Editing Module:ItemData

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Line 1: Line 1:
-- Eco Version :
-- Eco Version : beta release-204
-- Export Language: English
-- Export Language: English

return {
return {
items = {
    items = {
Acorn = {
        ['Acorn'] = {
untranslated = "Acorn",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Acorn',
category = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
group = "Food",
                    ['group'] = 'Food',
description = "Plant to grow an oak tree.",
                    ['description'] = 'Plant to grow an oak tree.',
tagGroups = {
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Seeds', 'Food', 'Object', 'Ingredient'},
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
                    ['weight'] = '0.05',
maxStack = 100,
                    ['calories'] = '0.0',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['carbs'] = '0.0',
weight = 50,
                    ['protein'] = '0.0',
calories = 0,
                    ['fat'] = '0.0',
carbs = 0,
                    ['vitamins'] = '0.0',
protein = 0,
                    ['density'] = '0.0',
fat = 0,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
vitamins = 0,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
density = 0,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AcornItem',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '714',
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "AcornItem",
        ['Acorn Pack'] = {
typeID = 0,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Acorn Pack',
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden',
["Acorn Powder"] = {
                    ['group'] = 'Items',
untranslated = "Acorn Powder",
                    ['description'] = 'Plant to grow an oak tree.',
category = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Not In Browser'},
group = "Food",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
description = "Powdered acorn.",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
tagGroups = {
                    ['weight'] = '0.05',
                    ['calories'] = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
weight = 200,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
calories = 40,
                    ['density'] = nil,
carbs = 1,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
protein = 5,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fat = 2,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
vitamins = 5,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
density = 32.5,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AcornPackItem',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '715',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
        ['Acorn Powder'] = {
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Acorn Powder',
type = "AcornPowderItem",
                    ['category'] = '_None',
typeID = 0,
                    ['group'] = 'Food',
                    ['description'] = 'Powdered acorn.',
["Adorned Ashlar Basalt Bench"] = {
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Food', 'Object', 'Product'},
untranslated = "Adorned Ashlar Basalt Bench",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
category = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['weight'] = '0.2',
description = "A fancy ashlar stone bench that has been adorned with gold.",
                    ['calories'] = '40.0',
tagGroups = {
                    ['carbs'] = '3.0',
                    ['protein'] = '5.0',
                    ['fat'] = '2.0',
maxStack = 1,
                    ['vitamins'] = '5.0',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['density'] = '37.5',
weight = 1000,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
skillValue = "3",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Seating",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Chair",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AcornPowderItem',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '425',
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Basalt Bench'] = {
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Basalt Bench',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
type = "AdornedAshlarBasaltBenchItem",
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone bench that has been adorned with gold.',
typeID = 0,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
["Adorned Ashlar Basalt Chair"] = {
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
untranslated = "Adorned Ashlar Basalt Chair",
                    ['weight'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
description = "A fancy ashlar stone chair that has been adorned with gold. A throne fit for a king.",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['fat'] = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['yield'] = nil,
weight = 1000,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
carbs = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
protein = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
fat = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
skillValue = "2",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Seating",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Chair",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.7",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarBasaltBenchItem',
mobile = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '955',
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Basalt Chair'] = {
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Basalt Chair',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone chair that has been adorned with gold. A throne fit for a king.',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
type = "AdornedAshlarBasaltChairItem",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
typeID = 0,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
                    ['weight'] = nil,
["Adorned Ashlar Basalt Table"] = {
                    ['calories'] = nil,
untranslated = "Adorned Ashlar Basalt Table",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
description = "A fancy ashlar stone table that has been adorned with gold.",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['density'] = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['skillValue'] = '2',
weight = 2000,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
calories = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
carbs = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.7',
protein = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
skillValue = "3.5",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Seating",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Table",
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
repeatsDepreciation = "0.6",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarBasaltChairItem',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '956',
footprint = "2x1x1",
mobile = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Basalt Table'] = {
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Basalt Table',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone table that has been adorned with gold',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
type = "AdornedAshlarBasaltTableItem",
                    ['weight'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
["Adorned Ashlar Stone Bench"] = {
                    ['protein'] = nil,
untranslated = "Adorned Ashlar Stone Bench",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['density'] = nil,
description = "A fancy ashlar stone bench that has been adorned with gold.",
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['yield'] = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3.5',
maxStack = 1,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Table',
weight = 1000,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.6',
calories = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
skillValue = "3",
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 1 X 1',
roomCategory = "Seating",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Chair",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarBasaltTableItem',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '957',
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Gneiss Bench'] = {
footprint = "2x1x2",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Gneiss Bench',
mobile = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone bench that has been adorned with gold.',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
type = "AdornedAshlarStoneBenchItem",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
["Adorned Ashlar Stone Chair"] = {
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
untranslated = "Adorned Ashlar Stone Chair",
                    ['density'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['yield'] = nil,
description = "A fancy ashlar stone chair that has been adorned with gold. A throne fit for a king.",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
maxStack = 1,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
weight = 1000,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
currency = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
skillValue = "2",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Seating",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Chair",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.7",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarGneissBenchItem',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '958',
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Gneiss Chair'] = {
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Gneiss Chair',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
footprint = "1x1x2",
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
mobile = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone chair that has been adorned with gold. A throne fit for a king.',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
type = "AdornedAshlarStoneChairItem",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
["Adorned Ashlar Stone Table"] = {
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
untranslated = "Adorned Ashlar Stone Table",
                    ['yield'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['skillValue'] = '2',
description = "A fancy ashlar stone table that has been adorned with gold.",
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
tagGroups = {
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.7',
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
weight = 2000,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
fuel = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
skillValue = "3.5",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Seating",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Table",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.6",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarGneissChairItem',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '959',
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Gneiss Table'] = {
energyType = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Gneiss Table',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone table that has been adorned with gold',
footprint = "2x1x1",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
mobile = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
type = "AdornedAshlarStoneTableItem",
                    ['density'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
["Advanced Baking Skill Book"] = {
                    ['currency'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Baking Skill Book",
                    ['skillValue'] = '3.5',
category = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
group = "Skill Books",
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Table',
description = "Advanced Baking Skill Book",
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.6',
tagGroups = {
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
"Skill Books",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
weight = 100,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 1 X 1',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarGneissTableItem',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '960',
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Granite Bench'] = {
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Granite Bench',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
energyType = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone bench that has been adorned with gold.',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
validTalents = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
footprint = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
mobile = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
type = "Advanced Baking Skill BookItem",
                    ['yield'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
["Advanced Baking Skill Scroll"] = {
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
untranslated = "Advanced Baking Skill Scroll",
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
category = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
group = "Skill Scrolls",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
description = "Advanced Baking Skill Scroll",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
"Skill Scrolls",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
maxStack = 10,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
weight = 10,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
protein = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarGraniteBenchItem',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '961',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Granite Chair'] = {
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Granite Chair',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone chair that has been adorned with gold. A throne fit for a king.',
energyType = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
type = "Advanced Baking Skill ScrollItem",
                    ['skillValue'] = '2',
typeID = 0,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
["Advanced Baking Upgrade"] = {
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.7',
untranslated = "Advanced Baking Upgrade",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
description = "Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Advanced Baking recipes.",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
weight = 1,
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
calories = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarGraniteChairItem',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '962',
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Granite Table'] = {
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Granite Table',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone table that has been adorned with gold',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
energyType = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3.5',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
type = "AdvancedBakingUpgradeItem",
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Table',
typeID = 0,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.6',
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
["Advanced Carpentry Table"] = {
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Carpentry Table",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
description = "A modern carpentry table with an electric motor and heavy duty steel sawblades.",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
"Crafting Table",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 1 X 1',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
weight = 5000,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarGraniteTableItem',
yield = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '963',
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Limestone Bench'] = {
roomCategory = "Industrial",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Limestone Bench',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone bench that has been adorned with gold.',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
footprint = "3x2x2",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
type = "AdvancedCarpentryTableItem",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
["Advanced Circuit"] = {
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Circuit",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
group = "Items",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
description = "A complex electrical component used in advanced electronics.",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
tagGroups = {},
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
weight = 1000,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarLimestoneBenchItem',
yield = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '964',
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Limestone Chair'] = {
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Limestone Chair',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone chair that has been adorned with gold. A throne fit for a king.',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '2',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.7',
type = "AdvancedCircuitItem",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
["Advanced Combustion Engine"] = {
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Combustion Engine",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
group = "Items",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
description = "A more advanced version of the normal combustion engine that produces a greater output.",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
tagGroups = {},
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
weight = 1000,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarLimestoneChairItem',
yield = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '965',
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Limestone Table'] = {
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Limestone Table',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone table that has been adorned with gold',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3.5',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Table',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.6',
type = "AdvancedCombustionEngineItem",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
["Advanced Cooking Skill Book"] = {
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Cooking Skill Book",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
description = "Advanced Cooking Skill Book",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
"Skill Books",
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 1 X 1',
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
weight = 100,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarLimestoneTableItem',
density = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '966',
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Sandstone Bench'] = {
currency = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Sandstone Bench',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone bench that has been adorned with gold.',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
materialTier = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
type = "Advanced Cooking Skill BookItem",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
["Advanced Cooking Skill Scroll"] = {
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Cooking Skill Scroll",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
description = "Advanced Cooking Skill Scroll",
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
tagGroups = {
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
"Skill Scrolls",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
maxStack = 10,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
weight = 10,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarSandstoneBenchItem',
fat = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '967',
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Sandstone Chair'] = {
fuel = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Sandstone Chair',
yield = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
