Small Wooden Ship Frame

From Eco - English Wiki
Small Wooden Ship Frame
The basis for any wooden personal vessel.
Created at: Small Shipyard
Used at: Small Shipyard
Carried in: Backpack
Weight: 100kg
Stack limit: 100
Item ID: SmallWoodenShipFrameItem

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Small Shipyard Small Wooden Ship Frame x1 Wooden Keel x1 Hewn Log Tag x8 Shipwright
Level 1
1 60 1

Used in Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Small Shipyard Large Canoe x1 Wooden Hull Planks x8 Wooden Oar x1 Small Wooden Ship Frame x1 Shipwright
Level 1
8 360 10

This object is not a crafting table and cannot craft any objects.