Registered Mods

From Eco - English Wiki

Registered Mods now will automatically earn Eco Credits whenever a world using them spends Eco Credits.

1. Register the mod in code

To enable this, you'll need to define any class in your mod files that implements IModInit and has a static Register function that returns a ModRegistration.

    public class MyMod : IModInit
        public static ModRegistration Register() => new() 
            ModName = "MyMod",
            ModDescription = "Mod description",
            ModDisplayName = "My Mod",

The Eco server will call this at runtime to register your mod.

2. Register the mod with Strange Loop

Email [email protected], or get in touch on with @D3nnis3N and request mod registration along with your Eco User ID. Your mod will be reviewed, and a percentage share assigned to it.

How shares work:

Every time a player spends Eco Credits in a server, a cut will go to other parties in that world. Any mods that are registered will split up to X% of that (currently 25% but may change). The split works as follow:

- Each registered mod has a percent assigned to it, which they will be given if the total of all mods is under the percent cap (25%). If it exceeds the caps, they will be all reduced to fit within the 25% cap, according to their defined percentages.

Funds collected in this way can be used like any normal funds: to buy skins, Eco invites, and hosting time. We will also add a way for creators who generate a lot of revenue from their mods to extract money, coming soon.

Happy modding!