currency = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone chair that has been adorned with gold. A throne fit for a king.',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '2',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.7',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
type = "Advanced Cooking Skill ScrollItem",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
["Advanced Cooking Upgrade"] = {
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Cooking Upgrade",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
description = "Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Advanced Cooking recipes.",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
weight = 1,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarSandstoneChairItem',
carbs = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '968',
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Sandstone Table'] = {
vitamins = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Sandstone Table',
density = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
fuel = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
yield = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone table that has been adorned with gold',
currency = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
skillValue = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3.5',
footprint = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
mobile = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Table',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.6',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
type = "AdvancedCookingUpgradeItem",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
["Advanced Masonry Skill Book"] = {
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 1 X 1',
untranslated = "Advanced Masonry Skill Book",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
description = "Advanced Masonry Skill Book",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
"Skill Books",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarSandstoneTableItem',
weight = 100,
                    ['typeID'] = '969',
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Shale Bench'] = {
protein = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Shale Bench',
fat = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
density = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone bench that has been adorned with gold.',
fuel = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
yield = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
currency = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
footprint = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
mobile = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
type = "Advanced Masonry Skill BookItem",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
["Advanced Masonry Skill Scroll"] = {
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Masonry Skill Scroll",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
description = "Advanced Masonry Skill Scroll",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
"Skill Scrolls",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarShaleBenchItem',
maxStack = 10,
                    ['typeID'] = '970',
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Shale Chair'] = {
calories = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Shale Chair',
carbs = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
protein = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
fat = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone chair that has been adorned with gold. A throne fit for a king.',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
density = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
fuel = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
yield = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '2',
energyType = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.7',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
type = "Advanced Masonry Skill ScrollItem",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
["Advanced Masonry Table"] = {
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Masonry Table",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
description = "A workbench for the advanced shaping of rocks into beautiful stone.",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarShaleChairItem',
"Crafting Table",
                    ['typeID'] = '971',
maxStack = 1,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Shale Table'] = {
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Shale Table',
weight = 5000,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
calories = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
carbs = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone table that has been adorned with gold',
protein = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
fat = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
density = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3.5',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Table',
energyType = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.6',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
footprint = "3x1x2",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 1 X 1',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
type = "AdvancedMasonryTableItem",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
["Advanced Masonry Upgrade"] = {
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Masonry Upgrade",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarShaleTableItem',
description = "Modern Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Advanced Masonry recipes.",
                    ['typeID'] = '972',
tagGroups = {
        ['Adorned Ashlar Stone Bench'] = {
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Stone Bench',
maxStack = 100,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
weight = 1,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone bench that has been adorned with gold.',
calories = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects', 'Product'},
carbs = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
protein = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
fat = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
type = "AdvancedMasonryUpgradeItem",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
["Advanced Smelting Skill Book"] = {
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Smelting Skill Book",
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarStoneBenchItem',
category = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '973',
group = "Skill Books",
description = "Advanced Smelting Skill Book",
        ['Adorned Ashlar Stone Chair'] = {
tagGroups = {
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Stone Chair',
"Skill Books",
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
maxStack = 1,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone chair that has been adorned with gold. A throne fit for a king.',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects', 'Product'},
weight = 100,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
calories = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
carbs = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '2',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.7',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
type = "Advanced Smelting Skill BookItem",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarStoneChairItem',
["Advanced Smelting Skill Scroll"] = {
                    ['typeID'] = '974',
untranslated = "Advanced Smelting Skill Scroll",
category = nil,
        ['Adorned Ashlar Stone Table'] = {
group = "Skill Scrolls",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Adorned Ashlar Stone Table',
description = "Advanced Smelting Skill Scroll",
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
tagGroups = {
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
"Skill Scrolls",
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone table that has been adorned with gold',
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects', 'Product'},
maxStack = 10,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
weight = 10,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3.5',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Table',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.6',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 1 X 1',
mobile = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
type = "Advanced Smelting Skill ScrollItem",
                    ['type'] = 'AdornedAshlarStoneTableItem',
typeID = 0,
                    ['typeID'] = '975',
["Advanced Smelting Upgrade"] = {
        ['Advanced Baking Skill Book'] = {
untranslated = "Advanced Smelting Upgrade",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Baking Skill Book',
category = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden/Research',
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['group'] = 'Skill Books',
description = "Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Advanced Smelting recipes.",
                    ['description'] = 'Creates Advanced Baking Skill Scrolls that teach Advanced Baking',
tagGroups = {
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Skill Books', 'Object', 'Product'},
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
maxStack = 100,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
weight = 1,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedBakingSkillBook',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '825',
type = "AdvancedSmeltingUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
        ['Advanced Baking Skill Scroll'] = {
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Baking Skill Scroll',
["Advanced Tailoring Table"] = {
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden/Research',
untranslated = "Advanced Tailoring Table",
                    ['group'] = 'Skill Scrolls',
category = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Teaches Advanced Baking',
group = "Work Stations",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Skill Scrolls', 'Object'},
description = "An advanced tailoring table.",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
tagGroups = {
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
"Crafting Table",
                    ['weight'] = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
weight = 5000,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
footprint = "4x2x2",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedBakingSkillScroll',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '826',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
        ['Advanced Baking Upgrade'] = {
type = "AdvancedTailoringTableItem",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Baking Upgrade',
typeID = 0,
                    ['category'] = 'Efficiency Modules',
                    ['group'] = 'Upgrade',
["Advanced Upgrade 1"] = {
                    ['description'] = 'Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Advanced Baking recipes.',
untranslated = "Advanced Upgrade 1",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Upgrade', 'Product'},
category = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
description = "Advanced Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
                    ['weight'] = '0.001',
tagGroups = {
                    ['calories'] = nil,
"Advanced Upgrade",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['density'] = nil,
weight = 1,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedBakingUpgradeItem',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '667',
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
        ['Advanced Carpentry Table'] = {
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Carpentry Table',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
type = "AdvancedUpgradeLvl1Item",
                    ['description'] = 'A modern carpentry table with an electric motor and heavy duty steel sawblades.',
typeID = 0,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'World Object', 'Object', 'Crafting Table', 'Housing Objects', 'Product'},
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
["Advanced Upgrade 2"] = {
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
untranslated = "Advanced Upgrade 2",
                    ['weight'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
description = "Advanced Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['fat'] = nil,
"Advanced Upgrade",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
weight = 1,
                    ['skillValue'] = '0',
calories = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'Industrial',
carbs = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = '10',
fuel = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = '250',
yield = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = '0',
currency = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = 'Electric',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = {'[[Focused Workflow Talent]]', '[[Frugal Workspace Talent]]', '[[Lavish Workspace Talent]]', '[[Parallel Processing Talent]]'},
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '3 X 2 X 2',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = '45',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = 'Tier 2.8',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = 'Yes',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedCarpentryTableItem',
footprint = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '976',
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
        ['Advanced Circuit'] = {
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Circuit',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Items',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A complex electrical component used in advanced electronics.',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Currency', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
type = "AdvancedUpgradeLvl2Item",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
typeID = 0,
                    ['weight'] = '1',
                    ['calories'] = nil,
["Advanced Upgrade 3"] = {
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Upgrade 3",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
description = "Advanced Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
                    ['density'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
"Advanced Upgrade",
                    ['yield'] = nil,
                    ['currency'] = 'Yes',
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
weight = 1,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedCircuitItem',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '555',
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
        ['Advanced Combustion Engine'] = {
footprint = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Combustion Engine',
mobile = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Items',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A more advanced version of the normal combustion engine that produces a greater output.',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Currency', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '1',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
type = "AdvancedUpgradeLvl3Item",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
["Advanced Upgrade 4"] = {
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
untranslated = "Advanced Upgrade 4",
                    ['density'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['yield'] = nil,
description = "Advanced Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
                    ['currency'] = 'Yes',
tagGroups = {
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
"Advanced Upgrade",
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
weight = 1,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedCombustionEngineItem',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '556',
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
        ['Advanced Cooking Skill Book'] = {
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Cooking Skill Book',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden/Research',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Skill Books',
footprint = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Creates Advanced Cooking Skill Scrolls that teach Advanced Cooking',
mobile = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Skill Books', 'Object', 'Product'},
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
type = "AdvancedUpgradeLvl4Item",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['density'] = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
["Agave Leaves"] = {
                    ['yield'] = nil,
untranslated = "Agave Leaves",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
group = "Food",
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
description = "The succulent leaves of the agave plant can be cooked to make a nice meal.",
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
"Raw Food",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
weight = 75,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
calories = 200,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
carbs = 2,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
protein = 1,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
fat = 1,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
vitamins = 4,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
density = 4.0,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedCookingSkillBook',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '828',
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
        ['Advanced Cooking Skill Scroll'] = {
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Cooking Skill Scroll',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden/Research',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Skill Scrolls',
energyType = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Teaches Advanced Cooking',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Skill Scrolls', 'Object'},
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
footprint = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
type = "AgaveLeavesItem",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
["Agave Seed"] = {
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
untranslated = "Agave Seed",
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
group = "Food",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
description = "Plant to grow an agave plant.",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
"Crop Seed",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
weight = 50,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
calories = 0,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
carbs = 0,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
protein = 0,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fat = 0,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
vitamins = 0,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
density = 0,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedCookingSkillScroll',
currency = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '829',
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
        ['Advanced Cooking Upgrade'] = {
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Cooking Upgrade',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Efficiency Modules',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Upgrade',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Advanced Cooking recipes.',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Upgrade', 'Product'},
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
energyType = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '0.001',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
type = "AgaveSeedItem",
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
["Agouti Carcass"] = {
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
untranslated = "Agouti Carcass",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
description = "A dead agouti.",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
"Tiny Carcass",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
"Tiny Fur Carcass",
