Chat Commands

From Eco - English Wiki
Revision as of 05:03, 16 November 2024 by StalEF (talk | contribs)
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Text Markup[edit | edit source]

The appearance of text can be modified with certain HTML tags. These work on signs as well as in chat.

  • <size=7>bigsize</size> — Value 7 is the biggest, value 1 is standard size.
  • bold = <b>bold</b>
  • italic = <i>italic</i>
  • underlined = <u>underlined</u>
  • strikethrough = <s>strikethrough</s>
  • color
    • <#FF0000>color</color>
    • <color=red>color</color>
    • <#FF000050>color</color> (50% transparency. Last two digits are for opacity, 00-FF)
  • subscript = <sub>subscript</sub>
  • superscript = <sup>superscript</sup>
  • <br> — Line break (creates a new text line)
  • <nobr>Long text</nobr> — Force text to be shown on single line
  • <align=left>Alignment</align> — (can align "center", "left", or "right". Center is default)

Icons can also be shown on a sign or in chat using the icon name (which should be an item ID) and icon type. If "type" is not provided an icon will be shown with the background. If type = "nobg" then an icon won't have background. The first example below would display the icon for Stone with the gradient background and the second without the gradient background:

  • Gradient Background: <icon name='StoneItem'>
  • No Gradient Background: <icon name='StoneItem' type="nobg">

Chat Commands[edit | edit source]

Command Short
User /emote lie /lie Lie
User /emote sit /sit Sit
User /manage players Returns a list of online players
User /emote confused /confused Confused
User /emote shrug /shrug Shrug
User /emote lay /lay Lay
User /emote nope /nope Nope
User /settlement renouncecitizenship /renounce Leave citizenship of whatever settlement you are a citizen of.
User /initialspawn list Lists the initial spawn positions currently active.
User /residence Reports residency for a given user, or yourself if none passed
other (User)
User /debug checkobjectspositions /checkobjects Check every object in scene making sure they have the correct position, inform and disable them otherwise.
User /economy allrecurring Display all recurring transfers paid in the game
User /util unstuckvehicle /freecar Attempts to unstuck vehicle in target
target (INetObject)
User /util calculate /calc Evaluates provided math expression
expression (String)
User /emote achievement4 /cheer Cheer
User /emote yawn /yawn Yawn
User /titles list Lists all existing titles and info about them.
User /sim sealevel /sea Displays the current sea level and how much it has risen.
User /manage listadmins Displays a list of all administrators.
User /land mark /mark Drops a waypoint at the current position. Accepts an optional text string for the waypoint.
text (String)
User /emote agree /agree Agree
User /settlement gethomesteadback /gethomesteadback Remove your homestead from the world and get it back to you.
User /manage useractivity Displays a list of users and when they last logged in.
User /manage authlevel Displays your authorization level
User /time now Reports the current time.
User /avatar thirdperson Toggles Third Person Camera
User /emote grin /grin Grin
User /emote doh /doh Doh
User /settlement settlementreport /settlementreport Shows a report of how neighboring settlements may impact a settlement that is placed at the citizen's current location. Pass a number to specify settlement type that would be placed (0 = town, 1 = country, etc)
tier (Int32)
User /emote liedown /liedown Liedown
User /achievements listall /chieves List all achievements available.
User /achievements mine /mychieves List all achievements and progress for the given user, or self if none passed.
targetUser (User)
User /emote laugh /laugh Laugh
User /help /? Displays all the commands available with hidden subcommands. Accepts a string to filter commands to a search string.
language (SupportedLanguage), text (String)
User /emote yes /yes Yes
User /economy myrecurring Display all recurring transfers for the given user
specifiedUser (User)
User /civics listdems List each demographic and who is in it.
User /manage whoami Shows your user ID
User /emote clap /clap Clap
User /civics elections List running elections.
User /emote stretch /stretch Stretch
User /emote oops /oops Oops
User /emote salute /salute Salute
User /emote facepalm /facepalm Facepalm
User /util unstuck /unstuck Attempts to unstuck your avatar
User /settlement civicpowers /civicpowers Displays your civic powers.
settlementsWhereYoureACitizenOnly (Boolean)
User /objects list List all objects of the given type, or 'all types' if left blank.
typeName (String)
User /money currencies List all currencies in the game.
User /emote nervous /nervous Nervous
User /emote disagree /disagree Disagree
User /rooms test Check the current surroundings to see if it's a room, and if not explain why not. Recalculate outdoor area.
User /emote dance2 /dance2 Dance2
User /emote wave /wave Wave
User /emote lol /lol Lol
User /emote sleep /sleep Sleep
User /emote kneel /kneel Kneel
User /emote shame /shame Shame
User /civics showtick Show time until the next civics tick.
User /emote angry /angry Angry
User /emote stinky /stinky Stinky
User /emote exhausted /exhausted Exhausted
User /money accounts Display all bank accounts in the game.
User /settlement homesteadreport /homesteadreport Shows a report of how neighboring settlements may impact a homestead that is placed at the citizen's current location.
User /emote dance1 /dance1 Dance1
User /meteor status /met Displays status of meteor.
User /emote yuck /yuck Yuck
User /emote smile /smile Smile
User /emote shy /shy Shy
User /emote smirk /smirk Smirk
User /emote gross /gross Gross
User /manage playtime /playtime Lists the playtimes for a given user, or yourself if none passed.
other (User)
User /emote tired /tired Tired
User /helpful Shows all help, including sub commands.
language (SupportedLanguage)
User /emote wonder /wonder Wonder
User /emote knock /knock Knock
User /emote laydown /laydown Laydown
User /emote no /no No
User /emote frown /frown Frown
User /emote bow /bow Bow
User /manage ignore /ignore Shows your Ignore List or adds the player to the Ignore List by the name or remove if the player is on the list already
ignoreUser (User)
User /civics showgovernment Lists the active elements of the government.
User /civics mydems List each demographic and the status of the specified user (using the called if none specified).
otherUser (User)
Admin /inventory durability /dur Set the durability of the item you are holding
durability (Single)
Admin /settlement rebuildcivicpowers /rebuildcivicpowers Recalc civic powers for all settlements and users.
