Server Configuration/

From Eco - English Wiki
  • PublicServer (default : false) Defines if other players can see server.
  • Playtime See #Set_playtime_table.
  • DiscordAddress Invite link ID for a Discord server (the ID after the “”).
  • Password Defines if a server's password.
  • Description Defines the name of the server.
  • DetailedDescription Defines the server's description.
  • ServerCategory See #Set_server_category.
  • IPAddress (default : Any) Internal server IP-address the server should bind to.
  • RemoteAddress (default : ) Public/external IP-address and port number needed to reach the server. Can be a domain name, but still has to have the external game server port. Examples "", "".
  • GameServerPort (default : 3000) Port to join server.
  • WebServerPort (default : 3001) Web application port.
  • WebServerUrl (default : ) Public/external web sever URL. Examples "", ""
  • Rate The network rate used to communicate between server and client.
    • A low rate will cause slow updates in the world.
    • A high rate will risk lost packets and thus desync, as the network protocol uses UDP connections which does not retransmit lost packets.
    • Actual meaning of this value is unknown.
  • MaxConnections (default : -1) Maximum number of concurrent players (-1 no limits).
  • UPnPEnabled (default : true)