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
weight = 2000,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedCookingUpgradeItem',
density = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '668',
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
        ['Advanced Masonry Skill Book'] = {
currency = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Masonry Skill Book',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden/Research',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Skill Books',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Creates Advanced Masonry Skill Scrolls that teach Advanced Masonry',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Skill Books', 'Object', 'Product'},
materialTier = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
type = "AgoutiCarcassItem",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
["Agouti Enchiladas"] = {
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
untranslated = "Agouti Enchiladas",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
group = "Food",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
description = "Sweet and savory...it doesn't have to be an Agouti.",
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
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                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
weight = 550,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
calories = 800,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
carbs = 20,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
protein = 8,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedMasonrySkillBook',
fat = 27,
                    ['typeID'] = '831',
vitamins = 3,
density = 7.249999999999999,
        ['Advanced Masonry Skill Scroll'] = {
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                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Masonry Skill Scroll',
yield = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden/Research',
currency = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Skill Scrolls',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Teaches Advanced Masonry',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Skill Scrolls', 'Object'},
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
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energyUsed = nil,
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energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
type = "AgoutiEnchiladasItem",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
["Agriculture Research Paper Advanced"] = {
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
untranslated = "Agriculture Research Paper Advanced",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
group = "Items",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
description = "A document containing important research information. Used to discover new skills at the research table.",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
"Advanced Research",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
weight = 10,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedMasonrySkillScroll',
calories = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '832',
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
        ['Advanced Masonry Table'] = {
fat = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Masonry Table',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
density = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
fuel = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A workbench for the advanced shaping of rocks into beautiful stone.',
yield = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'World Object', 'Object', 'Crafting Table', 'Housing Objects', 'Product'},
currency = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
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energyUsed = nil,
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energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '0',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'Industrial',
footprint = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = '10',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = '250',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = '0',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = 'Electric',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
type = "AgricultureResearchPaperAdvancedItem",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['validTalents'] = {'[[Focused Workflow Talent]]', '[[Frugal Workspace Talent]]', '[[Lavish Workspace Talent]]', '[[Parallel Processing Talent]]'},
                    ['footprint'] = '3 X 2 X 1',
["Agriculture Research Paper Modern"] = {
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
untranslated = "Agriculture Research Paper Modern",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = '45',
category = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = 'Tier 2.3',
group = "Items",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = 'Yes',
description = "A document containing important research information. Used to discover new skills at the research table.",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
"Modern Research",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedMasonryTableItem',
maxStack = 100,
                    ['typeID'] = '977',
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
        ['Advanced Masonry Upgrade'] = {
calories = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Masonry Upgrade',
carbs = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Efficiency Modules',
protein = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Upgrade',
fat = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Modern Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Advanced Masonry recipes.',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Upgrade', 'Product'},
density = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
fuel = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
yield = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '0.001',
currency = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
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inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
type = "AgricultureResearchPaperModernItem",
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typeID = 0,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
["Alligator Carcass"] = {
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
untranslated = "Alligator Carcass",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
description = "A dead alligator.",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedMasonryUpgradeItem',
"Medium Carcass",
                    ['typeID'] = '669',
"Medium Leather Carcass",
        ['Advanced Smelting Skill Book'] = {
maxStack = 100,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Smelting Skill Book',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden/Research',
weight = 2000,
                    ['group'] = 'Skill Books',
calories = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Creates Advanced Smelting Skill Scrolls that teach Advanced Smelting',
carbs = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Skill Books', 'Object', 'Product'},
protein = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
fat = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
type = "AlligatorCarcassItem",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
["Amanita Mushroom Spores"] = {
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
untranslated = "Amanita Mushroom Spores",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedSmeltingSkillBook',
group = "Food",
                    ['typeID'] = '834',
description = "Plant to grow amanita mushrooms. Not sure why you'd want these poisonous mushrooms, though.",
tagGroups = {
        ['Advanced Smelting Skill Scroll'] = {
"Crop Seed",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Smelting Skill Scroll',
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden/Research',
                    ['group'] = 'Skill Scrolls',
                    ['description'] = 'Teaches Advanced Smelting',
maxStack = 100,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Skill Scrolls', 'Object'},
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
weight = 50,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
calories = 0,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
carbs = 0,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
protein = 0,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
fat = 0,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
vitamins = 0,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
density = 0,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
type = "AmanitaMushroomSporesItem",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedSmeltingSkillScroll',
                    ['typeID'] = '835',
["Amanita Mushrooms"] = {
untranslated = "Amanita Mushrooms",
        ['Advanced Smelting Upgrade'] = {
category = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Smelting Upgrade',
group = "Food",
                    ['category'] = 'Efficiency Modules',
description = "A potentially poisonous mushroom. It might not be wise to eat it raw, but it can be detoxified when prepared properly by a chef. Eat at your own risk!",
                    ['group'] = 'Upgrade',
tagGroups = {
                    ['description'] = 'Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Advanced Smelting recipes.',
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Upgrade', 'Product'},
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
maxStack = 100,
                    ['weight'] = '0.001',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
weight = 75,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
calories = -200,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
carbs = 0,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
protein = 0,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
fat = 0,
                    ['density'] = nil,
vitamins = 0,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
density = -0.0,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedSmeltingUpgradeItem',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '670',
type = "AmanitaMushroomsItem",
typeID = 0,
        ['Advanced Tailoring Table'] = {
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Tailoring Table',
Amendments = {
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
untranslated = "Amendments",
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
category = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'An advanced tailoring table.',
group = "Work Stations",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'World Object', 'Object', 'Crafting Table', 'Housing Objects', 'Product'},
description = "Allows the modification of the constitution.",
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
tagGroups = {
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
                    ['weight'] = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
weight = 2000,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '0',
fuel = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'Industrial',
yield = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = {'[[Focused Workflow Talent]]', '[[Frugal Workspace Talent]]', '[[Lavish Workspace Talent]]', '[[Parallel Processing Talent]]'},
energyType = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '4 X 2 X 2',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = '45',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = 'Tier 2.8',
footprint = "3x2x3",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = 'Yes',
mobile = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedTailoringTableItem',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '978',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
        ['Advanced Upgrade 1'] = {
type = "AmendmentsItem",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Upgrade 1',
typeID = 0,
                    ['category'] = 'Efficiency Modules',
                    ['group'] = 'Upgrade',
Anvil = {
                    ['description'] = 'Advanced Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.',
untranslated = "Anvil",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Upgrade', 'Advanced Upgrade', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
category = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
group = "Work Stations",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
description = "A solid shaped piece of metal used to hammer ingots into tools and other useful things.",
                    ['weight'] = '0.001',
tagGroups = {
                    ['calories'] = nil,
"Crafting Table",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
weight = 2000,
                    ['density'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedUpgradeLvl1Item',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '671',
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
        ['Advanced Upgrade 2'] = {
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Upgrade 2',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Efficiency Modules',
type = "AnvilItem",
                    ['group'] = 'Upgrade',
typeID = 0,
                    ['description'] = 'Advanced Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.',
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Upgrade', 'Advanced Upgrade', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
["Arctic Willow Seed"] = {
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
untranslated = "Arctic Willow Seed",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
category = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '0.001',
group = "Food",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
description = "Plant to grow arctic willow.",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['protein'] = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['yield'] = nil,
weight = 50,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
calories = 0,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
carbs = 0,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
protein = 0,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
fat = 0,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
vitamins = 0,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
density = 0,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedUpgradeLvl2Item',
mobile = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '672',
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
        ['Advanced Upgrade 3'] = {
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Upgrade 3',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Efficiency Modules',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Upgrade',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Advanced Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Upgrade', 'Advanced Upgrade', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
type = "ArcticWillowSeedItem",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
typeID = 0,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
                    ['weight'] = '0.001',
Arrastra = {
                    ['calories'] = nil,
untranslated = "Arrastra",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
description = "A primitive rock mill of dragged boulders.",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['density'] = nil,
"Crafting Table",
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
weight = 5000,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedUpgradeLvl3Item',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '673',
footprint = "4x3x3",
mobile = nil,
        ['Advanced Upgrade 4'] = {
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Advanced Upgrade 4',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Efficiency Modules',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Upgrade',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Advanced Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Upgrade', 'Advanced Upgrade', 'Ingredient', 'Product'},
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
type = "ArrastraItem",
                    ['weight'] = '0.001',
typeID = 0,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
Arrow = {
                    ['protein'] = nil,
untranslated = "Arrow",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
group = "Items",
                    ['density'] = nil,
description = "Use with the bow to hunt for food (or amaze your friends by shooting apples off of their heads).",
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['yield'] = nil,
"Burnable Fuel",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
weight = 100,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fuel = 500,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AdvancedUpgradeLvl4Item',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '674',
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
        ['Agave Leaves'] = {
footprint = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Agave Leaves',
mobile = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Food',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'The succulent leaves of the agave plant can be cooked to make a nice meal.',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Crop', 'Harvestable', 'Greens', 'Raw Food', 'Food', 'Object', 'Ingredient'},
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '0.01',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['calories'] = '200.0',
type = "ArrowItem",
                    ['carbs'] = '3.0',
typeID = 0,
                    ['protein'] = '1.0',
                    ['fat'] = '2.0',
["Art Supplies"] = {
                    ['vitamins'] = '2.0',
untranslated = "Art Supplies",
                    ['density'] = '4.0',
category = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
group = "Items",
                    ['yield'] = '[[Gathering]]',
description = "A set of art supplies that ",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
tagGroups = {},
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
weight = 150,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AgaveLeavesItem',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '426',
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
        ['Agave Seed'] = {
footprint = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Agave Seed',
mobile = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Food',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Plant to grow an agave plant.',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Crop Seed', 'Seeds', 'Food', 'Object', 'Ingredient', 'Product'},
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '0.05',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['calories'] = '0.0',
type = "ArtSuppliesItem",
                    ['carbs'] = '0.0',
typeID = 0,
                    ['protein'] = '0.0',
                    ['fat'] = '0.0',
["Ashlar Basalt"] = {
                    ['vitamins'] = '0.0',
untranslated = "Ashlar Basalt",
                    ['density'] = '0.0',
category = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
group = "Blocks",
                    ['yield'] = nil,
description = "Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
"Ashlar Stone",
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
maxStack = 20,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
carried = "Hands",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
weight = 10000,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
materialTier = 4,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AgaveSeedItem',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '716',
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
        ['Agave Seed Pack'] = {
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Agave Seed Pack',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Items',
footprint = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Plant to grow an agave plant.',
mobile = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Not In Browser'},
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '0.05',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
type = "AshlarBasaltItem",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['density'] = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
["Ashlar Basalt Bench"] = {
