party which they expect to be repaid with interest.<br /><br />Penalties for defaulting on loans can be constructed using [[Laws]], by watching for the Default on Loan/Bond trigger.  Actions can then be taken, such as repossessing property or applying other penalties and fines.",
	["126"] = "Finance is the management of currency to promote progress.",
	["127"] = "Each player can affect the Reputation of any other player, which can in turn be used as a factor in laws, contracts, etc, which may query a citizens reputation and determine privileges (or lack thereof) based on the value). To set reputation on a citizen, hover over their name in chat and click their reputation listing in the tooltip (a list of all citizens can be found on the page [[Current Citizens]]).",
	["128"] = "Reputation is modified by a Network Multiplier, which is a calculate as +1 for every citizen giving you positive reputation, and -1 for every citizen giving you negative reputation.  This way, it becomes more beneficial to help many citizens and gain a wide-spread reputation than to focus narrowly on a few citizens.  Relative Reputation is another value that only takes into account citizens that you have given positive reputation to.",
	["129"] = "A value set by other citizens or from laws that represents your social standing.",
	["130"] = "Research creates new shareable knowledge, unlocking new types of products and abilities.  It is conducted at a [[ResearchTableItem]] where you craft a skill book.  Once created, a skill book can be used to create an unlimited number of skill scrolls, which will unlock the specialty for a citizen that uses one.<br /><br />Each skill scroll is a one-time-use consumable that unlocks a new [[specialties|Specialty]] in whomever uses it, which must then be claimed with a level-up through the [[skills overview|Skills]] system.  Gaining a new skill scroll also grants the citizen the benefit of a set of [[Property|Property Claim Papers]], which allows them to claim more land as they gain in skill.<br />    <br />Skill books are some of the most difficult items to create, and citizens will typically need to collaborate to acquire all the various resources and labor required to produce them.  As such, research projects are especially well-suited for [[Work Parties]], as citizens can use them to share the work needed to create them along with the knowledge reward upon completion.",
	["131"] = "Research creates new shareable knowledge, unlocking new types of products and abilities.",
	["132"] = "Trade with your fellow citizens is essential in Eco, as each player has a set of [[Specialties]] that they can contribute to most effectively while trading with other citizens who are skilled in professions in which they are not. <br /><br /> - Trades can be setup at a [[Store Component]], listing buy/sell prices for the different goods you would like.  Citizens can then buy and sell goods to you asynchronously, without being present.<br /> - Trade of labor can happen through [[Contracts]] and [[Work Parties]], allowing players to perform work for payment within agreed upon terms.  This can be performed asynchronously as well.<br /> - Trade of currencies can happen at a [[Exchange Component|Currency Exchange]], listing buy/sell prices for exchanges of different currencies.<br /> - Trade is facilitated by [[Transport]] and building transportation infrastructure between the burgeoning hubs of your civilization will greatly promote the ability to trade.<br /> - Trade is subject to [[Taxes]], set by the Government[[government overview]], which can either promote or reduce the value of certain trades.",
	["133"] = "Trade between citizens of different abilities and possessing different goods is the backbone of the economy.",
	["134"] = "With resources spread out through the world and the locations where they are collected and processed differing from where they’re used, transport becomes a critical factor to success in Eco.<br /><br />To efficiently transform materials, you’ll need to create vehicles to carry them, and those require flattening the ground into roads.  Using a [[StoneRoadToolItem]] you can flatten ground and make it usable be vehicles, and with ramps you can make gentle slopes that vehicles can travel on.  More advanced vehicles will require mode advanced roads to travel efficiently, and roads will need to be upgraded periodically as new technology comes available.<br /><br />Building roads between villages and resource caches will take time and the effort of many citizens, and is a great candidate for public works projects funded by [[Taxes]] and built using [[Work Parties]].  As the world progresses in technology, more and more transportation infrastructure will be created to aid the flow of commerce, eventually growing to a point where the road construction and vehicle usage will create an impact on the environment.  Careful management of this influence will be key to preserving the ecosystems that they pass through.",
	["135"] = "With resources and their usage spread out across the world, transforming the world by building transportation infrastructure becomes necessary.",
	["136"] = "A Work Party is an agreement among multiple citizens to perform work.  They are started by an individual citizen by visiting a [[Contract Board Component|Contract Board]] after creating a work order.<br /><br />The citizen issuing a Work Party can define the various parameters of the work, which includes:<br /> - The work orders to be completed.<br /> - What is required of citizens who want to join the work party.<br /> - What payment will be given to people who participate.<br /> - How that payment will be distributed.<br /> - How that payment will be distributed.<br /><br />Work parties are especially useful for performing [[Research]]. A citizen can setup a research project, costing a large amount of resources, and attach a work party to it. Citizens can then automatically join the work party (even when the issuing citizen is offline, if they meet the designated requirements) and start performing the task.<br /><br />Payment can take a variety of forms:<br />- [[Currency]], distributed based on how much work is performed, either immediately or upon completion.<br />- [[Reputation]], given from the work party creator to the laborer (subject to the daily limits of reputation that may be given).<br />- Knowledge of a specific specialty (the same effect as reading a skill-scroll). For this benefit, the work party creator must possess the skill book for the specialty, or it must be crafted in one of the work orders of the party.<br />- Granting a [[Title]], which can give them new privileges for accessing property and other abilities.<br /><br />The economy of Eco is focused not just on trading of goods but trading of labor, and work parties make it easy to farm out many kinds of work to the general populace.",
	["137"] = "Work Parties are joint agreements by a number of players to perform a given task, with compensation being distributed in various ways.",
	["138"] = "The living biome of the world, providing resources which humans must use to survive.",
	["139"] = "The huge diversity and richness of life across the planet can be broadly categorized into areas called biomes. Biomes in Eco are regions of the world that fall into particular ranges of precipitation and temperature. Because of these simulated physical differences, different species of microorganisms, plants, fungi, and animals are able to survive and thrive in different biomes. Each biome in Eco hosts a unique set of resources for players to discover and extract in order to build and fuel their societies. Communities of life within each biome have interdependent relationships usually tied to habitat, diet, and soil which in turn arise because of the climate and earth resources present. <br />  <br />Biomes are ecosystems within the global ecosystem, and within biomes there are sometimes further divisions or ‘sub-biomes’, such as the high desert, tallgrass prairie grasslands, glacial ice in the tundra, or marine coasts. Biomes and sub-biomes are contiguous units, many of which have restrictions about which biomes they can reside next to or within. Over time, as conditions change due to player influence biomes have the potential to be radically reshaped. <br /><br />Climate change may shift the boundaries of biomes, displacing communities-- some species will survive and adapt, but others will not be so resilient. Direct displacement of soil and other habitat destruction from activities like construction, farming, mining, and logging will also have an impact on species within biomes to differing degrees. Species of plants or animals might not only prefer particular biomes, but particular parts of sub-biomes, which will mean a greater impact if those highly localized areas are altered or destroyed. Resilient and adaptive species will be able to thrive across biome boundaries as they are altered, but those same species may become a threat to more sensitive plants or animals in the new biomes they are introduced to.",
	["140"] = "Biomes in Eco:",
	["141"] = "Ocean : The parts of the ocean on the continental shelves, abundant with life.<br />Deep Ocean : The deepest parts of the ocean, bearing the largest marine species and migrating populations of fish.<br />Cold Coast : Beaches and shallow waters in colder climates.<br />Warm Coast : Beaches and shallow waters in warmer climates.<br />Wetlands : A unique biome characterized by a saturation of the soil with fresh or brackish water.<br />Grasslands : A biome where there is enough water to support grasses but not many trees.<br />Desert : The dryest biome, and in Eco currently the hottest as well.<br />Cold Forest : A biome wet enough to support dense tree cover, and cold enough that conniferous trees tend to dominate.<br />Warm Forest : A biome wet enough to support dense tree cover, and warm enough that broadleaf trees tend to dominate.<br />Rainforest : A wet and warm biome that supports a forest abundant with plant and animal life.<br />Taiga : A cold and somewhat dry biome that supports a sparse forest of conniferous trees.<br />Tundra : A very cold biome that cannot support trees but is host to a unique plant and animal community.<br />Ice : The coldest areas of the land, covered by glacial ice. <br /><br />There are also a few sub-biomes in Eco currently:<br /><br />High Desert : A geologically uplifted part of the desert with species more tolerant to cold and that enjoy the steep cliffs caused by erosion.<br />Cold Steppe : A slightly colder grassland, often characterized by even fewer trees and larger open spaces.",
	["142"] = "The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.",
	["143"] = "Graphs",
	["144"] = "Each Eco world stores every action in the game and monitors the progress of every aspect of the simulation. Data is stored in a few major categories, specifically the ecosystem and the economy. As players perform actions or as the ecosystem changes, it will be represented on graphs visible to citizens.<br /><br />Graphs are most useful for comparing the states of various metrics and viewing them overtime. As such, they’re especially useful for determining the results of laws and regulations in retrospect, by studying how things changed after they were implemented.  They are also useful for extrapolating into future effects, projecting the rate at which things are changing (i.e., population dropping as a result of deforestation) and making changes before they occur. Reading, composing, and understanding graphs is a very powerful tool for the government, and citizens are given the tools to craft graphs that support or refute arguments and present them to their fellow citizens directly on discussions for civic actions.",
