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Для документации этого модуля может быть создана страница Модуль:Description/doc

local p = {}

-- Grabs args from the parent frame
-- Trims and parses the args into a table, then returns the table
function norm()
    local origArgs = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args
    local args = {}
    for k, v in pairs( origArgs ) do
        v = mw.text.trim( tostring( v ) )
        if v ~= '' then
            args[k] = v
    return args

-- Main entry point for the Module
function p.main()
    -- get args from the Template
    local args = norm()

    -- Check if an item is given, return its description from
    -- Module:ItemData if it item is specified
    if args.item then
        local itemData = require( "Module:ItemData" )
        if itemData.items[args.item] == nil then
            return 'None'
        elseif itemData.items[args.item].description == '' then
            return 'None'
            return itemData.items[args.item].description
    -- Check if text was given, return the text if so
    elseif args.text then
        return args.text
    -- Error condition, item and text are not given
        local errormsg = 'Improper usage. Please see [[Template:Description]] for help'
        return errormsg

return p