Admin /culture boostsettlement /boostsettlementculture Set a culture-boost to lowest tier settlement at position, or specified position. If null is passed, will take the lowest-tier settlement the user is a citizen of, or an arbitrary settlement if they are not a citizen of any.
val (Single), settlement (Settlement)
Admin /time set Set time of day to the specified hour
hour (Single)
Admin /build evict /evict Evict the targeted user, or self if none is targeted.
targetUser (User)
Admin /culture boostproperty /boostpropertyculture Sets a boost to the culture value of the given deed, or the property where the user is standing if not specified
val (Single), deed (Deed)
Admin /inventory givepaint /paint Give yourself mixed paint for predefined named colors
namedColorIndex (Int32), number (Int32)
Admin /skills givepointsto Give skillpoints to another player
otherPlayer (User), number (Int32)
Admin /world fixtrunks /fixtrunks Destroys all trunks outside the world
Admin /world fixobjects /fixobjects Destroys all physical objects with illegal positions outside the world. (worldobjects, vehicles, trees, rubbles etc)
teleportVehicles (Boolean)
Admin /world clearallrubble /clearallrubble Destroys all rubble in the world
Admin /weather status Prints out the current weather status for the entire planet
Admin /weather rain Create a light rain storm at your location
Admin /weather heavyrain Create a heravy rain storm at your location
Admin /skills rate Displays or sets the current skill rate multiplier.
skillRate (Single)
Admin /util fuel /fuel Fuels currently selected (driving) vehicle.
target (INetObject)
Admin /weather clear Clear all weather
Admin /sim massplant Spawns a bunch of one plant
radius (Int32), speciesName (String), growthPercent (Single), yield (Single), trees (Boolean)
Admin /util record /record Toggles record mode
Admin /util openserverui /serverui Opens the server GUI, if the user is a local user.
Admin /util invisible Make your character invisible
Admin /culture replenishgivablereputation /reprep Refills givable reputation for given Citizen, or all Citizens if left blank.
targetUser (User)
Admin /util fly /fly Toggles fly mode
Admin /user setlastrefreshday /givelastrefreshday Change last refresh day from target by days (positive to add and negative to remove)
days (Int32), target (User)
Admin /skills levelupuser Level up a citizen by one. Default levels you up.
name (String)
Admin /initialspawn do Re-run the initial spawn selection for the given user (or current user if null).
Admin /user defaultexhaust /defaultexhaust Set exhaustion data to default, as if fresh start. It will allow first time bonuses again
target (User)
Admin /civics makeactive /makeactive Force a given citizen to be in the active demographic (self if none passed).
Admin /inventory carryall /carryall Allows carry items into any user inventory slot and removes weight check. Pass false to reset to normal.
allowCarryAll (Boolean)
Admin /money createdebt Create debt between two players in a currency that matches the given name.
lender (User), borrower (User), paybackAmount (Single), interest (Single), daysTillDue (Single), currency (Currency)
Admin /elections vote /vote Vote in the given election for the given candidate. If null is passed for election, take first. Null for candidate, pick a random ordering. Null for voter, use self.
election (Election), voteForCandidate (User), voter (User)
Admin /notifications mail /m Send mail to the given user (or self if blank).
text (String), targetUser (User)
Admin /manage kick /kick Kicks user
kickUser (User), reason (String)
Admin /skills addlevelto /addlevel Gives levels to another player. Gives to yourself if target user is empty
targetUser (User), stars (Int32)
Admin /titles unassign Removes a given user from a given title, removing from yourself if none is specified.
title (Title), unassignUser (User)
Admin /land clearrubble Clears rubble around the player.
radius (Single)
Admin /economy payall /payall Pay all current outstanding rents and wages.
Admin /titles setplaytimeboost Set a 'boost' that will add to all 'recent playtime' requests for the given player (yourself if null, 2 hours if unset). Will make players instantly active if set high enough.
hoursBoost (Single)
Admin /titles set Set values for a title.
title (Title), maxOccupants (Int32)
Admin /property owner /owner Change owner of current deed
newOwner (User)
Admin /titles rename Rename a new title.
title (Title), newName (String)
Admin /sim repopulateanimallayer Reset animal sim population to initial values (as it was on world generation)
Admin /titles giveglobalmarkerrights Allow the given user to change all world marker settlement types without permissions.
settlement (Settlement), set (Boolean)
Admin /titles delete Permanently deletes a title.
title (Title)
Admin /time skiptime /st Skips ahead time a given number of hours.
hoursToSkip (Single)
Admin /pollute co2 Changes CO2 PPM by X
ppm (Single)
Admin /titles assign Assigns a given user to a given title, assigning to yourself if none is specified.
title (Title), assignTo (User)
Admin /initialspawn update Force update the spawn position now.
Admin /titles clear Clears all occupants from a title.
title (Title)
Admin /time resettime /resettime Reset time of day to match the clock.
Admin /time midnight Set time of day to midnight
Admin /time fastforward /ff Force the world to fast forward. Pass 0 to stop.
set (Boolean)
Admin /manage whitelist Shows list of whitelisted users or adds user to the whitelist by account id, steamid, slgid, or username
nameOrID (String), reason (String)
Admin /manage admin /admin Shows list of admins or adds user as an Admin by account id, steamid, slgid, or username
nameOrID (String), reason (String)
Admin /qa ridevehicle /ride Ride nearest vehicle
Admin /elections veto /veto Veto an election.
election (Election)
Admin /elections finish /fin Force-end the specified election, adding a vote if true is passed (default). If no election found, pass any, including draft ones.
election (Election), addVote (Boolean)
Admin /manage whois Shows the user ID of the requested user.
otherUser (User)
Admin /objects editobj Edit a specific object of a given type. Can specify by name or ID.
typeName (String), partialObjectNameOrId (String)
Admin /settlement ignorerequirements /nosetreqs Disable Settlement requirements for the session (Ie, dont require child settlements or citizens for a country to spawn.
ignore (Boolean)
Admin /civics updatedems Force demographics to update immediately.