                    ['yield'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ashlar Basalt Bench",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
description = "An ashlar stone bench. Great for display though maybe not as comfy as a padded couch.",
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
weight = 1000,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
skillValue = "2.5",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Seating",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Chair",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AgaveSeedPackItem',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '717',
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
        ['Agouti Carcass'] = {
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Agouti Carcass',
energyType = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Items',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A dead agouti.',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Tiny Fur Carcass', 'Tiny Carcass', 'Ingredient'},
footprint = "2x1x2",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
mobile = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '2',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
type = "AshlarBasaltBenchItem",
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
["Ashlar Basalt Chair"] = {
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ashlar Basalt Chair",
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
description = "An ashlar stone chair. Great for display though maybe not as comfy as a padded chair.",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
weight = 1000,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
skillValue = "1.7",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Seating",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Chair",
                    ['type'] = 'AgoutiCarcassItem',
repeatsDepreciation = "0.7",
                    ['typeID'] = '557',
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
        ['Agriculture Research Paper Advanced'] = {
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Agriculture Research Paper Advanced',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Items',
energyType = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A document containing important research information. Used to discover new skills at the research table.',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Advanced Research', 'Research', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
footprint = "1x1x2",
                    ['weight'] = '0.01',
mobile = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
type = "AshlarBasaltChairItem",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
["Ashlar Basalt Door"] = {
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ashlar Basalt Door",
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
description = "A heavy ashlar stone door.",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
tagGroups = {},
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
weight = 1000,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AgricultureResearchPaperAdvancedItem',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '558',
materialTier = 4,
fuelsUsed = nil,
        ['Agriculture Research Paper Modern'] = {
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Agriculture Research Paper Modern',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Items',
energyType = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A document containing important research information. Used to discover new skills at the research table.',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Modern Research', 'Research', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
footprint = "1x3x2",
                    ['weight'] = '0.01',
mobile = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
type = "AshlarBasaltDoorItem",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
["Ashlar Basalt Fireplace"] = {
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ashlar Basalt Fireplace",
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
description = "A fancy ashlar stone fireplace. Nothing beats sitting around the fire on a cold day.",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
weight = 5000,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
skillValue = "3",
                    ['type'] = 'AgricultureResearchPaperModernItem',
roomCategory = "Living Room",
                    ['typeID'] = '559',
furnitureType = "Fireplace",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
        ['Air Pollution Generator'] = {
materialTier = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Air Pollution Generator',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Dev object for testing air pollution.',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Not In Browser', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Polluter'},
energyType = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
footprint = "3x1x2",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
type = "AshlarBasaltFireplaceItem",
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
["Ashlar Basalt Table"] = {
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ashlar Basalt Table",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
description = "A large stone table crafted by an expert mason.",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 1 X 1',
weight = 2000,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AirPollutionGeneratorItem',
currency = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '96',
skillValue = "3",
roomCategory = "Seating",
        ['Alligator Carcass'] = {
furnitureType = "Table",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Alligator Carcass',
repeatsDepreciation = "0.6",
                    ['category'] = '_None',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Items',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A dead alligator.',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Medium Carcass', 'Ingredient'},
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
energyType = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '2',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
footprint = "2x1x1",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
type = "AshlarBasaltTableItem",
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
["Ashlar Gneiss"] = {
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ashlar Gneiss",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
group = "Blocks",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
description = "Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
"Ashlar Stone",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
maxStack = 20,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
carried = "Hands",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
weight = 10000,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AlligatorCarcassItem',
density = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '560',
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
        ['Alpha Cloak'] = {
currency = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Alpha Cloak',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'AvatarPart',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Thanks for supporting ECO!',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Object'},
materialTier = 4,
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
type = "AshlarGneissItem",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
["Ashlar Granite"] = {
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ashlar Granite",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
group = "Blocks",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
description = "Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.",
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
"Ashlar Stone",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
maxStack = 20,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
carried = "Hands",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
weight = 10000,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AlphaCloakItem',
protein = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '24',
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
        ['Alpha Goggles'] = {
density = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Alpha Goggles',
fuel = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden',
yield = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'AvatarPart',
currency = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Thanks for supporting ECO!',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Object'},
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
materialTier = 4,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
type = "AshlarGraniteItem",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
["Ashlar Large Basalt Fountain"] = {
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ashlar Large Basalt Fountain",
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
description = "A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece.",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
weight = 5000,
                    ['type'] = 'AlphaGogglesItem',
calories = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '23',
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
        ['Alpha Hat'] = {
fat = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Alpha Hat',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden',
density = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'AvatarPart',
fuel = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Thanks for supporting ECO!',
yield = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Object'},
currency = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
skillValue = "3",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
roomCategory = "Decoration",
                    ['weight'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Fountain",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
footprint = "4x4x3",
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
type = "AshlarLargeBasaltFountainItem",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
["Ashlar Large Stone Fountain"] = {
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ashlar Large Stone Fountain",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
description = "A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece.",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['type'] = 'AlphaHatItem',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['typeID'] = '22',
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
        ['Amanita Mushroom Spores'] = {
carbs = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Amanita Mushroom Spores',
protein = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
fat = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Food',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Plant to grow amanita mushrooms. Not sure why you\'d want these poisonous mushrooms, though.',
density = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Crop Seed', 'Seeds', 'Food', 'Object', 'Ingredient', 'Product'},
fuel = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
yield = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
currency = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '0.05',
skillValue = "3",
                    ['calories'] = '0.0',
roomCategory = "Decoration",
                    ['carbs'] = '0.0',
furnitureType = "Fountain",
                    ['protein'] = '0.0',
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
                    ['fat'] = '0.0',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = '0.0',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['density'] = '0.0',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
footprint = "4x4x3",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
type = "AshlarLargeStoneFountainItem",
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
["Ashlar Limestone"] = {
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ashlar Limestone",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
group = "Blocks",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
description = "Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
"Ashlar Stone",
                    ['type'] = 'AmanitaMushroomSporesItem',
                    ['typeID'] = '718',
maxStack = 20,
        ['Amanita Mushroom Spores Pack'] = {
carried = "Hands",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Amanita Mushroom Spores Pack',
weight = 10000,
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden',
calories = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Items',
carbs = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Plant to grow amanita mushrooms. Not sure why you\'d want these poisonous mushrooms, though.',
protein = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Not In Browser'},
fat = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
density = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '0.05',
fuel = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
materialTier = 4,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
type = "AshlarLimestoneItem",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
["Ashlar Sandstone"] = {
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ashlar Sandstone",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
group = "Blocks",
                    ['type'] = 'AmanitaMushroomSporesPackItem',
description = "Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.",
                    ['typeID'] = '719',
tagGroups = {
"Ashlar Stone",
        ['Amanita Mushrooms'] = {
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Amanita Mushrooms',
                    ['category'] = '_None',
maxStack = 20,
                    ['group'] = 'Food',
carried = "Hands",
                    ['description'] = 'A potentially poisonous mushroom. It might not be wise to eat it raw, but it can be detoxified when prepared properly by a chef. Eat at your own risk!',
weight = 10000,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Crop', 'Harvestable', 'Fungus', 'Food', 'Object', 'Ingredient'},
calories = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
carbs = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
protein = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '0.01',
fat = nil,
                    ['calories'] = '-200.0',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = '0.0',
density = nil,
                    ['protein'] = '0.0',
fuel = nil,
                    ['fat'] = '0.0',
yield = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = '0.0',
currency = nil,
                    ['density'] = '-0.0',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['yield'] = '[[Gathering]]',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
materialTier = 4,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
type = "AshlarSandstoneItem",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
["Ashlar Shale"] = {
                    ['type'] = 'AmanitaMushroomsItem',
untranslated = "Ashlar Shale",
                    ['typeID'] = '427',
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
        ['Amendments'] = {
description = "Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Amendments',
tagGroups = {
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
"Ashlar Stone",
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
                    ['description'] = 'Changes to the constituion are made here.',
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'World Object', 'Object', 'Product'},
maxStack = 20,
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
carried = "Hands",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
weight = 10000,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
materialTier = 4,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '3 X 3 X 2',
mobile = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = '45',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = 'Tier 1',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = 'Yes',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
type = "AshlarShaleItem",
                    ['type'] = 'AmendmentsItem',
typeID = 0,
                    ['typeID'] = '104',
["Ashlar Small Basalt Fountain"] = {
        ['Anvil'] = {
untranslated = "Ashlar Small Basalt Fountain",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Anvil',
category = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
description = "A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece. Small enough to fit indoors.",
                    ['description'] = 'A solid shaped piece of metal used to hammer ingots into tools and other useful things.',
tagGroups = {
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'World Object', 'Object', 'Crafting Table', 'Housing Objects', 'Product'},
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
maxStack = 1,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
weight = 1000,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '0',
currency = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'Industrial',
skillValue = "1.5",
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Decoration",
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Fountain",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = {'[[Focused Workflow Talent]]', '[[Frugal Workspace Talent]]', '[[Lavish Workspace Talent]]', '[[Parallel Processing Talent]]'},
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = '25',
mobile = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = 'Tier 0.8',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = 'Yes',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AnvilItem',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '979',
type = "AshlarSmallBasaltFountainItem",
typeID = 0,
        ['Arctic Willow Seed'] = {
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Arctic Willow Seed',
["Ashlar Small Stone Fountain"] = {
                    ['category'] = '_None',
untranslated = "Ashlar Small Stone Fountain",
                    ['group'] = 'Food',
category = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Plant to grow arctic willow.',
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Seeds', 'Food', 'Object'},
description = "A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece. Small enough to fit indoors.",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
tagGroups = {
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
                    ['weight'] = '0.05',
                    ['calories'] = '0.0',
maxStack = 1,
                    ['carbs'] = '0.0',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['protein'] = '0.0',
weight = 1000,
                    ['fat'] = '0.0',
calories = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = '0.0',
carbs = nil,
                    ['density'] = '0.0',
protein = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
skillValue = "1.5",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Decoration",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Fountain",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'ArcticWillowSeedItem',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '720',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
        ['Arctic Willow Seed Pack'] = {
type = "AshlarSmallStoneFountainItem",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Arctic Willow Seed Pack',
typeID = 0,
                    ['category'] = 'Hidden',
                    ['group'] = 'Items',
["Ashlar Stone Bench"] = {
                    ['description'] = 'Plant to grow arctic willow.',
untranslated = "Ashlar Stone Bench",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Not In Browser'},
category = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
description = "An ashlar stone bench. Great for display though maybe not as comfy as a padded couch.",
                    ['weight'] = '0.05',
tagGroups = {
                    ['calories'] = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
weight = 1000,
                    ['density'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
skillValue = "2.5",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Seating",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Chair",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'ArcticWillowSeedPackItem',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '721',
