Crushed Granite

From Eco - English Wiki

Crushed Granite is created by crushing Granite. This can be done in three different machines, each of these machines has the same ratio for Granite to Crushed Granite, but differ in time and labor cost. They are ranked as follows:

Level 1: Arrastra

Level 2: Stamp Mill

Level 3: Jaw Crusher

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Specific[edit | edit source]

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Advanced Masonry Table Ashlar Granite x1 Crushed Granite x2 Granite x20 Mortar x6 Steel Bar x1 Advanced Masonry
Level 1
0.64 180 1.5
Arrastra Crushed Gold Ore x2 Crushed Granite x1 Gold Ore x12 Mining
Level 1
2 70 0.5
Arrastra Crushed Granite x3 Granite x12 Mining
Level 1
2 70 0.5
Stamp Mill Crushed Granite x5 Granite x20 Mining
Level 1
1 90 0.5
Stamp Mill Crushed Gold Ore x4 Crushed Granite x1 Gold Ore x20 Mining
Level 1
1 90 0.5
Stamp Mill Crushed Copper Ore x4 Crushed Granite x1 Copper Ore x20 Mining
Level 1
1 90 0.5
Arrastra Crushed Copper Ore x2 Crushed Granite x1 Copper Ore x12 Mining
Level 1
2 70 0.5
Jaw Crusher Crushed Granite x5 Granite x20 Mining
Level 1
0.5 120 0.5

Used in Recipes


Crushed Rock[edit | edit source]

Recipes shared by all Crushed Rock Tag items.

Crafting Recipes


Used in Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Wainwright Table Stone Road x1 Mortar x3 Crushed Rock Tag x2 Basic Engineering
Level 1
0.5 60 1
Wainwright Table Asphalt Concrete x2 Cement x1 Sand x2 Crushed Rock Tag x5 Basic Engineering
Level 1
2 180 1.5
Kiln Bloomery x1 Sand x10 Crushed Rock Tag x20 Wood Board Tag x25 Masonry
Level 1
4 120 20
Cement Kiln Reinforced Concrete x4 Cement x1 Rebar x2 Sand x2 Crushed Rock Tag x5 Masonry
Level 1
0.64 25 1

Silica[edit | edit source]

Recipes shared by all Silica Tag items.

Crafting Recipes


Used in Recipes

Crafting Station Item Materials Level Needed Crafting Time
Labour Cost XP Gained
Rocker Box Sand x1 Silica Tag x2 Mining
Level 1
0.7 50 0.5
Sensor Based Belt Sorter Sand x3 Silica Tag x6 Mining
Level 1
0.5 150 1.5
Screening Machine Sand x2 Silica Tag x4 Mining
Level 1
0.7 100 1

History[edit | edit source]