Admin /pollute air Creates X tons of air pollution
tons (Single)
Admin /settlement clear Destroy all things related with the passed settlement and unclaim all property.
settlement (Settlement)
Admin /culture masterpieces /vincent Gives reputation to all pictures ignoring limits, can set settlement to only apply reputation to pictures under its influence.
reputation (Int32), settlement (Settlement)
Admin /land markglobal /markglobal Drops a global waypoint at the current position. Accepts an optional text string for the waypoint.
text (String)
Admin /land levelwithwall /levelwall Level the terrain with a wall
x (Int32), y (Int32), wallHeight (Int32), groundType (String), wallType (String)
Admin /skills education Set education value (0 to 1) for a skill (default to 1), giving the skill if the user doesn't have it. If no target user is set, apply to self.
skillName (String), value (Single), targetUser (User)
Admin /manage mute /mute Shows list of muted users or mutes user by account id, steamid, slgid, or username. Mute forever by default with empty time. Time format: 1m, 1h, 1d, 1w.
nameOrID (String), reason (String), time (String)
Admin /money createaccount Creates an account with specified name.
name (String)
Admin /build spawnboat /boat Spawns boat at player position
boatName (String)
Admin /objects clear Removes objects of a given type.
typeName (String), removeActive (Boolean), removeInactive (Boolean)
Admin /sim forcecollectglobalstats /globalstats Force global stats to collect now. Updates world progress stats as well.
Admin /manage save Save the world!
Admin /money deleteaccount Deletes an account even if there is still currency on it.
account (BankAccount)
Admin /build village Spawns a village
type (Int32), count (Int32)
Admin /time noon /noon Set time of day to noon.
Admin /skills all Unlocks all skills
targetUser (User)
Admin /teleport toworldposition /tp Teleport to an xyz coordinate or an xz coordinate. For two components Y is calculated automatically.
x (Int32), yOrZ (Int32), z (Int32)
Admin /inventory dumpvehicle /dumpvehicle Dumps all items from your vehicle inventory.
Admin /profiler everything Runs CPU profiling and server performance reports, one after the other. Optionally pass duration in seconds, defaults to 60 seconds.
seconds (Int32)
Admin /teleport todark Teleport to the opposite side of the World
Admin /teleport atob Teleports player A to player B
targetA (User), targetB (User)
Admin /skills reset Resets a specialization for a player. If the skill name is empty it will reset all specializations.
targetUser (User), skillName (String)
Admin /skills removespecialty /leveldown Removes a specialty that matches the passed string.
specialtyName (String), targetUser (User)
Admin /objects enableadmininterface /admininterface Enable or disable admin interfaces across the game.
set (Boolean)
Admin /skills removelevelfrom /removelevel Removes levels from another player. Removes from yourself if target user is empty
targetUser (User), stars (Int32)
Admin /user energize /energize Provide a user with extra hours they can use to perform labor when exhauasted. Can be negative to remove previously granted energy.
target (User), hours (Int32)
Admin /culture updatesettlements /updatesets Force an update of all settlement properties.
Admin /manage alert Sends an alert to everybody
alert (String)
Admin /skills fullreset Resets all skills to unlearnt
targetUser (User)
Admin /debug scanall /scanall Trigger a validity scan of all objects.
Admin /inventory give /give Give yourself an item
itemName (String), number (Int32)
Admin /user exhaust /exhaust Force a user to be exhausted for the remainder of the day.
target (User)
Admin /skills addpointsto /addpoint Give skillpoints to another player. Give them to yourself if target user is empty
targetUser (User), stars (Int32)
Admin /sim dinnerbell Makes all animals hungry.
Admin /objects add Add an object of the give type.
typeName (String)
Admin /build road /road Spawns a road
length (Int32), width (Int32), buildTypeVal (Int32), bottomType (Int32), flatRoad (Boolean)
Admin /sim unpollute Unpollute an area. Remove dead plants and replace dirt on grass blocks.
fullReplacement (Boolean), radius (Int32)
Admin /sim removedeadplants Removes dead plants in an area.
radius (Int32), destroy (Boolean)
Admin /skills cleartalents /notalents Resets all talents for a specialization for a player. If the skill name is empty it will remove talents from all specialization
targetUser (User), skillName (String)
Admin /inventory dumpall /dumpall Dumps all items from your inventory.
Admin /settlement addclaimpapers Add the specified quantity of claim papers to the specified settlement.
quantity (Int32), settlement (Settlement)
Admin /build stockpile Spawns a stockpile containing stacks of the listed items.
item1 (String), item2 (String), item3 (String), item4 (String), item5 (String)
Admin /manage unwhitelist Removes user from the whitelist by account id, steamid, slgid, or username
nameOrID (String), reason (String)
Admin /settlement addclaimstakes Add the specfied quantity of claim stakes to the specified settlement.
quantity (Int32), settlement (Settlement)
Admin /money setaccountowner Manually set an account creator.
account (BankAccount), target (User)
Admin /sim spawnanimal /animal Spawns a number of animals
speciesName (String), count (Int32)
Admin /inventory givepaintrgb /paintrgb Give yourself mixed paint with any rgb color
r (Int32), g (Int32), b (Int32), amount (Int32)
Admin /sim spawnalltrees /alltrees Spawns trees of particular ages in a row
Admin /inventory giveall /giveall Give yourself all items matching the given search.
itemName (String), number (Int32)
Admin /property boostdeed /boostdeed Boost the value of the given deed, or the deed at the current position if not specified. Persists across server restart.
boost (Single), deed (Deed)
Admin /sim trample Tramples the surrounding ground
Admin /sim letitfish /fish Fishing time!
count (Int32)
Admin /civics whitelistdemographic /adddems Force a given citizen to always be a member of a given demographic even if they dont match the conditions.
demo (Demographic), set (Boolean)
Admin /property add Adds user to current deed (if username is not provided then adds current user)
otherPlayer (User)
Admin /objects edit /edit Open a display to edit any registrar object, or limit to a given type.
objectType (String)
Admin /skills removepointsfrom /removepoint Remove skillpoints from another player. Removes from yourself if target user is empty
targetUser (User), stars (Int32)
Admin /property unclaimabandoned Unclaim plots across the world where the owner hasn't logged in for X days
days (Single)
Admin /land level /level Level the terrain
x (Int32), y (Int32), blockType (String)
Admin /property ownnone Revoke your property
otherPlayer (User)
Admin /qa spawn /spawn Spawns item in building
itemName (String), claim (Boolean)
Admin /sim killtrees /killtrees Kills all trees in an area. Pass false to only cut them.
radius (Int32), destroy (Boolean), speciesName (String)
Admin /sim regenlayer Regenerates a world layer, restoring it to the state it would be in if the world were newly generated.
layerName (String)
Admin /sim killplants /killplants Kills all plants in an area. Pass false to not delete them.
radius (Int32), destroy (Boolean), speciesName (String)
Admin /elections forcerecalc /recalcelec Force recalculation of all elections.