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
        ['Arrastra'] = {
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Arrastra',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
type = "AshlarStoneBenchItem",
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
typeID = 0,
                    ['description'] = 'A primitive rock mill of dragged boulders.',
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'World Object', 'Object', 'Crafting Table', 'Housing Objects', 'Product'},
["Ashlar Stone Chair"] = {
                    ['maxStack'] = '1',
untranslated = "Ashlar Stone Chair",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
category = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
description = "An ashlar stone chair. Great for display though maybe not as comfy as a padded chair.",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['protein'] = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['density'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
weight = 1000,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '0',
protein = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'Industrial',
fat = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = '5',
currency = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = '75',
skillValue = "1.7",
                    ['energyProduced'] = '0',
roomCategory = "Seating",
                    ['energyType'] = 'Mechanical',
furnitureType = "Chair",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.7",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = {'[[Focused Workflow Talent]]', '[[Frugal Workspace Talent]]', '[[Lavish Workspace Talent]]', '[[Parallel Processing Talent]]'},
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '4 X 3 X 3',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'ArrastraItem',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '980',
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
        ['Arrow'] = {
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Arrow',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Items',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Use with the bow to hunt for food (or amaze your friends by shooting apples off of their heads).',
type = "AshlarStoneChairItem",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Fuel', 'Currency', 'Burnable Fuel', 'Product'},
typeID = 0,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
["Ashlar Stone Door"] = {
                    ['weight'] = '0.01',
untranslated = "Ashlar Stone Door",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
description = "A heavy ashlar stone door.",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
tagGroups = {},
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['density'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fuel'] = '500',
weight = 1000,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['currency'] = 'Yes',
carbs = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
materialTier = 4,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
footprint = "1x3x2",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'ArrowItem',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '561',
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
        ['Ashlar Basalt'] = {
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Basalt',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Block Items',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.',
type = "AshlarStoneDoorItem",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Currency', 'Ashlar Stone', 'Constructable', 'Block', 'Object', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
typeID = 0,
                    ['maxStack'] = '20',
                    ['carried'] = 'Hands',
["Ashlar Stone Fireplace"] = {
                    ['weight'] = '10',
untranslated = "Ashlar Stone Fireplace",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
description = "A fancy ashlar stone fireplace. Nothing beats sitting around the fire on a cold day.",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['currency'] = 'Yes',
weight = 5000,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = '4',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
skillValue = "3",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Living Room",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Fireplace",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarBasaltItem',
footprint = "3x1x2",
                    ['typeID'] = '257',
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
        ['Ashlar Basalt Bench'] = {
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Basalt Bench',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'An ashlar stone bench. Great for display  though maybe not as comfy as a padded couch.',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
type = "AshlarStoneFireplaceItem",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
typeID = 0,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
["Ashlar Stone Table"] = {
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ashlar Stone Table",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
description = "A large stone table crafted by an expert mason.",
                    ['density'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['skillValue'] = '2.5',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
weight = 2000,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
calories = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
carbs = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
skillValue = "3",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Seating",
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
furnitureType = "Table",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = "0.6",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarBasaltBenchItem',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '981',
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x1",
        ['Ashlar Basalt Chair'] = {
mobile = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Basalt Chair',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'An ashlar stone chair. Great for display  though maybe not as comfy as a padded chair.',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
type = "AshlarStoneTableItem",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
["Asphalt Concrete"] = {
                    ['fat'] = nil,
untranslated = "Asphalt Concrete",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
group = "Blocks",
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
description = "A paved surface constructed with asphalt and concrete. It's durable and extremely efficient for any wheeled vehicle.",
                    ['yield'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['currency'] = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '1.7',
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
"Road Type",
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.7',
maxStack = 20,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
carried = "Hands",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
weight = 10000,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
yield = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarBasaltChairItem',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '982',
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
        ['Ashlar Basalt Door'] = {
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Basalt Door',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
footprint = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A heavy ashlar stone door.',
mobile = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'World Object', 'Object'},
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
type = "AsphaltConcreteItem",
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['density'] = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
["Assembly Line"] = {
                    ['yield'] = nil,
untranslated = "Assembly Line",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
description = "The assembly line allows for mass production of mechanical products.",
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
"Crafting Table",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
weight = 10000,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
density = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarBasaltDoorItem',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '983',
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
        ['Ashlar Basalt Fireplace'] = {
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Basalt Fireplace',
energyType = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone fireplace. Nothing beats sitting around the fire on a cold day.',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Storage Container', 'Housing Objects'},
footprint = "6x7x4",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
mobile = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
type = "AssemblyLineItem",
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
["Automatic Loom"] = {
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
untranslated = "Automatic Loom",
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
category = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Fireplace',
group = "Work Stations",
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.1',
description = "An automated device for making fabric by weaving yarn or thread.",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = '[[Burnable Fuel]]',
"Crafting Table",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
weight = 10000,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '3 X 2 X 1',
fat = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarBasaltFireplaceItem',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '984',
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
        ['Ashlar Basalt Table'] = {
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Basalt Table',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
energyType = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A large stone table crafted by an expert mason',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
footprint = "4x5x3",
                    ['weight'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
type = "AutomaticLoomItem",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
["Autumn Stew"] = {
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Table',
untranslated = "Autumn Stew",
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.6',
category = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
group = "Food",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
description = "A healthy and cozy meal for those cold days.",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
weight = 600,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
calories = 1200,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 1 X 1',
carbs = 13,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
protein = 8,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
fat = 5,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
vitamins = 12,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
density = 3.166666666666667,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarBasaltTableItem',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '985',
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
        ['Ashlar Gneiss'] = {
materialTier = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Gneiss',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Block Items',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Currency', 'Ashlar Stone', 'Constructable', 'Block', 'Object', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
energyType = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '20',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Hands',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '10',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['currency'] = 'Yes',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
type = "AutumnStewItem",
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
["Baked Agave"] = {
                    ['materialTier'] = '4',
untranslated = "Baked Agave",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
group = "Food",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
description = "Charred agave leaves are too fiberous to eat entirely, but you can certainly chew them.",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
"Baked Food",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
"Baked Vegetable",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
weight = 300,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
calories = 700,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
carbs = 14,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
protein = 2,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
fat = 4,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
vitamins = 8,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
density = 4.0,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarGneissItem',
fuel = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '258',
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
        ['Ashlar Gneiss Bench'] = {
skillValue = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Gneiss Bench',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'An ashlar stone bench. Great for display  though maybe not as comfy as a padded couch.',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '2.5',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
type = "BakedAgaveItem",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
["Baked Beet"] = {
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
untranslated = "Baked Beet",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
group = "Food",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
description = "Baked beets that retain more nutrients than more simple methods of cooking.",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
"Baked Food",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
"Baked Vegetable",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
weight = 300,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
calories = 700,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
carbs = 10,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarGneissBenchItem',
protein = 1,
                    ['typeID'] = '986',
fat = 2,
vitamins = 15,
        ['Ashlar Gneiss Chair'] = {
density = 4.0,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Gneiss Chair',
fuel = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
yield = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
currency = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'An ashlar stone chair. Great for display  though maybe not as comfy as a padded chair.',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '1.7',
mobile = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.7',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
type = "BakedBeetItem",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
["Baked Corn"] = {
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
untranslated = "Baked Corn",
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
category = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
group = "Food",
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
description = "Baked corn that retains more nutrients than more simple methods of cooking.",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
"Baked Food",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
"Baked Vegetable",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarGneissChairItem',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['typeID'] = '987',
weight = 300,
calories = 700,
        ['Ashlar Gneiss Door'] = {
carbs = 12,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Gneiss Door',
protein = 3,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
fat = 2,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
vitamins = 11,
                    ['description'] = 'A heavy ashlar stone door.',
density = 4.0,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'World Object', 'Object'},
fuel = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
yield = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
currency = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
type = "BakedCornItem",
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
typeID = 0,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
["Baked Heart Of Palm"] = {
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
untranslated = "Baked Heart Of Palm",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
group = "Food",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
description = "Baked heart of palm that retains more nutrients than more simple methods of cooking.",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
"Baked Food",
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarGneissDoorItem',
"Baked Vegetable",
                    ['typeID'] = '988',
        ['Ashlar Gneiss Fireplace'] = {
maxStack = 100,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Gneiss Fireplace',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
weight = 300,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
calories = 700,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone fireplace. Nothing beats sitting around the fire on a cold day.',
carbs = 12,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Storage Container', 'Housing Objects'},
protein = 6,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
fat = 4,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
vitamins = 6,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
density = 4.0,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Fireplace',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.1',
energyType = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = '[[Burnable Fuel]]',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '3 X 2 X 1',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
type = "BakedHeartOfPalmItem",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
["Baked Meat"] = {
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
untranslated = "Baked Meat",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarGneissFireplaceItem',
group = "Food",
                    ['typeID'] = '989',
description = "Baked meat is less fatty than other methods of cooking.",
tagGroups = {
        ['Ashlar Gneiss Table'] = {
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Gneiss Table',
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
maxStack = 100,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['description'] = 'A large stone table crafted by an expert mason',
weight = 800,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
calories = 700,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
carbs = 0,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
protein = 17,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
fat = 13,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
vitamins = 0,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
density = 4.285714285714286,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Table',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.6',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 1 X 1',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
type = "BakedMeatItem",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
["Baked Roast"] = {
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarGneissTableItem',
untranslated = "Baked Roast",
                    ['typeID'] = '990',
category = nil,
group = "Food",
        ['Ashlar Granite'] = {
description = "A trussed roast baked to perfection.",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Granite',
tagGroups = {
                    ['category'] = '_None',
"Baked Food",
                    ['group'] = 'Block Items',
                    ['description'] = 'Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.',
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Currency', 'Ashlar Stone', 'Constructable', 'Block', 'Object', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
maxStack = 100,
                    ['maxStack'] = '20',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['carried'] = 'Hands',
weight = 900,