	["145"] = "Heatmaps",
	["146"] = "Eco worlds are varied places, with many different biomes and locations of human development and environmental impact. To view how different parts of the world vary, heatmaps are available for all the various world effects in the game.  Such values as citizen activity, population rates, pollution rates, temperature, moisture, and dozens more can be viewed through heatmaps, with changes recorded over time that can be played back and used for scientific argumentation.<br /><br />Players can view these in two ways: through the minimap in game, which can also display colored terrain in the game.   Secondly, they can be viewed in the web browser, where their ability to play back over time is taken advantage of. A snapshot of each heatmap is stored in the server data every 10 minutes (configurable), and citizens can view time lapse views of how the heat maps change over time.  This is essential to measuring impacts in specific locations and determining the best routes to build infrastructures and news settlements.",
	["147"] = "Mini-Map",
	["148"] = "The minimap is a powerful tool within the game that serves many purposes: navigation, planning, data viewing, property locating, and many more. It can be enabled to view the various world layers of the game (heatmaps), highlighting regions that are high/low in population, pollution, citizen activity, etc using a gradient of colors.  World markers can be added manually, or globally for all citizens, to direct to specific points, aiding the coordination of human activity. These markers are also used to direct citizens automatically to dynamic work, specifying where roads should be built in a contract, where to deliver goods for transport, and so on.<br /><br />Currently we’re working on adding in-game designation of property and districts, as well as specifying specific land areas for work parties and contracts, allowing for example citizens to highlight in-game the areas they wish to hire others to plow a field, or build a road, etc. This will greatly open up the ability for the labor market, letting citizens be much more specific in an easier way when designating where they would like work performed.",
	["149"] = "The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.",
	["150"] = "The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.\n– Nelson Henderson",
	["151"] = "The ecosystem is an end unto itself in Eco, and its continued prosperity is the primary goal of the game, alongside economic progress. That is, the ecosystem starts in a win-state, and players must use its resources without bringing it into a lose-state, which would mean destruction for humanity.<br /><br />The ecosystem in Eco runs on a continuous simulation, active as long as the server is running, regardless of whether players are in the game or not. Each simulated plant and animal are growing, consuming food sources and reproducing. It is the sole source of materials from which players must build their society, and the process of extracting them will affect it greatly. Chopping down a forest might destroy a creature’s habitat, driving them to extinction. Mine tailings may pollute nearby rivers and lakes, poisoning farms that rely on it. The actions players take in Eco affect their environment, and players will need to understand the impact they’re having in order to thrive and stop the meteor. It is not an option to leave the ecosystem in a pristine, untouched state; the meteor ensures that choice will also lead to the ecosystem’s destruction. To save it, citizens must take from it, building a society that has the power to stop the meteor, while also having the restraint to not destroy the ecosystem in the process.",
	["152"] = "Gameplay",
	["153"] = "The ecosystem is the foundational system which citizens must understand and contend with. From growing large [[Farming|Farms]] and [[Mining|Mines]] to understanding the impact of [[Pollution]] through study, the impact of citizens on the ecosystem will determine the success or failure of player decisions. Understanding how it functions using in-game [[Data]] becomes a key requirement of survival. Unlike the [[Economy Overview|Economy]] and the [[Government Overview|Government]], the ecosystem is not a citizen construct – its behavior is absolute, nothing about how it functions can be changed by fiat the way the economy can. In this sense it’s a reality check, the place where the conflicting biases and beliefs of citizens collide and reveal the true consequences.",
	["154"] = "Between Economy and Government",
	["155"] = "As citizens progress society, they must beware the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’; that giving a population unfettered access to a common resource will frequently result in its destruction. To prevent this, citizens must organize, deciding rules for the common good through [[Laws]] and other civic regulations which may limit the individual but allow the group to survive. This conflict, the individual vs the group, forms the heart of the challenge of building a civilization.",
	["156"] = "The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.",
	["157"] = "Farming provides a way to take the plant species most useful to people and create a global scale food supply. Farming can also focus on plants useful for other industrial purposes, like biofuel for a potentially renewable source of energy.<br /><br />Farmers will need to pay attention to the resources and health of their soil, avoiding depletion and pollution. Fertilizers like [[CompostFertilizerItem]] and methods of monitoring soil resources like the [[SoilSamplerItem]] will be important tools to keep farmland productive. Various vehicles, storage technologies, and more powerful hand tools will allow players to scale up their farming operations as the food and fuel needs of their societies increases.<br /><br />Farming is a big activity in Eco that we want to enhance and expand as we move forward with development. Balancing and storage will be a core part of farming improvements to start, as we make sure that Eco societies generate an appropriate demand from farmers to fuel technological growth, and that the storage objects and mechanics exist to support these demands. Farming itself has many possible improvements and expansions, among them developing and modifying seeds and organisms to be more productive or resistant to pollutants, or other environmental factors.",
	["158"] = "Soil",
	["159"] = "The soil of Eco contains nutrients that allow plants to grow and thrive: too much or too little of any given type can change the yield and growth speed of both naturally occurring and farmed plants. As plants grow, they take nutrients from the soil and return it when they die bringing the world into a natural state of equilibrium. Players influence these changes by removing the plants from the environment through harvesting, deforesting, mining, or introducing pollution which slowly removes nutrients from the soil. Players can reintroduce nutrients or modify the existing ratios by using fertilizers on their land.<br /><br />As we increase the dependencies of the animals on the plant layers, we can have those parts of the ecosystems further affect the soil as species that consume plants can also remove nutrients from the soil. Another addition that can be considered is how topsoil exists within Eco: currently it’s purely cosmetic and tied to the biome of the area, but in each biome the topsoil is a unique and valuable resource compared to the dense clay and dirt below.",
	["160"] = "The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.",
	["161"] = "The ground beneath you is host to a huge variety of resources, such as rocks, metals, and other mineral deposits. Different types of rock host different kinds of mineral deposits or lend themselves to trapping other resources like petroleum. Due to the immense complexity of earth resources in reality and the necessity in Eco of providing players with a predictable balance of raw materials to start with, rocks and their deposits are generated based on Biomes. Each biome comes with a suite of associated rocks and deposits that sprawls out beneath it in layers.",
	["162"] = "Mining by Hand",
	["163"] = "To mine ore, first you must locate it. Ores in Eco are each hosted in particular host rocks, so learning which rocks have the type of ore you want and then digging near rocks of those type is a good way to start. Use a [[WoodenShovelItem]] or better to dig away soil from the surface or start digging into a hill from the side. Once you hit rock you want to go through, you'll need to use a pickaxe like the [[StonePickaxeItem]] to break it. When breaking rocks with the pickaxe, sometimes you'll break off a larger piece of rock that needs to be hit again to break into pieces small enough to pick up. It's a good idea to pick up rock as you break it, and stack it elsewhere for use, preferably in a [[StockpileItem]] or vehicle you're using to transport your ore like a [[WoodCartItem]].",
	["164"] = "Mineral Processing",
	["165"] = "Once you have collected a large amount of metal ore, you'll need to process the ore before you can craft metal products with it. This is a dirty and expensive process, and optimizing it and the byproducts from it will be an ongoing matter of consideration. The three main steps of mineral processing are:<br /><br />Comminution: Comminution means to crush the rock into smaller sized particles which can be further processed. Crushed rock of the type the ore is hosted in is the main byproduct of this process.<br />Concentration: Concentration is a way to separate the desired metals in an ore rock from the waste rock. This process is never perfect, and inevitably results in a large output of waste rock which still contains traces of freed metals. This waste rock with traces of heavy metals is known as [[TailingsItem]]. [[CopperOreItem]] and [[GoldOreItem]] require chemical leeching and wet processing to separate from their host rocks, and thus produce more polluted and volatile [[WetTailingsItem]] during the concentration process.  <br />Smelting: Once you have precious ore concentrate, you can at last smelt it into metal products like [[IronBarItem]] at a [[BloomeryItem]] or using a more advanced smelting technology.",
	["166"] = "The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.",
	["167"] = "As citizens burn fuel to cook or generate power, smelt metals, process sewage, and engage in countless other necessary industrial activities, a common byproduct is pollution. Pollution is any substance that can act as a contaminant or poison when introduced back into the environment. In Eco there are many sources and several varieties of pollution, some of which are more potent than others. Heavy metals can contaminate soil, affecting available nutrients and the health of plants and animals living on and in it. Water can spread contaminants rapidly and increase the size of their impact. Air pollution can pour invisibly or obviously from a stove or a power plant, adding to greenhouse gasses and impacting the air quality, as well as fall back down into the ground as acid rain. <br /><br />To ensure the survival of ecosystems and preserve resources like soil and water, players will have to manage and contain the sources of pollution their civilization creates. In some cases, spills or deadly concentrations will be inevitable, and then remediation and storage may be the only option to return the land to an unharmed state.",
	["168"] = "Ground Pollution",