Admin /objects forceenablenearestobject /fe Force nearest object to ignore all its requirements and always be enabled.
set (Boolean)
Admin /build buildingofmaterial /bm Spawns a building by specifying the material to use
material (String), x (Int32), y (Int32), z (Int32), roofType (Int32), createWindows (Boolean)
Admin /sim cleardebris /cleardebris Clears debris in an area.
radius (Int32)
Admin /meteor spawn Spawns a meteor into orbit, regardless of current disaster settings.
Admin /inventory addvoid Add an item to your void storage
itemName (String), number (Int32), distance (Int32)
Admin /skills give Gives a skill matching the given name. If no target user is set, apply to self.
skillName (String), targetUser (User)
Admin /manage clearmaintenance Clears currently scheduled user maintenance.
Admin /objects remove Remove a specific object. Can specify by name or ID.
typeName (String), objectNameOrId (String)
Admin /settlement reset /resettle Resets any invalid entries in a settlement to a new default. If true is passed, reset everything, regardless of validity.
set (Settlement), forceAllDefaults (Boolean)
Admin /manage unmute /unmute Unmutes user by account id, steamid, slgid, or username
nameOrID (String), reason (String)
Admin /property resolveoverburdened /overb Any deed that is overburdened (too many plots claimed, not enough claim papers) will have plots unclaimed immediately (instead of waiting for timer)
Admin /property unlimitedclaim /unlimitedclaim Toggles first found Claim Tool in your toolbar to claim without needing the usually required claim papers on the corresponding Claim Stake. Lasts until server restart.
Admin /money steamsale /gabe Give every player an amount of money
amount (Single)
Admin /settlement forcerenouncecitizenship /nocit Make someone leave citizenship of whatever settlement you they are a citizen of. Pass target or perform on self if not set.
target (User)
Admin /settlement enabledisable /seten Enables or disables a settlement. This will stop it from casting influence or applying laws when disabled.
set (Settlement), enabled (Boolean)
Admin /settlement populate /populate Fill the town on this plot with citizens.
foundTown (Boolean), newCitizenCount (Int32), newApplicantCount (Int32), newInviteeCount (Int32), makeAllActive (Boolean)
Admin /settlement clearall /cleartowns Destroy all towns and property stakes and unclaim all property.
Admin /sim setlayer Sets a world layer to specific value or random value from range.
layerName (String), value (Single), maxValue (Single)
Admin /teleport toplayer /tpto Teleport to a citizen.
otherPlayer (User)
Admin /elections win Force-win an election, either with the specified candidate, or 'yes' if it's a binary election.
election (Election), winner (User)
Admin /land removenearestglobalmark /removenearestglobalmark Removes the nearest global waypoint to your current position.
Admin /money addaccountuser Adds user to bank account with ID.
account (BankAccount), target (User)
Admin /land resetworldcaches Resets the world caches
Admin /chat clearhistoryolderthan Clean up chat history from old messages. Reduces memory usage and may improve server performance. You need to provide number of days in world time to preserve.
preserveDays (Int32)
Admin /sim oneshot Kills nearest animal
Admin /districts add Set the current area within a given radius to a given district (or a new district if none is passed).
radiusInPlots (Int32), district (District), map (DistrictMap)
Admin /sim spawnallplants /allplants Spawns plants of particular ages in a row
count (Int32), growth1 (Single), growth2 (Single), growth3 (Single)
Admin /objects editbyid Edit the object with the specified ID
id (Int32)
Admin /property unclaim /unclaim Unclaim the plot you're standing on
Admin /property turnon /on Turn on (default) or objects in a radiue.
on (Boolean), raidus (Single)
Admin /property targetowner /ownit Change owner of current target, if the target is a store it will change it without closing it.
target (INetObject), newOwner (User)
Admin /manage maintenance Schedules an automatic shutdown
time (String), message (String), reason (String)
Admin /build resident /res Make the targeted user a resident on the deed at your current position. Use 'self' if no target asset.
targetUser (User)
Admin /profiler nettrace Runs CPU profiling using nettrace. Optionally pass duration in seconds, defaults to 60 seconds.
seconds (Int32)
Admin /meteor addhours Adds meteor impact hours
hours (Single)
Admin /manage removeadmin Removes user as an Admin by account id, steamid, slgid, or username
nameOrID (String), reason (String)
Admin /elections clearold Remove record of a specific election, or if none passed, all previous elections.
election (Election)
Admin /property removedeed Remove given deed or here currently standing if none specified.
deed (Deed)
Admin /inventory dumpcarried /dumpcarried Dumps all carried items.
Admin /property ownall Claim all property
Admin /manage clearobjective Clears a user's objective
targetUser (User)
Admin /meteor makevisible Make the meteor enter the targetable range, or the specified angle if one is passed in.
angle (Single)
Admin /settlement annex /annex Force a given settlement to annex another, if the types support it.
source (Settlement), target (Settlement)
Admin /profiler results Opens results page in web browser.
Admin /profiler memory Collects memory dump.
