Server Browser
The Server Browser is the GUI used to filter and search a list of Eco servers to join.
An improved Server Browser was introduced in Eco Beta release 7. Clicking "New Game" in the main menu will bring it up. The browser allows players to select between several types of worlds. These are:
- New Beginnings — Fresh worlds with new players and lower collaboration
- Cities Upon a Hill — Older worlds with established cities
- Brave Frontiers — Worlds with experienced players and higher collaboration
- Strange Worlds — Modded worlds
Players can also choose to host private worlds, though it is not recommended, especially for new players.
Tips for Server Admins[edit | edit source]
In addition to the criteria listed above, server owners can boost their match score in the server browser by taking the following actions:
- Having a server admin online
- Adding a server description (the DetailedDescription field in the server UI)
- Setting a Timetable for preferred play times
Server Filters[edit | edit source]

There are buttons on the top right of the Server Browser to help filter and search currently available ECO servers.
Press the green button that looks like a funnel. Here you can narrow down your server search to your given parameters.
The following options are available:
- Ping
- World Age
- Meteor Enabled
- Online Players
- Total Players
- Specialization
- No Password
- Version Match
- Language Match
Ensure to click APPLY when finished setting your filter parameters.