	["169"] = "Once released into the soils and water table, ground pollutants are not easy to stop or remove. Various materials in Eco are sources of ground pollution, most notably tailings from mining and garbage from crafting and other player activities. Pollution spreads as a gradient that increases in concentration with time if the source of pollutants remains or increases. When the source of pollutants is removed from contact with the ground, ground pollution spreads and dissipates with time.",
	["170"] = "Air Pollution",
	["171"] = "Many player activities can create harmful emissions which if released into the atmosphere act as air pollution. Crafting at objects with CO2 outputs or running generators with them contributes to local and global pollution levels. Over long periods of time, global CO2 levels contributes to a global warming effect which affects sea level in turn. There are natural sinks and intakes for some pollutants like CO2 such as forests.<br /><br />Concentrations of air pollution will fall back to the ground as acid rain, which we simulate using the air pollution and local rainfall quantities.",
	["172"] = "Water Pollution",
	["173"] = "Water is a medium through which pollution spreads more quickly and further, rushing downstream and blossoming out in lakes or oceans. Pollution in the water generally comes from nearby ground pollution sources, but also may be entering the water via the acid rain mechanic in areas with lots of air pollution. <br /><br />Removal of the source is the only way to currently stop water pollution, but clean-up and remediation strategies are features we are considering for the future.",
	["174"] = "Containment",
	["175"] = "In many cases, there is no perfect solution to deal with polluting materials. Space must be made to store various pollutants, and pollutants must be stored in a way that prevents them from re-entering the surrounding environment. This is a challenge that should be key to environmental management of industry in Eco. Currently tailings mechanics require deep underground storage; this will be improved with further development. <br /><br />Containment mechanics are the forefront of features we want to improve related to the Pollution group of features in Eco. Players should be using containment to deal with the vast quantities of tailings and garbage that their societies produce.",
	["176"] = "The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.",
	["177"] = "Consitutional Articles define how things happen in the government: who can pass laws, set taxes, change the rules, etc.  It can also define certain actions as needing an election, by specifying an [[Election Processes|Election Process]] inside them.  <br /><br />Constitutional Articles can be added in two places.  On a [[CapitolItem]], you can add up to three, and on [[AmendmentsItem]] you can add up to another 10 more per item.<br /><br />Defining the rules of the government is very important for keeping it a stable, society-supporting structure.  Governments can be granted a great deal of power over the world with laws, and there's a danger of this power being abused.  By setting a system of checks and balances, citizens can design a government that can undergo a number of changes, including changes of leadership, while maintaining the power to effect positive changes in the world.",
	["178"] = "A set of rules about how the government works.",
	["179"] = "A constitution is a founding document defining how a society will be governed.  A constitution must be created before any other government object. They are created at a [[CapitolItem|Capitol]].<br /> <br />Overthrowing Governments<br />Once a capitol is placed, a constitution can be ratified by opening it and clicking Ratify. As long as there are no other constitutions, the government will be immediately created.<br /> <br />If there is already a constitution active, a new constitution can only take its place if the housing value of its room exceeds the existing constitution by a significant amount, depending on the server settings. <br /> <br />Note: A forthcoming update of Eco will allow multiple concurrent governments.",
	["180"] = "The founding document for a government.",
	["181"] = "Demographics are classes of citizen, created in the government. These can then be used anywhere you can specify a citizen (permissions, laws, etc).<br /><br />For example, citizens could define a demographic 'Lumberjacks', which would only contain users with a logging skill level of 3 or more.  Then, a law could be created that only permits 'Lumberjacks' to cut down old-growth trees.<br /><br />Demographics are defined at a [[CensusBureauItem|Census Bureau]].<br /><br />Demographics can also have wages set on them. Wages are paid periodically as long as a citizen remains within the demographic.",
	["182"] = "Defines a set of citizens matchings some criteria.",
	["183"] = "Districts are created by players at a [[ZoningOfficeItem]] and can be used as areas that are specified by laws.<br /><br />A district is a selected area of land, non-contiguous, which players can adjust at will.  Districts are contained in District Maps, and there can be multiple district maps in the world. However, within each district map, no districts may overlap.<br /><br />Districts can be used to designate where actions are allowed with laws. A law can be created, for example, that prevents creating chopping trees in a 'Protected Zone' district.",
	["184"] = "A defined section of land, which can be referenced by laws and other systems.",
	["185"] = "Elected Titles are government officials that can be assigned permissions to manage government policy. These titles can be used anywhere you can specify a citizen (permissions, laws, etc.). <br /><br />Elected titles are created at a [[GovernmentOfficeItem]]. Several conditions can be set when defining an elected title:<br /><br />  - An [[Election Processes|Election Process]] with term limits for title holders<br />  - The number of citizens who can hold the elected title at the same time<br />  - Requirements to stay in office once elected to the title<br />  - A successor who takes over the position if a title holder is removed from office<br /><br />While creating an elected title, the following permissions can be assigned:<br /><br />  - Setting the tax rate at a [[TreasuryItem]]<br />  - Access to spend the funds in the Treasury bank account<br />  - Government banking privileges to create government bank accounts that are exempt from personal wealth calculations<br />  - The ability to place a global map marker to notify citizens of a point of interest<br /><br />Elected titles can be assigned wages that are paid periodically to the citizens that hold the title.",
	["186"] = "Elected Titles are government officials that can be assigned permissions to manage government policy.",
	["187"] = "Citizens can define new types of elections at a [[BoardOfElectionsItem]], and each election process created there can be used for various changes to government and leadership.<br /><br />[[Civic Articles]] can reference Election Processes in order to designate actions that require an election.  [[Elected Titles]] created at a [[GovernmentOfficeItem]] must specify an Election Process by which new members get elected.<br /><br />Each Election Process can define a different set of voters, vetoers, timings, percent needed to win, etc.  Using different types of elections, citizens can design their government to have different seats of power. For example, they can define a powerful Title that must be elected by the general population but can be impeached by them as well.",
	["188"] = "Defines how an election takes place.",
	["189"] = "Elections can take two forms:<br />  <br />    - Elections of Officials . These are elections of [[Elected Titles]] which give specific powers to a citizen.<br />    - Referendums.  A yes-or-no vote that will determine if a specific civic action should be taken.<br /><br />Elections are started at a [[BallotBoxItem]], where citizens can perform a number of civic actions.  Depending on what [[Civic Articles]] are available, these actions may or may not require an election; if they do, the citizen will have the option to start one immediately.<br /><br />Elections can have a number of settings determined by their [[Election Processes|Election Process]]. This will state who can vote, who can veto, how long the election lasts, what percent is needed to win, etc.  Multiple types of elections can be created for different purposes. For example, a representative government could be created with some elections only allowing elected officials to vote, while most citizens vote only in elections for representatives.",
	["190"] = "A poll set to a group of citizens to determine a position or referendum.",
	["191"] = "Executive Actions are one-time actions that can affect a specific group of citizens or all citizens at once.<br />  <br />Executive Actions can be proposed at an [[ExecutiveOfficeItem]] using the [[Civic Action Component]]. These actions have three main effects:<br />  <br /> - Issue a one-time [[Taxes|Tax]]<br /> - Provide a payment to citizens from the [[TreasuryItem]]<br /> - Change the [[Property]] owner of existing property<br /><br />Depending on what [[Civic Articles]] are available, these actions may or may not require an election. Some civic articles state that only [[Elected Titles]] may perform Executive Actions.",
	["192"] = "An action performed by a government official having effects on taxes, property, etc.",
	["193"] = "The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men.\n- Plato",
	["194"] = "Between the ecosystem and the economy lies the government, run by citizens to ensure the survival and thriving of both.",
	["195"] = "The government is created by citizens, piece by piece, growing their power and capability alongside the power of the populace.  The parts of the government are:",
	["196"] = "[[Constitution]]<br />Before any other aspect of government can be created, a Constitution must be created at a [[CapitolItem]]. It determines how the government operates via civic articles.",
	["197"] = "[[Civic Articles]]<br />A constitution contains civic articles which define how the government functions: who can do what, and how.  They can be created at a [[CapitolItem]] on a new constitution or added to an existing constitution at an [[AmendmentsItem]] table.",
	["198"] = "[[Laws]]<br />Laws determine rules and processes that all citizens are compelled to follow.  A [[CourtItem]] can hold up to 3 laws.",
	["199"] = "[[Elections]]<br />Elections will be started automatically when making changes that require them, as determined by the constitution. They can have many effects (changing laws, electing leaders, performing executive actions).",
	["200"] = "[[Election Processes]]<br />An election process determines how elections work: who can vote and veto, how long they last, what majorities are required, etc. A [[BoardOfElectionsItem]] can hold up to three election processes.",
	["201"] = "[[Elected Titles]]<br />An Elected Title is a government position that can be given special privileges. A [[GovernmentOfficeItem]] can hold one elected title.",
	["202"] = "[[Demographics]]<br />A demographic defines a group of people according to specific rules. This group can then be used in other aspects of the government.  A [[CensusBureauItem]] can hold up to three demographics.",
	["203"] = "[[Districts]]<br />Defines an area of land which can be referenced in laws and other places.  A [[ZoningOfficeItem]] can hold up to three district maps.",