Admin /profiler cpu Runs CPU profiling using dottrace. Optionally pass duration in seconds, defaults to 60 seconds.
seconds (Int32)
Admin /skills removetalent /talentdel Removes talent by name for a player
targetUser (User), talentName (String)
Admin /land clearpaint Clears paint in area with radius specified around the player. Max = 20
radius (Int32)
Admin /rooms repairall Repairs all broken rooms. This command may take a long time and create heavy-load on the server, so only use it when many rooms are broken
Admin /pollute trashcity Just in case you like living in TRASH CITY
Admin /districts clearmap Remove all districts from a given map.
set (DistrictMap)
Admin /world species Shows initial spawn clusters of species
species (String)
Admin /food eat /eat Max your calories
amount (Int32)
Admin /pollute all Rains tailings from the heavens to ruin the world
Admin /money addaccountmanager Adds user as manager to bank account with ID.
account (BankAccount), target (User)
Admin /performance Runs server performance reports and dump to files. Optionally pass duration in seconds, defaults to 60 seconds.
seconds (Int32)
Admin /objects removebyid Remove the object with the specified ID
id (Int32)
Admin /sim greenthumb Spawns random plants
radius (Int32), trees (Boolean)
Admin /civics makeabandoned /makeabandoned Force a given citizen to be in the abandoned demographic (self if none passed).
Admin /money cancelalldebtfromplayer Cancel debt that a particular player has accumulated.
otherPlayer (String)
Admin /inventory forcegive /fgive Give yourself an item (Forced, ignores restrictions)
itemName (String), number (Int32)
Admin /money removeaccountmanager Remove user as manager from bank account with ID.
account (BankAccount), target (User)
Admin /qa showsupportedlanguages List all supported languages with short codes
Admin /food work /work Spends calories
useCalories (Int32)
Admin /meteor destroy Destroys the meteor in orbit.
Admin /property removeemptydeeds Remove empty deeds
Admin /settlement allowadminannex /freeannex Toggles the ability for admins to annex properties even if the requirements are not met.
ignore (Boolean)
Admin /manage listusers Displays a list of all known users, showing username and ID.
Admin /manage warnuser Sends a warning to a citizen
warnUser (User), warning (String)
Admin /sim spawnplant /plant Spawns a plant or plants in a row or grid
speciesName (String), countX (Int32), countZ (Int32), space (Int32), age (Single)
Admin /settlement recountclaims Forces a recount and update of the number of spawned claims and stakes for each settlement, in case they are out of synch.
settlement (Settlement)
Admin /manage unban /unban Unbans user by account id, steamid, slgid, or username
nameOrID (String), reason (String)
Admin /culture givereputation /rep Gives reputation from the given user (defaulting to self if not set) to the given target (picture or user) ignoring limits by default.
rep (Int32), targetID (Int32), sourceUser (User), ignoreLimit (Boolean)
Admin /land levelcentered /levelcentered Level the terrain around user
x (Int32), y (Int32), blockType (String)
Admin /manage announce Sends an announce to all players
announce (String)
Admin /property remove Removes user from current deed (if username is not provided then removes current user)
otherPlayer (User)
Admin /world clearfallentrees /clearfallentrees Removes fallen trees
Admin /elections fail Cast a negative vote and end an election. Null election means find first.
election (Election)
Admin /land removeallbut /removeallbut Removes all block types except the specified type within a specified area
blockType (String), x (Int32), y (Int32), z (Int32), isTurnToGlass (Boolean)
Admin /money removeaccountuser Removes user from bank account with ID.
account (BankAccount), target (User)
Admin /civics ticknow Force a tick on the civics system to happen immediately.
Admin /land remove /remove Remove block types within a specified area
blockType (String), x (Int32), y (Int32), z (Int32), isTurnToGlass (Boolean)
Admin /manage ban /ban Shows list of banned users or bans user by account id, steamid, slgid, or username. Ban forever by default with empty time. Time format: 1m, 1h, 1d, 1w.
nameOrID (String), reason (String), time (String)
Admin /land spawnrubble Rains rubble around the player.
blockTypeName (String), rubble (Int32)
Admin /network setpassword Sets the current server password
password (String)
Admin /build building /bt Spawns a building by specifying which tier
type (Int32), x (Int32), y (Int32), z (Int32), roofType (Int32), createWindows (Boolean)
Admin /civics blacklistdemographic /removedems Force a given citizen to be removed of a given demographic even if they dont match the conditions.
demo (Demographic), set (Boolean)
Admin /inventory dumpselected /dumpselected Dumps all items in your selected toolbar slot.
Admin /teleport targetto Teleports otherPlayer to an xyz coordinate
otherUser (User), x (Int32), y (Int32), z (Int32)
Admin /culture describeannex /describeannex Update annex settings and describe them.
Admin /manage setspawn Changes the spawn location to your current location
Admin /civics debug Toggle debug display of civic processing. Pass 'false' to see for only yourself.
allUsers (Boolean)
Admin /craft setpartdecaymult /partdecay On objects within a given radius, make part durability consumption optionally trigger constantly instead of accumulating, and set a multiplier for how fast it goes.
multiplier (Single), consumeWithoutDelay (Boolean), radius (Single)
Admin /food crave /crave Force a craving on a given user (self if untargeted user, random food if not set)
target (User), foodName (String)
Admin /elections createpoll /poll Open a dialog that allow starting a poll.
Admin /property claimrect /claim Claims plots in a given rect. If you're already standing on a claim you have auth on, it will use the existing deed. Otherwise, a new deed is created.
xSide (Int32), ySide (Int32), overwriteExistingClaims (Boolean)
Admin /skills levelup /levelup Levels up a string matching the passed skill's name to the max.
skillName (String), targetUser (User)
DevTier /qa runtest Run a specific test.
testname (String)
DevTier /avatar dummy Spawns a dummy avatar
count (Int32)
DevTier /qa giveallboats /gab Give all boats and hammer
DevTier /preset hidden Spawns Hidden items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /test interactitems Attempts to give the user all items and interact with them
DevTier /qa notifdelay Override all aggregated notifications delay. Using without specifiying delay will instead reset the value.
DevTier /build signs Spawn all signs and add a random text to it.
textLengthMin (Int32), textLengthMax (Int32)
DevTier /qa giveallvehicletools /gavt Give all vehicle tools
DevTier /test elevator Setup an elevator for testing
DevTier /skills levelupall /allskills Levels all skills up 1 level at a time (no chunks).
DevTier /qa receivechat Send multiple chat messages over time to test scrolling
msgCounts (Int32)
DevTier /build home Spawn a few rooms with housing value.