                    ['weight'] = '10',
calories = 1000,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
carbs = 4,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
protein = 16,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
fat = 10,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
vitamins = 4,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
density = 3.4000000000000004,
                    ['density'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['currency'] = 'Yes',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = '4',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
type = "BakedRoastItem",
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarGraniteItem',
typeID = 0,
                    ['typeID'] = '259',
["Baked Taro"] = {
        ['Ashlar Granite Bench'] = {
untranslated = "Baked Taro",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Granite Bench',
category = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
group = "Food",
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
description = "Baked taro root.",
                    ['description'] = 'An ashlar stone bench. Great for display  though maybe not as comfy as a padded couch.',
tagGroups = {
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
"Baked Food",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
"Baked Vegetable",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
                    ['weight'] = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
weight = 300,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
calories = 700,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
carbs = 8,
                    ['density'] = nil,
protein = 6,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
fat = 2,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
vitamins = 12,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
density = 4.0,
                    ['skillValue'] = '2.5',
fuel = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
yield = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
currency = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarGraniteBenchItem',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '991',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
        ['Ashlar Granite Chair'] = {
type = "BakedTaroItem",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Granite Chair',
typeID = 0,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
["Baked Tomato"] = {
                    ['description'] = 'An ashlar stone chair. Great for display  though maybe not as comfy as a padded chair.',
untranslated = "Baked Tomato",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
category = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
group = "Food",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
description = "Baked tomatoes might not look as red or plump as the raw variety, but they are nice and tasty.",
                    ['weight'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['calories'] = nil,
"Baked Food",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
"Baked Vegetable",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['density'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
weight = 300,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
calories = 700,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
carbs = 16,
                    ['skillValue'] = '1.7',
protein = 1,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
fat = 5,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
vitamins = 6,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.7',
density = 4.0,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarGraniteChairItem',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '992',
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
        ['Ashlar Granite Door'] = {
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Granite Door',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A heavy ashlar stone door.',
type = "BakedTomatoItem",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'World Object', 'Object'},
typeID = 0,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
["Bakery Oven"] = {
                    ['weight'] = nil,
untranslated = "Bakery Oven",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
description = "A solidly built brick oven useful for baking all manner of treats.",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
"Crafting Table",
                    ['density'] = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
weight = 5000,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
skillValue = "3",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
roomCategory = "Kitchen",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
furnitureType = "Cooking",
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
repeatsDepreciation = "0.3",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarGraniteDoorItem',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '993',
footprint = "3x2x2",
mobile = nil,
        ['Ashlar Granite Fireplace'] = {
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Granite Fireplace',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone fireplace. Nothing beats sitting around the fire on a cold day.',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Storage Container', 'Housing Objects'},
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
type = "BakeryOvenItem",
                    ['weight'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
["Baking Skill Book"] = {
                    ['protein'] = nil,
untranslated = "Baking Skill Book",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
                    ['density'] = nil,
description = "Baking Skill Book",
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['yield'] = nil,
"Skill Books",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
maxStack = 1,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Fireplace',
weight = 100,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.1',
calories = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = '[[Burnable Fuel]]',
protein = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '3 X 2 X 1',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarGraniteFireplaceItem',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '994',
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
        ['Ashlar Granite Table'] = {
footprint = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Granite Table',
mobile = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A large stone table crafted by an expert mason',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
type = "Baking Skill BookItem",
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
["Baking Skill Scroll"] = {
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
untranslated = "Baking Skill Scroll",
                    ['density'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
                    ['yield'] = nil,
description = "Baking Skill Scroll",
                    ['currency'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
"Skill Scrolls",
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Table',
maxStack = 10,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.6',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
weight = 10,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 1 X 1',
currency = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarGraniteTableItem',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '995',
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
        ['Ashlar Large Basalt Fountain'] = {
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Large Basalt Fountain',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
footprint = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
mobile = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece.',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
type = "Baking Skill ScrollItem",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
["Baking Upgrade"] = {
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
untranslated = "Baking Upgrade",
                    ['yield'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
description = "Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Baking recipes.",
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
tagGroups = {
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Fountain',
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.1',
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
weight = 1,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '4 X 3 X 4',
fuel = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLargeBasaltFountainItem',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '996',
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
        ['Ashlar Large Gneiss Fountain'] = {
energyType = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Large Gneiss Fountain',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece.',
footprint = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
mobile = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
type = "BakingUpgradeItem",
                    ['density'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
["Ballot Box"] = {
                    ['currency'] = nil,
untranslated = "Ballot Box",
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
category = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
group = "Work Stations",
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Fountain',
description = "A tamper proof box where votes are cast. Citizens can run for elected office here.",
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.1',
tagGroups = {
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
weight = 2000,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '4 X 3 X 4',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLargeGneissFountainItem',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '997',
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
        ['Ashlar Large Granite Fountain'] = {
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Large Granite Fountain',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
energyType = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece.',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
validTalents = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
footprint = "1x1x2",
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
mobile = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
type = "BallotBoxItem",
                    ['yield'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
Bandana = {
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
untranslated = "Bandana",
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Fountain',
category = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.1',
group = "Clothing",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
description = "It just looks cool.",
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
weight = 100,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '4 X 3 X 4',
protein = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLargeGraniteFountainItem',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '998',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
        ['Ashlar Large Limestone Fountain'] = {
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Large Limestone Fountain',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece.',
energyType = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
type = "BandanaItem",
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
typeID = 0,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Fountain',
["Banh Xeo"] = {
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.1',
untranslated = "Banh Xeo",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
group = "Food",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
description = "Wrap the pancakes in the greens, then dip.",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
weight = 500,
                    ['footprint'] = '4 X 3 X 4',
calories = 1550,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
carbs = 26,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
protein = 17,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
fat = 10,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
vitamins = 4,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
density = 3.6774193548387095,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLargeLimestoneFountainItem',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '999',
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
        ['Ashlar Large Sandstone Fountain'] = {
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Large Sandstone Fountain',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece.',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
energyType = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
type = "BanhXeoItem",
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Fountain',
typeID = 0,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.1',
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
Bank = {
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
untranslated = "Bank",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
description = "Allows players to create and use bank accounts.",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
tagGroups = {},
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
maxStack = 1,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
weight = 5000,
                    ['footprint'] = '4 X 3 X 4',
calories = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLargeSandstoneFountainItem',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '1000',
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
        ['Ashlar Large Shale Fountain'] = {
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Large Shale Fountain',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece.',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
energyType = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
footprint = "2x2x2",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
type = "BankItem",
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Fountain',
typeID = 0,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.1',
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
Bannock = {
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
untranslated = "Bannock",
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
group = "Food",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
description = "A dense whole wheat unleavened bread.",
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['footprint'] = '4 X 3 X 4',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
weight = 100,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
calories = 700,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
carbs = 15,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
protein = 3,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fat = 6,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
vitamins = 0,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
density = 3.428571428571429,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLargeShaleFountainItem',
yield = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '1001',
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
        ['Ashlar Large Stone Fountain'] = {
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Large Stone Fountain',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A beautiful ashlar stone fountain with flowing water that makes a great centerpiece.',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects', 'Product'},
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Fountain',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.1',
type = "BannockItem",
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
Barrel = {
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
untranslated = "Barrel",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
group = "Blocks",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
description = "A metal barrel for carrying liquids.",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
tagGroups = {},
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
maxStack = 20,
                    ['footprint'] = '4 X 3 X 4',
carried = "Hands",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
weight = 2000,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLargeStoneFountainItem',
yield = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '1002',
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
        ['Ashlar Limestone'] = {
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Limestone',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Block Items',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Currency', 'Ashlar Stone', 'Constructable', 'Block', 'Object', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '20',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Hands',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '10',
energyType = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['currency'] = 'Yes',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
type = "BarrelItem",
                    ['materialTier'] = '4',
typeID = 0,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
["Barrel Cactus Seed"] = {
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
untranslated = "Barrel Cactus Seed",
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
group = "Food",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
description = "Plant to grow barrel cactus.",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
weight = 50,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
calories = 0,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
carbs = 0,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
protein = 0,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fat = 0,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLimestoneItem',
vitamins = 0,
                    ['typeID'] = '260',
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
        ['Ashlar Limestone Bench'] = {
yield = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Limestone Bench',
currency = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'An ashlar stone bench. Great for display  though maybe not as comfy as a padded couch.',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '2.5',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
type = "BarrelCactusSeedItem",
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
Basalt = {
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
untranslated = "Basalt",
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
description = "A hard and heavy rock with some uses in construction. Basalt forms directly from lava erupted volcanically, making it an extrusive igneous rock. The basis of all bedrock in the oceans.",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
maxStack = 20,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
carried = "Hands",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
weight = 7500,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLimestoneBenchItem',
carbs = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '1003',
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
        ['Ashlar Limestone Chair'] = {
vitamins = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Limestone Chair',
density = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
fuel = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
yield = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'An ashlar stone chair. Great for display  though maybe not as comfy as a padded chair.',
currency = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
skillValue = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '1.7',
footprint = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
mobile = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.7',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
type = "BasaltItem",
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
["Basic Backpack"] = {
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
untranslated = "Basic Backpack",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
group = "Clothing",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
description = "A basic backpack to carry supplies.\\n\\n(Increases max carry weight by 5 kg)",