	["204"] = "[[Executive Actions]]<br />An executive action is a one-time operation that can be performed to enact changes to society. They are performed at an [[ExecutiveOfficeItem]] by users given privileges from the constitution (typically elected titles).",
	["205"] = "[[Civic Action Component|Ballot Boxes]]<br />  A ballot box allows operations to be performed related to elections and holding office.",
	["206"] = "[[Treasury Component|Treasury]]<br />  Determines taxes on various parts of the economy.",
	["207"] = "An institution designed and run by the people to promote the common good.",
	["209"] = "Laws are the means by which the government makes changes in the world, to achieve goals of the populace.<br /><br />Laws are created by placing a [[CourtItem]], and depending on the [[Civic Articles]] available may require an election to pass.  Each law is created with a list of causes and effects, and when the cause happens the effect will be activated.  This allows a lot of flexibility in how the laws work, and they can cover many areas; from taxation to regulation to paid out funds incentivizing activities.<br /><br />Many ‘Cause’ choices will provide context about the citizen who triggered it, where it was triggered, etc. These ‘context’ properties can be seen in the Cause tooltip, and are available for specifying data in the ‘Effects’.  For example, an effect may tax the specific player who chopped down a tree",
	["210"] = "Cause-and-Effect rules designed by citizens and enforced automatically in order to achieve societal goals.",
	["211"] = "For the good of the people, or at least the enrichment of the government, taxes can be levied on many actions in Eco.<br />  <br />Treasury Taxes<br />At a [[TreasuryItem]], Taxes can be set on a variety of actions:<br /> - Sales Tax.  Tax applied to the sale of goods at a store.<br /> - Crafting Fee Tax. Tax applied to the fees taken from sharing your crafting station.<br /> - Contract Tax. Taxes taken from payments made through contracts and work parties.<br /> - Direct Transfer Tax. Taxes taken from transfers between players.<br /> - Self Direct Transfer Tax. Taxes taken when transferring to an account you have access to (to optionally protect against tax avoidance loopholes).<br /><br />Only a citizen holding an [[Elected Titles|Elected Title]] who has been granted the right to ‘Set Taxes at the Treasury’ may adjust these rates.  All taxes taken from these settings will be stored in the special ‘Treasury’ bank account.  Allocation may be made out of this special bank account into others through commands on the treasury.<br /><br />Law Taxes<br />Taxes can also be set through [[Laws]], which can have their amounts and destinations determined dynamically. The bank account they are placed in can also be determined, allowing for the funding of specific funds for specific purposes, stored in bank accounts accessible to a limited number of people only.  Using the law system, these taxes can be very specifically targeted and adjusted based on the actions that are happening.<br /><br />For example, a 'Minister of Transportation' Elected Title position could be created, having sole access to a Transportation Fund [[Bank Accounts|Bank Account]].  A law could then be created to tax the production and trade of fuel, with proceeds going into the Transportation Fund, where the currently elected Minister of Transportation can use them to fund new roadbuilding [[Work Parties]].",
	["212"] = "Tax can be taken from the economy to fund publics works project as well as incentivize or disincentivize economic activity.",
	["213"] = "Titles are used for designating a group of users, then referencing that group in other things like permissions.  They are different from [[Demographics]] in that Titles are specified directly by citizens, while the citizens within a demographic are automatically defined based on a citizen-defined condition.<br /><br />There are two types of Titles available:<br /><br /> - Regular Titles. These can be created and managed by anyone at a [[RegistrarItem]].  There, the citizen can set which other citizens can assign the role (managers) and which are occupying the role.<br /> - Elected Titles. These titles can only be elected (or appointed) and are created at a [[GovernmentOfficeItem]].  The properties of the government office determine what kind of [[Election]] is needed to elect the given position.  Elected Titles can only be left if they are forcibly removed from office, if they resign (both performed at a [[BallotBoxItem]], or if their term ends as defined in the position’s term limits.<br /><br />Elected Titles give a lot of flexibility in defining the governance of a world, and privileges can be tied directly to these accounts. For example, a tax law could be created that taxes vehicle usage and puts it into a fund that only the Elected Title ‘Minister of Transportation’ has access to. If there is another election for that position and it changes leaders, then the former citizen will automatically lose access to the account.<br /><br />By setting requirements on the Elected Title, you can ensure the continued good governance by citizens holding office. For example, you could place a requirement that all occupants of a given office are part of the 'Active' demographic may hold it. If an office holder becomes inactive, they will then automatically be removed from office and a specified successor put in their position.<br /><br />Titles can also have wages set on them. Wages are paid periodically as long as a citizen continues to occupy the title (and the payer has funds).",
	["214"] = "Positions which can hold one or more citizens.  Used for designating permissions and paying wages.",
	["215"] = "A citizen cannot thrive without proper shelter, and together with your [[Nutrition]] your Housing value will determine your [[Experience]] multiplier.  The better your house’s materials and furnishing are, the higher your experience multiplier.  <br /><br />Additionally, many objects require houses and utilities to operate. The housing system consists of the following parts:<br /> - [[Residency]]. You can share residency of a property with others.<br /> - [[Rooms]]. A room is a fully contained space, and many objects require being placed inside a room to function.<br /> - [[Property]]. Citizens can claim individual plots of land which they then can control access to.<br /> - [[Power]]. Many items require a power source to operate, and generated power can be shared among many citizens.<br /> - [[Sewage]]. Certain items require a sewage system of pipes, pumps, and wastewater treatment.",
	["216"] = "Your housing (along with your diet) determines your skill gain.",
	["217"] = "Many objects require power to function, and as your society progresses the types of power will progress as well.<br />  <br />Early on, most power will come from calories expended by citizens.  Local-power sources can also be built such as [[Waterwheel|Waterwheels]], powering only the immediate vicinity.  When technology progresses to electricity, power can then be generated centrally, allowing groups to form together to power towns and cities as a group rather than having to individually setup power sources (community projects like this are a great fit for using the [[Taxes]] system to fund them, and [[Contracts]] and [[Work Parties]] to get them built).<br />  <br />Many types of power generation exist, and each has different fuel needs as well as environmental impact.  The building, fueling, and operation of power plants can become a major [[Pollution]] source as technology advances, and citizens will need to carefully regulate the types of power used and how pollution is handled to prevent an ecological catastrophe.",
	["218"] = "Many objects require power to function, which can be generated in a variety of ways.",
	["219"] = "By claiming Property, citizens can protect access to plots of land, determining who is allowed to access the land and what they are allowed to do on objects contained on it.",
	["220"] = "Land Property Rights",
	["221"] = "Land can be claimed as property by using a [[Property Tool|Land Claim Stake]] and targeting an unclaimed plot of land.  When targeted, a [[Property Claim|Land Claim Paper]] will be consumed, and the citizen will become the owner on the deed. The property at your current position can be seen in the world panel in the bottom right of the screen, and clicking the title will open the deed.",
	["222"] = "Object Property Rights",
	["223"] = "Objects can have their access rights set separately from the land they are on, to allow consumer access to objects that are on private land.  These settings are determined in an [[Authorization Component]].",
	["224"] = "Deeds",
	["225"] = "On the deed, citizens can add and remove parties that may access the land (place or remove blocks).  The owner can also be changed by clicking the gear beside the owner name.  Note that both [[Demographics]] and [[Titles]] can both be given ownership on a deed, including [[Elected Titles]]. Structuring a government this way can allow only elected officials to have certain access rights to land.",
	["226"] = "Citizens and governments may own property and determine the access rights of them.",
	["227"] = "Rooms are enclosed areas protected from the elements where all holes to the outside world are filled with walls, doors and windows.<br /><br />You can see the details about a room in a panel on the right side of the screen while you’re inside one stating its information. Many types of objects have Room Requirements and will take up space in their room, and require the materials of the room to be a specific quality.  Your housing value is also affected by the quality of the room materials.  This means a brick a house for example will provide much more benefit than a dirt hovel.<br /><br /><br />Furnishings and Room Types<br />By claiming land and building rooms on it, you will begin to gain additional experience, which persists even when offline.  Adding additional types of rooms and furnishings for those rooms will increase it further.  Each type of furniture is associated with a kind of room: Bathroom, Bedroom, Kitchen, or General (displayed on the tooltip of the item).  The room type will be determined by whichever category you have the highest contribution of furnishings from.  Each room will have its value calculated by summing all the furnishings inside it.<br /><br />Repeats of the same furniture inside a room or repeats of the same room type in a house will give you diminishing returns; that is, you will still get housing points for them, but not as many as the first.   Eventually the point gain will be negligible, and it won’t be worth it to add any more of that type of furniture or room to the house.  For example, your 12th bathroom is going to add much less value to your house than your first one.<br /><br />Room Material Quality<br />The average tier of the room material will also determine your housing value, by setting a soft cap.  Once your room value has exceeded the soft cap for the room, then you will get diminishing returns for additional housing points.  When this happens, it may be time to renovate the materials of the room.",
	["228"] = "Rooms protect you and your equipment from the elements, providing skill points and allowing equipment to function.",