DevTier /preset economy Spawns Economy items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /build objects Spawn all of the objects containing a string in its name. If they have text, add that too, can optionally set the string range.
objectstring (String), textLengthMin (Int32), textLengthMax (Int32)
DevTier /skills debugedu Make education tick every frame, accepet teachers and students regardless of skills, and allow teachers to be their own students.
DevTier /qa listunobtainableitems Lists the items that cannot be crafted from some set of other items. Note that many of these are not meant to be crafted, e.g. hips and stone.
DevTier /preset tools Spawns Tools items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /twitch resenddatasets Forces all datasets to refresh on the EBS server
DevTier /tutorials unlockui Unlocks all UI panels locked by tutorial.
DevTier /tutorials task Starts specific tutorial task by name.
taskName (String)
DevTier /qa resetchatsettingsforall Reset all players chat settings and tab settings
msgCount (Int32), foldOut (Boolean)
DevTier /tutorials reset Resets the tutorial, including record of given items (which menu option does not do).
DevTier /preset blocks Spawns Blocks items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /culture spawnmuseum /museum Spawn a museum of images generating culture
dim (Int32)
DevTier /preset storages Spawns Storage items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /civics testgameactions Tests all the actions in the game by making laws for them and performing them.
DevTier /titles givetreasuryrights Assign the current player to a new title that has treasury rights.
settlement (Settlement)
DevTier /civics spawnzoningoffice Spawn a zoning office, passing the number of maps and districts in each. Defaults to a lot (3 maps with 100 districts each).
maps (Int32), districtCount (Int32)
DevTier /build import Imports building from string. I.e.: bt:HewnLogCube;room:0:-1:0:3:4:3;bt:Empty;fplane:2:0:0:1:2
importString (String)
DevTier /culture giverandompicture /pic Give a randomly generated picture item for testing.
DevTier /civics addcandidates Add a bunch of candidates to specfied election (or first election found if none specified).
election (Election)
DevTier /qa givealltools /gat Give all tools of the particular tier. Without specific tier a chest with all tools will be spawned
tier (Single)
DevTier /qa allblocks Spawns all blocks. Optional integer parameter for how many rows to make the blocks in, default is 1 row.
rows (Int32)
DevTier /build fullstockpile Generate a full stockpile
DevTier /qa chattest Spam a bunch of stuff to chat
count (Int32), receiverCount (Int32), gibberish (Boolean)
DevTier /sim switchanimalspawn Switch spawn animals by Simulation on and off.
DevTier /sim testanimalmovement /tam Spawns animals and sets target positions for them to test animal movement. Requires special testing area to be present.
speciesName (String), fleeSpeed (Boolean), testNumber (Int32)
DevTier /test zeropoint Build Zero Point place and teleport to it
sizeX (Int32), sizeZ (Int32)
DevTier /test workorders Spawn a number of workbenches which in turn will have a number of work orders each to test notifications. (Will destroy previously created workbenches, does not add resources or labor)
workbenches (Int32), maximumOrdersPerBench (Int32)
DevTier /sim bunnytime Spawns 100 bunnies
DevTier /test distributionstationcarried Creates and applies a Distribution Station with carried items
DevTier /craft techtreesimulation Simulates the tech tree
DevTier /civics spawndems Generate some demographics.
count (Int32)
DevTier /preset seating Spawns Housing seating items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /test testspoilage /testspoilage Test spoilage merging and behavior with inventories that have restrictions, recommended to have empty inventory and not to pick anything while testing.
DevTier /food clearstomach /clearstomach Empties your stomach
DevTier /cancelall /cancelallwork Cancels all workorder at the target crafting component
target (INetObject)
DevTier /test spamnotifications /spamnotifications Spams aggregated notifications to the given user.
DevTier /test sewage Spawns a setup for testing sewage system.
village (Boolean)
DevTier /test qamode Toggle qamode on/off.
DevTier /build doors Spawn all doors.
DevTier /test propertyclaimtool Test claiming and unclaiming property.
DevTier /twitch unsubscribe Forces the removal of a Twitch channel subscription with the EBS server
channelId (String)
DevTier /test placegarbage Attempt to place a bunch of garbage bags in the world.
DevTier /test chatinteraction Make a test user send a message every specific period of time to the general channel and/or to the current user.
enableGeneralMessages (Boolean), timeBtwMessages (Single), enableWhisperMessages (Boolean)
DevTier /sim destroyedatmosphere Set the percent of a destroyed atmosphere to display, blended to over a given number of seconds.
percent (Single), time (Single)
DevTier /contracts test Tests founded existing contracts.
contractClause (String)
DevTier /qa giveallvehicles /gav Give all vehicles and hammer
DevTier /test maketuser Create test user with a specified name.
name (String)
DevTier /craft getpathtoitem Gets the resources needed to craft something
target (String)
DevTier /test giveremoveitems Attempts to give the user all of the items, then remove them
DevTier /test industrialelevator Setup an industrial elevator for testing
DevTier /build worldobjects Spawns a large number of WorldObjects of the given name.
worldObjectItemName (String), count (Int32)
DevTier /test cranes Setup a test environment for cranes.
DevTier /test foldouts /dbgf Generates some test combinations of foldout lists. Can optionally set the level of nesting.
nestingIterations (Int32)
DevTier /test exchange Spawns 2 test exchanges, one for the user and one for another user. Adds some entries, performs some tests.
DevTier /test economics Spawns all the various parts of an economy.
ordersPerStore (Int32), categoriesPerStore (Int32), stores (Int32)
DevTier /test distributionstation Creates and applies a Distribution Station.
fixedCount (Boolean), itemMax (Int32), itemDistribute (Int32), itemCountMax (Int32), carried (Boolean)
DevTier /test bed Spawn a bed and sleep in it.
DevTier /qa disconnect Disconnect client with a long message
DevTier /test axesandchainsaw Test cutting trees with axe and chainsaw.
