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-- Eco Version : beta release-237
-- Export Language: Russian

return {
    ecopedia = {
        ['Авторизация'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Авторизация',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Authorization Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Позволяет жителям устанавливать права доступа к данному объекту.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'StandaloneAuthComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'The Authorization Component allows specifying what permissions citizens have on the object.\n\n    \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nThe Deed displayed here is simply a link to the deed of the Параметр which the object is on (or the deed associated with the Техника if it is one).\n\nAuthorized Consumers can be listed here, either as specific people, Титулы, or Демография.  Anyone listed can interact with the object without having full control.  A store, for example, will allow citizens with consumer rights to buy and sell there, but only citizens with full rights to the property may change what is for sale, or move the store itself.\n\nAll placed objects have authorization components.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Базовые улучшения'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Базовые улучшения',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Basic Upgrades',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Basic Upgrade Lvl 1 Item', 'Basic Upgrade Lvl 2 Item', 'Basic Upgrade Lvl 3 Item', 'Basic Upgrade Lvl 4 Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Банк'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Банк',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Bank Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Банк используется для создания и управления счетами',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'BankComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Банк - это место, где Вы можете создавать и управлять Банковские счета. Жители могут создавать множество счетов для себя или предоставлять доступ к ним другим жителям. Также счета могут быть привязаны к Титулы и Демография.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Пользователи счета могут совершать операции с ним (пополнение и перевод средств).\n\nУправляющие счетом могут изменять пользователей как в списке управляющих, так и в списке пользователей, переименовывать счет и выполнять операции. \n\nВ расширенных настройках вы можете установить счет как государственный. Государственные счета могут получать и выплачивать налоги и не берутся в расчёт при сборе налогов и подсчете личного состояния. Чтобы установить это, вы должны иметь государственные банковские полномочия, назначенные Выборный титул.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Банк\n\nБанк\n\n'}},
        ['Банковские счета'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Банковские счета',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Bank Accounts',
                    ['summary'] = 'Bank accounts serve as a storage and separation of currency for various uses by various citizens and government entities.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Bank accounts are storages of Валюта that one or more citizen can access.  Each citizen enters the world with a permanent Personal Bank Account, containing an infinite amount of their Personal Credit. Additional bank accounts can be granted and have their access-rights adjusted at a Банк.\n\nBank accounts are useful for organizing currency, allowing access to funds by multiple parties, and storing the collection of taxes and designating who can access them.  Governments will generally setup a number of bank accounts to manage the in-flow of taxes, ensuring the funds are used as intended.  Each bank account can hold unlimited amounts of unlimited currencies, with each currency tracked separately. Clicking on the bank account will display the ledger listing all transactions to or from it, as all transactions in Eco are public.\n\n'}},
        ['Беспозвоночные'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Беспозвоночные',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Invertebrates',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Моллюск', 'Морской ёж', 'Краб', 'Moon Jellyfish Species', 'Tarantula Species'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Биомы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Биомы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Biomes',
                    ['summary'] = 'The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nThe huge diversity and richness of life across the planet can be broadly categorized into areas called biomes. Biomes in Eco are regions of the world that fall into particular ranges of precipitation and temperature. Because of these simulated physical differences, different species of microorganisms, plants, fungi, and animals are able to survive and thrive in different biomes. Each biome in Eco hosts a unique set of resources for players to discover and extract in order to build and fuel their societies. Communities of life within each biome have interdependent relationships usually tied to habitat, diet, and soil which in turn arise because of the climate and earth resources present. \n\n  \n\nBiomes are ecosystems within the global ecosystem, and within biomes there are sometimes further divisions or ‘sub-biomes’, such as the high desert, tallgrass prairie grasslands, glacial ice in the tundra, or marine coasts. Biomes and sub-biomes are contiguous units, many of which have restrictions about which biomes they can reside next to or within. Over time, as conditions change due to player influence biomes have the potential to be radically reshaped. \n\nClimate change may shift the boundaries of biomes, displacing communities-- some species will survive and adapt, but others will not be so resilient. Direct displacement of soil and other habitat destruction from activities like construction, farming, mining, and logging will also have an impact on species within biomes to differing degrees. Species of plants or animals might not only prefer particular biomes, but particular parts of sub-biomes, which will mean a greater impact if those highly localized areas are altered or destroyed. Resilient and adaptive species will be able to thrive across biome boundaries as they are altered, but those same species may become a threat to more sensitive plants or animals in the new biomes they are introduced to.\n\n \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Биомы в Эко:\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Ocean : The parts of the ocean on the continental shelves, abundant with life.\n\nDeep Ocean : The deepest parts of the ocean, bearing the largest marine species and migrating populations of fish.\n\nCold Coast : Beaches and shallow waters in colder climates.\n\nWarm Coast : Beaches and shallow waters in warmer climates.\n\nWetlands : A unique biome characterized by a saturation of the soil with fresh or brackish water.\n\nGrasslands : A biome where there is enough water to support grasses but not many trees.\n\nDesert : The dryest biome, and in Eco currently the hottest as well.\n\nCold Forest : A biome wet enough to support dense tree cover, and cold enough that conniferous trees tend to dominate.\n\nWarm Forest : A biome wet enough to support dense tree cover, and warm enough that broadleaf trees tend to dominate.\n\nRainforest : A wet and warm biome that supports a forest abundant with plant and animal life.\n\nTaiga : A cold and somewhat dry biome that supports a sparse forest of conniferous trees.\n\nTundra : A very cold biome that cannot support trees but is host to a unique plant and animal community.\n\nIce : The coldest areas of the land, covered by glacial ice. \n\nThere are also a few sub-biomes in Eco currently:\n\nHigh Desert : A geologically uplifted part of the desert with species more tolerant to cold and that enjoy the steep cliffs caused by erosion.\n\nCold Steppe : A slightly colder grassland, often characterized by even fewer trees and larger open spaces.  \n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Блоки'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Блоки',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Blocks',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Dirt Item', 'Sand Item', 'Clay Item', 'Water Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Брёвна'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Брёвна',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Logs',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Birch Log Item', 'Cedar Log Item', 'Ceiba Log Item', 'Fir Log Item', 'Joshua Log Item', 'Oak Log Item', 'Palm Log Item', 'Redwood Log Item', 'Saguaro Rib Item', 'Spruce Log Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Валюта'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Валюта',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Currency',
                    ['summary'] = 'Валюта - это социальный инструмент, который упрощает торговлю.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Currencies are a means of facilitating trade, as a representation of value. Their value is entirely determined by how they’re used.\n\nThere are two types of currencies in Eco, backed and unbacked.\n\n  \n\nAn unbacked currency is currency by fiat, and every player starts with their own personal currency with an infinite amount. These are especially useful early game when there is no global currency designated.  However, these currencies require a lot of trust that the owner of them does not manipulate their value, as they have an unlimited amount and can easily destabilize an economy that uses them.\n\n  \n\nBacked currencies are much more stable. A backed currency is created at a Пресс для чеканки монет by converting a currency supporting material into coins.  More currency can only be created by acquiring more of the given material.  This provides a much stronger limit on the amounts of currency that can be introduced into the world and forms a stronger foundation for global trade.  Often, a world will choose to move from a collection of personal currencies to one or more backed currencies as the economy grows through the arc of the game, and more global trade and collaboration is required.\n\n  \n\nCurrencies can be transferred to others in the Economy Viewer, as well as through Торговля.  All currency is stored in a Банковский счёт.\n\n'}},
        ['Валюты'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Валюты',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Currencies',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Верстаки'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Верстаки',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Craft Tables',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Workbench Item', 'Pump Jack Item', 'Advanced Carpentry Table Item', 'Advanced Masonry Table Item', 'Advanced Tailoring Table Item', 'Anvil Item', 'Arrastra Item', 'Assembly Line Item', 'Automatic Loom Item', 'Blast Furnace Item', 'Bloomery Item', 'Campfire Item', 'Campsite Item', 'Carpentry Table Item', 'Cement Kiln Item', 'Electric Lathe Item', 'Electric Machinist Table Item', 'Electric Planer Item', 'Electric Stamping Press Item', 'Electronics Assembly Item', 'Farmers Table Item', 'Fishery Item', 'Froth Floatation Cell Item', 'Jaw Crusher Item', 'Kiln Item', 'Lathe Item', 'Loom Item', 'Machinist Table Item', 'Masonry Table Item', 'Oil Refinery Item', 'Robotic Assembly Line Item', 'Rocker Box Item', 'Rolling Mill Item', 'Sawmill Item', 'Screening Machine Item', 'Screw Press Item', 'Sensor Based Belt Sorter Item', 'Shaper Item', 'Spin Melter Item', 'Stamp Mill Item', 'Tailoring Table Item', 'Tool Bench Item', 'Wainwright Table Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Выбор профессии'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Выбор профессии',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Choosing a Profession',
                    ['summary'] = 'A world with a range of professions can trade for mutual benefits.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\n    Когда вы обеспечили базовые потребности, настало время подумать про свою роль в развитии общества, и это делается через профессии.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nУ каждой профессии есть несколько специальностей, которые открывают особые умения. Поскольку каждый житель может иметь ограниченное количество специальностей, хорошей идеей будет взять разные специальности и потом торговать между собой. В окне навыков вы можете посмотреть, сколько жителей взяли ту или иную специальность, и поискать самые нужные недостающие специальности, выбирая, какую из них изучить.  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\n    Посетите Обзор профессий, чтобы ознакомиться с различными вариантами.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '(Примечание: окно навыков скрыто до конца обучения. Его можно сделать видимым, завершив обучение или пропустив его.)\n\n \n\n'}},
        ['Выборные должности'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Выборные должности',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Elected Titles',
                    ['summary'] = 'Elected Titles are government officials that can be assigned permissions to manage government policy.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Elected Titles are government officials that can be assigned permissions to manage government policy. These titles can be used anywhere you can specify a citizen (permissions, laws, etc.). \n\nElected titles are created at a Правительственный офис. Several conditions can be set when defining an elected title:\n\n  - An Тип голосования with term limits for title holders\n\n  - The number of citizens who can hold the elected title at the same time\n\n  - Requirements to stay in office once elected to the title\n\n  - A successor who takes over the position if a title holder is removed from office\n\nWhile creating an elected title, the following permissions can be assigned:\n\n  - Setting the tax rate at a Казна\n\n  - Access to spend the funds in the Treasury bank account\n\n  - Government banking privileges to create government bank accounts that are exempt from personal wealth calculations\n\n  - The ability to place a global map marker to notify citizens of a point of interest\n\nElected titles can be assigned wages that are paid periodically to the citizens that hold the title.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Выборы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Выборы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Elections',
                    ['summary'] = 'A poll set to a group of citizens to determine a position or referendum.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'Выборы'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Elections can take two forms:\n\n  \n\n    - Elections of Officials . These are elections of Выборные должности which give specific powers to a citizen.\n\n    - Referendums.  A yes-or-no vote that will determine if a specific civic action should be taken.\n\nElections are started at a Урна для голосования, where citizens can perform a number of civic actions.  Depending on what Гражданские статьи are available, these actions may or may not require an election; if they do, the citizen will have the option to start one immediately.\n\nElections can have a number of settings determined by their Тип голосования. This will state who can vote, who can veto, how long the election lasts, what percent is needed to win, etc.  Multiple types of elections can be created for different purposes. For example, a representative government could be created with some elections only allowing elected officials to vote, while most citizens vote only in elections for representatives.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Выживальщик'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Выживальщик',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Survivalist',
                    ['summary'] = 'Survialists expend less calories when using basic tools and have increased carrying weight.',
                    ['subpages'] = {'Self Improvement Skill'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'All citizens are survialists in the world of Eco. \n\n  \n\nExperience in Самосовершенствование is gained anytime a citizen levels up another specialty. Self-improvement has two main benefits. As citizens progress, they will have increased carry weight capacity and a larger stomach capcity for extra calories. In addition, less calories are consumed when using hammers, shovels, and drills.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Выпечка'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Выпечка',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Baking',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Baked Agave Item', 'Baked Beet Item', 'Baked Corn Item', 'Baked Heart Of Palm Item', 'Baked Meat Item', 'Baked Roast Item', 'Baked Taro Item', 'Baked Tomato Item', 'Bearclaw Item', 'Bread Item', 'Camas Bread Item', 'Camas Bulb Bake Item', 'Elk Wellington Item', 'Fantastic Forest Pizza Item', 'Flatbread Item', 'Fruit Muffin Item', 'Fruit Tart Item', 'Hearty Hometown Pizza Item', 'Huckleberry Pie Item', 'Leavened Dough Item', 'Macaroons Item', 'Meat Pie Item', 'Pastry Dough Item', 'Pirozhok Item', 'Sensuous Sea Pizza Item', 'Stuffed Turkey Item', 'Tasty Tropical Pizza Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Генераторы Энергии'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Генераторы Энергии',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Power Generation',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Waterwheel Item', 'Combustion Generator Item', 'Solar Generator Item', 'Steam Engine Item', 'Windmill Item', 'Wind Turbine Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Горное дело'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Горное дело',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Mining',
                    ['summary'] = 'The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nThe ground beneath you is host to a huge variety of resources, such as rocks, metals, and other mineral deposits. Different types of rock host different kinds of mineral deposits or lend themselves to trapping other resources like petroleum. Due to the immense complexity of earth resources in reality and the necessity in Eco of providing players with a predictable balance of raw materials to start with, rocks and their deposits are generated based on Biomes. Each biome comes with a suite of associated rocks and deposits that sprawls out beneath it in layers.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Добывать вручную\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nЧтобы добыть руду, сначала Вы должны её найти. Каждая руда в Eco находится в определенных вмещающих породах, поэтому изучение того, в каких породах содержится нужный вам тип руды, а затем копание рядом с породами этого типа - хороший способ заняться горным делом. Вам потребуется Деревянная лопата или лучше, чтобы откапывать почву с поверхности, или начните копать холм сбоку. Как только Вы ударите породу, через которую хотите пройти, Вам понадобится кирка, например Каменная кирка, чтобы разбить её. Разбивая породы киркой, иногда будет отламываться более крупный кусок, который нужно ударить снова, чтобы он разбился на достаточно мелкие для поднятия куски. Хорошей идеей будет подбирать куски породы, после того как Вы её разобьёте, и складывать их в другом месте для использования, предпочтительно в Склад или транспортное средстве, которое вы используете для перевозки руды, например Деревянная тележка.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Обработка минералов\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nOnce you have collected a large amount of metal ore, you\'ll need to process the ore before you can craft metal products with it. This is a dirty and expensive process, and optimizing it and the byproducts from it will be an ongoing matter of consideration. The three main steps of mineral processing are:\n\nComminution: Comminution means to crush the rock into smaller sized particles which can be further processed. Crushed rock of the type the ore is hosted in is the main byproduct of this process.\n\nConcentration: Concentration is a way to separate the desired metals in an ore rock from the waste rock. This process is never perfect, and inevitably results in a large output of waste rock which still contains traces of freed metals. This waste rock with traces of heavy metals is known as Хвосты. Медная руда and Золотая руда require chemical leeching and wet processing to separate from their host rocks, and thus produce more polluted and volatile Сырые хвосты during the concentration process.  \n\nSmelting: Once you have precious ore concentrate, you can at last smelt it into metal products like Железный брусок at a Сыродутная печь or using a more advanced smelting technology. \n\n'}},
        ['Готовка'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Готовка',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Cooking',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Agouti Enchiladas Item', 'Autumn Stew Item', 'Banh Xeo Item', 'Basic Salad Item', 'Bear SUPREMEItem', 'Bison Chow Fun Item', 'Boiled Rice Item', 'Boiled Sausage Item', 'Clam Chowder Item', 'Corn Fritters Item', 'Crimson Salad Item', 'Crispy Bacon Item', 'Elk Taco Item', 'Fish NChips Item', 'Fried Hare Haunches Item', 'Fruit Salad Item', 'Hosomaki Item', 'Huckleberry Fritter Item', 'Kelpy Crab Roll Item', 'Loaded Taro Fries Item', 'Millionaires Salad Item', 'Mochi Item', 'Phad Thai Item', 'Pineapple Friend Rice Item', 'Poke Bowl Item', 'Pupusas Item', 'Roast Pumpkin Item', 'Seared Meat Item', 'Seeded Camas Roll Item', 'Shark Fillet Soup Item', 'Simmered Meat Item', 'Smooth Gut Noodle Roll Item', 'Spiky Roll Item', 'Sweet Salad Item', 'Taro Fries Item', 'Tortilla Item', 'Vegetable Medley Item', 'Vegetable Soup Item', 'Wild Mix Item', 'Worldly Donut Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Гражданские статьи'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Гражданские статьи',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Civic Articles',
                    ['summary'] = 'Определяет принципы работы правительства.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'CivicArticle'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Consitutional Articles define how things happen in the government: who can pass laws, set taxes, change the rules, etc.  It can also define certain actions as needing an election, by specifying an Тип голосования inside them.  \n\nConstitutional Articles can be added in two places.  On a Капитолий, you can add up to three, and on Поправки you can add up to another 10 more per item.\n\nDefining the rules of the government is very important for keeping it a stable, society-supporting structure.  Governments can be granted a great deal of power over the world with laws, and there\'s a danger of this power being abused.  By setting a system of checks and balances, citizens can design a government that can undergo a number of changes, including changes of leadership, while maintaining the power to effect positive changes in the world.\n\n'}},
        ['Гражданский долг'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Гражданский долг',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Civic Duties',
                    ['summary'] = 'Your civic duties are the many different ways you can interact with the government.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\n    The Правительство of Eco is run by individual citizens, and the quality of governance is fully dependent on how those citizens participate.\n\n    There are a number of ways to participate in the running of the government, including:\n\n    - Founding the government by creating a Капитолий and Конституция.\n\n    - Defining civics objects including Районы, Демография, Выборные должности, Процессы выборов, and Поправки.\n\n    - Running as a candidate for an Выборный титул, giving special powers assigned to it by the constitution.\n\n    - Enacting Законы after attaining the privilege to (defined in the constitution).\n\n    - Enacting Исполнительные действия, with privileges also defined in the constitution.\n\n    - Voting in Выборы for Выборные должности and other civic actions.\n\n    - Debating laws with the use of Данные, presenting arguments to your fellow citizens arguing for one choice over another.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\n    Each of these options are available at a variety of locations which must be constructed by citizens. The current government can be viewed by selecting the Government icon in the action bar and hovering over each section will specify where the civic object is defined.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Грибы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Грибы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Fungi',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Мухоморы', 'Белый гриб', 'Кукейна', 'Шампиньоны', 'Олень чернохвостый', 'Решёточник красный'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Группы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Группы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Tags',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Данные'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Данные',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Data',