	["229"] = "Many industrial and housing objects require sewage support to function.  Typically, this means requiring water as an input, and an output for waste water.  Every object that has a [[Pipe Component]] will need a sewage connection.<br /><br />Sewage systems are created by connecting a [[MechanicalWaterPumpItem]] or [[ElectricWaterPumpItem]] to a water source, and then building Pipes between the different objects that need supplying.  On the waste side, pipes will take the waste water from the object to either dump it into the environment (producing [[Pollution]] at the exit point), or process it at a [[WasteFilterItem|Waster Filter]], which will generate [[CompostItem|Compost]] from the wastewater.<br /><br />Pipes will automatically connect to any adjacent pipe block of the same type.  To make sewage systems with different pipes in close proximity, use different materials of pipes.",
	["230"] = "Certain items require sewage to supply water and remove wastewater.",
	["231"] = "Components related to industry.",
	["232"] = "As you gain experience in Eco you will be able to unlock new specialties and new abilities within those specialties. There are two types of experience you will gain, Character Experience and Specialty Experience.  Both are increased by your Experience Multiplier.<br /><br />Character Experience<br />Character Experience is your background learning rate, how fast you are gaining knowledge and abilities.  It is constantly going up, even when you’re offline.  Each real-day, you will gain Character Experience at the rate of 1 * your experience multiplier.  When you reach a level up, you will gain a new specialty unlock, represented by a star.  Each level up will require more and more character experience to gain, so it is very difficult to have more than a few specialties.<br /><br />Specialty Experience<br />Specialty Experience is your skill at a specific ability, and rather than going up constantly, it only goes up when you perform actions related to that specialty, such as crafting or performing labor.  Like Character Experience, it too is multiplied by your Experience Multiplier. Along the left side of the screen, you’ll see icons displaying how much experience you’re gaining when you perform actions, and you can click these to get a closer look at the level ups for that specialty.<br />Some level ups will allow you to unlock talents, which give specific bonuses related to the skills they’re in.<br /><br />Experience Multiplier<br />Your Experience Multiplier (or XP Multiplier) is a personal value representing your health and support system, and it determines how fast you learn new skills.  It is determined as a sum of your [[Nutrition]] and [[Housing Overview|Housing]] values.  Because it affects both your character and specialty experience points, you’ll want to keep it as high as possible by eating the nutritious food and having a well-furnished house.",
	["233"] = "There are two kinds of experience in Eco: Character Experience (gained by food and housing) and Specialty Experience (gained by performing actions in a specialty).",
	["234"] = "Your Experience[[Experience]] is determined by your nutrition and housing[[Housing Overview|Housing]], and the more nutritious the food you eat the faster you will gain [[Experience]].  The healthier you are, the faster you advance.<br /><br />There are four nutrients represented in foods: Protein, Fat, Vitamins, and Carbs.  By adding up the average of each of these nutrients in all the food you’ve eaten in the last 24 hours, your experience multiplier is determined.   This means that if you eat junk food (low nutrients) it will affect you for 24 hours before it has passed through your body.<br /><br />Additionally, a balance multiplier is applied, giving an additional 0% - 50% of your total based on how equal the nutrients are in your body. If you have exactly 25% of each nutrient for example, you will gain an extra 50% skill.<br /><br />Depending on the difficulty settings for this server, a ‘skill gain multiplier’ may also be set which increases it further.<br /><br />Finally, a base skill gain value is added to the total. This ensures that even when you’re totally starving, you’re still gaining at least some skill.  You can see all these calculations for yourself in the tooltip for food in the bottom left UI.<br /><br />Calories<br />Calories, unlike nutrients, are spent when you perform work, and when you run out of calories you’ll be unable to work until you eat more.  Calorie usage can be greatly reduced by upgraded tools and leveling-up skills.<br />All food provides both calories and nutrients, so while gaining calories from food you’re also determining your skill multiplier, so watch that diet.",
	["235"] = "Nutrition, alongside housing, determines how fast you gain experience.",
	["236"] = "Central to a thriving economy is the ability to specialize and trade, thereby working more efficiently than if you attempted to do everything yourself.  Achieving a successful society depends on successfully accomplishing both.  <br />    <br />    A citizen's skills give them unique abilities and enhancements, which allows them to [[Trade]] with other citizens having different skills in the economy. As you gain [[Experience]], you can unlock new [[Specialties]] and level-up existing ones.  The experience you gain is multiplied by your [[Nutrition]] and [[Housing Overview|Housing]].",
	["237"] = "The skill system allows citizens to specialize in specific trades.",
	["238"] = "Specialties are unlocked as you level-up from Character [[Experience]].  Each specialty (represented with a star) will unlock new abilities you can use.<br /><br />Professions and Specialties<br />[[Profession Overview|Professions]] are simply groupings of skills, and don’t serve any other purpose besides storing similar skills together.<br />Specialties are each contained under a profession and require two steps to gain.<br /><br />1. First, you must read a skill scroll for the skill.<br />2. Next, you must spend a star to take the specialty.<br /><br />Once you have chosen the specialty, you gain the base-level abilities associated with it. As you perform actions related to that specialty, you will gain Specialty [[Experience]], leveling up the specialty and unlocking new abilities to it.<br />You can see the spread of specialties that other citizens have chosen on the skill selection dialog, and it is often a good idea to choose specialties that other players have not chosen or leveled up. This will allow you to each perform your own specialties and [[Trade]] with each other for a net gain.",
	["239"] = "Specialties can be gained by collecting Character Experience, and each specialty will unlock new unique abilities.",
	["240"] = "Food, along with housing, is essential for increasing your skills.",
	["241"] = "Carpenters are specialist at working with wood.<br /><br />  - [[LoggingSkill]] allows citizens to chop trees faster while expending less calories. In addition, this specialty is used to produce [[HewnLogItem]] which are the primary building material for the carpentry profession.<br />  - [[CarpentrySkill]] allows citizens to produce wooden furniture and [[Board|Boards]]. By using a [[SawmillItem]], citizens with this specialty can produce [[LumberItem]] and higher quality furniture.<br />  - [[CompositesSkill]] allows citizens to use advanced technology to produce the finest quality wood building material.<br />  - [[PaperMillingSkill]] allows citizens to refine wood pulp into [[PaperItem]]. Paper is used for some specialty furniture.",
	["242"] = "Carpenters are specialist at working with wood.",
	["243"] = "Chefs cook high quality food that enables citizens to gain experience faster. Using the raw food produced by farmers and hunters, chefs create food that is high in nutrients. As technology advances, the chef specialties cook progressively higher quality food.<br />  <br />  - [[CampfireCookingSkill]] is the entry level Chef specialty that uses a [[CampfireItem]] to prepare better meals than the basic charred food produced by non-chefs.<br />  - [[CookingSkill]] is the second step in the Chef profession that uses a [[CastIronStoveItem]] to produce higher quality meals.<br />  - [[BakingSkill]] is an alternative to Cooking that uses [[FlourItem]] to produce baked goods.<br />  - [[AdvancedCookingSkill]] is a high-level Chef profession that produces the highest tier of food.<br />  - [[AdvancedBakingSkill]] is an alternative to Advanced Cooking that uses [[YeastItem]] to produce high quality baked goods with [[LeavenedDoughItem]].",
	["244"] = "Chefs cook high quality food that enables citizens to gain experience faster.",
	["245"] = "Engineers use the materials created by other professions to lead the way in technological advancement. The vehicles they produce greatly improve the capacity for trade and the speed at which citizens work. The crafting tables they produce are used by a variety of professions to create high-end goods. Being an engineer requires frequent interaction with other professions as engineers are unable to produce the primary inputs necessary for crafting.<br />  <br />-[[BasicEngineeringSkill]] allows citizens to produce roads and carts to help with transportation. In addition, basic engineering creates the crafting tables necessary to process and smelt ore.<br />-[[MechanicsSkill]] allows to citizens to create early motorized vehicles, like a [[SteamTruckItem]]. Mechanics provides the first source of electric power to help enable tecnological progression.<br />-[[IndustrySkill]] allows citizens to create advanced vehicles, like an [[ExcavatorItem]], to quickly collect large amounts of natural resources.<br />-[[OilDrillingSkill]] allows citizens to use a [[PumpJackItem]] to collect [[PetroleumItem]] for use in fuel and a variety of industrial projects.<br />-[[ElectronicsSkill]] is a high-end engineer specialty that uses expensive ingredients to produce the most advanced materials needed for modern crafting projects. In addition to this and providing a source of green electricity, electronics is used to craft the [[LaserItem]] needed to save the world from the meteor.",
	["246"] = "Engineers are master inventors who produce vehicles and other advanced products for other citizens.",
	["247"] = "Farmers are specialists in agriculture. The crops they produce are a primary source of the calories needed for citizens to perform work.<br /> <br />  - [[FarmingSkill]] allows citizens to create seeds out of produce to help create large farms.<br />  - [[FertilizersSkill]] allows citizens add nutrients to soil and test soil conditions with a [[SoilSamplerItem]].<br />  - [[GatheringSkill]] allows citizens to harvest more produce from both wild plants and human-created farms.<br />  - [[MillingSkill]] allows citizens to process produce in a [[MillItem]] for use by chefs in more advanced recipes.",
	["248"] = "Farmers are specialists in agriculture.",
	["249"] = "Hunters are specialists at efficiently hunting animals and preparing meat for use by chefs. The two hunter specialties are closely linked as the animals hunted must be processed before it can be used by a chef. <br />    <br />  - [[ButcherySkill]] allows citizens to process animal carcasses into prepared meat for chefs. The pelts and hides they create can be used for clothing and other crafting projects.<br />  - [[HuntingSkill]] grants citizens bonus damage when hunting animals and allows them to approach animals at a closer distance without causing them to run.",
	["250"] = "Hunters are specialists at hunting animals and preparing meat for chefs.",