DevTier /civics setactiveusers Force a given number of players to be active, creating the users if there are not enough
count (Int32)
DevTier /build shuffleblocks Spawns and shuffles different blocks
x (Int32), y (Int32)
DevTier /preset power Spawns Power dependent items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /elections twitchvote Vote in the given election for the given candidate using the given twitch IDIChatClient Passing null will pick a random one.
election (Election), twitchVoter (String), subscriber (Boolean)
DevTier /preset scrolls Spawns SkillScrolls items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /qa notificationstest Spam a bunch of stuff to notifications
DevTier /build store Spawns a store with storages and random trade offers.
offers (Int32), categories (Int32)
DevTier /world generatestats Generates the world block stats
DevTier /preset beds Spawns storage with bed items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /settlement spawnhomestead /home Create a homestead for the passed user or a test user if null.
makeCitizen (Boolean), homesteadOwner (User)
DevTier /test placeobjects Attempts placing all objects in the world
DevTier /skills creative /creative Remove restrictions and gives you every skill at max level.
DevTier /build shuffleobjects Spawns a large number of random WorldObjects.
count (Int32)
DevTier /achievements giveachive /chieve Give an achievement to the given user
achievementname (String), progress (Int32), target (User)
DevTier /debug wrap /wrap Set the wrap-around-the-world count for the calling player. This is a client side effect that makes the positions after traveling around the world be shifted by world-size.
xWrap (Int32), yWrap (Int32)
DevTier /sim testanimalpathinterruptions /tapi Spawns an animal and makes it run between predefined points, interrupting it's path with a new one each time. Requires special testing area to be present.
speciesName (String), fleeSpeed (Boolean)
DevTier /chat channelsend Send message to channel from a specified user.
text (String), channel (Channel), fromUser (User)
DevTier /sim testanimalpathcontinuations /tapc Spawns an animal and makes it run between predefined points, interrupting it's path with a new one each time. Requires special testing area to be present.
speciesName (String), fleeSpeed (Boolean)
DevTier /initialspawn updatedebug Generate debug data showing all the clusters we consider for initial points.
DevTier /test demote Demotes user from adnim to a regular user until server is restarted or this command is invoked again.
DevTier /test pipes Spawns a setup for testing pipes.
DevTier /civics spawnlaws Generate some test laws.
settlement (Settlement), count (Int32)
DevTier /avatar lastplayeronearth Kills all spawned dummys
DevTier /qa clearplayerprefs Clear all playerprefs, requires a restart to take effect.
DevTier /sim setpollutionactive Activates/deactivates pollution layer updating.
isActive (Boolean)
DevTier /avatar metime Spawns passed number of clones of your avatar
count (Int32)
DevTier /meteor removehours Remove meteor impact hours
hours (Single)
DevTier /sim predatorsprotected /safe Stay invisible from predators
DevTier /sim poorbunnies /die Kills all animals
DevTier /settlement spawntown /town Create a new town on this plot and add citizens.
foundTown (Boolean), makeSelfCitizenAndMayor (Boolean), newCitizenCount (Int32), newApplicantCount (Int32), newInviteeCount (Int32), boostCulture (Int32)
DevTier /preset doors Spawn storage with all type of doors
sType (Int32)
DevTier /sim moveto /animalmoveto The animal that's currently being debugged will move toward the specified destination (just specifify the x and z coordinates)
xDestination (Single), zDestination (Single)
DevTier /sim liedown The animal that's currently being debugged will change state to lie down (or idle if he doesn't have a lie down state).
seconds (Single)
DevTier /test hammers Run a series of chat commands to test the game.
DevTier /build toolsstore Spawns a store with storages and tools of different durability.
DevTier /qa tooltipstatus Display stats on tooltip debug.
DevTier /test placeallworldblocks Attempts placing all world block objects in the world
DevTier /build tech Spawns some things (objects, blocks, etc) at a certain tech tier
tier (Int32)
DevTier /sim debuganimal /dba Enables debug on the nearest animal, or disables it if already enabled.
follow (Boolean), destroyAllOthers (Boolean)
DevTier /test testspoilagemultithread /testspoilagemultithread Test spoilage merging and behavior with inventories that have restrictions, recommended to have empty inventory and not to pick anything while testing.
DevTier /sim animalspeed /animalspeed Set speed for nearest animal (debug)
wanderingSpeed (Single), runningSpeed (Single)
DevTier /settlement vacateall /vacateall Make a given citizen remove all its citizens (or all settlements if none passed).
target (Settlement)
DevTier /meteor fall Begin the meteor impact sequence
DevTier /blueprint givetestitem Generates and returns test blueprint item.
DevTier /settlement spawnsimplesettlements /sets Create a nested homestead, town, country, and federation with simple force-enabled objects.
makeSelfLeaderAndCitizen (Boolean), assignTaxes (Boolean)
DevTier /inventory fillmeup Adds random items to the user's inventory.
DevTier /settlement spawn /testtown Spawn a debug set of settlements.
DevTier /settlement vacate /vacate Make a given citizen leave citizenship of a given town.
target (Settlement), citizen (User)
DevTier /settlement resolvecrisis /resolvecrisis Forces resolution of property crises by removing claims now. Pass individual settlement, or leave blank for 'all settlements in crisis'.
settlement (Settlement)
DevTier /housing addroommates /shackup Add a number of residents to the deed you're currently a resident on.
count (Int32)
DevTier /settlement emigrate /emigrate Make a citizen a resident of the given town. Removes them from the previous settlement.
target (Settlement), citizen (User)
DevTier /test maketestusers Create test users up to the given amount (default 5)
count (Int32)
DevTier /preset generators Spawns Generator items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /chat privatesend Send private message to self from a specified user.
text (String), fromUser (User)
DevTier /qa allplants Spawns all plant blocks
rows (Int32)
DevTier /sim spawnanimals /animals Spawns a number of animals of each species
count (Int32)
DevTier /contracts spawn Create contract board with all the contract's types
DevTier /preset paint Lots of different paint buckets for test
stackCount (Int32)
DevTier /qa tooltipclearcache /ttc Clear server and client tooltip caches for all users.
DevTier /qa toggle Toggles the show state of a UI, by UI prefab name
uiName (String)
DevTier /qa testsendmessage Send many messages
msgCount (Int32), foldOut (Boolean)
DevTier /qa testbows Test bow and arrows.
