Rice Flour

From Eco - English Wiki
Rice Flour
Rice grounded into flour is as equally versatile as its golden cousin.
Created at: Mill
Used at: Cast Iron Stove, Stove
Calories: 50cal
Nutrients: Carbs: 15
Protein: 0
Fat: 0
Vitamins: 0
Nutrition Density: 30 per 100 cals
Carried in: Backpack
Weight: 2kg
Stack limit: 100
Item ID: RiceFlourItem

See Also[edit | edit source]

For a list of food recipes, see Food.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Mill Rice Flour x1 Cereal Germ x1 Rice x2 Milling
Level 1
2 15 0.5

Used in Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Stove Banh Xeo x1 Rice Flour x8 Prime Cut x4 Bean Sprout x2 Crab Carcass x2 Advanced Cooking
Level 4
3 65 1
Oil Tag x2
Cast Iron Stove Rice Noodles x1 Rice Flour x3 Cooking
Level 1
2 15 0.5
Cast Iron Stove Mochi x1 Rice Flour x4 Sugar x2 Cornmeal x2 Cooking
Level 4
2 25 1

History[edit | edit source]

9.4.0 Item was added to Eco.