                    ['summary'] = 'The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaHeader', 'Графики\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nEach Eco world stores every action in the game and monitors the progress of every aspect of the simulation. Data is stored in a few major categories, specifically the ecosystem and the economy. As players perform actions or as the ecosystem changes, it will be represented on graphs visible to citizens.\n\nGraphs are most useful for comparing the states of various metrics and viewing them overtime. As such, they’re especially useful for determining the results of laws and regulations in retrospect, by studying how things changed after they were implemented.  They are also useful for extrapolating into future effects, projecting the rate at which things are changing (i.e., population dropping as a result of deforestation) and making changes before they occur. Reading, composing, and understanding graphs is a very powerful tool for the government, and citizens are given the tools to craft graphs that support or refute arguments and present them to their fellow citizens directly on discussions for civic actions.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Тепловая карта\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nEco worlds are varied places, with many different biomes and locations of human development and environmental impact. To view how different parts of the world vary, heatmaps are available for all the various world effects in the game.  Such values as citizen activity, population rates, pollution rates, temperature, moisture, and dozens more can be viewed through heatmaps, with changes recorded over time that can be played back and used for scientific argumentation.\n\nPlayers can view these in two ways: through the minimap in game, which can also display colored terrain in the game.   Secondly, they can be viewed in the web browser, where their ability to play back over time is taken advantage of. A snapshot of each heatmap is stored in the server data every 10 minutes (configurable), and citizens can view time lapse views of how the heat maps change over time.  This is essential to measuring impacts in specific locations and determining the best routes to build infrastructures and news settlements.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Миникарта\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nThe minimap is a powerful tool within the game that serves many purposes: navigation, planning, data viewing, property locating, and many more. It can be enabled to view the various world layers of the game (heatmaps), highlighting regions that are high/low in population, pollution, citizen activity, etc using a gradient of colors.  World markers can be added manually, or globally for all citizens, to direct to specific points, aiding the coordination of human activity. These markers are also used to direct citizens automatically to dynamic work, specifying where roads should be built in a contract, where to deliver goods for transport, and so on.\n\nCurrently we’re working on adding in-game designation of property and districts, as well as specifying specific land areas for work parties and contracts, allowing for example citizens to highlight in-game the areas they wish to hire others to plow a field, or build a road, etc. This will greatly open up the ability for the labor market, letting citizens be much more specific in an easier way when designating where they would like work performed.\n\n'}},
        ['Двери'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Двери',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Doors',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Ashlar Basalt Door Item', 'Ashlar Gneiss Door Item', 'Ashlar Granite Door Item', 'Ashlar Limestone Door Item', 'Ashlar Sandstone Door Item', 'Ashlar Shale Door Item', 'Ashlar Stone Door Item', 'Composite Birch Door Item', 'Composite Cedar Door Item', 'Composite Ceiba Door Item', 'Composite Fir Door Item', 'Composite Hardwood Door Item', 'Composite Joshua Door Item', 'Composite Lumber Door Item', 'Composite Oak Door Item', 'Composite Palm Door Item', 'Composite Redwood Door Item', 'Composite Saguaro Door Item', 'Composite Softwood Door Item', 'Composite Spruce Door Item', 'Corrugated Steel Door Item', 'Corrugated Steel Fence Door Item', 'Flat Steel Door Item', 'Framed Glass Door Item', 'Hardwood Lumber Door Item', 'Hewn Door Item', 'Hewn Hardwood Door Item', 'Hewn Softwood Door Item', 'Large Corrugated Steel Door Item', 'Large Lumber Door Item', 'Large Windowed Lumber Door Item', 'Lumber Door Item', 'Mortared Granite Door Item', 'Mortared Limestone Door Item', 'Mortared Sandstone Door Item', 'Mortared Stone Door Item', 'Softwood Lumber Door Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Действия жителей'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Действия жителей',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Civic Action Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Позволяет жителям участвовать в голосованиях и принимать распоряжения.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'PerformCivicActionComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nВкладка Гражданское действие позволяет жителям участвовать в Выборы, выполнять Исполнительные действия, или покидать должности. Набор действий будет зависеть от того, какой объект используется.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Участие в выборах\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nНа вкладке Действия жителей в Урна для голосования, жители могут голосовать и баллотироваться на Выборные должности. \n\nНажав на кнопку Голосование откроется веб-страница, где можно увидеть все текущие Выборы, обсудить их с другими согражданами, привести различные Данные в качестве доказательства своей точки зрения и проголосовать.  \n\nЖители у которых есть право вето, могут вмешаться в текущий Тип голосования и отменить голосование.\n\nЧтобы баллотироваться на выборную должность, житель, имеющий право участвовать в выборах должен воспользоваться действием Начать голосование. Житель, имеющий на это право, может присоединиться к текущей предвыборной гонке со своей предвыборной речью, воспользовавшись действием Стать кандидатом. Снять свою кандидатуру с выборов кандидат может в любое время, для этого он должен воспользоваться соответствующим действием в урне для голосования.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Выполнение действий правительства\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nUsing the Civic Action Component at an Исполнительный офис allows an elected title to perform one-time executive actions that affect a set of citizens.\n\nThe Citizen Conditions dictate which citizens the executive action applies to, and multiple conditions can be set for a citizen to quality. To perform an action for all citizens, use the Демография ‘Everyone’ as the citizen condition.\n\nThe Action on Each Citizen will take effect as soon as the executive action is approved. Multiple actions can be performed at once for each citizen who meets the conditions.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Исполнительный офис\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nAt the Правительственный офис, the Civic Action Component allows elected titles to resign or remove other elected titles from office.\n\nThe Resign from Office action allows any elected official to step down from their position. If a Successor title was assigned to the Elected Title when it was created, a new official will be randomly selected from all citizens holding that title; otherwise the Elected Title becomes vacant.\n\nThe Remove Official from Office action allows citizens who have be given the authority the remove elected titles from office. The same rules for finding a successor apply as if the official resigned.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Perform Civic Action Component\n\nУрна для голосования\n\nИсполнительный офис\n\nПравительственный офис\n\n'}},
        ['Демография'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Демография',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Demographics',
                    ['summary'] = 'Определяет выбор граждан, соответствующих некоторым критериям.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'Демография'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\n  Demographics are classes of citizen, created in the government. These can then be used anywhere you can specify a citizen (permissions, laws, etc).\n\nFor example, citizens could define a demographic \'Lumberjacks\', which would only contain users with a logging skill level of 3 or more.  Then, a law could be created that only permits \'Lumberjacks\' to cut down old-growth trees.\n\nDemographics are defined at a Бюро переписи населения.\n\nDemographics can also have wages set on them. Wages are paid periodically as long as a citizen remains within the demographic.\n\n'}},
        ['Деревья'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Деревья',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Trees',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Берёза', 'Кедр', 'Сейба', 'Пихта', 'Юкка коротколиственная', 'Дуб', 'Гигантская секвойя', 'Пальма', 'Секвойя', 'Карнегия', 'Ель'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Договоры'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Договоры',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Contracts',
                    ['summary'] = 'Договоры заключаются между двумя жителями.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nДоговор - это соглашение между двумя жителями, созданный в Contract Board. Соглашение может содержать любое количество пунктов, а также указывать комбинации выполняемых работ и выплачиваемой компенсации. Публикуется жителем, который считается клиентом и может быть принят любым другим подходящим жителем в любое время.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Examples of contract include:\n\n    - Create a road between two designated points.\n\n    - Loan money between two parties with a given interest rate and due date.\n\n    - Build a room of given requirements at a specific location.\n\n    - Custom requirements described in text, and accepted/rejected by the client upon completion.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Дороги'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Дороги',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Roads',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Dirt Ramp Item', 'Stone Ramp Item', 'Dirt Road Item', 'Stone Road Item', 'Asphalt Concrete Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Доска объявлений'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Доска объявлений',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Contract Board Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Доска объявлений позволяет жителям размещать и брать предложения договоров и рабочих групп',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'ContractBoardComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Доска объявлений позволяет жителям размещать и брать Договоры и Рабочие группы, допуская использование чужого труда, а других соглашений между жителями.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Создание контракта\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nПри размещении договора в нем может быть столько пунктов, сколько необходимо, и каждый может быть настроен для описания задания. Договор считается исполненным, когда все пункты в нём выполнены.\n\nПри установленном флажке \'Авто-завершение\', исполнение договора автоматически определяется системой. Например, если договор заключен на строительство дороги между двумя точками, подрядчик, выполняющий работу, может открыть договор в своем боковом меню и нажать \'Работа завершена\', что вызовет проверку, выполнения работы. Если это так, договор будет оплачен в соответствии с соглашением и автоматически закрыт.\n\n\'Пользовательское условие\' - это специальный пункт, который позволяет игрокам описать словами, что они хотели бы сделать. Если договор содержит такой пункт, то его исполнение должно быть подтверждено заказчиком вручную (Авто-завершение может не устанавливаться), поскольку автоматически не возможно определить, когда он завершен.\n\nКогда автоматическое определение не установлено, подрядчик нажимает \'Работа завершена\', когда он считает, что работа выполнена, а подрядчик либо принимает, либо отклоняет. Договоры без авто-подтверждения требуют большего доверия между жителями, поскольку нет гарантии, что подрядчик честно примет выполненную работу. Жителям рекомендуется использовать Репутация как средство определения доверия в таких ситуациях.\n\n  \n\nДоговоры имеют установленный срок, в течение которого они должны быть выполнены, определяемый при создании договора. Кроме того, договоры могут быть настроены на повторение для повторяющихся заданий - когда это включено, каждый раз, когда договор принимается, счетчик повторений будет уменьшаться на единицу.\n\nЛюбой платеж, предлагаемый по договору, будет храниться на специальном счету Банковский счёт пока договор активен. Если договор завершается успешно, этот платеж будет переведен подрядчику, а если он не состоится, он будет возвращен заказчику. Подрядчик также может взимать депозит, который будет храниться на условном специальном счету и возвращаться подрядчику после успешного завершения или передан заказчику в случае неудачи.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Рабочие группы\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nРабочие группы так же могут размещаться на доске объявлений, позволяя создавать задачи, которые могут быть выполнены несколькими жителями, в отличие от договоров, которые являются соглашением между двумя сторонами. Перед тем, как разместить рабочую группу, житель должен запустить рабочий заказ на своем верстаке. \n\nПосле размещения рабочей группы, рабочие смогут присоединиться к проекту через доску объявлений. По умолчанию любой житель может присоединиться к рабочей группе в качестве рабочего, но могут устанавливаться требования как для отдельных ролей, так и общих требований для всех желающих присоединиться. Когда отмечено \'Добавление ролей при заполнении\', то если все роли заняты, места для новых рабочих будут создаваться автоматически.\n\nПри настройке требований, заказчик рабочей группы может решать нанимать для работы, для ресурсов, либо оба варианта. Любой житель, который вносит свой вклад в рабочую группу, получит долю оплаты, в зависимости от объема выполненной работы. При увеличенном Весе определенной работы в рабочей группе, она оплачивается более высоко.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nСуществует множество вариантов оплаты для рабочей группы, и для одной и той же рабочей группы может быть предложено несколько вариантов оплаты.\n\n- Когда предлагается Валюта в качестве оплаты, есть возможность \'Платить по мере работы\' которая будет выплачиваться работникам по мере их вклада, а не выплачивать сумму за раз, когда договор будет завершен.\n\n- Когда предлагается Репутация в качестве оплаты, он будет разделен между всеми жителями, которые внесли свой вклад, когда рабочая партия будет закончена.\n\n- Когда предлагается Исследование в качестве оплаты, все жителя, которые внесли необходимой вклад, получат технологию, когда рабочая группа будет завершена. Исследование может быть предложено в качестве оплаты только тогда, когда рабочая группа создает исследовательскую книгу или если житель, предлагающий рабочую группу, имеет исследовательскую книгу в своем инвентаре при создании рабочей группы.\n\n- При предоставлении Название в качестве оплаты, житель, публикующий договор, должен иметь право назначать на предлагаемую должность. Все жители, внесшие минимальный вклад, получат новую должность. Тип доступа определяет, получат ли они право управлять или только использовать должность.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Доска объявлений\n\nДоска объявлений\n\n'}},
        ['Древо Эко'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Древо Эко',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'The Eco Tree',
                    ['summary'] = 'Следите за разработкой Eco.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\n    We intend Eco to be a forever-game, growing in depth and breadth and connections to other future games, a system of unlimited possibilities that aims to go beyond entertainment.  This tree contains the past, present, and future of Eco.\n\n    Via our website, you can view all the interactive parts of the tree and see where we\'re headed and the guiding philosophy behind the game.\n\n  \n\n'}, },
        ['Еда и укрытие'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Еда и укрытие',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Food and Shelter',
                    ['summary'] = 'Setting up a source of food and shelter is a first priority.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'В то время как функционирующее общество необходимо, чтобы уничтожить метеорит, каждому жителю так же нужно удовлетворить свои потребности, начиная с еды и укрытия. \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Выбор поселения\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Выбирая место для поселения, вы должны учитывать следующие факторы:\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Близость к ресурсам\n\nПриродные источники пищи и строительные материалы поблизости значительно ускорят первоначальный прогресс.\n\nБлизость к другим людям\n\nПостройка дома вблизи других поселений дает явное преимущество, так как вы можете торговать с ними, чтобы быстрее развиваться. Однако перенаселенный район может также иметь ограниченные возможности для расширения и поиска пищи в непосредственной близости. Вы захотите найти баланс, основанный на личных предпочтениях.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Застолбить свой участок\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', ' Когда вы выбрали место для постройки дома, вам понадобится застолбить Параметр на земельный участок под постройку. Во время установки первоначальной палатки это произойдёт автоматически, а дальше собственность можно застолбить с помощью колышка и квитанций землемера. Собственность в вашем владении будет защищена от других жителей, но вы сможете выдать им доступ.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Пища\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Поиск еды очень важен, чтобы иметь калории для работы. Также, питательные вещества еды влияют на скорость получения опыта, так что вам захочется кушать лучшую еду для быстрейшего развития. Поселяясь в дикой природе, обращайте внимание на источники пищи или подумайте о выращивании огорода. Поселяясь возле существующей деревни, смотрите на местную экономику, какие предметы вы сможете продать, чтобы купить еду.\n\n'}},
        ['Жареная еда'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Жареная еда',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Charred Food',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Boiled Grains Item', 'Charred Agave Item', 'Charred Beans Item', 'Charred Beet Item', 'Charred Cactus Fruit Item', 'Charred Camas Bulb Item', 'Charred Corn Item', 'Charred Fireweed Shoots Item', 'Charred Fish Item', 'Charred Heart Of Palm Item', 'Charred Meat Item', 'Charred Mushrooms Item', 'Charred Papaya Item', 'Charred Pineapple Item', 'Charred Sausage Item', 'Charred Taro Item', 'Charred Tomato Item', 'Wilted Fiddleheads Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Животное'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Животное',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Animal',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Agouti Carcass Item', 'Alligator Carcass Item', 'Bass Item', 'Bighorn Carcass Item', 'Bison Carcass Item', 'Blue Shark Item', 'Clam Item', 'Cod Item', 'Coyote Carcass Item', 'Crab Carcass Item', 'Deer Carcass Item', 'Elk Carcass Item', 'Fox Carcass Item', 'Hare Carcass Item', 'Jaguar Carcass Item', 'Moon Jellyfish Item', 'Mountain Goat Carcass Item', 'Otter Carcass Item', 'Pacific Sardine Item', 'Prairie Dog Carcass Item', 'Salmon Item', 'Snapping Turtle Carcass Item', 'Trout Item', 'Tuna Item', 'Turkey Carcass Item', 'Urchin Item', 'Wolf Carcass Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Жидкости'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Жидкости',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Liquids',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Barrel Item', 'Biodiesel Item', 'Gasoline Item', 'Petroleum Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Жизнь в экосистеме'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Жизнь в экосистеме',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Life in an Ecosystem',
                    ['summary'] = 'Экосистема предоставляет много ресурсов, но уязвима для действий человека.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Экосистема даёт большое количество ресурсов, которые пригодятся жителям, но также она уязвима к их влиянию. Чтобы добиться успеха, всему обществу нужно разумно подходить к этому вопросу, используя Правительство, чтобы определить, что разрешено, а что - нет. \n\n \n\nРазные формы загрязнения влияют на окружающую среду, приближая возможность катастрофы, которая может уничтожить ваши источники пищи и остановить развитие, а также привести к разрушению экологии. С помощью инструментов анализа данных жители могут следить за своим влиянием на мир и пользоваться этими данными при обсуждении законов для защиты природы или для перехода на другой путь развития экономики.\n\nВ начале мира везде царит дикая природа, но по мере развития через века жителям понадобится значительно менять мир вокруг себя с помощью технологии, чтобы построить промышленность и добыть знания, необходимые для сбития метеорита. Жителям понадобится осторожно балансировать между использованием природных ресурсов по максимуму и необратимым повреждением окружающей среды.\n\n'}},
        ['Жилище'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Жилище',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Residency',
                    ['summary'] = 'Владение, в котором вы проживаете, дает Вам бонус.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nEach deed can have any number of residents, and those residents will share in an Опыт boost based on the quality and number of occupants.\n\nAs the number of occupants increases, the occupancy penalty increases.  At small numbers of occupants (1 or 2), there is virtually no penalty, and citizens can effectively cohabitate this way and share in the benefit of a well-stocked house.  As the occupants increases beyond that (5 and above), the penalty becomes more steep, eventually topping out at 99% when the house is too overcrowded.\n\nHowever, the \'diminishing returns\' rate of rooms is favorably affected by occupancy (because three bathrooms is overkill when you live alone, but great when you have roommates).  This means that you can overcome the penalty by building a larger house, and duplicate rooms will be inversely affected the occupancy bonus.\n\n  \n\nTo become a resident of a property, click the name of the property (visible on the popup status panel when youre in the property). From there you can become a resident (if you own the deed) as well as invite others to become residents.  These other invited citizens may then join as a resident through the same interface. You can even invite groups by specifying titles or demographics, allowing you to create housing for special classes of citizens (new players for example). You can also set the max number of occupants, to ensure that residency managed this way (by inviting large groups) doesn\'t result in overcrowded housing.\n\nNote: An additional feature will be added latter permitting automatic rent collection agreements between citizens. For now this can be done with manual transfers.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nAs the number of occupants increases, the occupancy penalty increases.  At small numbers of occupants (1 or 2), there is virtually no penalty, and citizens can effectively cohabitate this way and share in the benefit of a well-stocked house.  As the occupants increases beyond that (5 and above), the penalty becomes more steep, eventually topping out at 99% when the house is too overcrowded.\n\nHowever, the \'diminishing returns\' rate of rooms is favorably affected by occupancy (because three bathrooms is overkill when you live alone, but great when you have roommates).  This means that you can overcome the penalty by building a larger house, and duplicate rooms will inversely affect the occupancy bonus.\n\n  \n\nTo become a resident of a property, click the name of the property (visible on the popup status panel when you\'re in the property). From there you can become a resident (if you own the deed) as well as invite others to become residents.  These other invited citizens may then join as a resident through the same interface. You can even invite groups by specifying titles or demographics, allowing you to create housing for special classes of citizens (new players for example). You can also set the max number of occupants, to ensure that residency managed this way (by inviting large groups) doesn\'t result in overcrowded housing.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Разрешения для прописанных\n\nКогда житель прописывается, он получает специальный перечень разрешений, даже если у него нет другого доступа к собственности, называющийся Права Прописанного. Эти права следующие:\n\n- меблированные комнаты: прописанный может получить доступ ко всем вещам;\n\n- возможность перемещать свои собственные вещи: прописанные могут размещать свои вещи в любом месте (но не блоки);\n\n- запрещено воровать мебель: прописанные могут забирать предметы, только если они сами разместили их.\n\n'}},
