
From Eco - English Wiki
Block Items
A hard rock with some uses in construction. Gneiss is a metamorphic rock formed from previous rock recrystallizing at high pressures and temperatures deep in the earth.
Used at: Advanced Masonry Table, Jaw Crusher, Stamp Mill
Weight: 0kg
Item ID: GneissItem

Gneiss is a rock. It can be broken with a Steel Pickaxe or stronger tool.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes


Used in Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Advanced Masonry Table Ashlar Gneiss x1 Crushed Gneiss x2 Gneiss x20 Mortar x6 Steel Bar x1 Advanced Masonry
Level 1
0.64 180 1.5
Stamp Mill Crushed Gneiss x5 Gneiss x20 Mining
Level 1
2 120 0.5
Jaw Crusher Crushed Gneiss x5 Gneiss x20 Mining
Level 1
0.5 150 0.5

Gallery[edit | edit source]