	["251"] = "Masons are specialists at mining and working with stone. They provide a valuable source of building material and furniture for homes. The ore they collect is used by Smiths to smelt metal bars.<br />  <br />  -[[MiningSkill]] allows citizens to expend less calories while mining stone and ore. Miners also process the collected ore and concentrate it to be used for smelting.<br />  -[[MasonrySkill]] allows citizens to produce [[MortarItem]], a primary ingredient for most mason building materials. The [[MortaredStoneItem]] they produce is a great source of early housing material.<br />  -[[PotterySkill]] allows citizens to craft [[BrickItem]] building material and furniture out of [[ClayItem]].<br />  -[[GlassworkingSkill]] allows citizens to create [[GlassItem]] and later [[FramedGlassItem]]. Glass is a nice supplemental buildling material and is used in a variety of industrial projects.<br />  -[[AdvancedMasonrySkill]] is a high-level mason skill that produces the finest quality Ashlar Stone building material and furniture.",
	["252"] = "Masons are specialist at mining and working with stone.",
	["253"] = "Professions are groups of similar [[Specialties]] that unlock new crafting recipes and provide abilities like reduced calorie usage when crafting or using a tool. Within each profession is a group of similar specialties.<br />  <br />Below is a list of all professions and the corresponding specialties. Citizens can choose to focus on one profession or learn specialties from a variety of professions.",
	["254"] = "Professions grant citizens special ability and the ability to craft advanced items.",
	["255"] = "Smiths smelt concentrated ore into metal bars that can be used by a variety of professions. In addition, Smiths create superior tools that help citizens work more productively.<br />  <br />- [[SmeltingSkill]] are specialists at making the metal bars that make up the foundation of technological advancement. The iron tools they create provide significant benefit over the early stone tools.<br />- [[AdvancedSmeltingSkill]] allows citizens to further refine iron bars into [[SteelBarItem|Steel]] for use in industry and high-tier building materials. Citizens with this specialty can use the steel they create to even more modern tools than the iron tools created by basic smelting.",
	["256"] = "Smiths smelt ore into metal bars and create advanced tools.",
	["257"] = "All citizens are survialists in the world of Eco. <br />  <br />Experience in [[SelfImprovementSkill]] is gained anytime a citizen levels up another specialty. Self-improvement has two main benefits. As citizens progress, they will have increased carry weight capacity and a larger stomach capcity for extra calories. In addition, less calories are consumed when using hammers, shovels, and drills.",
	["258"] = "Survialists expend less calories when using basic tools and have increased carrying weight.",
	["259"] = "Tailors work with cloth to make clothing and high-end furniture for other citizens. Unlike other professions, the Tailor profession has only one specialty.<br />	<br />[[TailoringSkill]] allows citizens to create [[ClothItem]] for use in crafting projects by a variety of professions. The clothing tailors creates provides citizens with special bonuses. For example, a [[BigBackpackItem]] has a higher maximum weight limit than the starter [[BasicBackpackItem]].",
	["260"] = "Tailors work with cloth to make clothing and high-end furniture for other citizens.",
	["261"] = "Any object containing a Vehicle Component can be mounted and interacted with in a variety of ways, providing a number of benefits.<br />  <br />Many vehicles require [[Power Component|Power]] to operate and each have their own [[Storage Component|Storage]]. Building infrastructure around the world will greatly enhance your [[Transport]] capabilites as many vehicles require roads to operate.",
	["262"] = "- Transportation: Vehicles like the [[WoodCartItem]] can transport goods and people from place to place. As technology progresses, more advanced vehicles become available with faster movement speeds and higher carrying capacity at the cost of creating pollution<br /><br />- Excavation: The [[ExcavatorItem]] and [[SkidSteerItem]] can quickly move large quantites of dirt and rock. This will greatly increase the speed of [[Mining]] and allow areas of land to be quickly cleared for new construction projects.<br /><br />- Contruction: The [[CraneItem]] can quickly perform large-scale [[Building]] projects. The crane has a much larger building range than a citizen who is building with a hammer and can access large amounts of storage.",
	["264"] = "Vehicles can be used for performing a variety of tasks.",
	["265"] = "In Eco, players harvest food initially from the wild biomes around them. Plants ripe for the opportunity to harvest sustainably abound. Wild food sources can serve as a supplementary renewable resource, but will quickly crash if taken advantage of. Some plants will be useful for more than just food-- they may provide chemical compounds that can be found no-where else, or the raw materials needed for textiles and clothing.<br /><br />Different plants require different tools to harvest, such as a shovel, or a scythe. Other species can be picked by hand without a tool. Similarly, some plants are killed when they are harvested, and others will simply re-grow the picked fruits if they continue to grow and be healthy.",
	["266"] = "The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.",
	["267"] = "Animal species are inhabitants of the world in Eco that vary greatly in terms of possible use as resources. Some species make for excellent sources of meat and food like milk, where others may provide useful byproducts like wool, leather, tallow, or bone meal. But animals also vary greatly in terms of their resilience and adaptability to impacts on their populations, habitat, and food sources. <br /><br />Through hunting, players can use various traps and hand tools to harvest wild animals directly from the ecosystems they live in for use. Hunting can also serve as a way to control or cull excessive populations of animals. Hunting will be an important but not strictly necessary activity for players especially earlier on in order to meet the appetite of a large society. <br /><br />Hunting an animal is only the first step in making the most use out of it. Butchery advancements will allow players to process and use animals for a large variety of animal products. Collaboration with other professions like cooks and tailors will unlock many nutritional, industrial, and even cultural uses for animals and their products, not all of which need be obtained through hunting. However, if a particular animal product becomes popular in the economy, care will have to be taken to avoid destructive pressure on a species. Hunting is often the final blow to an endangered species whose products become more and more valuable as they become more and more rare.<br /><br />To get started with hunting, you'll need to craft a [[WoodenBowItem]] and some [[Arrow|Arrows]]. More advanced bows will make it easier to hit your target quickly. Keep in mind that animals can be killed more quickly with a well-aimed shot, and that it may be easier to hunt some animals based on the time of day.",
	["268"] = "The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.",
	["269"] = "Ecopedia guide for getting started.",
	["270"] = "Once you've covered your basic needs, it's time to think about how you want to contribute to the joint project of society, and your profession is how you do that.",
	["271"] = "Each profession has a number of [[Specialties]] beneath it which will unlock special abilities. Because citizens can only have a limited number of specialties, a good approach is to take different specialties and then [[Trade]] between each other.  In the skills window, you can see how many citizens have chosen each profession and look for the most-needed skills, choosing those to focus on.",
	["272"] = "Check out the [[Profession Overview]] for a tour of the different options.",
	["273"] = "(Note: the skills dialog is hidden until later in the tutorial.  It can be made visible by completing the tutorial or skipping it.)",
	["274"] = "A world with a range of professions can trade for mutual benefits.",
	["275"] = "The [[Government Overview|Government]] of Eco is run by individual citizens, and the quality of governance is fully dependent on how those citizens participate.<br /><br />    There are a number of ways to participate in the running of the government, including:<br /><br />    - Founding the government by creating a [[CapitolItem]] and [[Constitution]].<br />    - Defining civics objects including [[Districts]], [[Demographics]], [[Elected Titles]], [[Election Processes]], and [[Constitution|Amendments]].<br />    - Running as a candidate for an [[Elected Titles|Elected Title]], giving special powers assigned to it by the constitution.<br />    - Enacting [[Laws]] after attaining the privilege to (defined in the constitution).<br />    - Enacting [[Executive Actions]], with privileges also defined in the constitution.<br />    - Voting in [[Elections]] for [[Elected Titles]] and other civic actions.<br />    - Debating laws with the use of [[Data]], presenting arguments to your fellow citizens arguing for one choice over another.",
	["276"] = "Each of these options are available at a variety of locations which must be constructed by citizens. The current government can be viewed by selecting the Government icon in the action bar and hovering over each section will specify where the civic object is defined.",
	["277"] = "Your civic duties are the many different ways you can interact with the government.",
	["278"] = "To bring a society through the ages to the peaks of technology, a thriving [[Economy Overview|Economy]] is needed, and by participating in it citizens can both help progress society as well advance their own abilities and wealth.<br /> <br />Participating in the economy takes place through [[Trade]] of both goods and services.  Finding existing settlements with [[Store Component|Stores]], [[Contracts]], and [[Work Parties]] will give citizens to trade the goods and labor they specialize in for the specialties of others, achieving their individual goals faster than if they had each worked alone.  <br />As you take on new projects that require materials or labor you don't yourself have the ability to create or perform, you can instead sell the goods and services you can perform on the market, by creating stores and setting prices in a [[Currency]] of your choice. Using this currency to purchase the goods and services of others will then allow you to reach those goals without having to learn everything yourself.<br /><br />As you build up your capabilities and have more needs of other citizens, you can create your own stores, contracts, and work parties to seek their aid.  As you acquire wealth, your power to effect change (both good and bad) rises.",
	["279"] = "The most efficient way to progress in knowledge and technology is trade within the economy.",
	["280"] = "While a functioning society is necessary to stop the meteor, each individual must have their own needs met, starting with food and shelter.",
	["281"] = "Choosing a Settlement",
	["282"] = "When choosing a location to settle in, you'll want to consider the following factors:",
	["283"] = "Proximity to Resources<br />Natural food sources and building supplies nearby will greatly speed up initial progress.<br /><br />Proximity to Others<br />Setting up near other settlements offers a distinct advantage, as you can then trade with others to gain progress faster.  However, an overcrowded area may also have limited options for expansion and natural food in the vicinity. You'll want to find a balance based on personal preference.",
	["284"] = "Claiming Your Plot",
	["285"] = "Once you've selected a place to build your first settlement, you'll want to claim [[Property]] around it.  When placing your starting tent this will automatically occur, and further property can be claimed with land papers.  Property you claim will be protected from other citizens, unless you give them access.",