        ['Жители'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Жители',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Citizens',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Загрязнение'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Загрязнение',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Pollution',
                    ['summary'] = 'The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nAs citizens burn fuel to cook or generate power, smelt metals, process sewage, and engage in countless other necessary industrial activities, a common byproduct is pollution. Pollution is any substance that can act as a contaminant or poison when introduced back into the environment. In Eco there are many sources and several varieties of pollution, some of which are more potent than others. Heavy metals can contaminate soil, affecting available nutrients and the health of plants and animals living on and in it. Water can spread contaminants rapidly and increase the size of their impact. Air pollution can pour invisibly or obviously from a stove or a power plant, adding to greenhouse gasses and impacting the air quality, as well as fall back down into the ground as acid rain. \n\nTo ensure the survival of ecosystems and preserve resources like soil and water, players will have to manage and contain the sources of pollution their civilization creates. In some cases, spills or deadly concentrations will be inevitable, and then remediation and storage may be the only option to return the land to an unharmed state. \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Загрязнение поверхности\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nOnce released into the soils and water table, ground pollutants are not easy to stop or remove. Various materials in Eco are sources of ground pollution, most notably tailings from mining and garbage from crafting and other player activities. Pollution spreads as a gradient that increases in concentration with time if the source of pollutants remains or increases. When the source of pollutants is removed from contact with the ground, ground pollution spreads and dissipates with time.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Загрязнение воздуха\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nMany player activities can create harmful emissions which if released into the atmosphere act as air pollution. Crafting at objects with CO2 outputs or running generators with them contributes to local and global pollution levels. Over long periods of time, global CO2 levels contributes to a global warming effect which affects sea level in turn. There are natural sinks and intakes for some pollutants like CO2 such as forests.\n\nConcentrations of air pollution will fall back to the ground as acid rain, which we simulate using the air pollution and local rainfall quantities. \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Загрязнение воды\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nWater is a medium through which pollution spreads more quickly and further, rushing downstream and blossoming out in lakes or oceans. Pollution in the water generally comes from nearby ground pollution sources, but also may be entering the water via the acid rain mechanic in areas with lots of air pollution. \n\nRemoval of the source is the only way to currently stop water pollution, but clean-up and remediation strategies are features we are considering for the future.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Сдерживание\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nIn many cases, there is no perfect solution to deal with polluting materials. Space must be made to store various pollutants, and pollutants must be stored in a way that prevents them from re-entering the surrounding environment. This is a challenge that should be key to environmental management of industry in Eco. Currently tailings mechanics require deep underground storage; this will be improved with further development. \n\nContainment mechanics are the forefront of features we want to improve related to the Pollution group of features in Eco. Players should be using containment to deal with the vast quantities of tailings and garbage that their societies produce.\n\n'}},
        ['Заказы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Заказы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Work Orders',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Законы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Законы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Laws',
                    ['summary'] = 'Cause-and-Effect rules designed by citizens and enforced automatically in order to achieve societal goals.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'Law'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Laws are the means by which the government makes changes in the world, to achieve goals of the populace.\n\nLaws are created by placing a Суд, and depending on the Гражданские статьи available may require an election to pass.  Each law is created with a list of causes and effects, and when the cause happens the effect will be activated.  This allows a lot of flexibility in how the laws work, and they can cover many areas; from taxation to regulation to paid out funds incentivizing activities.\n\nMany ‘Cause’ choices will provide context about the citizen who triggered it, where it was triggered, etc. These ‘context’ properties can be seen in the Cause tooltip, and are available for specifying data in the ‘Effects’.  For example, an effect may tax the specific player who chopped down a tree\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Знаки'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Знаки',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Signs',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Hanging Long Steel Sign Item', 'Hanging Steel Framed Sign Item', 'Hanging Steel Mine Sign Item', 'Hanging Steel Plain Sign Item', 'Hanging Steel Shop Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Ashlar Basalt Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Ashlar Gneiss Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Ashlar Granite Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Ashlar Limestone Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Ashlar Sandstone Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Ashlar Shale Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Ashlar Stone Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Birch Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Cedar Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Ceiba Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Fir Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Hardwood Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Joshua Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Lumber Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Mortared Granite Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Mortared Limestone Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Mortared Sandstone Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Mortared Stone Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Oak Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Palm Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Redwood Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Saguaro Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Softwood Sign Item', 'Large Hanging Spruce Sign Item', 'Large Standing Ashlar Basalt Sign Item', 'Large Standing Ashlar Gneiss Sign Item', 'Large Standing Ashlar Granite Sign Item', 'Large Standing Ashlar Limestone Sign Item', 'Large Standing Ashlar Sandstone Sign Item', 'Large Standing Ashlar Shale Sign Item', 'Large Standing Ashlar Stone Sign Item', 'Large Standing Birch Sign Item', 'Large Standing Cedar Sign Item', 'Large Standing Ceiba Sign Item', 'Large Standing Fir Sign Item', 'Large Standing Hardwood Sign Item', 'Large Standing Joshua Sign Item', 'Large Standing Lumber Sign Item', 'Large Standing Mortared Granite Sign Item', 'Large Standing Mortared Limestone Sign Item', 'Large Standing Mortared Sandstone Sign Item', 'Large Standing Mortared Stone Sign Item', 'Large Standing Oak Sign Item', 'Large Standing Palm Sign Item', 'Large Standing Redwood Sign Item', 'Large Standing Saguaro Sign Item', 'Large Standing Softwood Sign Item', 'Large Standing Spruce Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Ashlar Basalt Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Ashlar Gneiss Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Ashlar Granite Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Ashlar Limestone Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Ashlar Sandstone Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Ashlar Shale Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Ashlar Stone Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Birch Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Cedar Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Ceiba Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Fir Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Hardwood Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Joshua Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Lumber Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Mortared Granite Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Mortared Limestone Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Mortared Sandstone Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Mortared Stone Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Oak Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Palm Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Redwood Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Saguaro Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Softwood Sign Item', 'Small Hanging Spruce Sign Item', 'Small Standing Ashlar Basalt Sign Item', 'Small Standing Ashlar Gneiss Sign Item', 'Small Standing Ashlar Granite Sign Item', 'Small Standing Ashlar Limestone Sign Item', 'Small Standing Ashlar Sandstone Sign Item', 'Small Standing Ashlar Shale Sign Item', 'Small Standing Ashlar Stone Sign Item', 'Small Standing Birch Sign Item', 'Small Standing Cedar Sign Item', 'Small Standing Ceiba Sign Item', 'Small Standing Fir Sign Item', 'Small Standing Hardwood Sign Item', 'Small Standing Joshua Sign Item', 'Small Standing Lumber Sign Item', 'Small Standing Mortared Granite Sign Item', 'Small Standing Mortared Limestone Sign Item', 'Small Standing Mortared Sandstone Sign Item', 'Small Standing Mortared Stone Sign Item', 'Small Standing Oak Sign Item', 'Small Standing Palm Sign Item', 'Small Standing Redwood Sign Item', 'Small Standing Saguaro Sign Item', 'Small Standing Softwood Sign Item', 'Small Standing Spruce Sign Item', 'Standing Glass Sign Item', 'Standing Long Steel Sign Item', 'Standing Steel Brick Sign Item', 'Street Sign Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Изготовление'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Изготовление',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Crafting Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Верстаки используются для крафта предметов и добавления Работы в проекты.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'CraftingComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\n    The Crafting Component is used to Изготовить items, add resources or labor, and cancel existing projects. When contributing to a Рабочая группа, the Crafting Component can be accessed by citizens who have joined the work party.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Изготовление предметов\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nAfter selecting an item and quantity to craft, resources and labor are required to start the project. These resources can be added manually (placing them directly on the crafting table) or by linking a Хранилище that contains them.\n\nCitizens with a related Специальность require less calories to add labor. Some projects require skilled labor from a citizen with the corresponding specialty. This reduction is applied after the work order is started so citizens of various skill level can contribute to the same work party.\n\nBy adding an upgrade in the Модули, work orders on a crafting table will have reduced crafting time and resource costs.\n\nIf a project is cancelled early (by right clicking the order), the resources will be refunded but the spent labor will be lost.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Вложение работы\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nFor every unit of labor needed, Калории are consumed. After a work order is started, citizens can add labor by pressing the \'Work\' button in the Crafting Component. \n\nOnce a project is started, labor can quickly be added from outside the Crafting Component by right clicking on a crafting table. When adding labor in this way, holding down \'Ctrl\' will add 5x the normal amount of labor. Holding down \'Alt\' will add all available calories.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Группированные ингредиенты\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nВ некоторых рецептах используются Группированные ингредиенты, которые состоят из аналогичных элементов. Например, для изготовления элемента необходим Камень — это значит, что данный рецепт будет принимать любой тип камня с такими тегами (Гранит, Базальт и т. д.)\n\nГруппированные ингредиенты будут добавляться автоматически, поэтому нет необходимости создавать отдельные заказы с использованием разных ингредиентов.  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Исходные рецепты\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nSome recipes are part of larger group of recipes, known as Parent Recipes. When crafting one of these recipes, a citizen may select a specific variation to produce. The number crafted will be the quantity selected for the parent recipe.\n\nBy default only recipes that have available resources will be displayed. By checking \'Show All\', all possible variations will be displayed.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Изготовление\n\nПродвинутый верстак плотника\n\nПродвинутый верстак каменщика\n\nПродвинутый Стол Портного\n\nНаковальня\n\nАррастра\n\nСборочная линия\n\nАвтоматический ткацкий станок\n\nПечь для выпечки\n\nДоменная печь\n\nСыродутная печь\n\nРазделочный стол\n\nКостёр\n\nПалатка\n\nКапитолий\n\nПлотницкий верстак\n\nЧугунная плита\n\nПечь для обжига цемента\n\nЭлектрический токарный станок\n\nЭлектрический слесарный верстак\n\nЭлектрический строгальный станок\n\nЭлектрический пресс\n\nСборщик электроники\n\nФермерский стол\n\nШкаф рыбака\n\nФлотатор\n\nЩековая дробилка\n\nПечь для обжига\n\nКухня\n\nЛаборатория\n\nТокарный станок\n\nТкацкий станок\n\nСлесарный верстак\n\nВерстак каменщика\n\nМельница\n\nНефтеперерабатывающий завод\n\nНефтяная вышка\n\nСтол для исследований\n\nРоботизированная сборочная линия\n\nВашгерд\n\nПрокатный стан\n\nЛесопилка\n\nВибрационный сортировщик\n\nВинтовой пресс\n\nСенсорный конвейерный сортировщик\n\nСтрогальный станок\n\nПрядильная машина\n\nШтамповочная мельница\n\nПлита\n\nСтол портного\n\nСтол для инструментов\n\nВерстак колесника\n\nВерстак\n\n'}},
        ['Ингредиенты'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Ингредиенты',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Ingredients',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Acorn Powder Item', 'Bean Paste Item', 'Camas Paste Item', 'Cereal Germ Item', 'Cornmeal Item', 'Corn Starch Item', 'Flour Item', 'Huckleberry Extract Item', 'Hydrocolloids Item', 'Infused Oil Item', 'Liquid Nitrogen Item', 'Maltodextrin Item', 'Meat Stock Item', 'Oil Item', 'Rice Flour Item', 'Rice Noodles Item', 'Simple Syrup Item', 'Sugar Item', 'Sun Cheese Item', 'Tallow Item', 'Transglutaminase Item', 'Vegetable Stock Item', 'Yeast Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Инженер'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Инженер',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Engineer',
                    ['summary'] = 'Engineers are master inventors who produce vehicles and other advanced products for other citizens.',
                    ['subpages'] = {'Basic Engineering Skill', 'Electronics Skill', 'Industry Skill', 'Mechanics Skill', 'Oil Drilling Skill'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Engineers use the materials created by other professions to lead the way in technological advancement. The vehicles they produce greatly improve the capacity for trade and the speed at which citizens work. The crafting tables they produce are used by a variety of professions to create high-end goods. Being an engineer requires frequent interaction with other professions as engineers are unable to produce the primary inputs necessary for crafting.\n\n  \n\n-Основы инженерного дела allows citizens to produce roads and carts to help with transportation. In addition, basic engineering creates the crafting tables necessary to process and smelt ore.\n\n-Механика allows to citizens to create early motorized vehicles, like a Паровой грузовик. Mechanics provides the first source of electric power to help enable tecnological progression.\n\n-Промышленность allows citizens to create advanced vehicles, like an Экскаватор, to quickly collect large amounts of natural resources.\n\n-Добыча нефти allows citizens to use a Нефтяная вышка to collect Нефть for use in fuel and a variety of industrial projects.\n\n-Электроника is a high-end engineer specialty that uses expensive ingredients to produce the most advanced materials needed for modern crafting projects. In addition to this and providing a source of green electricity, electronics is used to craft the Лазер needed to save the world from the meteor.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Инструменты'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Инструменты',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Tools',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Property Claim Item', 'Steam Tractor Plow Item', 'Steam Tractor Harvester Item', 'Steam Tractor Sower Item', 'Chainsaw Item', 'Fishing Pole Item', 'Property Tool Item', 'Soil Sampler Item', 'Torch Item', 'Arrow Item', 'Composite Bow Item', 'Iron Axe Item', 'Iron Hammer Item', 'Iron Hoe Item', 'Iron Machete Item', 'Iron Pickaxe Item', 'Iron Rock Drill Item', 'Iron Shovel Item', 'Iron Sickle Item', 'Modern Axe Item', 'Modern Hammer Item', 'Modern Hoe Item', 'Modern Machete Item', 'Modern Pickaxe Item', 'Modern Rock Drill Item', 'Modern Scythe Item', 'Modern Shovel Item', 'Recurve Bow Item', 'Steel Axe Item', 'Steel Hammer Item', 'Steel Hoe Item', 'Steel Machete Item', 'Steel Pickaxe Item', 'Steel Road Tool Item', 'Steel Shovel Item', 'Steel Sickle Item', 'Stone Axe Item', 'Stone Hammer Item', 'Stone Machete Item', 'Stone Pickaxe Item', 'Stone Road Tool Item', 'Stone Sickle Item', 'Wooden Bow Item', 'Wooden Hoe Item', 'Wooden Shovel Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'DrillItem'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Исполнительные действия'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Исполнительные действия',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Executive Actions',
                    ['summary'] = 'An action performed by a government official having effects on taxes, property, etc.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Executive Actions are one-time actions that can affect a specific group of citizens or all citizens at once.\n\n  \n\nExecutive Actions can be proposed at an Исполнительный офис using the Действия жителей. These actions have three main effects:\n\n  \n\n - Issue a one-time Налог\n\n - Provide a payment to citizens from the Казна\n\n - Change the Параметр owner of existing property\n\nDepending on what Гражданские статьи are available, these actions may or may not require an election. Some civic articles state that only Выборные должности may perform Executive Actions.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Использование инструмента'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Использование инструмента',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Using Tools',
                    ['summary'] = 'Доступ к лучшим инструментам позволит вам добиться максимального прогресса.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'С помощью инструментов жители могут строить великие здания и двигать горы. Начальные инструменты позволяют работать понемногу, но при развитии техники появятся инструменты для более масштабных работ, а потом транспортные средства позволят значительно изменять мир. \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Существуют разные типы инструментов:\n\n  - Для строительства. Молотки позволяют размещать строительные материалы в разных формах, лопатой можно перемещать землю.  \n\n  - Для фермерства. Есть инструменты для вспахивания, посадки и посева разной эффективности.\n\n  - Для транспорта. Средства передвижения и инструменты для строительства дорог особенно полезны при транспортировке товаров.\n\n  - Для сбора урожая. Позволяют собирать растительные ресурсы в экосистеме.\n\n  - Для охоты. Охота на животных ради пропитания проводится с помощью специальных инструментов.\n\n  \n\nРучные инструменты требуют калории, влияя на Питание.\n\nУ инструментов есть прочность, которая понижается при использовании. Когда инструмент теряет прочность полностью и ломается, он будет тратить огромное количество калорий, и его нужно чинить в ремонтном верстаке.  \n\n'}},
        ['Исследование'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Исследование',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Research',
                    ['summary'] = 'Research creates new shareable knowledge, unlocking new types of products and abilities.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Research creates new shareable knowledge, unlocking new types of products and abilities.  It is conducted at a Стол для исследований where you craft a skill book.  Once created, a skill book can be used to create an unlimited number of skill scrolls, which will unlock the specialty for a citizen that uses one.\n\nEach skill scroll is a one-time-use consumable that unlocks a new Специальность in whomever uses it, which must then be claimed with a level-up through the Навыки system.  Gaining a new skill scroll also grants the citizen the benefit of a set of Property Claim Papers, which allows them to claim more land as they gain in skill.\n\n    \n\nSkill books are some of the most difficult items to create, and citizens will typically need to collaborate to acquire all the various resources and labor required to produce them.  As such, research projects are especially well-suited for Рабочие группы, as citizens can use them to share the work needed to create them along with the knowledge reward upon completion.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Исследования'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Исследования',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Research Papers',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Agriculture Research Paper Advanced Item', 'Agriculture Research Paper Modern Item', 'Culinary Research Paper Advanced Item', 'Culinary Research Paper Basic Item', 'Culinary Research Paper Modern Item', 'Dendrology Research Paper Advanced Item', 'Dendrology Research Paper Basic Item', 'Dendrology Research Paper Modern Item', 'Engineering Research Paper Advanced Item', 'Engineering Research Paper Modern Item', 'Gathering Research Paper Basic Item', 'Geology Research Paper Advanced Item', 'Geology Research Paper Basic Item', 'Geology Research Paper Modern Item', 'Metallurgy Research Paper Advanced Item', 'Metallurgy Research Paper Basic Item', 'Metallurgy Research Paper Modern Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Казна'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Казна',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Treasury Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Позволяет жителям, имеющим выборную должность с правом \'изменять Налоги в Казне\' устанавливать налоги и выбирать Единую валюту используемую по умолчанию.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'TreasuryComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Казна предоставляет Выборные должности, которым дана возможность \'Назначать налоги в Казне\', изменять налоги и выбирать мировую валюту по умолчанию.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Налоги\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'After Налоги are set in the Treasury Component, they are automatically applied to all relevant transactions. All revenue goes into the Treasury Банковский счёт. Elected titles that have the setting \'Government Banking Privileges\' can transact directly from the Treasury account (allowing selection of the account within the Кредит).  Money can also come out of the treasury via Законы that make payments to citizens.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Стандартная мировая валюта\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'The World Default Currency is the default Валюта used when placing a new object that contain the Credit Component. Citizens can still choose to use any currency in a Торговля, but having a World Default Currency makes it is easier to establish an economy with a common currency.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Прямые налоги\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Выборные должности с правом \'изменять Налоги в Казне\' могут облагать налогом или выделять  денежные средства напрямую Жителям. Это делается путем управления нужной валютой и выбора жителя, к которому будет применяться действие.  Выборная должность должен всегда указывать причину, по которой они выполняют это действие, которое отображается всем жителям.\n\nУправление Казной также включает возможность списывания валюты со счета Казны. Это приведет к окончательному удалению валюты, поэтому будьте осторожны при использовании этой возможности при работе с обеспеченными валютами.  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Казна\n\nКазна\n\n'}},