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLimestoneChairItem',
weight = 100,
                    ['typeID'] = '1004',
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
        ['Ashlar Limestone Door'] = {
protein = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Limestone Door',
fat = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
density = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A heavy ashlar stone door.',
fuel = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'World Object', 'Object'},
yield = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
currency = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
type = "BasicBackpackItem",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
["Basic Circuit"] = {
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
untranslated = "Basic Circuit",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
group = "Items",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
description = "A complex electrical component used in advanced electronics.",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
tagGroups = {},
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLimestoneDoorItem',
weight = 1000,
                    ['typeID'] = '1005',
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
        ['Ashlar Limestone Fireplace'] = {
protein = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Limestone Fireplace',
fat = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
density = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone fireplace. Nothing beats sitting around the fire on a cold day.',
fuel = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Storage Container', 'Housing Objects'},
yield = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
currency = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Fireplace',
footprint = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.1',
mobile = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = '[[Burnable Fuel]]',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
type = "BasicCircuitItem",
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['footprint'] = '3 X 2 X 1',
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
["Basic Engineering Skill Book"] = {
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
untranslated = "Basic Engineering Skill Book",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
description = "Basic Engineering Skill Book",
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
"Skill Books",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLimestoneFireplaceItem',
maxStack = 1,
                    ['typeID'] = '1006',
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
        ['Ashlar Limestone Table'] = {
calories = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Limestone Table',
carbs = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
protein = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
fat = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A large stone table crafted by an expert mason',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
density = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
fuel = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
yield = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
energyType = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Table',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.6',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 1 X 1',
type = "Basic Engineering Skill BookItem",
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
["Basic Engineering Skill Scroll"] = {
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
untranslated = "Basic Engineering Skill Scroll",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
description = "Basic Engineering Skill Scroll",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarLimestoneTableItem',
"Skill Scrolls",
                    ['typeID'] = '1007',
maxStack = 10,
        ['Ashlar Sandstone'] = {
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Sandstone',
weight = 10,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
calories = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Block Items',
carbs = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.',
protein = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Currency', 'Ashlar Stone', 'Constructable', 'Block', 'Object', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
fat = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '20',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Hands',
density = nil,
                    ['weight'] = '10',
fuel = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['currency'] = 'Yes',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = '4',
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
type = "Basic Engineering Skill ScrollItem",
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
["Basic Engineering Upgrade"] = {
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
untranslated = "Basic Engineering Upgrade",
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarSandstoneItem',
description = "Basic Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Basic Engineering recipes.",
                    ['typeID'] = '261',
tagGroups = {
        ['Ashlar Sandstone Bench'] = {
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Sandstone Bench',
maxStack = 100,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
weight = 1,
                    ['description'] = 'An ashlar stone bench. Great for display  though maybe not as comfy as a padded couch.',
calories = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
carbs = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
protein = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
fat = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '2.5',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
type = "BasicEngineeringUpgradeItem",
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
["Basic Salad"] = {
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
untranslated = "Basic Salad",
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarSandstoneBenchItem',
category = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '1008',
group = "Food",
description = "A seemingly random assortment of wild plants that form a sort of salad.",
        ['Ashlar Sandstone Chair'] = {
tagGroups = {
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Sandstone Chair',
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
                    ['description'] = 'An ashlar stone chair. Great for display  though maybe not as comfy as a padded chair.',
maxStack = 100,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
weight = 300,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
calories = 800,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
carbs = 18,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
protein = 6,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
fat = 4,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
vitamins = 10,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
density = 4.75,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '1.7',
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
materialTier = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.7',
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
type = "BasicSaladItem",
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarSandstoneChairItem',
                    ['typeID'] = '1009',
["Basic Upgrade 1"] = {
untranslated = "Basic Upgrade 1",
        ['Ashlar Sandstone Door'] = {
category = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Sandstone Door',
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
description = "Basic Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
tagGroups = {
                    ['description'] = 'A heavy ashlar stone door.',
"Basic Upgrade",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'World Object', 'Object'},
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
maxStack = 100,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
weight = 1,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '1 X 2 X 1',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarSandstoneDoorItem',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '1010',
type = "BasicUpgradeLvl1Item",
typeID = 0,
        ['Ashlar Sandstone Fireplace'] = {
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Sandstone Fireplace',
["Basic Upgrade 2"] = {
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
untranslated = "Basic Upgrade 2",
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
category = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'A fancy ashlar stone fireplace. Nothing beats sitting around the fire on a cold day.',
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Storage Container', 'Housing Objects'},
description = "Basic Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
tagGroups = {
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
"Basic Upgrade",
                    ['weight'] = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['protein'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
weight = 1,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['density'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
density = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
fuel = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Fireplace',
yield = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.1',
currency = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = '[[Burnable Fuel]]',
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '3 X 2 X 1',
energyType = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarSandstoneFireplaceItem',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '1011',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
        ['Ashlar Sandstone Table'] = {
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Sandstone Table',
type = "BasicUpgradeLvl2Item",
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
typeID = 0,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
                    ['description'] = 'A large stone table crafted by an expert mason',
["Basic Upgrade 3"] = {
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
untranslated = "Basic Upgrade 3",
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
category = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['weight'] = nil,
description = "Basic Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
"Basic Upgrade",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['density'] = nil,
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
weight = 1,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['skillValue'] = '3',
protein = nil,
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
fat = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Table',
vitamins = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.6',
density = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 1 X 1',
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
validTalents = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
footprint = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
mobile = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarSandstoneTableItem',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '1012',
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
        ['Ashlar Shale'] = {
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Shale',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['category'] = '_None',
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'Block Items',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'Ashlar is finely cut stone made by an expert mason. Ashlar stone is an especially decorative building material that comes in a variety of styles based on the type of rock used.',
type = "BasicUpgradeLvl3Item",
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Currency', 'Ashlar Stone', 'Constructable', 'Block', 'Object', 'Product', 'Ingredient'},
typeID = 0,
                    ['maxStack'] = '20',
                    ['carried'] = 'Hands',
["Basic Upgrade 4"] = {
                    ['weight'] = '10',
untranslated = "Basic Upgrade 4",
                    ['calories'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
description = "Basic Upgrade that increases crafting efficiency.",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
"Basic Upgrade",
                    ['density'] = nil,
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
                    ['yield'] = nil,
maxStack = 100,
                    ['currency'] = 'Yes',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['skillValue'] = nil,
weight = 1,
                    ['roomCategory'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['furnitureType'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['materialTier'] = '4',
fat = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
skillValue = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
energyType = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarShaleItem',
validTalents = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '262',
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
        ['Ashlar Shale Bench'] = {
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Shale Bench',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'An ashlar stone bench. Great for display  though maybe not as comfy as a padded couch.',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
type = "BasicUpgradeLvl4Item",
                    ['weight'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
Bass = {
                    ['protein'] = nil,
untranslated = "Bass",
                    ['fat'] = nil,
category = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
                    ['density'] = nil,
description = "A bass. ",
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
tagGroups = {
                    ['yield'] = nil,
                    ['currency'] = nil,
"Medium Fish",
                    ['skillValue'] = '2.5',
                    ['roomCategory'] = 'General',
maxStack = 100,
                    ['furnitureType'] = 'Seating',
carried = "Backpack",
                    ['repeatsDepreciation'] = '0.5',
weight = 800,
                    ['materialTier'] = nil,
calories = nil,
                    ['fuelsUsed'] = nil,
carbs = nil,
                    ['gridRadius'] = nil,
protein = nil,
                    ['energyUsed'] = nil,
fat = nil,
                    ['energyProduced'] = nil,
vitamins = nil,
                    ['energyType'] = nil,
density = nil,
                    ['fluidsUsed'] = nil,
fuel = nil,
                    ['fluidsProduced'] = nil,
yield = nil,
                    ['validTalents'] = nil,
currency = nil,
                    ['footprint'] = '2 X 2 X 1',
skillValue = nil,
                    ['mobile'] = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
                    ['roomSizeReq'] = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
                    ['roomMatReq'] = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
                    ['roomContainReq'] = nil,
materialTier = nil,
                    ['inventorySlots'] = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
                    ['inventoryMaxWeight'] = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
                    ['inventoryRestrictions'] = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
                    ['fertilizerNutrients'] = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
                    ['type'] = 'AshlarShaleBenchItem',
energyType = nil,
                    ['typeID'] = '1013',
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
        ['Ashlar Shale Chair'] = {
validTalents = nil,
                    ['untranslated'] = 'Ashlar Shale Chair',
footprint = nil,
                    ['category'] = 'WorldObject',
mobile = nil,
                    ['group'] = 'World Object Items',
roomSizeReq = nil,
                    ['description'] = 'An ashlar stone chair. Great for display  though maybe not as comfy as a padded chair.',
roomMatReq = nil,
                    ['tagGroups'] = {'Housing', 'World Object', 'Object', 'Housing Objects'},
roomContainReq = nil,
                    ['maxStack'] = '100',
inventorySlots = nil,
                    ['carried'] = 'Backpack',
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
                    ['weight'] = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
                    ['calories'] = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
                    ['carbs'] = nil,
type = "BassItem",
                    ['protein'] = nil,
typeID = 0,
                    ['fat'] = nil,
                    ['vitamins'] = nil,
Bathtub = {
                    ['density'] = nil,
untranslated = "Bathtub",
                    ['fuel'] = nil,
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A porcelain bathtub for when you need to get clean or just relax.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "3",
roomCategory = "Bathroom",
furnitureType = "Sink",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x2x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BathtubItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bean Paste"] = {
untranslated = "Bean Paste",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Smashed beans can work as a thickener or flavour enhancer.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 200,
calories = 40,
carbs = 3,
protein = 5,
fat = 7,
vitamins = 0,
density = 37.5,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeanPasteItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bean Sprout"] = {
untranslated = "Bean Sprout",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "The small sprouts from a grown bean plant.",
tagGroups = {
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 100,
carbs = 2,
protein = 1,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 5,
density = 8.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeanSproutItem",
typeID = 0,
Beans = {
untranslated = "Beans",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A good source of protein.",
tagGroups = {
"Crop Seed",
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 150,
carbs = 1,
protein = 4,
fat = 3,
vitamins = 0,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeansItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bear SUPREME"] = {
untranslated = "Bear SUPREME",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Just because the name has 'bear' in it doesn't mean it actually contains bear.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = 1250,
carbs = 6,
protein = 22,
fat = 23,
vitamins = 9,
density = 4.8,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BearSUPREMEItem",
typeID = 0,
Bearclaw = {
untranslated = "Bearclaw",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A sweet pastry with seperated sections that look a bit like a claw.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 850,
carbs = 14,
protein = 4,
fat = 21,
vitamins = 7,
density = 5.411764705882352,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BearclawItem",
typeID = 0,
Bearpack = {
untranslated = "Bearpack",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Can you carry as much as a bear! Not really, but it helps you carry more.\\n\\n(Increases max carry weight by 15 kg)",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BearpackItem",
typeID = 0,
["Beaver Carcass"] = {
untranslated = "Beaver Carcass",
category = nil,
group = "Item",
description = "A dead beaver.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeaverCarcassItem",
typeID = 0,
Beet = {
untranslated = "Beet",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A brilliantly colored bulb with an earthy sweetness.",
tagGroups = {
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 125,
calories = 230,
carbs = 2,
protein = 0,
fat = 2,
vitamins = 4,
density = 3.4782608695652173,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeetItem",
typeID = 0,
["Beet Campfire Salad"] = {
untranslated = "Beet Campfire Salad",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A myriad of plants that make a healthy and odd blend.",
tagGroups = {
"Campfire Salad",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 200,
calories = 900,
carbs = 8,
protein = 4,
fat = 3,
vitamins = 13,
density = 3.111111111111111,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeetCampfireSaladItem",
typeID = 0,