	["286"] = "Food",
	["287"] = "Finding a food supply is critical to having the calories you need to work.  Additionally, the [[Nutrition]] of the food you eat impacts how fast you gain experience, so you'll want to eat the best food available for the fastest gains.  When settling in the wilderness, look for food sources nearby you can take from, or plan to setup a [[Farming|Farm]].  When settling near an existing village, have a look at the local economy to see what you can [[Trade]] in order to get food.",
	["288"] = "Setting up a source of food and shelter is a first priority.",
	["289"] = "The [[Ecosystem Overview|Ecosystem]] is the provider of a vast number of resources citizens can make use of, but it also vulnerable to their impact.  Succeeding as a society will require intelligent management of impact, using the [[Government Overview|Government]] to regulate what is allowed. <br /> <br />Various forms of [[Pollution]] can affect the environment, creating the potential for catastrophes that could destroy your food supply and halt progress, leading to ecological collapse.  Using [[Data]] tools, citizens can monitor the impact they're having on the world and use that data to argue for specific regulations to protect it, or accelerate the economy in other avenues.<br /><br />The world begins as a vast untouched wilderness, and through the ages citizens will need to radically transform it using technology to build the industry and knowledge required to stop [[The Meteor]].  Citizens will need to execute a careful navigation between using the resources of the ecosystem maximally and avoiding damaging the environment beyond the repair.",
	["290"] = "The ecosystem provides many resources, but is vulnerable to human actions.",
	["291"] = "Eco is a world bookended by two threats: Environmental collapse, and the ever-looming [[The Meteor|Meteor]].<br />  <br />To succeed, you'll need to progress through the ages, advancing science and industry to a level that can destroy the meteor without causing ecological collapse in the process.  You will do this as an individual member of a larger society, and the creating a positive interplay between individual needs and societal needs is critical to success.  <br /><br />Your focus in Eco will be on managing your individual progress while simultaneously working to progress the [[Economy Overview|Economy]] as a whole, and doing so inside a rich [[Ecosystem Overview|Ecosystem]] of plants and animals that are affected by what you do.  <br /><br />To aid in creating a positive relationship between this triangle of Individuals, Economy, and Ecosystem, you have the tools of [[Government Overview|Government]] at your disposal. You can set binding [[Laws]] that determine what is allowed and run for [[Elections|Election]] to gain governmental powers to make changes and guide society.<br /><br /> But first matters first, you'll need to take care of your basic needs before you can save the world.  To do that, you'll start with [[Food and Shelter]].",
	["292"] = "Your journey in Eco.",
	["293"] = "The world has been given an expiration date, a meteor in a collapsing orbit around the globe, set to collide in 30 real-time days, destroying everything on it in the process.  <br />  <br />However, hope is not lost, for with the right technology this crisis can be prevented. By working together to generate a thriving [[economy overview|Economy]] and advance progress with [[Research]], humanity has a chance to build the [[LaserItem|Laser]] needed to destroy this threat.<br /><br />It will not be an easy task, and the industry required to reach such levels of advancement will pose a real threat to the [[Ecosystem Overview|Ecosystem]].  To combat this and avoid falling victim to an ecological collapse of your own creation, a well-regulated [[Government Overview|Government]] must be designed, implemented, and created by its citizens.<br /><br />The fate of the world depends on its citizens acting together in harmony with the ecosystem to achieve great technological feats, and only through studied collaboration can they succeed.",
	["294"] = "A looming threat from above.",
	["295"] = "Through the use of tools, citizens can build great structures and move mountains.  The starting tools will allow you to effect small change only, but as technology advances you will gain tools that can perform batch operations, and eventually [[Vehicle Component|Vehicle]] that can make massive transformations to the world.",
	["296"] = "There are a number of different tool types available:<br />  - [[Building]] Tools.  Hammers will allow you to place construction materials in 'Forms', shovels allow moving soil.  <br />  - [[Farming]] Tools.  Plowing, planting, and sowing all have tools to increase their efficiency.<br />  - [[Transport]] Tools.  Vehicles and tools for constructing roads are especially are useful for transporting goods.<br />  - [[Harvesting]] Tools.  These tools allow collection of resources from the ecosystem.<br />  - [[Hunting]] Tools.  Hunting animals for food requires specialized tools.<br />  <br />Tools that are manually powered require Calories, affecting your [[Nutrition]].<br />All tools have Durability associated with them, which drops as they are used.  Once a tool has lost its durability, it will take a tremendous amount of calories to use, and should be repaired at a [[Repair Component|Repair]] Table.",
	["297"] = "Having access to the best tools allow you to achieve the most progress.",
	["298"] = "After collecting some basic raw materials, building is one of the first things a citizen will do to establish themselves in the world.",
	["299"] = "Using a hammer or a crane, citizens can create buildings for homes and industry.",
	["300"] = "The My Deeds Component allows citizens to see view and manage all [[Property]] that they own, providing an interface to access them easily.",
	["301"] = "Allows citizens to see view and manage all property they own.",
	["302"] = "The Text Component can be found on Signs, [[Vehicle Component|Vehicles]], and the [[Item Distribution Component|Distribution Station]].<br />  <br />Text can be useful for giving directions, advertising, or just writing a friendly greeting<br /><br />For those familar with text markup, a variety of tags may be used to alter the size, color, and formatting of text.",
	["303"] = "Allows citizens write text that is displayed to other citizens.",
	["304"] = "A foundational goal of the ecosystem simulation in Eco is to contain a multitude of food webs. Food webs can be thought of as a set of 'consumer' and 'consumed' relationships between plants and animals that centers on a particular community of animals and their favorite foods. In general, the idea is to have at least one strong food web present in each biome. Food webs often are the basis of the most important inter and intra-relationships between species in an ecosystem. Many species rely on other species for food, or to hunt the species that is eating them.<br /><br />Animal's prey and predators can be viewed through the web interface and checking the linked layers. Currently the prey-predator relationship is one way: the predators require the prey to exist, but they don't actually remove any from the simulation. This means that an explosion of elk would increase the wolf population, but this wouldn't put pressure onto the elk. Changing this relationship to consume both ways while ensuring it doesn't spiral out of control in an unexpected and sudden way is important as we move forward.",
	["305"] = "The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.",
	["306"] = "Follow the development of Eco.",
	["307"] = "We intend Eco to be a forever-game, growing in depth and breadth and connections to other future games, a system of unlimited possibilities that aims to go beyond entertainment.  This tree contains the past, present, and future of Eco.<br /><br />    Via our website, you can view all the interactive parts of the tree and see where we're headed and the guiding philosophy behind the game.",
	["308"] = "View Eco Tree at",
	["309"] = "Follow the development of Eco.",
	["310"] = "Setting up a Store",
	["311"] = "Repairing Tools",
	["312"] = "Buildings in Eco",
	["313"] = "Buildings are divided up into [[Rooms]] and serve a variety of purposes.<br /><br />Some of these uses include:<br /><br />- Making a home filled with furniture to gain bonus [[Experience]] from housing<br /><br />- Providing a space for [[Crafting]] stations to function<br /><br />- Housing the various [[Civic Object Component|Civic Objects]] neccesary to establish a government",
	["314"] = "Creating Buildings",
	["315"] = "When carrying a building material, the hammer is able to switch between different block shapes and building patterns.<br /><br />Citizens build their first homes using a [[StoneHammerItem]], but as technology progresses increasingly better building tools become available that consume less calorie when used.<br /><br />Large-scale construction projects can be quickly completed with the use of a [[CraneItem]], but at the cost of creating [[Pollution]].",
	["316"] = "Types of Vehicles",
	["317"] = "Types of Civic Objects",
	["318"] = "Once a [[Constitution]] is passed, new government policies are contained as Civic Objects in the government building they were created in. There are many types of government buildings, each with their own type of civic object:<br /><br />- [[Laws]] are set at a [[CourtItem]]<br />- [[Demographics]] are set at a [[CensusBureauItem]]<br />- [[Districts]] are set at a [[ZoningOfficeItem]]<br />- [[Elected Titles]] are set at a [[GovernmentOfficeItem]]<br />- [[Civic Articles]] are set at a [[CapitolItem]] or [[AmendmentsItem]]<br />- [[Election Processes]] are set at a [[BoardOfElectionsItem]]",
	["319"] = "Proposing Civic Objects",
	["320"] = "Clicking the 'Draft' button will allow a citizen to propose a new civic object. Citizens can optionally begin a new draft to a civic object by clicking the 'Copy' button which appears when hovering over the icon. This will bring up a dialog allowing you to select any civic object (past or present) to use as a basis. <br /><br />By visiting the Civic Object Component on a government building that already contains civic objects, these policies can be amended or repealed. To repeal a civic object, click the red 'X' that appears when you mouse over the icon.  To amend an existing one, click the 'Revise' button available in the interface.<br /><br />The buildings containing civic objects must remain placed and active for the civic object to stay in effect. If a government building is picked up, all civic objects contained on it come with it and they will eventually become disabled if the building is not replaced.",
	["321"] = "- Apply Changes Immediately: Citizens given executive privilege can add, remove, and edit civic objects immediately.<br /><br />- Propose via Election: Citizens with the ability to propose elections will be able to propose an addition/deletion/edit, which will then trigger a new election (using whatever [[Election Processes|Election Process]] that is defined in the constitution).<br /><br />- View Only: If the citizen has no privileges as defined in the constitution, they may only view the civic objects by clicking on them and are not allowed to make changes.",