        ['Каменщик'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Каменщик',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Mason',
                    ['summary'] = 'Masons are specialist at mining and working with stone.',
                    ['subpages'] = {'Advanced Masonry Skill', 'Glassworking Skill', 'Masonry Skill', 'Mining Skill', 'Pottery Skill'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Masons are specialists at mining and working with stone. They provide a valuable source of building material and furniture for homes. The ore they collect is used by Smiths to smelt metal bars.\n\n  \n\n  -Горное дело allows citizens to expend less calories while mining stone and ore. Miners also process the collected ore and concentrate it to be used for smelting.\n\n  -Каменная кладка allows citizens to produce Строительный раствор, a primary ingredient for most mason building materials. The Строительный камень they produce is a great source of early housing material.\n\n  -Гончарство allows citizens to craft Кирпич building material and furniture out of Глина.\n\n  -Обработка стекла allows citizens to create Стекло and later Обрамлённое стекло. Glass is a nice supplemental buildling material and is used in a variety of industrial projects.\n\n  -Продвинутая каменная кладка is a high-level mason skill that produces the finest quality Ashlar Stone building material and furniture.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Камень'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Камень',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Stone',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Basalt Item', 'Gneiss Item', 'Granite Item', 'Limestone Item', 'Sandstone Item', 'Shale Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Канализация'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Канализация',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Sewage',
                    ['summary'] = 'Некоторые верстаки требуют наличие трубопровода для подачи воды и удаления сточных вод.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nMany industrial and housing objects require sewage support to function.  Typically, this means requiring water as an input, and an output for waste water.  Every object that has a Трубы will need a sewage connection.\n\nSewage systems are created by connecting a Механический водяной насос or Электрический водяной насос to a water source, and then building Pipes between the different objects that need supplying.  On the waste side, pipes will take the waste water from the object to either dump it into the environment (producing Загрязнение at the exit point), or process it at a Сточный фильтр, which will generate Компост from the wastewater.\n\nPipes will automatically connect to any adjacent pipe block of the same type.  To make sewage systems with different pipes in close proximity, use different materials of pipes.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', ''}},
        ['Книги навыков'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Книги навыков',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Skill Books',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Книга о продвинутой выпечке', 'Книга о продвинутой кулинарии', 'Книга о продвинутой каменной кладке', 'Книга о продвинутой выплавке', 'Книга о выпечке', 'Книга о основах инженерного дела', 'Книга про разделку животных', 'Книга о плотницком деле', 'Книга о композитах', 'Книга о кулинарии', 'Книга о передовой кулинарии', 'Книга по электронике', 'Книга о фермерстве', 'Книга об удобрениях', 'Книга об обработке стекла', 'Книга по промышленности', 'Книга о каменной кладке', 'Книга о механике', 'Книга о мельничном деле', 'Книга о добыче нефти', 'Книга о производстве бумаги', 'Книга о гончарном ремесле', 'Книга о выплавке', 'Книга о портняжном деле'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Комнаты'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Комнаты',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Rooms',
                    ['summary'] = 'Комнаты защищают Вас и ваше оборудование от непогоды, повышают очки навыков и позволяют оборудованию функционировать.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Rooms are enclosed areas protected from the elements where all holes to the outside world are filled with walls, doors and windows.\n\nYou can see the details about a room in a panel on the right side of the screen while you’re inside one stating its information. Many types of objects have Room Requirements and will take up space in their room, and require the materials of the room to be a specific quality.  Your housing value is also affected by the quality of the room materials.  This means a brick a house for example will provide much more benefit than a dirt hovel.\n\nFurnishings and Room Types\n\nBy claiming land and building rooms on it, you will begin to gain additional experience, which persists even when offline.  Adding additional types of rooms and furnishings for those rooms will increase it further.  Each type of furniture is associated with a kind of room: Bathroom, Bedroom, Kitchen, or General (displayed on the tooltip of the item).  The room type will be determined by whichever category you have the highest contribution of furnishings from.  Each room will have its value calculated by summing all the furnishings inside it.\n\nRepeats of the same furniture inside a room or repeats of the same room type in a house will give you diminishing returns; that is, you will still get housing points for them, but not as many as the first.   Eventually the point gain will be negligible, and it won’t be worth it to add any more of that type of furniture or room to the house.  For example, your 12th bathroom is going to add much less value to your house than your first one.\n\nRoom Material Quality\n\nThe average tier of the room material will also determine your housing value, by setting a soft cap.  Once your room value has exceeded the soft cap for the room, then you will get diminishing returns for additional housing points.  When this happens, it may be time to renovate the materials of the room.\n\n'}},
        ['Конституция'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Конституция',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Constitution',
                    ['summary'] = 'Учредительный документ правительства.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'A constitution is a founding document defining how a society will be governed.  A constitution must be created before any other government object. They are created at a Капитолий.\n\n \n\nOverthrowing Governments\n\nOnce a capitol is placed, a constitution can be ratified by opening it and clicking Ratify. As long as there are no other constitutions, the government will be immediately created.\n\n \n\nIf there is already a constitution active, a new constitution can only take its place if the housing value of its room exceeds the existing constitution by a significant amount, depending on the server settings. \n\n \n\nNote: A forthcoming update of Eco will allow multiple concurrent governments.\n\n'}},
        ['Костёр'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Костёр',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Campfire',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Bannock Item', 'Beet Campfire Salad Item', 'Campfire Roast Item', 'Fern Campfire Salad Item', 'Field Campfire Stew Item', 'Fried Camas Item', 'Fried Fiddleheads Item', 'Fried Hearts Of Palm Item', 'Fried Taro Item', 'Fried Tomatoes Item', 'Jungle Campfire Salad Item', 'Jungle Campfire Stew Item', 'Meaty Stew Item', 'Root Campfire Salad Item', 'Root Campfire Stew Item', 'Topped Porridge Item', 'Wild Stew Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Кредит'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Кредит',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Credit Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Вкладка Валюта позволяет жителям выбирать банковский счет и валюту для осуществления платежей в текущем объекте.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'CreditComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Кредиты позволяют жителям устанавливать валюту и банковский счет для всех операций по принадлежащему им объекту.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nПри выборе Банковские счета, житель может выбрать любой счёт к которому у него есть доступ (выполняется в Банк).\n\nЛюбая мировая Валюты может быть выбрана в разделе кредита. Эта валюта которая будет использоваться для любых операций происходят на этом объекте (например Магазин будет принимать любую валюту, указанную здесь). \n\nКогда выбирается \'Отсутствует\' для валюты в магазине, возможен прямой обмен без валюты.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Кредит\n\nПродвинутый верстак плотника\n\nПродвинутый верстак каменщика\n\nПродвинутый Стол Портного\n\nНаковальня\n\nАррастра\n\nСборочная линия\n\nАвтоматический ткацкий станок\n\nПечь для выпечки\n\nДоменная печь\n\nСыродутная печь\n\nРазделочный стол\n\nКостёр\n\nПалатка\n\nКапитолий\n\nПлотницкий верстак\n\nЧугунная плита\n\nПечь для обжига цемента\n\nЭлектрический токарный станок\n\nЭлектрический слесарный верстак\n\nЭлектрический строгальный станок\n\nЭлектрический пресс\n\nСборщик электроники\n\nФермерский стол\n\nШкаф рыбака\n\nФлотатор\n\nЩековая дробилка\n\nПечь для обжига\n\nКухня\n\nЛаборатория\n\nТокарный станок\n\nТкацкий станок\n\nСлесарный верстак\n\nВерстак каменщика\n\nМельница\n\nНефтеперерабатывающий завод\n\nНефтяная вышка\n\nСтол для исследований\n\nРоботизированная сборочная линия\n\nВашгерд\n\nПрокатный стан\n\nЛесопилка\n\nВибрационный сортировщик\n\nВинтовой пресс\n\nСенсорный конвейерный сортировщик\n\nСтрогальный станок\n\nПрядильная машина\n\nШтамповочная мельница\n\nМагазин\n\nПлита\n\nСтол портного\n\nСтол для инструментов\n\nВерстак колесника\n\nВерстак\n\n'}},
        ['Кривая развития'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Кривая развития',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'The Arc of Progress',
                    ['summary'] = 'Ваше путешествие в Eco.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaQuote', ''}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nEco - мир, которому может прийти конец из-за двух опасностей: экологической катастрофы или падающего метеорита.\n\n \n\nДля победы вам нужно строить цивилизацию, начиная с древних веков, развивая науку и промышленность до уровня, на котором можно сбить метеорит, но при этом не допустить экологической катастрофы. Вы будете состоять в обществе, где важно учитывать и личные нужды, и общественные потребности, чтобы достигнуть успеха.  \n\nВ Eco вы будете в основном развивать себя, свой дом и мастерскую, заодно создавая экономику и находясь в богатой экосистеме растений и животных, на которую влияют ваши действия.  \n\nДля хорошего, грамотного взаимодействия между личностями, экономикой и экосистемой, вы можете создать Правительство. Можно принимать законы, которые обязательны к исполнению и запрещают или поощряют определённые действия, и есть возможность участвовать в выборах, чтобы получить власть и направлять общество в нужное русло.\n\n Однако, перед тем, как спасать мир, вам нужно удовлетворить свои основные потребности. Для этого нужно обзавестись едой и укрытием.\n\n'}},
        ['Кровати'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Кровати',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Beds',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Wooden Fabric Bed Item', 'Wooden Straw Bed Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Кровать'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Кровать',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Bed Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Позволяет спать на однопользовательских серверах или серверах, на которых включен режим сна.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'BedComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Beds allow citizens to accelerate time when all citizens are using it simultaneously (or offline).  \n\n  \n\n(This feature is disabled by default on dedicated servers to prevent accelerating time when users are offline, but can be enabled by a server administrator.)\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Кровать\n\nПалатка\n\nДеревянная кровать с матрасом\n\nДеревянная кровать с соломой\n\n'}},
        ['Кузнец'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Кузнец',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Smith',
                    ['summary'] = 'Smiths smelt ore into metal bars and create advanced tools.',
                    ['subpages'] = {'Advanced Smelting Skill', 'Smelting Skill'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Smiths smelt concentrated ore into metal bars that can be used by a variety of professions. In addition, Smiths create superior tools that help citizens work more productively.\n\n  \n\n- Выплавка are specialists at making the metal bars that make up the foundation of technological advancement. The iron tools they create provide significant benefit over the early stone tools.\n\n- Продвинутая выплавка allows citizens to further refine iron bars into Стальной брусок for use in industry and high-tier building materials. Citizens with this specialty can use the steel they create to even more modern tools than the iron tools created by basic smelting.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Кухня'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Кухня',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Kitchen',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Bakery Oven Item', 'Butchery Table Item', 'Cast Iron Stove Item', 'Icebox Item', 'Kitchen Item', 'Mill Item', 'Refrigerator Item', 'Salt Basket Item', 'Stove Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Магазин'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Магазин',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Store Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Включает интерфейс, позволяющий другим Жителям торговать без Вашего участия.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'StoreComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nВкладка Магазин позволяет жителям выбирать товары, которые они хотят покупать или продавать другим жителям. Эти действия происходят автоматически, не требуя от владельца магазина находиться в сети.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Настройка магазина\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nВалюта и банковский счет, выбранные в Кредит, будут использоваться для всех транзакций в магазине. При выборе Нет для валюты в магазине, возможны прямые сделки, не облагаемые налогом с продаж. \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Магазин\n\nМагазин\n\n'}},
        ['Металлы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Металлы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Metals',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Copper Bar Item', 'Gold Bar Item', 'Iron Bar Item', 'Steel Bar Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Метеорит'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Метеорит',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'The Meteor',
                    ['summary'] = 'Надвигающаяся угроза сверху.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'У игрового мира есть срок жизни. Метеорит кружит над планетой и постепенно приближается к ней. Через 30 реальных дней он упадёт на планету и уничтожит всё.  \n\n  \n\nТем не менее, надежда ещё есть, с помощью современных технологий катастрофу можно предотвратить. Создавая вместе процветающую экономику и развиваясь через Исследование, у человечества есть шанс построить Лазер для уничтожения метеорита.\n\nЭто будет непростой задачей, так как развитие промышленности до необходимых высот представляет настоящую угрозу для экосистемы. Чтобы бороться с ней и не допустить экологической катастрофы, жителям планеты нужно спроектировать и построить Правительство.\n\nСудьба мира зависит от его жителей, работающих сообща в гармонии с экосистемой, чтобы достичь технологических высот. Только через продуманное сотрудничество жители могут добиться успеха.  \n\n'}},
        ['Млекопитающие'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Млекопитающие',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Mammals',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Агути', 'Толсторогий баран', 'Bison Species', 'Койот', 'Deer Species', 'Elk Species', 'Fox Species', 'Hare Species', 'Jaguar Species', 'Mountain Goat Species', 'Otter Species', 'Prairie Dog Species', 'Wolf Species'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Модули'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Модули',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Modules Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Позволяет жителям улучшать свои верстаки.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', ' The Module Component allows citizens to insert upgrades into their Изготовление tables. After inserting an upgrade, work orders on that table will have reduced resource costs and crafting times.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Использование улучшений\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nUpgrades come in five different quality levels. A level 1 upgrade decreases the resource cost and craft time by 10%, with each progressive level adding an additional decrease.\n\nCrafting tables accept different types of upgrades. Early tables accept \'Basic Upgrades\', while later tables require \'Advanced Upgrades\' or \'Modern Upgrades\'. Each tier of upgrade has five different quality levels, with the highest quality level being a Specialty Upgrade.\n\nSome recipes have costs using Static Ingredients. Static ingredients are not affected by the resource cost reduction, but the recipes that contain them still get a reduction for crafting time. \n\n		\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Улучшения специальностей\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nThe highest level of upgrade can only be crafted by a citizen who has reached the maximum level in their chosen Специальность. Unlike other upgrades, these upgrades recieve an additional cost reduction when crafting recipes using the specified profession.\n\nSome specialties have different tiers of upgrades that correspond to different crafting tables. For example, Плотницкое дело has the Базовое улучшение для плотницкого дела for the Плотницкий верстак and the Продвинутое улучшение для плотницкого дела for the Лесопилка.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Налоги'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Налоги',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Taxes',
                    ['summary'] = 'Tax can be taken from the economy to fund publics works project as well as incentivize or disincentivize economic activity.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'For the good of the people, or at least the enrichment of the government, taxes can be levied on many actions in Eco.\n\n  \n\nTreasury Taxes\n\nAt a Казна, Taxes can be set on a variety of actions:\n\n - Sales Tax.  Tax applied to the sale of goods at a store.\n\n - Crafting Fee Tax. Tax applied to the fees taken from sharing your crafting station.\n\n - Contract Tax. Taxes taken from payments made through contracts and work parties.\n\n - Direct Transfer Tax. Taxes taken from transfers between players.\n\n - Self Direct Transfer Tax. Taxes taken when transferring to an account you have access to (to optionally protect against tax avoidance loopholes).\n\nOnly a citizen holding an Выборный титул who has been granted the right to ‘Set Taxes at the Treasury’ may adjust these rates.  All taxes taken from these settings will be stored in the special ‘Treasury’ bank account.  Allocation may be made out of this special bank account into others through commands on the treasury.\n\nLaw Taxes\n\nTaxes can also be set through Законы, which can have their amounts and destinations determined dynamically. The bank account they are placed in can also be determined, allowing for the funding of specific funds for specific purposes, stored in bank accounts accessible to a limited number of people only.  Using the law system, these taxes can be very specifically targeted and adjusted based on the actions that are happening.\n\nFor example, a \'Minister of Transportation\' Elected Title position could be created, having sole access to a Transportation Fund Банковский счёт.  A law could then be created to tax the production and trade of fuel, with proceeds going into the Transportation Fund, where the currently elected Minister of Transportation can use them to fund new roadbuilding Рабочие группы.\n\n'}},
        ['Обзор дома'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Обзор дома',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Housing Overview',
                    ['summary'] = 'Качество жилье (вместе с Вашим рационом) определяет прирост Ваших навыков.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'A citizen cannot thrive without proper shelter, and together with your Питание your Housing value will determine your Опыт multiplier.  The better your house’s materials and furnishing are, the higher your experience multiplier.  \n\nAdditionally, many objects require houses and utilities to operate. The housing system consists of the following parts:\n\n - Жилище. You can share residency of a property with others.\n\n - Комнаты. A room is a fully contained space, and many objects require being placed inside a room to function.\n\n - Параметр. Citizens can claim individual plots of land which they then can control access to.\n\n - Энергия. Many items require a power source to operate, and generated power can be shared among many citizens.\n\n - Канализация. Certain items require a sewage system of pipes, pumps, and wastewater treatment.\n\n'}},
        ['Обзор навыков'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Обзор навыков',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Skills Overview',
                    ['summary'] = 'Система навыков позволяет жителям специализироваться на определенных профессиях.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Central to a thriving economy is the ability to specialize and trade, thereby working more efficiently than if you attempted to do everything yourself.  Achieving a successful society depends on successfully accomplishing both.  \n\n    \n\n    A citizen\'s skills give them unique abilities and enhancements, which allows them to Торговля with other citizens having different skills in the economy. As you gain Опыт, you can unlock new Специальности and level-up existing ones.  The experience you gain is multiplied by your Питание and Жилье.    \n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Обзор правительства'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Обзор правительства',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Government Overview',
