Flaxseed Oil

From Eco - English Wiki
Flaxseed Oil
An oil primarily used for woodworking and paint supplies but can surprisingly also be drizzled on a salad.
Created at: Mill
Used at: Mill, Sawmill
Calories: 120cal
Nutrients: Carbs: 0
Protein: 0
Fat: 15
Vitamins: 0
Nutrition Density: 12.5 per 100 cals
Carried in: Backpack
Weight: 1kg
Stack limit: 100
Fuel energy: 4,000J
Item ID: FlaxseedOilItem
Fat, Food, Oil,

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Mill Flaxseed Oil x1 Flax Seed x16 Milling
Level 3
1 25 0.5

Used in Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Sawmill Lumber x1

Has Variants

Nail x1 Flaxseed Oil x0.5 Wood Board Tag x5 Carpentry
Level 1
0.32 60 1
Mill Oil Paint x4 Colored Powder x4 Flaxseed Oil x2 Milling
Level 1
0.8 40 0.5

This object is not a crafting table and cannot craft any objects.