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Module:Infobox Plant: Difference between revisions

From Eco - English Wiki
[unchecked revision][unchecked revision]
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Line 69: Line 69:
     -- name of the plant/tree
     -- name of the plant/tree
     infobox = infobox .. '|- style=\"background-color: darkgreen; text-align: center;\"\n| colspan=\"2\" | \'\'\'<big>' .. species .. '</big>\'\'\'\n'
     infobox = infobox .. '|- style=\"color: white; background-color: darkgreen; text-align: center;\"\n| colspan=\"2\" | \'\'\'<big>' .. species .. '</big>\'\'\'\n'
     -- the sub heading plant or tree
     -- the sub heading plant or tree

Revision as of 20:34, 9 August 2020


This module provides the back end functionality of the Template:Infobox_Plant.

If the template is passed an Infobox will be made using details from the following Modules:

local p = {}

-- Grabs args from the parent frame
-- Trims and parses the args into a table, then returns the table
function norm()
    local origArgs = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args
    local args = {}
    for k, v in pairs( origArgs ) do
        v = mw.text.trim( tostring( v ) )
        if v ~= '' then
            args[k] = v
    return args

-- Main entry point for the Module
function p.main()
     -- get args from the Template
    local args = norm()
	-- create values outside of if statements to ensure they are available to whole function
	local species = ''
	local check = ''
    -- assign variables for plant or  tree whatever is passed. Plant has priority so if both are passed only plant will continue.
    if args.plant ~= nil then
        species = args.plant
        check = 'plant'
    elseif args.tree ~= nil then
        species = args.tree
        check = 'tree'
	-- check to see if species was actually passed in
	if species == '' then
		return 'plant or tree must be specified.'
	local speciesData = {}
	local speciesTable = {}
    -- checks if plant  and assigns correct modules based on check
    if check == 'plant' then
        speciesData = require( "Module:PlantData" )
        speciesTable = speciesData.plants[species]
        speciesData = require( "Module:TreeData" )
        speciesTable = speciesData.trees[species]

    -- checks if species can be found in plant data or tree data based on what was requested
    if speciesTable == {} then
        if check == 'plant' then
            return species .. ' could not be found in Module:PlantData.'
            return species .. ' could not be found in Module:TreeData.'

    -- From now on using speciesTable."KeyValue" will return the value from that key. for most things a check for species type is not necessary

-- Build an Infobox_Plant
	-- string used to build the infobox
    local infobox = '{| class=\"infobox\"\n'
    -- name of the plant/tree
    infobox = infobox .. '|- style=\"color: white; background-color: darkgreen; text-align: center;\"\n| colspan=\"2\" | \'\'\'<big>' .. species .. '</big>\'\'\'\n'
    -- the sub heading plant or tree
    infobox = infobox .. '|- style=\"text-align: center; color: white; background-color: '	
	if check == 'plant' then
		infobox = infobox .. '#517ab2;\"\n| colspan=\"2\" | \'\'\'Plant\'\'\'[[Category:Plants]]\n'
		infobox = infobox .. '#517ab2;\"\n| colspan=\"2\" | \'\'\'Tree\'\'\'[[Category:Trees]]\n'
	-- Plants Image
	local checkImage = {'_Plant.png','_Plant.jpg','_Plant.jpeg','_Tree.png','_Tree.jpg','_Tree.jpeg'}
	local image = '' 
	local speciesimagename = string.gsub(species, ' ', '')
	for i,v in ipairs(checkImage) do 
		image = speciesimagename .. checkImage[i]
		if mw.title.makeTitle('File', image).file.exists then
		if table.getn(checkImage) == i then
			image = 'NoImage.png' 
			if check == 'Plant' then 
				image = image .. '|link=' .. speciesimagename .. '_Plant.png|[[Category:Pages_with_missing_plant]]'
			if check == 'Tree' then 
				image = image .. '|link=' .. speciesimagename .. '_Tree.png|[[Category:Pages_with_missing_tree]]'
	infobox = infobox .. '|-\n| colspan=\"2\" style=\"padding: 10px;\" | [[File:' .. image .. '|center|border|240px]]\n'