                    ['summary'] = 'An institution designed and run by the people to promote the common good.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaQuote', 'The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men.\n- Plato\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Between the ecosystem and the economy lies the government, run by citizens to ensure the survival and thriving of both.\n\n  \n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\n    The government is created by citizens, piece by piece, growing their power and capability alongside the power of the populace.  The parts of the government are:\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Конституция\n\nBefore any other aspect of government can be created, a Constitution must be created at a Капитолий. It determines how the government operates via civic articles.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Гражданские статьи\n\nA constitution contains civic articles which define how the government functions: who can do what, and how.  They can be created at a Капитолий on a new constitution or added to an existing constitution at an Поправки table.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Законы\n\nLaws determine rules and processes that all citizens are compelled to follow.  A Суд can hold up to 3 laws. \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Выборы\n\nElections will be started automatically when making changes that require them, as determined by the constitution. They can have many effects (changing laws, electing leaders, performing executive actions).\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Процессы выборов\n\nAn election process determines how elections work: who can vote and veto, how long they last, what majorities are required, etc. A Избирательная комиссия can hold up to three election processes.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Выборные должности\n\nAn Elected Title is a government position that can be given special privileges. A Правительственный офис can hold one elected title.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Демография\n\nA demographic defines a group of people according to specific rules. This group can then be used in other aspects of the government.  A Бюро переписи населения can hold up to three demographics.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Районы\n\nDefines an area of land which can be referenced in laws and other places.  A Офис зонирования can hold up to three district maps.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Исполнительные действия\n\nAn executive action is a one-time operation that can be performed to enact changes to society. They are performed at an Исполнительный офис by users given privileges from the constitution (typically elected titles).\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\n  Ballot Boxes\n\n  A ballot box allows operations to be performed related to elections and holding office.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\n  Казна\n\n  Determines taxes on various parts of the economy.\n\n'}},
        ['Обзор профессий'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Обзор профессий',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Profession Overview',
                    ['summary'] = 'Professions grant citizens special ability and the ability to craft advanced items.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Professions are groups of similar Специальности that unlock new crafting recipes and provide abilities like reduced calorie usage when crafting or using a tool. Within each profession is a group of similar specialties.\n\n  \n\nBelow is a list of all professions and the corresponding specialties. Citizens can choose to focus on one profession or learn specialties from a variety of professions.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Плотник\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nCarpenters специализируются на заготовке древесины, изготовлении деревянной мебели и строительных материалов для домов.\n\n  - Заготовка леса позволяет жителям более эффективно добывать древесину. Кроме того, она позволяет изготавливать Тёсаное бревно, основной стройматериал для плотника.\n\n  - Плотницкое дело позволяет жителям производить различную деревянную мебель и Доски. Лесопилка даст возможность  жителям с этой специальностью производить Пиломатериал.\n\n  - Композиты позволяет жителям, используя продвинутые технологии, создавать Композитные пиломатериалы, строительный материал высочайшего качества.\n\n  - Производство бумаги позволяет жителям перерабатывать древесную массу в бумагу. Бумага используется в изготовлении некоторых видов мебели.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Повар\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nChefs  специализируются на приготовлении более питательной еды, чтобы граждане получали больше опыта.\n\n  - Готовка на костре - это специальность от шеф-повара начального уровня, которая использует Костёр для приготовления основных блюд.\n\n  - Готовка это второй этап в профессии шеф-повара, который использует Чугунная плита для приготовления блюд более высокого качества.\n\n  - Выпечка - это альтернатива Cooking, которая использует Мука для производства выпечки.\n\n  - Продвинутая кулинария - это профессия шеф-повара высокого уровня, которая готовит самые питательные блюда.\n\n  - Продвинутая выпечка - это альтернатива продвинутой кулинарии, которая использует Дрожжевое тесто для приготовления высококачественной выпечки. \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Инженер\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nEngineers специализируется на производстве транспортных средств и современных материалов для изготовления предметов для других профессий.\n\n  - Основы инженерного дела позволяет гражданам строить дороги и телеги для транспортировки. Кроме того, основы инженерного дела создает столы для крафта, необходимые для обработки и плавки руды.\n\n  - Механикапозволяет жителям создавать ранние моторизованные транспортные средства, такие как Паровой грузовик. Механика является первым источником электроэнергии, который способствует технологическому прогрессу.\n\n  - Промышленность  позволяет жителям создавать современные транспортные средства, такие как Экскаватор, которые могут быстро собирать большие количества природных ресурсов.\n\n  - Добыча нефти позволяет гражданам использовать Нефтяная вышка для сбора Нефть который использования в топливе и различных промышленных проектах.\n\n  - Электроника использует дорогие ингредиенты для производства самых продвинутых материалов, необходимых для современных ремесленных проектов. В дополнение к источнику экологически чистого электричества электроника используется для создания Лазер, необходимого для спасения мира от метеора.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Фермер\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nФермера(ов) are specialists in agriculture. The crops they produce are a primary source of the calories needed for citizens to perform work.\n\n  - Собирательство allows citizens to harvest more produce from both wild plants and human-created farms.\n\n  - Фермерство allows citizens to create seeds out of produce to help create large farms.\n\n  - Удобрения allows citizens craft fertilizer and test soil conditions with a Анализатор почвы.\n\n  - Мельничное дело allows citizens to process produce in a Мельница for use by chefs in more advanced recipes.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Охотник\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nHunters are specialists at efficiently hunting animals and preparing meat for use by chefs. The two hunter specialties are closely linked as the animals hunted must be processed before the meat can be used by a chef. \n\n  - Охота grants citizens bonus damage when hunting animals and allows them to approach animals at a closer distance without causing them to run.\n\n  - Разделка животных allows citizens to process animal carcasses into prepared meat for chefs. The pelts and hides they create can be used for clothing and other crafting projects.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Каменщик\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nMasons are specialists at mining and working with stone. They provide a valuable source of building material and furniture for homes. The ore they collect is used by Smiths to smelt metal bars.\n\n  -Горное дело allows citizens to expend less calories while mining stone and ore. Miners also process collected ore to be used for smelting.\n\n  -Каменная кладка allows citizens to produce Строительный раствор, a primary ingredient for most mason building materials. The Строительный камень they produce is a great source of early housing material.\n\n  -Гончарство allows citizens to craft Кирпич building material and furniture out of Глина.\n\n  -Обработка стекла allows citizens to create Стекло and later Обрамлённое стекло. Glass is a nice supplemental buildling material and is used in a variety of industrial projects.\n\n  -Продвинутая каменная кладка is a high-level mason skill that produces the finest quality Ashlar Stone building material and furniture.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Кузнец\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nSmiths specialize in smelting ore and making tools for other citizens using the metal bars they create.\n\n  - Выплавка allows citizens to smelt the metal bars that make up the foundation of technological advancement. The iron tools they create provide significant benefit over the early stone tools.\n\n  - Продвинутая выплавка allows citizens to further refine iron bars into Стальной брусок for use in industry and high-tier building materials. Citizens with this specialty can use the steel they create more advanced tools.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Портной\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nПортной специализируется на изготовлении высококачественной мебели и особой одежды, которая дает бонусы при ношении. В отличие от большинства профессий, у портного есть только одна специальность.\n\n  - Работа с тканью позволяет горожанам создавать Ткань для создания высококачественной мебели и использования её в ремесленных проектах различных профессий. Одежда, создаваемая портными, дает гражданам особые бонусы. Например, Большой рюкзак позволяет переносить с собой больший вес, чем стартовый Простой рюкзак.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Живучий\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nSurvivalists специализируется в переносе дополнительного веса и и сокращении калорий, расходуемых при использовании основных инструментов. В мире Eco все жители являются Выживальщиками.\n\n   - Опыт в Самосовершенствование повышается каждый раз как житель повышает свой уровень в другой специальности. Самосовершенствование имеет два основных преимущества. По мере прокачки у жителей будет увеличиваться грузоподъемность и объем желудка для дополнительных калорий, при этом снижаются затраты калорий при использовании молотков, лопат и буров.\n\n'}},
        ['Обзор экономики'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Обзор экономики',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Economy Overview',
                    ['summary'] = 'Экономика состоит из использования всех ресурсов, торговли и технологического прогресса жителей.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaQuote', 'Экономика как правило не имеет ничего общего с количеством затрат, а заключается в использовании здравого смысла при трате денег.\n\nГенри Форд  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'The economy comprises the actions of harvesting, production and trade among citizens, taking from the Экосистема under the regulation of the Правительство. Citizens will need to ensure a smoothly running economy in order to progress technology enough to stop the meteor, without letting it run amok and destroy the planet through pollution in the process.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Концепции экономики\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\n  - Изготовление. Using industrial tools to create new goods.\n\n  - Торговля. Exchange of goods created by individuals with different specialties or access to resources.\n\n  - Транспортировка.  Moving resources from place to place, and building infrastructure throughout the world to do so.\n\n  - Исследование. Advancing human knowledge for the betterment of society.\n\n  - Валюта. A representation of value created by citizens that facilitates economic activity.\n\n  - Рабочие группы. Organized labor groups sharing rewards.\n\n  - Договоры. Agreements between two citizens regarding labor or other arrangements.\n\n  - Банковские счета. Containers of currency with configurable access.\n\n  - Финансы. Providing capital to other citizens to help them progress while making a profit yourself.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Обзор экосистемы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Обзор экосистемы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Ecosystem Overview',
                    ['summary'] = 'The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaQuote', 'Истинный смысл жизни в том, чтобы сажать деревья, под тенью которых ты не планируешь укрыться.\n - Нельсон Хендерсон\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nThe ecosystem is an end unto itself in Eco, and its continued prosperity is the primary goal of the game, alongside economic progress. That is, the ecosystem starts in a win-state, and players must use its resources without bringing it into a lose-state, which would mean destruction for humanity.\n\nThe ecosystem in Eco runs on a continuous simulation, active as long as the server is running, regardless of whether players are in the game or not. Each simulated plant and animal are growing, consuming food sources and reproducing. It is the sole source of materials from which players must build their society, and the process of extracting them will affect it greatly. Chopping down a forest might destroy a creature’s habitat, driving them to extinction. Mine tailings may pollute nearby rivers and lakes, poisoning farms that rely on it. The actions players take in Eco affect their environment, and players will need to understand the impact they’re having in order to thrive and stop the meteor. It is not an option to leave the ecosystem in a pristine, untouched state; the meteor ensures that choice will also lead to the ecosystem’s destruction. To save it, citizens must take from it, building a society that has the power to stop the meteor, while also having the restraint to not destroy the ecosystem in the process.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Игровой процесс\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'The ecosystem is the foundational system which citizens must understand and contend with. From growing large Farms and Mines to understanding the impact of Загрязнение through study, the impact of citizens on the ecosystem will determine the success or failure of player decisions. Understanding how it functions using in-game Данные becomes a key requirement of survival. Unlike the Экономика and the Правительство, the ecosystem is not a citizen construct – its behavior is absolute, nothing about how it functions can be changed by fiat the way the economy can. In this sense it’s a reality check, the place where the conflicting biases and beliefs of citizens collide and reveal the true consequences.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Между экономикой и государством\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'As citizens progress society, they must beware the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’; that giving a population unfettered access to a common resource will frequently result in its destruction. To prevent this, citizens must organize, deciding rules for the common good through Законы and other civic regulations which may limit the individual but allow the group to survive. This conflict, the individual vs the group, forms the heart of the challenge of building a civilization.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Обмен'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Обмен',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Exchange Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Позволяет жителям настраивать обмен валюты .',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'ExchangeComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Обмен позволяет жителям обменивать одну Валюта на другую.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Обмен валюты\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nВладелец Пункт обмена валюты использует его для валютных обменов для других жителей. При настройке обмена, валюта владельца становиться продаваемой валютой. За каждую купленную единицу валюты владельца с жителей будет взиматься установленная сумма альтернативной валюты.\n\nКогда Authorized Consumer посетит пункт обмена валюты, он увидит список всех предлагаемых обменов. По умолчанию все граждане являются авторизованными потребителями.\n\n	\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Валютные ограничения\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nВладелец пункта обмена может установить ограничение, которое не позволит жителям производить обмен, если сумма валюты на выбранном счете не будет соответствовать ограничению.\n\nЧисло слева это минимальное количество валюты, а число справа это максимальное количество валюты. Если при попытке обмена, сумма валюты на счёте станет больше или меньше установленного ограничения, то в обмене будет отказано. Значение 0 в любом из полей будет означать что для этой части ограничения нет.\n\n	\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Обмен\n\nПункт обмена валюты\n\n'}},
        ['Обработанная порода'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Обработанная порода',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Processed Rock',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Copper Concentrate Item', 'Crushed Basalt Item', 'Crushed Copper Ore Item', 'Crushed Gneiss Item', 'Crushed Gold Ore Item', 'Crushed Granite Item', 'Crushed Iron Ore Item', 'Crushed Limestone Item', 'Crushed Mixed Rock Item', 'Crushed Sandstone Item', 'Crushed Shale Item', 'Crushed Slag Item', 'Gold Concentrate Item', 'Iron Concentrate Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Объекты жителей'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Объекты жителей',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Civic Object Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'The Civic Object Component allows citizens to propose, amend, and repeal civic objects.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'CivicObjectComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '    \n\nThe Civic Object Component allows citizens to propose, amend, and repeal various Civic Objects. \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Типы гражданских объектов\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nOnce a Конституция is passed, new government policies are contained as Civic Objects in the government building they were created in. There are many types of government buildings, each with their own type of civic object:\n\n- Законы are set at a Суд\n\n- Демография are set at a Бюро переписи населения\n\n- Районы are set at a Офис зонирования\n\n- Выборные должности are set at a Правительственный офис\n\n- Гражданские статьи are set at a Капитолий or Поправки\n\n- Процессы выборов are set at a Избирательная комиссия\n\n	\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Proposing Civic Objects\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nClicking the \'Draft\' button will allow a citizen to propose a new civic object. Citizens can optionally begin a new draft to a civic object by clicking the \'Copy\' button which appears when hovering over the icon. This will bring up a dialog allowing you to select any civic object (past or present) to use as a basis. \n\nBy visiting the Civic Object Component on a government building that already contains civic objects, these policies can be amended or repealed. To repeal a civic object, click the red \'X\' that appears when you mouse over the icon.  To amend an existing one, click the \'Revise\' button available in the interface.\n\nThe buildings containing civic objects must remain placed and active for the civic object to stay in effect. If a government building is picked up, all civic objects contained on it come with it and they will eventually become disabled if the building is not replaced.\n\n	\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Гражданский долг\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Within a Civic Object Component, you will see a list of your Гражданский долг. This informs the citizen what permissions they have regarding civic objects, given the current Конституция.The possibilities of different civic duties are:\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\n- Apply Changes Immediately: Citizens given executive privilege can add, remove, and edit civic objects immediately.\n\n- Propose via Election: Citizens with the ability to propose elections will be able to propose an addition/deletion/edit, which will then trigger a new election (using whatever Тип голосования that is defined in the constitution).\n\n- View Only: If the citizen has no privileges as defined in the constitution, they may only view the civic objects by clicking on them and are not allowed to make changes.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Объекты жителей\n\nПоправки\n\nИзбирательная комиссия\n\nБюро переписи населения\n\nСуд\n\nПравительственный офис\n\nImmigration Desk Item\n\nОфис зонирования\n\n'}},
        ['Одежда'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Одежда',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Clothing',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Bandana Item', 'Basic Backpack Item', 'Bearpack Item', 'Big Backpack Item', 'Builder Boots Item', 'Builder Gloves Item', 'Builder Helmet Item', 'Builder Overalls Item', 'Builder Shirt Item', 'Camo Pants Item', 'Camo Shirt Item', 'Capris Item', 'Chef Hat Item', 'Chef Pants Item', 'Chef Shirt Item', 'Chef Shoes Item', 'Cloth Belt Item', 'Cloth Cape Item', 'Derpy Hat Item', 'Explorer Belt Item', 'Explorer Boots Item', 'Explorer Gloves Item', 'Explorer Hat Item', 'Explorer Pants Item', 'Explorer Shirt Item', 'Farmer Boots Item', 'Farmer Gloves Item', 'Farmer Hat Item', 'Farmer Overalls Item', 'Farmer Shirt Item', 'Garden Boots Item', 'Gigot Sleeve Shirt Item', 'Henley Item', 'Light Backpack Item', 'Low Top Shoes Item', 'Running Shoes Item', 'Shorts Item', 'Smith Apron Item', 'Smith Bandana Item', 'Smith Boots Item', 'Smith Gloves Item', 'Smith Pants Item', 'Square Belt Item', 'Tailor Bowler Hat Item', 'Tailor Pants Item', 'Tailor Shirt Item', 'Tailor Shoes Item', 'Tall Boots Item', 'Trousers Item', 'Work Backpack Item', 'Work Boots Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Опыт'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Опыт',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Experience',
                    ['summary'] = 'There are two kinds of experience in Eco: Character Experience (gained by food and housing) and Specialty Experience (gained by performing actions in a specialty).',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'As you gain experience in Eco you will be able to unlock new specialties and new abilities within those specialties. There are two types of experience you will gain, Character Experience and Specialty Experience.  Both are increased by your Experience Multiplier.\n\nCharacter Experience\n\nCharacter Experience is your background learning rate, how fast you are gaining knowledge and abilities.  It is constantly going up, even when you’re offline.  Each real-day, you will gain Character Experience at the rate of 1 * your experience multiplier.  When you reach a level up, you will gain a new specialty unlock, represented by a star.  Each level up will require more and more character experience to gain, so it is very difficult to have more than a few specialties.\n\nSpecialty Experience\n\nSpecialty Experience is your skill at a specific ability, and rather than going up constantly, it only goes up when you perform actions related to that specialty, such as crafting or performing labor.  Like Character Experience, it too is multiplied by your Experience Multiplier. Along the left side of the screen, you’ll see icons displaying how much experience you’re gaining when you perform actions, and you can click these to get a closer look at the level ups for that specialty.\n\nSome level ups will allow you to unlock talents, which give specific bonuses related to the skills they’re in.\n\nExperience Multiplier\n\nYour Experience Multiplier (or XP Multiplier) is a personal value representing your health and support system, and it determines how fast you learn new skills.  It is determined as a sum of your Питание and Жилье values.  Because it affects both your character and specialty experience points, you’ll want to keep it as high as possible by eating the nutritious food and having a well-furnished house.\n\n'}},
        ['Освещение'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Освещение',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Lights',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Brazier Item', 'Candle Stand Item', 'Ceiling Candle Item', 'Electric Wall Lamp Item', 'Modern Double Street Light Item', 'Modern Street Light Item', 'Steel Ceiling Light Item', 'Steel Floor Lamp Item', 'Steel Table Lamp Item', 'Stone Brazier Item', 'Streetlamp Item', 'Tallow Candle Item', 'Tallow Lamp Item', 'Tallow Wall Lamp Item', 'Torch Stand Item', 'Wall Candle Item', 'Wooden Ceiling Light Item', 'Wooden Floor Lamp Item', 'Wooden Table Lamp Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Отходы производства'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Отходы производства',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Byproducts',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Garbage Item', 'Compost Item', 'Sewage Item', 'Tailings Item', 'Wet Tailings Item', 'Slag Item', 'Tree Debris Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Охота'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Охота',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Hunting',