	["322"] = "This component is accessed from a [[RealEstateDeskItem]]. It provides links to all of the individual deeds that can be accessed by interacting with a [[PropertyToolItem]] on a deed the citizen owns.<br /><br />Citizens can quickly rename their deeds, choose a color for that property on the minimap, or provide consumer rights to other citizens, all of which is normally done through the [[Authorization Component]].<br /><br />A useful feature of this component is the ability to quickly move plots of property from one deed to another. This includes the option to create a new deed to split an existing piece of property.",
	["323"] = "The Text Component allows a citizen to write text that is displayed on a world object for other citizens to read.",
	["324"] = "Pipe Requirements",
	["325"] = "When opening the Pipe Component, different pipe inputs and outputs will appear to represent the pipe requirements. Objects with this component must meet all the pipe requirements for that object to be active.<br /><br />Some objects require all three uses of pipes to have an active [[Status Component|Status]], while others objects only require some. Each pipe system can only be used for one of the three uses. <br /><br />By holding the mouse over the display for one of the pipes, a tooltip appears with more information about why a pipe is or isn't active.",
	["326"] = "Carpenter",
	["327"] = "[[Carpenter|Carpenters]] specialize in harvesting trees and processing the wood into furniture and building material for homes.<br />  - [[LoggingSkill]] allows citizens to harvest trees more efficiently. In addition, Logging is used to produce [[HewnLogItem|Hewn Logs]] which are the primary building material for the carpentry profession.<br />  - [[CarpentrySkill]] allows citizens to produce wooden furniture and [[Board|Boards]]. By using a [[SawmillItem]], citizens with this specialty can produce [[LumberItem]].<br />  - [[CompositesSkill]] allows citizens to use advanced technology to produce the finest quality [[CompositeLumberItem]] building material.<br />  - [[PaperMillingSkill]] allows citizens to refine wood pulp into [[PaperItem]]. Paper is used for some specialty furniture.",
	["328"] = "Chef",
	["329"] = "[[Chef|Chefs]] specialize in cooking more nutritious food to boost the rate citizens gain experience.<br />  - [[CampfireCookingSkill]] is the entry level Chef specialty that uses a [[CampfireItem]] to prepare basic meals.<br />  - [[CookingSkill]] is the second step in the Chef profession that uses a [[CastIronStoveItem]] to produce higher quality meals.<br />  - [[BakingSkill]] is an alternative to Cooking that uses [[FlourItem]] to produce baked goods.<br />  - [[AdvancedCookingSkill]] is a high-level Chef profession that produces the most nutritious food.<br />  - [[AdvancedBakingSkill]] is an alternative to Advanced Cooking that uses [[LeavenedDoughItem]] to make high quality baked goods.",
	["330"] = "Engineer",
	["331"] = "[[Engineer|Engineers]] specialize in producing vehicles and advanced crafting materials for use by other professions.<br />  - [[BasicEngineeringSkill]] allows citizens to produce roads and carts to help with transportation. In addition, basic engineering creates the crafting tables necessary to process and smelt ore.<br />  - [[MechanicsSkill]] allows to citizens to create early motorized vehicles, like a [[SteamTruckItem]]. Mechanics provides the first source of electric power to help enable tecnological progression.<br />  - [[IndustrySkill]] allows citizens to create advanced vehicles, like an [[ExcavatorItem]] that can quickly collect large amounts of natural resources.<br />  - [[OilDrillingSkill]] allows citizens to use a [[PumpJackItem]] to collect [[PetroleumItem]] for use in fuel and a variety of industrial projects.<br />  - [[ElectronicsSkill]] uses expensive ingredients to produce the most advanced materials needed for modern crafting projects. In addition to providing a source of green electricity, electronics is used to craft the [[LaserItem]] needed to save the world from the meteor.",
	["332"] = "Farmer",
	["333"] = "[[Farmer|Farmers]] are specialists in agriculture. The crops they produce are a primary source of the calories needed for citizens to perform work.<br />  - [[GatheringSkill]] allows citizens to harvest more produce from both wild plants and human-created farms.<br />  - [[FarmingSkill]] allows citizens to create seeds out of produce to help create large farms.<br />  - [[FertilizersSkill]] allows citizens craft fertilizer and test soil conditions with a [[SoilSamplerItem]].<br />  - [[MillingSkill]] allows citizens to process produce in a [[MillItem]] for use by chefs in more advanced recipes.",
	["334"] = "Hunter",
	["335"] = "[[Hunter|Hunters]] are specialists at efficiently hunting animals and preparing meat for use by chefs. The two hunter specialties are closely linked as the animals hunted must be processed before the meat can be used by a chef. <br />  - [[HuntingSkill]] grants citizens bonus damage when hunting animals and allows them to approach animals at a closer distance without causing them to run.<br />  - [[ButcherySkill]] allows citizens to process animal carcasses into prepared meat for chefs. The pelts and hides they create can be used for clothing and other crafting projects.",
	["336"] = "Mason",
	["337"] = "[[Mason|Masons]] are specialists at mining and working with stone. They provide a valuable source of building material and furniture for homes. The ore they collect is used by Smiths to smelt metal bars.<br />  -[[MiningSkill]] allows citizens to expend less calories while mining stone and ore. Miners also process collected ore to be used for smelting.<br />  -[[MasonrySkill]] allows citizens to produce [[MortarItem]], a primary ingredient for most mason building materials. The [[MortaredStoneItem]] they produce is a great source of early housing material.<br />  -[[PotterySkill]] allows citizens to craft [[BrickItem]] building material and furniture out of [[ClayItem]].<br />  -[[GlassworkingSkill]] allows citizens to create [[GlassItem]] and later [[FramedGlassItem]]. Glass is a nice supplemental buildling material and is used in a variety of industrial projects.<br />  -[[AdvancedMasonrySkill]] is a high-level mason skill that produces the finest quality Ashlar Stone building material and furniture.",
	["338"] = "Smith",
	["339"] = "[[Smith|Smiths]] specialize in smelting ore and making tools for other citizens using the metal bars they create.<br />  - [[SmeltingSkill]] allows citizens to smelt the metal bars that make up the foundation of technological advancement. The iron tools they create provide significant benefit over the early stone tools.<br />  - [[AdvancedSmeltingSkill]] allows citizens to further refine iron bars into [[SteelBarItem|Steel]] for use in industry and high-tier building materials. Citizens with this specialty can use the steel they create more advanced tools.",
	["340"] = "Tailor",
	["341"] = "The [[Tailor]] specializes in making high end furniture and specialized clothing that provide bonuses when worn. Unlike most professions, there is only one Tailor specialty.<br />  - [[TailoringSkill]] allows citizens to create [[ClothItem]] to create high quality furniture and for use in crafting projects by a variety of professions. The clothing tailors create provides citizens with special bonuses. For example, a [[BigBackpackItem]] has a higher maximum weight limit than the starter [[BasicBackpackItem]].",
	["342"] = "Survivalist",
	["343"] = "[[Survivalist|Survivalists]] specializes in carrying extra weight and reducing the calories expended when using basic tools. All citizens are survivalists in the world of Eco. <br />   - Experience in [[SelfImprovementSkill]] is gained anytime a citizen levels up another specialty. Self-improvement has two main benefits. As citizens progress, they will have increased carry weight capacity and a larger stomach capacity for extra calories. In addition, less calories are consumed when using hammers and shovels.",
	["344"] = "A general overview of the current economy that contains information such as available trades, work parties, and contracts.",
	["345"] = "The Economy Viewer provides a general overview of the current economy and is an incredibly useful tool for economic participation. Among other users, the Economy Viewer shows the location of every [[StoreItem]] and what is currently being bought and sold.",
	["346"] = "The Economy Viewer provides detailed information about the following:<br /><br />   - Current [[Trade]] offers<br />   - Existing [[Work Parties]] and their status<br />   - Any [[Contracts]] that are posted<br />   - Locations of [[Crafting Component|Public Crafting Stations]]<br />   - Information on existing [[Currency|Currencies]]<br />   <br />In additon, the Economy Viewer allows citizens to directly transfer currency to other citizens and quickly check the status of their own [[Bank Accounts]] and any outstanding debts.",
	["347"] = "Accessing the Economy Viewer",
	["348"] = "The Economy Viewer can be accessed by clicking the Economy button located at the bottom right of the screen.",
	["349"] = "Feeding the World<br />Food forms the backbone of a growing society in Eco, fueling the increase in skills needed to build a civilization.  A well-organized network of food producers, from farmers to chefs, ensures that citizens gain skills at the rate they need.",
	["350"] = "The property where you have taken residency provides your housing points.",
	["351"] = "Each deed can have any number of residents, and those residents will share in an [[Experience]] boost based on the quality and number of occupants.<br /><br />As the number of occupants increases, the occupancy penalty increases.  At small numbers of occupants (1 or 2), there is virtually no penalty, and citizens can effectively cohabitate this way and share in the benefit of a well-stocked house.  As the occupants increases beyond that (5 and above), the penalty becomes more steep, eventually topping out at 99% when the house is too overcrowded.<br /><br />However, the 'diminishing returns' rate of rooms is favorably affected by occupancy (because three bathrooms is overkill when you live alone, but great when you have roommates).  This means that you can overcome the penalty by building a larger house, and duplicate rooms will be inversely affected the occupancy bonus.<br />  <br />To become a resident of a property, click the name of the property (visible on the popup status panel when youre in the property). From there you can become a resident (if you own the deed) as well as invite others to become residents.  These other invited citizens may then join as a resident through the same interface. You can even invite groups by specifying titles or demographics, allowing you to create housing for special classes of citizens (new players for example). You can also set the max number of occupants, to ensure that residency managed this way (by inviting large groups) doesn't result in overcrowded housing.<br /><br />Note: An additional feature will be added latter permitting automatic rent collection agreements between citizens. For now this can be done with manual transfers.",
	["352"] = "Permissions for Residents<br />When a citizen becomes a resident of a property, they will gain a special set of permissions, even if they don't otherwise have access to the property, known as Resident Rights. These rights are as follows:<br /><br />  - Pre-furnished rooms supportedL Residents can access all world objects on the property as consumers.<br />  - You can move in your own stuff: Residents may place objects anywhere on the property (but not blocks).<br />  - No stealing the furniture that came with the place allowed: Residents may pick up world objects only if they originally placed them.",
	["353"] = "Exhaustion is a server configuration to restrict maximum playtime per day."