DevTier /preset all Spawns All Presets (Exept hidden)
sType (Int32)
DevTier /craft spawncrafting Creates a craft setup where output from one thing is input to another.
DevTier /qa strangecloudheartbeat /hb Forces a heartbeat to strange cloud
DevTier /civics addvotes Add a bunch of test votes to a specified election, or first election found.
election (Election), count (Int32), forceYesVote (Boolean)
DevTier /elections spawncandidate /elec1 Create an active election of candidates that does nothing for testing purposes.
candidates (Int32), process (ElectionProcess)
DevTier /qa servercrash A command to force the server to crash
DevTier /qa runtests Run a series of chat commands to test the game.
DevTier /twitch subscribe Forces a Twitch channel subscription with the EBS server
channelId (String)
DevTier /qa exceptional Throws an exception, very useful
DevTier /preset vehicles Spawns vehicle items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /qa allworldobjects Spawns all world objects
DevTier /qa allterrain Spawns all diggable blocks
DevTier /qa allconstructed Spawns all player constructible blocks
blockType (String)
DevTier /settlement placehomestead /placehomestead Force-place a settlement at current position, either yourself or a test user.
self (Boolean), addAsCitizen (Boolean), abandoned (Boolean)
DevTier /elections newvotebyindex /voteindex Make a new user and force a vote in the given election for the given index of the election choices.
index (Int32), election (Election)
DevTier /debug spawncars Spawn cars for physics testing
DevTier /build landlord Spawn a room for a test user, make us a tenant.
DevTier /preset signs Spawns storage with sign containing items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /property removeinvalidownables Check deeds and remove contained ownables that do not belong to them
DevTier /qa dbtest /db Inserts records to DB to get perfomance information on it.
parallelCount (Int32), statsCountPerParallel (Int32), bulk (Boolean)
DevTier /titles spawn Create a bunch of titles for testing.
number (Int32)
DevTier /meteor rain Makes meteorites rain down the sky, accepting the number to send and how long between them.
count (Int32), timeBetween (Single), radius (Single)
DevTier /preset mainroom Spawns Housing main room items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /preset housing Spawns Housing items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /achievements remove Remove an achievement from the given user
achievementName (String), target (User)
DevTier /preset fuel Spawns Fuel items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /preset food Spawns Food items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /sim testanimalpathwrapping /tapw Spawns an animal and makes it run between two points, following a path that causes it to cross all world borders. Requires special testing area to be present.
speciesName (String), fleeSpeed (Boolean), killAll (Boolean)
DevTier /preset cultural Spawns Housing cultural items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /preset clothes Spawns Clothing items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /preset industrial Spawns Housing industrial items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /pollute airpollutiongenerators /apgen Creates AIR POLLUTION MACHINES OF DOOM
DevTier /physicsdebug Commands to aid in physics debugging.
DevTier /craft setpowercost Reduces power consumption of all existing objects withing a given radius to passed value (defaults zero).
cost (Single), radius (Single)
DevTier /sim followanimal /fola Toggle following the nearest animal.
set (Boolean)
DevTier /money spawnaccounts Create new bank accounts for each user.
count (Int32)
DevTier /food digest Turn calories into waste
DevTier /avatar customize Enables unrestricted avatar customization in game
DevTier /debug reset /eden Delete all blocks above-ground that are constructed, delete all constructed world objects, remove all property, destroy all settlements and related objects.
DevTier /elections test /elecs Generate a few elections and fill all elections with random votes.
votesToAdd (Int32), twitchVotesToAdd (Int32)
DevTier /meteor spawncrater Create a crater at the current position.
size (Single), addPollution (Boolean)
DevTier /preset resources Spawns Resources items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /build techtree Builds every WorldObject in an appropriate building and fills it with fuel
DevTier /meteor impact Make the meteor strike instantly.
DevTier /meteor hitworldlayers Triggers world layers to act as if they were hit by a meteor.
DevTier /settlement emigrateall /emigrateall Move all citizens to the target settlement, or the first found if not set.
target (Settlement)
DevTier /civics makeelectedtitle Create an elected title for debugging and put in a test user.
DevTier /achievements reset Remove all achievements from the given user
target (User)
DevTier /debug makeunderground Force the vehicle you are looking at to be underground, you need to be the physics controller of the car.
target (INetObject)
DevTier /qa spamdb Spams database operations, in the hopes of reproducing errors or lag
numSeconds (Single), numWriteThreads (Int32)
DevTier /test interactobjects Attempts to interact with all objects in the world
DevTier /preset crafting Spawns CraftingStation items
sType (Int32)
DevTier /land spawnmines /spawnmines Spawns a corridor-like tunnel that gives entrance to the mines.
corridorWidth (Int32), corridorHeight (Int32), corridorDepth (Int32), depth (Int32), levelDifferenceHeight (Int32)
DevTier /sim noah Spawns given number of all animals
count (Int32)
DevTier /sim spawnanimalmovementtestingarea /samt Spawns special area for testing animal movement. This command is not fully implemented yet.
DevTier /elections spawnboolean /elec2 Create an active boolean election that does nothing for testing purposes.
process (ElectionProcess)
DevTier /elections uservotes /votes Create a bunch of test votes.
election (Election), votesToAdd (Int32)
DevTier /elections twitchvotes /twitchvotes Create many twitch votes with random users.
voteCount (Int32), election (Election)
DevTier /debug break /break Trigger a breakpoint.
DevTier /economy payeverytick Enable debug command to pay recurring transfers every tick.
DevTier /civics spawngov Create all the government objects in their needed buildings near you, ratify the constitution, and add at least one of each civics object to their tables. Pass 'false' to make the constitution not require elections to make changes.
requireElections (Boolean)
DevTier /workparty spawn Spawn a work party for testing.
DevTier /districts spawn Generate some random districts around the user.
numDistricts (Int32), size (Int32), useExisting (Boolean), districtMap (DistrictMap), settlement (Settlement)
DevTier /culture spawnwallofpictures Spawn a museum of images generating culture
textureCount (Int32), textureSize (Int32)
DevTier /sim raisesealevel Raises the sea level by a passed in amount. Careful with this one!
val (Single)