                    ['summary'] = 'The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nAnimal species are inhabitants of the world in Eco that vary greatly in terms of possible use as resources. Some species make for excellent sources of meat and food like milk, where others may provide useful byproducts like wool, leather, tallow, or bone meal. But animals also vary greatly in terms of their resilience and adaptability to impacts on their populations, habitat, and food sources. \n\nThrough hunting, players can use various traps and hand tools to harvest wild animals directly from the ecosystems they live in for use. Hunting can also serve as a way to control or cull excessive populations of animals. Hunting will be an important but not strictly necessary activity for players especially earlier on in order to meet the appetite of a large society. \n\nHunting an animal is only the first step in making the most use out of it. Butchery advancements will allow players to process and use animals for a large variety of animal products. Collaboration with other professions like cooks and tailors will unlock many nutritional, industrial, and even cultural uses for animals and their products, not all of which need be obtained through hunting. However, if a particular animal product becomes popular in the economy, care will have to be taken to avoid destructive pressure on a species. Hunting is often the final blow to an endangered species whose products become more and more valuable as they become more and more rare.\n\nTo get started with hunting, you\'ll need to craft a Деревянный лук and some Стрел(ы). More advanced bows will make it easier to hit your target quickly. Keep in mind that animals can be killed more quickly with a well-aimed shot, and that it may be easier to hunt some animals based on the time of day. \n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Охотник'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Охотник',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Hunter',
                    ['summary'] = 'Hunters are specialists at hunting animals and preparing meat for chefs.',
                    ['subpages'] = {'Butchery Skill', 'Hunting Skill'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\n    Hunters are specialists at efficiently hunting animals and preparing meat for use by chefs. The two hunter specialties are closely linked as the animals hunted must be processed before it can be used by a chef. \n\n    \n\n  - Разделка животных allows citizens to process animal carcasses into prepared meat for chefs. The pelts and hides they create can be used for clothing and other crafting projects.\n\n  - Охота grants citizens bonus damage when hunting animals and allows them to approach animals at a closer distance without causing them to run.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Параметр'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Параметр',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Property',
                    ['summary'] = 'Citizens and governments may own property and determine the access rights of them.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\n    By claiming Property, citizens can protect access to plots of land, determining who is allowed to access the land and what they are allowed to do on objects contained on it.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Права собственности на землю\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\n  Land can be claimed as property by using a Колышек землемера and targeting an unclaimed plot of land.  When targeted, a Land Claim Paper will be consumed, and the citizen will become the owner on the deed. The property at your current position can be seen in the world panel in the bottom right of the screen, and clicking the title will open the deed.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Права собственности на объект\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Objects can have their access rights set separately from the land they are on, to allow consumer access to objects that are on private land.  These settings are determined in an Авторизация.  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Права\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'On the deed, citizens can add and remove parties that may access the land (place or remove blocks).  The owner can also be changed by clicking the gear beside the owner name.  Note that both Демография and Титулы can both be given ownership on a deed, including Выборные должности. Structuring a government this way can allow only elected officials to have certain access rights to land.\n\n'}},
        ['Питание'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Питание',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Nutrition',
                    ['summary'] = 'Питание, наряду с жильем, определяет, как быстро вы набираете опыт.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nYour ExperienceОпыт is determined by your nutrition and housingЖилье, and the more nutritious the food you eat the faster you will gain Опыт.  The healthier you are, the faster you advance.\n\nThere are four nutrients represented in foods: Protein, Fat, Vitamins, and Carbs.  By adding up the average of each of these nutrients in all the food you’ve eaten in the last 24 hours, your experience multiplier is determined.   This means that if you eat junk food (low nutrients) it will affect you for 24 hours before it has passed through your body.\n\nAdditionally, a balance multiplier is applied, giving an additional 0% - 50% of your total based on how equal the nutrients are in your body. If you have exactly 25% of each nutrient for example, you will gain an extra 50% skill.\n\nDepending on the difficulty settings for this server, a ‘skill gain multiplier’ may also be set which increases it further.\n\nFinally, a base skill gain value is added to the total. This ensures that even when you’re totally starving, you’re still gaining at least some skill.  You can see all these calculations for yourself in the tooltip for food in the bottom left UI.\n\nCalories\n\nCalories, unlike nutrients, are spent when you perform work, and when you run out of calories you’ll be unable to work until you eat more.  Calorie usage can be greatly reduced by upgraded tools and leveling-up skills.\n\nAll food provides both calories and nutrients, so while gaining calories from food you’re also determining your skill multiplier, so watch that diet.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Накормить мир\n\nПродовольствие составляет основу растущего общества в Eco, способствуя повышению навыков, необходимых для построения цивилизации. Хорошо организованная сеть производителей продуктов питания, от фермеров до поваров, гарантирует, что жители получают навыки с необходимой им скоростью.\n\n'}},
        ['Пищевые цепочки'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Пищевые цепочки',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Food Webs',
                    ['summary'] = 'The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nA foundational goal of the ecosystem simulation in Eco is to contain a multitude of food webs. Food webs can be thought of as a set of \'consumer\' and \'consumed\' relationships between plants and animals that centers on a particular community of animals and their favorite foods. In general, the idea is to have at least one strong food web present in each biome. Food webs often are the basis of the most important inter and intra-relationships between species in an ecosystem. Many species rely on other species for food, or to hunt the species that is eating them.\n\nAnimal\'s prey and predators can be viewed through the web interface and checking the linked layers. Currently the prey-predator relationship is one way: the predators require the prey to exist, but they don\'t actually remove any from the simulation. This means that an explosion of elk would increase the wolf population, but this wouldn\'t put pressure onto the elk. Changing this relationship to consume both ways while ensuring it doesn\'t spiral out of control in an unexpected and sudden way is important as we move forward.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Плотник'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Плотник',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Carpenter',
                    ['summary'] = 'Плотники - специалисты по работе с деревом.',
                    ['subpages'] = {'Carpentry Skill', 'Composites Skill', 'Logging Skill', 'Paper Milling Skill'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Плотники - это специалисты по работе с деревом.\n\n  - Заготовка леса позволяет жителям быстрее рубить деревья, затрачивая меньше калорий. Кроме того, эта специальность используется для производства Тёсаное бревно, которые являются основным строительным материалом для профессии плотника.\n\n  - Плотницкое дело позволяет жителям производить деревянную мебель и Доски. Используя Лесопилка жители с этой специальностью могут производить Пиломатериал и мебель более высокого качества.\n\n  - Композиты позволяет жителям использовать передовые технологии для производства деревянных строительных материалов высочайшего качества.\n\n  - Производство бумаги позволяет гражданам перерабатывать древесную массу в Бумага. Бумага используется для изготовления мебели.\n\n'}},
        ['Повар'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Повар',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Chef',
                    ['summary'] = 'Chefs cook high quality food that enables citizens to gain experience faster.',
                    ['subpages'] = {'Advanced Baking Skill', 'Advanced Cooking Skill', 'Baking Skill', 'Campfire Cooking Skill', 'Cooking Skill', 'Cutting Edge Cooking Skill'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Chefs cook high quality food that enables citizens to gain experience faster. Using the raw food produced by farmers and hunters, chefs create food that is high in nutrients. As technology advances, the chef specialties cook progressively higher quality food.\n\n  \n\n  - Готовка на костре is the entry level Chef specialty that uses a Костёр to prepare better meals than the basic charred food produced by non-chefs.\n\n  - Готовка is the second step in the Chef profession that uses a Чугунная плита to produce higher quality meals.\n\n  - Выпечка is an alternative to Cooking that uses Мука to produce baked goods.\n\n  - Продвинутая кулинария is a high-level Chef profession that produces the highest tier of food.\n\n  - Продвинутая выпечка is an alternative to Advanced Cooking that uses Дрожжи to produce high quality baked goods with Дрожжевое тесто.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Портной'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Портной',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Tailor',
                    ['summary'] = 'Tailors work with cloth to make clothing and high-end furniture for other citizens.',
                    ['subpages'] = {'Tailoring Skill'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Tailors work with cloth to make clothing and high-end furniture for other citizens. Unlike other professions, the Tailor profession has only one specialty.\n\n	\n\nРабота с тканью allows citizens to create Ткань for use in crafting projects by a variety of professions. The clothing tailors creates provides citizens with special bonuses. For example, a Большой рюкзак has a higher maximum weight limit than the starter Простой рюкзак.\n\n	\n\n'}},
        ['Права собственности'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Права собственности',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'My Deeds Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Allows citizens to see view and manage all property they own.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nThe My Deeds Component allows citizens to see view and manage all Параметр that they own, providing an interface to access them easily.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nThis component is accessed from a Стол риелтора. It provides links to all of the individual deeds that can be accessed by interacting with a Колышек землемера on a deed the citizen owns.\n\nCitizens can quickly rename their deeds, choose a color for that property on the minimap, or provide consumer rights to other citizens, all of which is normally done through the Авторизация.\n\nA useful feature of this component is the ability to quickly move plots of property from one deed to another. This includes the option to create a new deed to split an existing piece of property.\n\n'}},
        ['Правительство'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Правительство',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Government',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Ballot Box Item', 'Census Bureau Item', 'Government Office Item', 'Court Item', 'Board Of Elections Item', 'Zoning Office Item', 'Capitol Item', 'Amendments Item', 'Executive Office Item', 'Treasury Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Продажи прав'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Продажи прав',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Deed Sales Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Продажа прав собственности позволяет жителям покупать и продавать имущество.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'DeedSalesComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Продажа прав собственности позволяет покупать и продавать Параметр.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nПосещая Стол риелтора, жители могут создавать списки своей собственности и просмотривать списки других. Все опубликованные списки можно получить в любом риелторском столе.\n\nПри создании списка владелец собственности устанавливает цену и используемую Валюта. Весь доход будет поступать на указанный Банковский счёт.\n\nПри покупке прав валюта берётся с банковского счёта, выбранного покупателем. \n\nПосле продажи имущества право и все объекты в нём передаются новому владельцу. \n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Продажи прав\n\nСтол риелтора\n\n'}},
        ['Продвинутые улучшения'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Продвинутые улучшения',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Advanced Upgrades',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Advanced Upgrade Lvl 1 Item', 'Advanced Upgrade Lvl 2 Item', 'Advanced Upgrade Lvl 3 Item', 'Advanced Upgrade Lvl 4 Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Продукция'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Продукция',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Produce',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Agave Leaves Item', 'Amanita Mushrooms Item', 'Bean Sprout Item', 'Beet Item', 'Beet Greens Item', 'Bolete Mushrooms Item', 'Cookeina Mushrooms Item', 'Corn Item', 'Crimini Mushrooms Item', 'Fiddleheads Item', 'Fireweed Shoots Item', 'Giant Cactus Fruit Item', 'Heart Of Palm Item', 'Huckleberries Item', 'Papaya Item', 'Pineapple Item', 'Prickly Pear Fruit Item', 'Pumpkin Item', 'Sunflower Item', 'Taro Root Item', 'Tomato Item', 'Wheat Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Просмотр экономики'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Просмотр экономики',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Economy Viewer',
                    ['summary'] = 'Просмотр экономики отображает такую информацию как доступные товары, работы и договора.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Средство просмотра экономики обеспечивает общий обзор текущей экономики и является невероятно полезным инструментом для участия в экономической жизни. Среди других пользователей программа просмотра экономики показывает местонахождение каждого Магазин и что в настоящее время продается и покупается.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nПросмотр экономики предоставляет подробную информацию о следующем:\n\n   - Текущии Торговля предложения\n\n   - Существующии Рабочие группы и их статус\n\n   - Любые опубликованные Договоры\n\n   - Расположение Публичные верстаки\n\n   - Информация о существующихВалюты\n\n   \n\nКроме того, просмотр экономики позволяет жителям напрямую переводить валюту другим жителям и быстро проверять свой Банковские счета и любые непогашенные долги.\n\n   \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Доступ к просмотру экономики\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Чтобы посмотреть экономику нужно нажать кнопку «Просмотр экономики» в правом нижнем углу экрана.\n\n'}},
        ['Процессы выборов'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Процессы выборов',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Election Processes',
                    ['summary'] = 'Определяет, как проходят выборы.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'ElectionProcess', 'ImmigrationPolicy'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Citizens can define new types of elections at a Избирательная комиссия, and each election process created there can be used for various changes to government and leadership.\n\nГражданские статьи can reference Election Processes in order to designate actions that require an election.  Выборные должности created at a Правительственный офис must specify an Election Process by which new members get elected.\n\nEach Election Process can define a different set of voters, vetoers, timings, percent needed to win, etc.  Using different types of elections, citizens can design their government to have different seats of power. For example, they can define a powerful Title that must be elected by the general population but can be impeached by them as well. \n\n'}},
        ['Птицы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Птицы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Birds',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Turkey Species'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Рабочие группы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Рабочие группы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Work Parties',
                    ['summary'] = 'Рабочие группы - это совместные соглашения ряда игроков для выполнения определенной задачи, при этом вознаграждение распределяется различными способами.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'A Work Party is an agreement among multiple citizens to perform work.  They are started by an individual citizen by visiting a Доска объявлений after creating a work order.\n\nThe citizen issuing a Work Party can define the various parameters of the work, which includes:\n\n - The work orders to be completed.\n\n - What is required of citizens who want to join the work party.\n\n - What payment will be given to people who participate.\n\n - How that payment will be distributed.\n\n - How that payment will be distributed.\n\nWork parties are especially useful for performing Исследование. A citizen can setup a research project, costing a large amount of resources, and attach a work party to it. Citizens can then automatically join the work party (even when the issuing citizen is offline, if they meet the designated requirements) and start performing the task.\n\nPayment can take a variety of forms:\n\n- Валюта, distributed based on how much work is performed, either immediately or upon completion.\n\n- Репутация, given from the work party creator to the laborer (subject to the daily limits of reputation that may be given).\n\n- Knowledge of a specific specialty (the same effect as reading a skill-scroll). For this benefit, the work party creator must possess the skill book for the specialty, or it must be crafted in one of the work orders of the party.\n\n- Granting a Название, which can give them new privileges for accessing property and other abilities.\n\nThe economy of Eco is focused not just on trading of goods but trading of labor, and work parties make it easy to farm out many kinds of work to the general populace.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Районы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Районы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Districts',
                    ['summary'] = 'Определяет территорию, на которую могут ссылаться законы и другие системы.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'Район', 'DistrictMap'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Districts are created by players at a Офис зонирования and can be used as areas that are specified by laws.\n\nA district is a selected area of land, non-contiguous, which players can adjust at will.  Districts are contained in District Maps, and there can be multiple district maps in the world. However, within each district map, no districts may overlap.\n\nDistricts can be used to designate where actions are allowed with laws. A law can be created, for example, that prevents creating chopping trees in a \'Protected Zone\' district.\n\n'}},
        ['Распределение предметов'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Распределение предметов',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Item Distribution Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Позволяет владельцу предоставлять бесплатные предметы новым жителям, как акт доброй воли и для повышения первоначального благосостояния граждан.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'ItemDistributionComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Станция распределения позволяет её владельцу отдавать товары бесплатно новым жителям в качестве акта доброй воли и способствовать более быстрому достижению процветания.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nВсе новые жители, имеющие квалификацию (в зависимости от того, как долго они играли), могут забрать предметы, посетив Станция распределения. При входе в новый мир, новые жители смогут увидеть глобальный маркер на карте, который предупредит игроков о доступных предметах. Обратите внимание, что Хранилище должен иметь в запасе предметы для распределения, чтобы новые жители могли их забрать.\n\nВладелец может указать, какие предметы должны быть распределены, их количество, а так же срок получения, относительно первого входа в новый мир.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Распределение предметов\n\nСтанция распределения\n\n'}},
        ['Растения'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Растения',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Plants',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Agave Species', 'Arctic Willow Species', 'Бочкообразный кактус', 'Бобы', 'Свекла', 'Бородач Жерара', 'Камыш', 'Осока', 'Цветоголовник', 'Камассия', 'Обычная трава', 'Кукуруза', 'Cotton Species', 'Ларрея', 'Пустынный мох', 'Ива травянистая', 'Папоротник', 'Тонколистник', 'Иван-чай', 'Геликония', 'Черника', 'Хвойник', 'Ламинария', 'Королевский папоротник', 'Люпин', 'Холодискус', 'Орхидея', 'Папайя', 'Торфяной мох', 'Ананас', 'Кувшиночник', 'Опунция', 'Тыква', 'Рис', 'Салал', 'Камнеломка', 'Водоросли', 'Подсолнечник', 'Просо', 'Таро', 'Помидор', 'Триллиум', 'Элодея', 'Пшеница', 'Амброзия кустарниковая'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Регистратор'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Регистратор',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Registrar Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Позволяет создавать и управлять не выборными титулами.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'RegistrarComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Регистратура позволяет создавать и управлять простыми Титулы. Созданные титулы могут быть использованы так же как и Выборные должности, но они присваиваются в регистраторе.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Назначение должностей\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Управляющие могут переименовывать титулы и добавлять новых управляющих и назначить титулы жителям. Менеджеры не являются обладателями титулов.\n\nТитулованными жителями считаются обладатели титула и получают все связанные с титулом условия и привилегии.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Расширенные настройки\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nIn the Advanced Settings, requirements for title holders can be set, and hourly wages can be assigned to title holders who qualify.\n\n  \n\nWhen deciding what is Required of Office Holders a variety of conditions can be set. If a citizen fails to maintain these requirements, they will lose their assignment as a Title User. By using a \'Set of Conditions\', multiple requirements can be set for title holders.\n\n \n\nWages are paid to Title Users from any Банковский счёт that a Title Manager has been given to permission to use in the Банк. Wages are paid each hour (depending on World settings) into the personal account of each Title User. The Wage Type can be used to exclude offline hours from wage payments.\n\n	\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Регистратор\n\nРегистратор\n\n'}},