	-- 'General' section header
	infobox = infobox .. '|- style=\"background-color: #4B9130; text-align: center;\"\n| colspan=\"2\" | \'\'\'General\'\'\'\n'
	--Harvestable plant
	if speciesTable.seedDrop ~= nil or speciesTable.resourceItem ~= nil then
	infobox = infobox .. '|- valign=\"center\"\n| Harvestable:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | Yes \n'
	--Underwater plant
	if speciesTable.isWater ~= nil then
		infobox = infobox .. '|- valign=\"center\"\n| Underwater Plant:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | Yes \n'	
	--Decorative Plant
	if speciesTable.isDecorative ~= nil then
		infobox = infobox .. '|- valign=\"center\"\n| Decorative Plant:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | Yes \n'	
    -- 'Agriculture' section header
	if speciesTable.seedDrop ~= nil or speciesTable.resourceItem ~= nil then
		infobox = infobox .. '|- style=\"background-color: #4B9130; text-align: center;\"\n| colspan=\"2\" | 	\'\'\'Agriculture\'\'\'\n'
		-- Harvested Seed
		if speciesTable.seedDrop ~= nil and speciesTable.seedMax ~= '0.0' then
		infobox = infobox .. '|- valign=\"center\"\n| Harvested Seed:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | ' .. 		speciesTable.seedDrop .. '\n'	
		-- Harvested Item
		if speciesTable.resourceItem ~= nil then
			infobox = infobox .. '|- valign=\"center\"\n| Harvested Item:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | ' .. speciesTable.resourceItem .. '\n'	
		-- Ideal Temp
		if speciesTable.idealTempMin ~= nil then
			infobox = infobox .. '|- valign=\"center\"\n| Ideal Temperature Range:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | ' .. speciesTable.idealTempMin .. ' -  ' .. speciesTable.idealTempMax .. '\n'	
		-- Ideal Moisture
		if speciesTable.idealMoistureMin ~= nil then
			infobox = infobox .. '|- valign=\"center\"\n| Ideal Moisture Range:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | ' .. speciesTable.idealMoistureMin .. ' -  ' .. speciesTable.idealMoistureMax .. '\n'	
		-- Ground nutrients
		if speciesTable.nitrogenHalfSpeed ~= nil or speciesTable.phosphorusHalfSpeed ~= nil or speciesTable.potassiumHalfSpeed ~= nil or speciesTable.soilMoistureHalfSpeed ~= nil then
			infobox = infobox .. '|-\n| Minimum Soil Nutrients:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | \n'		
			if speciesTable.nitrogenHalfSpeed ~= nil then
			infobox = infobox .. '|- style=\"color: red; valign: center;\"\n| Nitrogen:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | ' .. speciesTable.nitrogenHalfSpeed .. '\n'
			if speciesTable.phosphorusHalfSpeed ~= nil then
			infobox = infobox .. '|- style=\"color: orange; valign: center;\"\n| Phosphorous:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | ' .. speciesTable.phosphorusHalfSpeed .. '\n'
			if speciesTable.potassiumHalfSpeed ~= nil then
			infobox = infobox .. '|- style=\"color: yellow; valign: center;\"\n| Potassium:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | ' .. speciesTable.potassiumHalfSpeed .. '\n'
			if speciesTable.soilMoistureHalfSpeed ~= nil then
			infobox = infobox .. '|- style=\"color: lightblue; valign: center;\"\n| Soil Moisture:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | ' .. speciesTable.soilMoistureHalfSpeed .. '\n'
	-- 'Other' section header
	infobox = infobox .. '|- style=\"background-color: #4B9130; text-align: center;\"\n| colspan=\"2\" | \'\'\'Other\'\'\'\n'
 --Carbon release
    if speciesTable.carbonRelease ~= nil then
        local absoluteCarbon = string.sub(speciesTable.carbonRelease , 2)
        infobox = infobox .. '|- valign=\"center\"\n| Carbon Absorbed:\n| style=\"text-align: right;\" | ' .. absoluteCarbon .. ' ppm \n'

    infobox = infobox .. '|}'
    return infobox

return p