ATTENTION! The process of updating WiKi to version Eco 10.x has begun. Those wishing to participate can find out more Information on our ECO Contribution Wiki Discord.


From Eco - English Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Localization/data/doc

return {
  msgs = {
    ['Crafting'] = {'Crafting'},
    ['Description'] = {'Description'},
    ['Energy Produced'] = {'Energy Produced'},
    ['Energy Type'] = {'Energy Type'},
    ['Energy Used'] = {'Energy Used'},
    ['Housing'] = {'Housing'},
    ['ID'] = {'ID', 'IDs'},
    ['Item'] = {'Item', 'Items'},
    ['Level'] = {'Level'},
    ['Placement'] = {'Placement'},
    ['Power'] = {'Power'},
    ['Room Material'] = {'Room Material', 'Room Materials'},
    ['Tag'] = {'Tag', 'Tags'},
    ['World Object'] = {'World Object'},