        ['Ремонт'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Ремонт',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Repair Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Позволяет жителям ремонтировать инструменты.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'RepairComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'The Repair Component allows citizens to repair tools at a Стол для инструментов.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Ремонт инструмента\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nAfter inserting a broken tool, the repair costs will appear. Advanced tools can be repaired for less resources by citizens with the corresponding Специальность. The resources used can be manually added by a citizen or taken from a linked container in the Хранилище.\n\nThe owner of a Tool Bench can allow other citizens access to repair their own tools for a fee set in the Кредит. When offering tool repair to the public, consumer rights must be given in the Авторизация.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Ремонт\n\nСтол для инструментов\n\n'}},
        ['Рептилии'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Рептилии',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Reptiles',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Tortoise Species', 'Аллигатор', 'Snapping Turtle Species'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Репутация'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Репутация',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Reputation',
                    ['summary'] = 'Величина, заданная другими жителями или законами, которая показывает Ваше социальное положение.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Each player can affect the Reputation of any other player, which can in turn be used as a factor in laws, contracts, etc, which may query a citizens reputation and determine privileges (or lack thereof) based on the value). To set reputation on a citizen, hover over their name in chat and click their reputation listing in the tooltip (a list of all citizens can be found on the page Текущие жители).\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Reputation is modified by a Network Multiplier, which is a calculate as +1 for every citizen giving you positive reputation, and -1 for every citizen giving you negative reputation.  This way, it becomes more beneficial to help many citizens and gain a wide-spread reputation than to focus narrowly on a few citizens.  Relative Reputation is another value that only takes into account citizens that you have given positive reputation to.\n\n'}},
        ['Руда'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Руда',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Ore',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Coal Item', 'Copper Ore Item', 'Gold Ore Item', 'Iron Ore Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Рыба'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Рыба',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Fish',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Окунь', 'Blue Shark Species', 'Треска', 'Pacific Sardine Species', 'Salmon Species', 'Trout Species', 'Tuna Species'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Сбор'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Сбор',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Harvesting',
                    ['summary'] = 'The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nIn Eco, players harvest food initially from the wild biomes around them. Plants ripe for the opportunity to harvest sustainably abound. Wild food sources can serve as a supplementary renewable resource, but will quickly crash if taken advantage of. Some plants will be useful for more than just food-- they may provide chemical compounds that can be found no-where else, or the raw materials needed for textiles and clothing.\n\nDifferent plants require different tools to harvest, such as a shovel, or a scythe. Other species can be picked by hand without a tool. Similarly, some plants are killed when they are harvested, and others will simply re-grow the picked fruits if they continue to grow and be healthy. \n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Сиденье'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Сиденье',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Seating',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Adorned Ashlar Basalt Bench Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Basalt Chair Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Gneiss Bench Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Gneiss Chair Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Granite Bench Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Granite Chair Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Limestone Bench Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Limestone Chair Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Sandstone Bench Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Sandstone Chair Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Shale Bench Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Shale Chair Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Stone Bench Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Stone Chair Item', 'Ashlar Basalt Bench Item', 'Ashlar Basalt Chair Item', 'Ashlar Gneiss Bench Item', 'Ashlar Gneiss Chair Item', 'Ashlar Granite Bench Item', 'Ashlar Granite Chair Item', 'Ashlar Limestone Bench Item', 'Ashlar Limestone Chair Item', 'Ashlar Sandstone Bench Item', 'Ashlar Sandstone Chair Item', 'Ashlar Shale Bench Item', 'Ashlar Shale Chair Item', 'Ashlar Stone Bench Item', 'Ashlar Stone Chair Item', 'Composite Birch Bench Item', 'Composite Birch Chair Item', 'Composite Cedar Bench Item', 'Composite Cedar Chair Item', 'Composite Ceiba Bench Item', 'Composite Ceiba Chair Item', 'Composite Fir Bench Item', 'Composite Fir Chair Item', 'Composite Hardwood Bench Item', 'Composite Hardwood Chair Item', 'Composite Joshua Bench Item', 'Composite Joshua Chair Item', 'Composite Lumber Bench Item', 'Composite Lumber Chair Item', 'Composite Oak Bench Item', 'Composite Oak Chair Item', 'Composite Palm Bench Item', 'Composite Palm Chair Item', 'Composite Redwood Bench Item', 'Composite Redwood Chair Item', 'Composite Saguaro Bench Item', 'Composite Saguaro Chair Item', 'Composite Softwood Bench Item', 'Composite Softwood Chair Item', 'Composite Spruce Bench Item', 'Composite Spruce Chair Item', 'Couch Item', 'Hardwood Lumber Bench Item', 'Hardwood Lumber Chair Item', 'Hewn Bench Item', 'Hewn Chair Item', 'Hewn Hardwood Bench Item', 'Hewn Hardwood Chair Item', 'Hewn Softwood Bench Item', 'Hewn Softwood Chair Item', 'Lumber Bench Item', 'Lumber Chair Item', 'Mortared Granite Bench Item', 'Mortared Granite Chair Item', 'Mortared Limestone Bench Item', 'Mortared Limestone Chair Item', 'Mortared Sandstone Bench Item', 'Mortared Sandstone Chair Item', 'Mortared Stone Bench Item', 'Mortared Stone Chair Item', 'Padded Chair Item', 'Softwood Lumber Bench Item', 'Softwood Lumber Chair Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Современные улучшения'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Современные улучшения',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Modern Upgrades',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Modern Upgrade Lvl 1 Item', 'Modern Upgrade Lvl 2 Item', 'Modern Upgrade Lvl 3 Item', 'Modern Upgrade Lvl 4 Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Сообщество'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Сообщество',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Community',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Distribution Station Item', 'Construction Post Item', 'Stop Sign Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Специальности'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Специальности',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Specialties',
                    ['summary'] = 'Специальности можно получить набирая опыт персонажа. Каждая специальность открывает новые уникальные способности.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\n    Specialties are unlocked as you level-up from Character Опыт.  Each specialty (represented with a star) will unlock new abilities you can use.\n\nProfessions and Specialties\n\nПрофессии are simply groupings of skills, and don’t serve any other purpose besides storing similar skills together.\n\nSpecialties are each contained under a profession and require two steps to gain.\n\n1. First, you must read a skill scroll for the skill.\n\n2. Next, you must spend a star to take the specialty.\n\nOnce you have chosen the specialty, you gain the base-level abilities associated with it. As you perform actions related to that specialty, you will gain Specialty Опыт, leveling up the specialty and unlocking new abilities to it.\n\nYou can see the spread of specialties that other citizens have chosen on the skill selection dialog, and it is often a good idea to choose specialties that other players have not chosen or leveled up. This will allow you to each perform your own specialties and Торговля with each other for a net gain.\n\n'}},
        ['Специальность'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Специальность',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Specialty',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Fish Trap Item', 'Waste Filter Item', 'Industrial Elevator Item', 'Wooden Elevator Item', 'Computer Lab Item', 'Electric Water Pump Item', 'Elevator Call Post Item', 'Laser Item', 'Mechanical Water Pump Item', 'Transmission Pole Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Статистика'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Статистика',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Statistics',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Статус'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Статус',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Status Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Отображает, является ли объект активным или неактивным и почему.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'StatusComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nThe Status Component allows citizens to see the requirements for an object to be active, and which of those requirements are met. If an object causes Загрязнение, the status component also shows the lifetime pollution production for that object.\n\n	\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Статус объекта\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nEach condition in the Status Component must be satisfied before an object can be active.  Some examples of conditions include:\n\n- Being contained in a valid Room\n\n- Having enough Энергия\n\n- A working Канализация system\n\n	\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Индикатор состояния\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nWhen interacting with an object with a Status Component, citizens can quickly see the status of the object by checking the status indicator in the top left corner. A green circle means an object is active while a red circle means it is inactive.\n\n	\n\n'}},
        ['Столы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Столы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Tables',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Adorned Ashlar Basalt Table Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Gneiss Table Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Granite Table Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Limestone Table Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Sandstone Table Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Shale Table Item', 'Adorned Ashlar Stone Table Item', 'Ashlar Basalt Table Item', 'Ashlar Gneiss Table Item', 'Ashlar Granite Table Item', 'Ashlar Limestone Table Item', 'Ashlar Sandstone Table Item', 'Ashlar Shale Table Item', 'Ashlar Stone Table Item', 'Composite Birch Table Item', 'Composite Cedar Table Item', 'Composite Ceiba Table Item', 'Composite Fir Table Item', 'Composite Hardwood Table Item', 'Composite Joshua Table Item', 'Composite Lumber Table Item', 'Composite Oak Table Item', 'Composite Palm Table Item', 'Composite Redwood Table Item', 'Composite Saguaro Table Item', 'Composite Softwood Table Item', 'Composite Spruce Table Item', 'Hardwood Lumber Table Item', 'Hewn Hardwood Table Item', 'Hewn Softwood Table Item', 'Hewn Table Item', 'Lumber Table Item', 'Mortared Granite Table Item', 'Mortared Limestone Table Item', 'Mortared Sandstone Table Item', 'Mortared Stone Table Item', 'Softwood Lumber Table Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Строительные материалы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Строительные материалы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Building Materials',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Ashlar Basalt Item', 'Ashlar Gneiss Item', 'Ashlar Granite Item', 'Ashlar Limestone Item', 'Ashlar Sandstone Item', 'Ashlar Shale Item', 'Brick Item', 'Composite Birch Lumber Item', 'Composite Cedar Lumber Item', 'Composite Ceiba Lumber Item', 'Composite Fir Lumber Item', 'Composite Joshua Lumber Item', 'Composite Lumber Item', 'Composite Oak Lumber Item', 'Composite Palm Lumber Item', 'Composite Redwood Lumber Item', 'Composite Saguaro Lumber Item', 'Composite Spruce Lumber Item', 'Corrugated Steel Item', 'Cotton Carpet Item', 'Flat Steel Item', 'Framed Glass Item', 'Glass Item', 'Hardwood Hewn Log Item', 'Hardwood Lumber Item', 'Hewn Log Item', 'Lumber Item', 'Mortared Granite Item', 'Mortared Limestone Item', 'Mortared Sandstone Item', 'Mortared Stone Item', 'Nylon Carpet Item', 'Reinforced Concrete Item', 'Softwood Hewn Log Item', 'Softwood Lumber Item', 'Wool Carpet Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Строительство'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Строительство',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Building',
                    ['summary'] = 'Используя молоток или подъемный кран, жители могут создавать здания для дома и промышленности.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'После сбора некоторого количества сырья, постройка здания - это одна из первых задач которую должен решить житель, что бы обосноваться в мире.  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Здания в Эко\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nЗдания делятся на Комнаты и служат разным целям.\n\nНекоторые из них:\n\n- Создание дома, наполненного мебелью, чтобы получить бонус Опыт от дома\n\n- Предоставление места для станций Изготовление \n\n- Размещение различных Civic Objects необходимых для создания правительства\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Создание зданий\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'При переноске строительного материала, молоток может переключаться между различными формами блоков и шаблонов.\n\nЖители строят свои первые дома, используя Каменный молоток, но по мере развития технологий становятся доступными все более совершенные строительные инструменты, которые потребляют меньше калорий при использовании.\n\nКрупномасштабные строительные проекты можно быстро завершить с помощью Кран, но ценой создания Загрязнение.  \n\n'}},
        ['Сырое мясо'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Сырое мясо',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Raw Meat',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Prepared Meat Item', 'Prime Cut Item', 'Raw Bacon Item', 'Raw Fish Item', 'Raw Meat Item', 'Raw Roast Item', 'Raw Sausage Item', 'Scrap Meat Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Текст'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Текст',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Text Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Allows citizens write text that is displayed to other citizens.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Вкладка Текст позволяет писать текст, который отображается на объектах мира для прочтения другими Жителями.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nНадписи могут быть сделаны на Табличках, Техника, и Станция распределения.\n\n  \n\nТекст может быть использован для информирования, указания направления, рекламных объявлений или просто дружественного приветствия\n\nТе кто знаком с разметкой текста могут использовать Теги для указания размера, цвета и форматирования текста.\n\n'}},
        ['Текущее правительство'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Текущее правительство',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Current Government',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Текущие жители'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Текущие жители',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Current Citizens',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Техника'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Техника',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Vehicles',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Crane Item', 'Excavator Item', 'Skid Steer Item', 'Hand Plow Item', 'Powered Cart Item', 'Small Wood Cart Item', 'Steam Tractor Item', 'Steam Truck Item', 'Truck Item', 'Wheelbarrow Item', 'Wood Cart Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Титулы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Титулы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Titles',
                    ['summary'] = 'Positions which can hold one or more citizens.  Used for designating permissions and paying wages.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'AppointedTitle', 'ElectedTitle'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Titles are used for designating a group of users, then referencing that group in other things like permissions.  They are different from Демография in that Titles are specified directly by citizens, while the citizens within a demographic are automatically defined based on a citizen-defined condition.\n\nThere are two types of Titles available:\n\n - Regular Titles. These can be created and managed by anyone at a Регистратор.  There, the citizen can set which other citizens can assign the role (managers) and which are occupying the role.\n\n - Elected Titles. These titles can only be elected (or appointed) and are created at a Правительственный офис.  The properties of the government office determine what kind of Выборы is needed to elect the given position.  Elected Titles can only be left if they are forcibly removed from office, if they resign (both performed at a Урна для голосования, or if their term ends as defined in the position’s term limits.\n\nElected Titles give a lot of flexibility in defining the governance of a world, and privileges can be tied directly to these accounts. For example, a tax law could be created that taxes vehicle usage and puts it into a fund that only the Elected Title ‘Minister of Transportation’ has access to. If there is another election for that position and it changes leaders, then the former citizen will automatically lose access to the account.\n\nBy setting requirements on the Elected Title, you can ensure the continued good governance by citizens holding office. For example, you could place a requirement that all occupants of a given office are part of the \'Active\' demographic may hold it. If an office holder becomes inactive, they will then automatically be removed from office and a specified successor put in their position.\n\nTitles can also have wages set on them. Wages are paid periodically as long as a citizen continues to occupy the title (and the payer has funds).\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Торговля'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Торговля',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Trade',
                    ['summary'] = 'Trade between citizens of different abilities and possessing different goods is the backbone of the economy.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Trade with your fellow citizens is essential in Eco, as each player has a set of Специальности that they can contribute to most effectively while trading with other citizens who are skilled in professions in which they are not. \n\n - Trades can be setup at a Магазин, listing buy/sell prices for the different goods you would like.  Citizens can then buy and sell goods to you asynchronously, without being present.\n\n - Trade of labor can happen through Договоры and Рабочие группы, allowing players to perform work for payment within agreed upon terms.  This can be performed asynchronously as well.\n\n - Trade of currencies can happen at a Пункт обмена валюты, listing buy/sell prices for exchanges of different currencies.\n\n - Trade is facilitated by Транспортировка and building transportation infrastructure between the burgeoning hubs of your civilization will greatly promote the ability to trade.\n\n - Trade is subject to Налоги, set by the Governmentgovernment overview, which can either promote or reduce the value of certain trades.\n\n'}},
        ['Транспорт'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Транспорт',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Vehicle Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Транспортные средства могут использоваться для выполнения различных задач.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'VehicleComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Any object containing a Vehicle Component can be mounted and interacted with in a variety of ways, providing a number of benefits.\n\n  \n\nMany vehicles require Энергия to operate and each have their own Хранилище. Building infrastructure around the world will greatly enhance your Транспортировка capabilites as many vehicles require roads to operate.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Типы транспортных средств\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '  \n\n- Transportation: Vehicles like the Деревянная тележка can transport goods and people from place to place. As technology progresses, more advanced vehicles become available with faster movement speeds and higher carrying capacity at the cost of creating pollution\n\n- Excavation: The Экскаватор and Погрузчик can quickly move large quantites of dirt and rock. This will greatly increase the speed of Горное дело and allow areas of land to be quickly cleared for new construction projects.\n\n- Contruction: The Кран can quickly perform large-scale Строительство projects. The crane has a much larger building range than a citizen who is building with a hammer and can access large amounts of storage.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Транспорт\n\nКран\n\nЭкскаватор\n\nРучной плуг\n\nПовозка с мотором\n\nПогрузчик\n\nМаленькая деревянная телега\n\nПаровой трактор\n\nПаровой грузовик\n\nГрузовик\n\nТачка\n\nДеревянная тележка\n\n'}},
        ['Транспортировка'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Транспортировка',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Transport',
                    ['summary'] = 'With resources and their usage spread out across the world, transforming the world by building transportation infrastructure becomes necessary.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'With resources spread out through the world and the locations where they are collected and processed differing from where they’re used, transport becomes a critical factor to success in Eco.\n\nTo efficiently transform materials, you’ll need to create vehicles to carry them, and those require flattening the ground into roads.  Using a Каменная трамбовка you can flatten ground and make it usable be vehicles, and with ramps you can make gentle slopes that vehicles can travel on.  More advanced vehicles will require mode advanced roads to travel efficiently, and roads will need to be upgraded periodically as new technology comes available.\n\nBuilding roads between villages and resource caches will take time and the effort of many citizens, and is a great candidate for public works projects funded by Налоги and built using Рабочие группы.  As the world progresses in technology, more and more transportation infrastructure will be created to aid the flow of commerce, eventually growing to a point where the road construction and vehicle usage will create an impact on the environment.  Careful management of this influence will be key to preserving the ecosystems that they pass through.\n\n'}},
        ['Трубы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Трубы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Pipe Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Порт подключения труб позволяет жителям проверять информацию о выбросе Смога и использовании воды.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'LiquidConsumerComponent', 'LiquidProducerComponent', 'PipeComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nThe Pipe Component allows a citizen to check the status of an object’s smog output, water usage, and sewage flow.  \n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Требования для труб\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nWhen opening the Pipe Component, different pipe inputs and outputs will appear to represent the pipe requirements. Objects with this component must meet all the pipe requirements for that object to be active.\n\nSome objects require all three uses of pipes to have an active Статус, while others objects only require some. Each pipe system can only be used for one of the three uses. \n\nBy holding the mouse over the display for one of the pipes, a tooltip appears with more information about why a pipe is or isn\'t active.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Выброс смога\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nBy checking the Smog Output tooltip, a citizen can find additional information about the current object’s pollution output and the world’s Загрязнение levels.\n\n	\n\nPipes can be used to redirect the flow of the air pollution. The pipes containing the Smog Output can have multiple inputs but must have only one open end, outside of all rooms, and above the object.\n\nObjects that emit smog pollution only pollute when the object is active. \n\n	\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Вода и сточные воды\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nObjects with a Water Input and pumps with a Water Output connect through a system of pipes. Water pipes systems can have multiple inputs for water pumps and multiple outputs for each object with a water demand.	\n\nBy checking the water tooltip in the Pipe Component, a citizen can see exactly how much water an object is producing or consuming. If there is not enough water being produced, objects will start to become inactive.\n\nPipes containing Sewage Output function similar to water pipes, but the Канализация they contain is a source of ground pollution. After Waste Filters are invented, the sewage output can be piped into to a filter to mitigate the ground pollution.\n\n	\n\n'}},
        ['Туалет'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Туалет',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Washroom',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Bathtub Item', 'Latrine Item', 'Sink Item', 'Small Sink Item', 'Toilet Item', 'Washboard Item', 'Washing Machine Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Удобрение'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Удобрение',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Fertilizer',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Berry Extract Fertilizer Item', 'Blood Meal Fertilizer Item', 'Camas Ash Fertilizer Item', 'Composite Filler Item', 'Compost Fertilizer Item', 'Fiber Filler Item', 'Hide Ash Fertilizer Item', 'Pelt Fertilizer Item', 'Phosphate Fertilizer Item', 'Pulp Filler Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Украшение'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Украшение',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Decoration',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Ashlar Basalt Fireplace Item', 'Ashlar Gneiss Fireplace Item', 'Ashlar Granite Fireplace Item', 'Ashlar Large Basalt Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Large Gneiss Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Large Granite Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Large Limestone Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Large Sandstone Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Large Shale Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Large Stone Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Limestone Fireplace Item', 'Ashlar Sandstone Fireplace Item', 'Ashlar Shale Fireplace Item', 'Ashlar Small Basalt Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Small Gneiss Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Small Granite Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Small Limestone Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Small Sandstone Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Small Shale Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Small Stone Fountain Item', 'Ashlar Stone Fireplace Item', 'Bison Mount Item', 'Bookshelf Item', 'Brick Fireplace Item', 'Carved Pumpkin Item', 'Elk Mount Item', 'Goat Mount Item', 'Limestone Bison Statue Item', 'Limestone Otter Statue Item', 'Limestone Owl Statue Item', 'Limestone Wolf Statue Item', 'Mortared Granite Fireplace Item', 'Mortared Limestone Fireplace Item', 'Mortared Sandstone Fireplace Item', 'Mortared Stone Fireplace Item', 'Planter Pot Round Item', 'Planter Pot Square Item', 'Rug Large Item', 'Rug Medium Item', 'Rug Small Item', 'Sheep Mount Item', 'Shelf Cabinet Item', 'Stuffed Alligator Item', 'Stuffed Bison Item', 'Stuffed Elk Item', 'Stuffed Goat Item', 'Stuffed Jaguar Item', 'Stuffed Wolf Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Улучшения специальностей'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Улучшения специальностей',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Specialty Upgrades',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Advanced Baking Upgrade Item', 'Advanced Cooking Upgrade Item', 'Advanced Masonry Upgrade Item', 'Advanced Smelting Upgrade Item', 'Baking Upgrade Item', 'Basic Engineering Upgrade Item', 'Butchery Upgrade Item', 'Campfire Cooking Upgrade Item', 'Carpentry Advanced Upgrade Item', 'Carpentry Basic Upgrade Item', 'Composites Upgrade Item', 'Cooking Upgrade Item', 'Cutting Edge Cooking Upgrade Item', 'Electronics Upgrade Item', 'Farming Upgrade Item', 'Fertilizers Upgrade Item', 'Glassworking Advanced Upgrade Item', 'Glassworking Modern Upgrade Item', 'Industry Upgrade Item', 'Logging Advanced Upgrade Item', 'Logging Basic Upgrade Item', 'Masonry Advanced Upgrade Item', 'Masonry Basic Upgrade Item', 'Mechanics Advanced Upgrade Item', 'Mechanics Modern Upgrade Item', 'Milling Upgrade Item', 'Mining Advanced Upgrade Item', 'Mining Basic Upgrade Item', 'Mining Modern Upgrade Item', 'Oil Drilling Upgrade Item', 'Paper Milling Upgrade Item', 'Pottery Upgrade Item', 'Smelting Upgrade Item', 'Tailoring Modern Upgrade Item', 'Tailoring Upgrade Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Участие в экономике'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Участие в экономике',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Economic Participation',
                    ['summary'] = 'The most efficient way to progress in knowledge and technology is trade within the economy.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'To bring a society through the ages to the peaks of technology, a thriving Экономика is needed, and by participating in it citizens can both help progress society as well advance their own abilities and wealth.\n\n \n\nParticipating in the economy takes place through Торговля of both goods and services.  Finding existing settlements with Магазины, Договоры, and Рабочие группы will give citizens to trade the goods and labor they specialize in for the specialties of others, achieving their individual goals faster than if they had each worked alone.  \n\nAs you take on new projects that require materials or labor you don\'t yourself have the ability to create or perform, you can instead sell the goods and services you can perform on the market, by creating stores and setting prices in a Валюта of your choice. Using this currency to purchase the goods and services of others will then allow you to reach those goals without having to learn everything yourself.\n\nAs you build up your capabilities and have more needs of other citizens, you can create your own stores, contracts, and work parties to seek their aid.  As you acquire wealth, your power to effect change (both good and bad) rises.\n\n \n\n'}},
        ['Фермер'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Фермер',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Farmer',
                    ['summary'] = 'Фермеры - специалисты в области сельского хозяйства.',
                    ['subpages'] = {'Farming Skill', 'Fertilizers Skill', 'Gathering Skill', 'Milling Skill'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\n    Farmers are specialists in agriculture. The crops they produce are a primary source of the calories needed for citizens to perform work.\n\n \n\n  - Фермерство allows citizens to create seeds out of produce to help create large farms.\n\n  - Удобрения allows citizens add nutrients to soil and test soil conditions with a Анализатор почвы.\n\n  - Собирательство allows citizens to harvest more produce from both wild plants and human-created farms.\n\n  - Мельничное дело allows citizens to process produce in a Мельница for use by chefs in more advanced recipes.\n\n  \n\n'}},
        ['Фермерство'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Фермерство',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Farming',
                    ['summary'] = 'The living system of plants and animals which provides the means for humans to survive.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', '\n\nFarming provides a way to take the plant species most useful to people and create a global scale food supply. Farming can also focus on plants useful for other industrial purposes, like biofuel for a potentially renewable source of energy.\n\nFarmers will need to pay attention to the resources and health of their soil, avoiding depletion and pollution. Fertilizers like Компостное удобрение and methods of monitoring soil resources like the Анализатор почвы will be important tools to keep farmland productive. Various vehicles, storage technologies, and more powerful hand tools will allow players to scale up their farming operations as the food and fuel needs of their societies increases.\n\nFarming is a big activity in Eco that we want to enhance and expand as we move forward with development. Balancing and storage will be a core part of farming improvements to start, as we make sure that Eco societies generate an appropriate demand from farmers to fuel technological growth, and that the storage objects and mechanics exist to support these demands. Farming itself has many possible improvements and expansions, among them developing and modifying seeds and organisms to be more productive or resistant to pollutants, or other environmental factors.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Почва\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nThe soil of Eco contains nutrients that allow plants to grow and thrive: too much or too little of any given type can change the yield and growth speed of both naturally occurring and farmed plants. As plants grow, they take nutrients from the soil and return it when they die bringing the world into a natural state of equilibrium. Players influence these changes by removing the plants from the environment through harvesting, deforesting, mining, or introducing pollution which slowly removes nutrients from the soil. Players can reintroduce nutrients or modify the existing ratios by using fertilizers on their land.\n\nAs we increase the dependencies of the animals on the plant layers, we can have those parts of the ecosystems further affect the soil as species that consume plants can also remove nutrients from the soil. Another addition that can be considered is how topsoil exists within Eco: currently it’s purely cosmetic and tied to the biome of the area, but in each biome the topsoil is a unique and valuable resource compared to the dense clay and dirt below.\n\n'}},
        ['Финансы'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Финансы',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Finance',
                    ['summary'] = 'Финансы-это управление валютой для содействия прогрессу.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Through the use of Договоры, Citizens in Eco can create loan and bond agreements between two parties, tracking automatically the interest payment and due date of the funds.  Loans and bonds are a great way for new citizens to collaborate with long-time citizens with more wealth in a way that benefits both parties and increases societal progress.\n\nIf a citizen takes a loan, the offering party gives them money which they are expected to pay with interest.\n\nIf a citizen purchases a bond, they give money to the offering party which they expect to be repaid with interest.\n\nPenalties for defaulting on loans can be constructed using Законы, by watching for the Default on Loan/Bond trigger.  Actions can then be taken, such as repossessing property or applying other penalties and fines.\n\n'}},
        ['Хранилище'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Хранилище',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Storage Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Управляет инвентарем предметов типа склад и подключает их к объектам требующим хранилище.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'LinkComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Закладка Хранилище используется для управления инвентарем предметов типа склад и подключает их к объектам требующим хранилище.  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Управление хранилищем\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nInventory can be moved between containers by dragging stacks of items from one container to another.\n\nHolding down the \'Shift\' key while dragging items will move all stacks of the same item between containers. Right clicking a stack of items will allow a player to divide a stack into smaller quantities. Holding down ‘Ctrl’ when clicking a stack of items will split the stack in half.\n\nSome storage containers, like a Склад, can contain any type of item. Other storage containers, like a Сундук, can only contain non-carriable items.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Связывание хранилищ\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nAn object can be linked to containers in the Storage Component by selecting the check box for the container. Once linked, the object gain access to all items in the containers and can use the container for storage. When linking storage containers, the topmost container in the Storage Component will be used first for storage.  The order can be changed by clicking and dragging the storage displays in the list. \n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Link Component\n\nПродвинутый верстак плотника\n\nПродвинутый верстак каменщика\n\nПродвинутый Стол Портного\n\nНаковальня\n\nАррастра\n\nКамин из резного базальта\n\nКамин из резного гнейса\n\nКамин из резного гранита\n\nКамин из обработанного известняка\n\nКамин из резного песчаника\n\nКамин из резного сланца\n\nКамин из резного камня\n\nСборочная линия\n\nАвтоматический ткацкий станок\n\nПечь для выпечки\n\nДоменная печь\n\nСыродутная печь\n\nКнижный шкаф\n\nЖаровня\n\nКирпичный камин\n\nРазделочный стол\n\nКостёр\n\nПалатка\n\nКапитолий\n\nПлотницкий верстак\n\nЧугунная плита\n\nПечь для обжига цемента\n\nГенератор внутреннего сгорания\n\nComposite Lumber Dresser\n\nКомпьютерная лаборатория\n\nСтанция распределения\n\nЭлектрический токарный станок\n\nЭлектрический слесарный верстак\n\nЭлектрический строгальный станок\n\nЭлектрический пресс\n\nСборщик электроники\n\nФермерский стол\n\nВерша\n\nШкаф рыбака\n\nФлотатор\n\nКомод из тесаного дерева\n\nЛедник\n\nЩековая дробилка\n\nПечь для обжига\n\nКухня\n\nЛаборатория\n\nБольшой склад из пиломатериалов\n\nТокарный станок\n\nТкацкий станок\n\nСклад из пиломатериалов\n\nСлесарный верстак\n\nВерстак каменщика\n\nМельница\n\nПресс для чеканки монет\n\nКамин из строительного гранита\n\nКамин из строительного известняка\n\nКамин из строительного песчаника\n\nКамин из строительного камня\n\nНефтеперерабатывающий завод\n\nКруглый горшок\n\nКвадратный горшок\n\nЭлектрическая Силосная башня\n\nНефтяная вышка\n\nХолодильник\n\nСтол для исследований\n\nРоботизированная сборочная линия\n\nВашгерд\n\nПрокатный стан\n\nЛесопилка\n\nВибрационный сортировщик\n\nВинтовой пресс\n\nСенсорный конвейерный сортировщик\n\nСтрогальный станок\n\nСервант\n\nСиний Транспортный Контейнер\n\nЗеленый Транспортный Контейнер\n\nКрасный Транспортный Контейнер\n\nМаленький склад\n\nПрядильная машина\n\nШтамповочная мельница\n\nПаровой двигатель\n\nСклад\n\nКаменная жаровня\n\nСундук\n\nСилосная башня\n\nМагазин\n\nПлита\n\nСтол портного\n\nСальная свеча\n\nСальная лампа\n\nНастенная сальная лампа\n\nКрошечный склад\n\nСтол для инструментов\n\nСтойка для факела\n\nВерстак колесника\n\nСточный фильтр\n\nВерстак\n\n'}},
        ['Чеканка'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Чеканка',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Mint Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'Позволяет жителям создавать и выпускать обеспеченные валюты.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'MintComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Пресс для чеканки монет позволяет жителям создавать Валюты, которая обеспечена одним из ресурсов.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nWhen creating a currency at a Пресс для чеканки монет, a backing item is chosen, as well as an amount of Coins per Item that are generated from each item consumed.  By using a backing item for currency, the total possible amount of currency can be limited to the number of items contributed, thus providing more stability as it becomes harder to flood the market with new currency.  The choice in backing item will affect this, with more rare items generally providing more stability by being harder to obtain.\n\nThe backing material and coins per item are permanent, so take care when deciding how to back a currency. Once a currency is minted, it will become tied to the mint it was created on, even if that mint is picked up.\n\nCitizens who have been granted consumer rights in the Авторизация can use the Mint Component to mint additional currency. Currency can be minted into the target Банковский счёт selected by the mint owner, or any bank account the citizen minting has access to in the Банк.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Чеканка\n\nПресс для чеканки монет\n\n'}},
        ['Экономика'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Экономика',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Economic',
                    ['summary'] = nil,
                    ['subpages'] = {'Real Estate Desk Item', 'Mint Item', 'Bank Item', 'Contract Board Item', 'Currency Exchange Item', 'Registrar Item', 'Store Item'},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {},
        ['Энергетика'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Энергетика',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Power Component',
                    ['summary'] = 'The Power Component is used to check the supply and demand for power and fuel.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = {'FuelSupplyComponent', 'PowerGeneratorComponent', 'PowerGridComponent', 'PowerConsumptionComponent'},
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'The Power Component is used to check the status of local power grid. It is also used to check the consumption of objects that require fuel to operate.\n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Топливо\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nObjects that consume fuel will can have fuel input here, and each may require different types of fuel to operate. The tooltips for the accepted fuel contain a list of specific items that can be used to fuel the object. Fuel can also be added from the Хранилище.\n\nWhile operating, an object consumes fuel every second, measured in Watts (W). Each type of fuel contains a different amount of potential energy, measured in Joules (J). For every 1 Watt needed per second, 1 Joule of energy is consumed. Fuel is not consumed while the object is inactive.\n\n  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaHeader', 'Показатели энергии\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', '\n\nСуществует 2 типа Энергия которые Вы можете использовать, это Электрическая и Механическая. Энергоподключение отображает тип энергии, а так же доступную и требуемую мощность потребляемую верстаком. Если мощности недостаточно, объекты станут неактивными.\n\nГенераторы энергии работающие на топливе отключаются автоматически без участие жителя как только в области действия нет потребителей для экономии топлива.  \n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Fuel Supply Component\n\nКамин из резного базальта\n\nКамин из резного гнейса\n\nКамин из резного гранита\n\nКамин из обработанного известняка\n\nКамин из резного песчаника\n\nКамин из резного сланца\n\nКамин из резного камня\n\nПечь для выпечки\n\nДоменная печь\n\nСыродутная печь\n\nЖаровня\n\nКирпичный камин\n\nКостёр\n\nПодсвечник\n\nЧугунная плита\n\nЛюстра со свечами\n\nПечь для обжига цемента\n\nГенератор внутреннего сгорания\n\nКран\n\nЭкскаватор\n\nПечь для обжига\n\nКамин из строительного гранита\n\nКамин из строительного известняка\n\nКамин из строительного песчаника\n\nКамин из строительного камня\n\nНефтеперерабатывающий завод\n\nПовозка с мотором\n\nПогрузчик\n\nПаровой двигатель\n\nПаровой трактор\n\nПаровой грузовик\n\nКаменная жаровня\n\nСальная свеча\n\nСальная лампа\n\nНастенная сальная лампа\n\nСтойка для факела\n\nГрузовик\n\nНастенная свеча\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Power Generator Component\n\nГенератор внутреннего сгорания\n\nСолнечный генератор\n\nПаровой двигатель\n\nВодяное колесо\n\nВетряная турбина\n\nВетряная мельница\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Power Grid Component\n\nПродвинутый верстак плотника\n\nПродвинутый верстак каменщика\n\nАррастра\n\nАвтоматический ткацкий станок\n\nГенератор внутреннего сгорания\n\nКомпьютерная лаборатория\n\nЭлектрический токарный станок\n\nЭлектрический слесарный верстак\n\nЭлектрический строгальный станок\n\nЭлектрический пресс\n\nЭлектрическая настенная лампа\n\nЭлектрический водяной насос\n\nФлотатор\n\nЩековая дробилка\n\nЛаборатория\n\nЛазер\n\nТокарный станок\n\nМеханический водяной насос\n\nМельница\n\nСовременный двойной уличный фонарь\n\nСовременный уличный фонарь\n\nНефтяная вышка\n\nХолодильник\n\nРоботизированная сборочная линия\n\nПрокатный стан\n\nЛесопилка\n\nВибрационный сортировщик\n\nВинтовой пресс\n\nСенсорный конвейерный сортировщик\n\nСтрогальный станок\n\nСолнечный генератор\n\nПрядильная машина\n\nШтамповочная мельница\n\nПаровой двигатель\n\nSteel Abstract Fixture\n\nСтальной потолочный светильник\n\nСтальной торшер\n\nSteel Hanging Fixture\n\nSteel Hanging Lamp\n\nSteel Kitchen Lamp\n\nSteel Square Fixture\n\nСтальная настольная лампа\n\nПлита\n\nУличный фонарь\n\nОпора линии электропередач\n\nСтиральная машина\n\nСточный фильтр\n\nВодяное колесо\n\nВетряная турбина\n\nВетряная мельница\n\nWood Kitchen Lamp\n\nДеревянный потолочный светильник\n\nДеревянный торшер\n\nДеревянная настольная лампа\n\n'}, {'EcopediaSection', 'Объекты, содержащие Power Consumption Component\n\nПродвинутый верстак плотника\n\nПродвинутый верстак каменщика\n\nАррастра\n\nАвтоматический ткацкий станок\n\nЭлектрический токарный станок\n\nЭлектрический слесарный верстак\n\nЭлектрический строгальный станок\n\nЭлектрический пресс\n\nЭлектрическая настенная лампа\n\nЭлектрический водяной насос\n\nФлотатор\n\nЩековая дробилка\n\nЛаборатория\n\nЛазер\n\nТокарный станок\n\nМеханический водяной насос\n\nМельница\n\nСовременный двойной уличный фонарь\n\nСовременный уличный фонарь\n\nНефтяная вышка\n\nХолодильник\n\nРоботизированная сборочная линия\n\nПрокатный стан\n\nЛесопилка\n\nВибрационный сортировщик\n\nВинтовой пресс\n\nСенсорный конвейерный сортировщик\n\nСтрогальный станок\n\nПрядильная машина\n\nШтамповочная мельница\n\nSteel Abstract Fixture\n\nСтальной потолочный светильник\n\nСтальной торшер\n\nSteel Hanging Fixture\n\nSteel Hanging Lamp\n\nSteel Kitchen Lamp\n\nSteel Square Fixture\n\nСтальная настольная лампа\n\nПлита\n\nУличный фонарь\n\nСтиральная машина\n\nСточный фильтр\n\nWood Kitchen Lamp\n\nДеревянный потолочный светильник\n\nДеревянный торшер\n\nДеревянная настольная лампа\n\n'}},
        ['Энергия'] = {
                    ['displayName'] = 'Энергия',
                    ['displayNameUntranslated'] = 'Power',
                    ['summary'] = 'Для работы многих объектов требуется энергия, генерировать которую можно различными способами.',
                    ['subpages'] = {},
                    ['associatedTypes'] = nil,
                    ['sectionsText'] = {{'EcopediaSection', 'Many objects require power to function, and as your society progresses the types of power will progress as well.\n\n  \n\nEarly on, most power will come from calories expended by citizens.  Local-power sources can also be built such as Waterwheels, powering only the immediate vicinity.  When technology progresses to electricity, power can then be generated centrally, allowing groups to form together to power towns and cities as a group rather than having to individually setup power sources (community projects like this are a great fit for using the Налоги system to fund them, and Договоры and Рабочие группы to get them built).\n\n  \n\nMany types of power generation exist, and each has different fuel needs as well as environmental impact.  The building, fueling, and operation of power plants can become a major Загрязнение source as technology advances, and citizens will need to carefully regulate the types of power used and how pollution is handled to prevent an ecological catastrophe.\n\n  \n\n'}},