["Beet Greens"] = {
untranslated = "Beet Greens",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "The leafy greens from a beet with a distinctive red stem.",
tagGroups = {
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = 100,
carbs = 3,
protein = 1,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 4,
density = 8.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeetGreensItem",
typeID = 0,
["Beet Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Beet Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow beets.",
tagGroups = {
"Crop Seed",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BeetSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
["Berry Extract Fertilizer"] = {
untranslated = "Berry Extract Fertilizer",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "An excellent fertilizer that provides a mix of nutrients, but especially potassium.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BerryExtractFertilizerItem",
typeID = 0,
["Big Backpack"] = {
untranslated = "Big Backpack",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "A survival backpack that offers more support than the basic backpack.\\n\\n(Increases max carry weight by 10 kg)",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BigBackpackItem",
typeID = 0,
["Big Bluestem Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Big Bluestem Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow a big bluestem plant.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BigBluestemSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bighorn Carcass"] = {
untranslated = "Bighorn Carcass",
category = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
description = "A dead bighorn.",
tagGroups = {
"Medium Carcass",
"Medium Wooly Carcass",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 3500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BighornCarcassItem",
typeID = 0,
Biodiesel = {
untranslated = "Biodiesel",
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
description = "A vegetable or animal fat-based diesel fuel.",
tagGroups = {
"Liquid Fuel",
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 30000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = 80000,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BiodieselItem",
typeID = 0,
["Birch Log"] = {
untranslated = "Birch Log",
category = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
description = "Birch log is a type of hardwood, notable for its white and papery bark.",
tagGroups = {
"Burnable Fuel",
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = 4000,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BirchLogItem",
typeID = 0,
["Birch Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Birch Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow into a birch sapling.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BirchSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bison Carcass"] = {
untranslated = "Bison Carcass",
category = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
description = "A dead bison.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BisonCarcassItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bison Chow Fun"] = {
untranslated = "Bison Chow Fun",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Who says food can't be fun?",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 550,
calories = 1450,
carbs = 16,
protein = 13,
fat = 20,
vitamins = 8,
density = 3.9310344827586206,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BisonChowFunItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bison Mount"] = {
untranslated = "Bison Mount",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A fluffy, but very dead, bison head on a mount.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "4.5",
roomCategory = "Living Room",
furnitureType = "Statue",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.2",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x2x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BisonMountItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blacksmith Advanced Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Blacksmith Advanced Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Advanced Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Blacksmith recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BlacksmithAdvancedUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blacksmith Skill Book"] = {
untranslated = "Blacksmith Skill Book",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
description = "Blacksmith Skill Book",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Books",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Blacksmith Skill BookItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blacksmith Skill Scroll"] = {
untranslated = "Blacksmith Skill Scroll",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
description = "Blacksmith Skill Scroll",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Scrolls",
maxStack = 10,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Blacksmith Skill ScrollItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blacksmith Table"] = {
untranslated = "Blacksmith Table",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A simple workplace with assorted tools for creating both decorative pieces and necessary items.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BlacksmithTableItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blacksmith Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Blacksmith Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Basic Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Blacksmith recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BlacksmithUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blast Furnace"] = {
untranslated = "Blast Furnace",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A superior replacement for the bloomery that can produce steel.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "3x3x5",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BlastFurnaceItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blood Meal Fertilizer"] = {
untranslated = "Blood Meal Fertilizer",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "Blood meal is a great source of nitrogen.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BloodMealFertilizerItem",
typeID = 0,
Bloomery = {
untranslated = "Bloomery",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A chimney-shaped furnace for smelting ores.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = "Industrial",
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BloomeryItem",
typeID = 0,
["Blue Shark"] = {
untranslated = "Blue Shark",
category = nil,
group = "Natural Resources",
description = "A blue shark.",
tagGroups = {
"Large Fish",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BlueSharkItem",
typeID = 0,
Board = {
untranslated = "Board",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "A higher quality board used for long lasting furniture.",
tagGroups = {
"Burnable Fuel",
"Wood Board",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = 2000,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoardItem",
typeID = 0,
["Board Of Elections"] = {
untranslated = "Board Of Elections",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "Allows the creation of Election Processes, which are different kinds of elections with different settings (who can vote, who can veto, etc).",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "4x2x3",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoardOfElectionsItem",
typeID = 0,
["Boiled Grains"] = {
untranslated = "Boiled Grains",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A dish of plain boiled grains that can be topped with fruit to make a nice tasting porridge.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = 350,
carbs = 9,
protein = 2,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 1,
density = 3.428571428571429,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoiledGrainsItem",
typeID = 0,
["Boiled Rice"] = {
untranslated = "Boiled Rice",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Soft and fluffy.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = 210,
carbs = 13,
protein = 2,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 7.142857142857142,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoiledRiceItem",
typeID = 0,
["Boiled Sausage"] = {
untranslated = "Boiled Sausage",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Boiled sausages might not be as pretty as grilled ones, but they're still tasty.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 600,
carbs = 0,
protein = 27,
fat = 22,
vitamins = 0,
density = 8.166666666666666,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoiledSausageItem",
typeID = 0,
Boiler = {
untranslated = "Boiler",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "A vessel used for heating fluids.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoilerItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bolete Mushroom Spores"] = {
untranslated = "Bolete Mushroom Spores",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow bolete mushrooms.",
tagGroups = {
"Crop Seed",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoleteMushroomSporesItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bolete Mushrooms"] = {
untranslated = "Bolete Mushrooms",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Boletus edulis.",
tagGroups = {
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 75,
calories = 200,
carbs = 2,
protein = 4,
fat = 1,
vitamins = 1,
density = 4.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BoleteMushroomsItem",
typeID = 0,
Bookshelf = {
untranslated = "Bookshelf",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A place to store knowledge and information; leads to the town hall.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "2",
roomCategory = "Living Room",
furnitureType = "Shelves",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BookshelfItem",
typeID = 0,
Brazier = {
untranslated = "Brazier",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A metal stand which can hold burning fuel to provide light.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "1.2",
roomCategory = "Lighting",
furnitureType = "Lights",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.7",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "1x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BrazierItem",
typeID = 0,
Bread = {
untranslated = "Bread",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A delicious, crispy crust hides the soft interior.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = 750,
carbs = 23,
protein = 6,
fat = 4,
vitamins = 2,
density = 4.666666666666667,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BreadItem",
typeID = 0,
Brick = {
untranslated = "Brick",
category = nil,
group = "Blocks",
description = "Durable building material made from fired blocks and mortar.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 20,
carried = "Hands",
weight = 10000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = 2,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BrickItem",
typeID = 0,
["Brick Fireplace"] = {
untranslated = "Brick Fireplace",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A rustic brick fireplace. Nothing beats sitting around the fire on a cold day.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 5000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "2",
roomCategory = "Living Room",
furnitureType = "Fireplace",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.1",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "3x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BrickFireplaceItem",
typeID = 0,
["Builder Boots"] = {
untranslated = "Builder Boots",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Snug work boots with side zippers.\\n\\n(Decreases calories consumed when using tools by 30\\u0025)",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BuilderBootsItem",
typeID = 0,
["Builder Gloves"] = {
untranslated = "Builder Gloves",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Leather construction gloves with durable palms and fabric backs for breathability.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BuilderGlovesItem",
typeID = 0,
["Builder Helmet"] = {
untranslated = "Builder Helmet",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "A plastic hard hat that protects from falling objects and other hazards found in construction sites.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BuilderHelmetItem",
typeID = 0,
["Builder Overalls"] = {
untranslated = "Builder Overalls",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Durable overalls with cargo pockets and hammer loops.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BuilderOverallsItem",
typeID = 0,
["Builder Shirt"] = {
untranslated = "Builder Shirt",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "A short sleeved work shirt made from a blend of cotton and synthetic materials. ",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BuilderShirtItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bullrush Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Bullrush Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow bullrush.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BullrushSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
["Bunchgrass Seed"] = {
untranslated = "Bunchgrass Seed",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow bunchgrass.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 50,
calories = 0,
carbs = 0,
protein = 0,
fat = 0,
vitamins = 0,
density = 0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BunchgrassSeedItem",
typeID = 0,
["Butchery Skill Book"] = {
untranslated = "Butchery Skill Book",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Books",
description = "Butchery Skill Book",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Books",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Butchery Skill BookItem",
typeID = 0,
["Butchery Skill Scroll"] = {
untranslated = "Butchery Skill Scroll",
category = nil,
group = "Skill Scrolls",
description = "Butchery Skill Scroll",
tagGroups = {
"Skill Scrolls",
maxStack = 10,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 10,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "Butchery Skill ScrollItem",
typeID = 0,
["Butchery Table"] = {
untranslated = "Butchery Table",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A block and cleaver to process raw meat into fancier dishes.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = "2",
roomCategory = "Kitchen",
furnitureType = "Food Preparation",
repeatsDepreciation = "0.5",
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x1x2",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "ButcheryTableItem",
typeID = 0,
["Butchery Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Butchery Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Basic Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Butchery recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "ButcheryUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
Bycocket = {
untranslated = "Bycocket",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Also called chapeau a bec, or Billed Hat in france due to it's bird-beak like appearance.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "BycocketItem",
typeID = 0,
["CO2 Canister"] = {
untranslated = "CO2 Canister",
category = nil,
group = "Item",
description = "For creating fancy foams!",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = nil,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CO2CanisterItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camas Ash Fertilizer"] = {
untranslated = "Camas Ash Fertilizer",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "Camas ash fertilizer, though not very potent, is a great source of potassium.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamasAshFertilizerItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camas Bread"] = {
untranslated = "Camas Bread",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A bread with a camas twist for a bit of flavor and fun. ",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = 800,
carbs = 13,
protein = 5,
fat = 11,
vitamins = 7,
density = 4.5,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamasBreadItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camas Bulb"] = {
untranslated = "Camas Bulb",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Plant to grow a camas plant.",
tagGroups = {
"Crop Seed",
"Raw Food",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 75,
calories = 150,
carbs = 1,
protein = 2,
fat = 5,
vitamins = 0,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamasBulbItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camas Bulb Bake"] = {
untranslated = "Camas Bulb Bake",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "A spread of evenly baked camas bulbs; soft in the middle, golden brown on the outside.",
tagGroups = {
"Baked Food",
"Baked Vegetable",
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 300,
calories = 700,
carbs = 12,
protein = 7,
fat = 5,
vitamins = 4,
density = 4.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamasBulbBakeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camas Paste"] = {
untranslated = "Camas Paste",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "Pulverized camas works as an excellent thickener or flavour enhancer.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = 60,
carbs = 3,
protein = 2,
fat = 10,
vitamins = 0,
density = 25.0,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamasPasteItem",
typeID = 0,
Camera = {
untranslated = "Camera",
category = nil,
group = "Item",
description = "",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 3000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CameraItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camera Film"] = {
untranslated = "Camera Film",
category = nil,
group = "Items",
description = "A film used inside a camera.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CameraFilmItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camo Pants"] = {
untranslated = "Camo Pants",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Hide from the animals!\\n\\n(Reduces the detection range of animals)",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamoPantsItem",
typeID = 0,
["Camo Shirt"] = {
untranslated = "Camo Shirt",
category = nil,
group = "Clothing",
description = "Hide from the animals!\\n\\n(Reduces the detection range of animals)",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 100,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CamoShirtItem",
typeID = 0,
Campfire = {
untranslated = "Campfire",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "Cook like a caveman on an uneven fire.",
tagGroups = {
"Crafting Table",
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "2x2x1",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CampfireItem",
typeID = 0,
["Campfire Cooking Upgrade"] = {
untranslated = "Campfire Cooking Upgrade",
category = nil,
group = "Upgrade Modules",
description = "Basic Upgrade that greatly increases efficiency when crafting Campfire Cooking recipes.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 1,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CampfireCookingUpgradeItem",
typeID = 0,
["Campfire Roast"] = {
untranslated = "Campfire Roast",
category = nil,
group = "Food",
description = "The uneven flame might be mediocre for cooking, but the open flame imparts a great flavor.",
tagGroups = {
maxStack = 100,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 500,
calories = 1000,
carbs = 0,
protein = 16,
fat = 12,
vitamins = 0,
density = 2.8000000000000003,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = nil,
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CampfireRoastItem",
typeID = 0,
Campsite = {
untranslated = "Campsite",
category = nil,
group = "Work Stations",
description = "A campsite.",
tagGroups = {},
maxStack = 1,
carried = "Backpack",
weight = 2000,
calories = nil,
carbs = nil,
protein = nil,
fat = nil,
vitamins = nil,
density = nil,
fuel = nil,
yield = nil,
currency = nil,
skillValue = nil,
roomCategory = nil,
furnitureType = nil,
repeatsDepreciation = nil,
materialTier = nil,
fuelsUsed = nil,
gridRadius = nil,
energyUsed = nil,
energyProduced = nil,
energyType = nil,
fluidsUsed = nil,
fluidsProduced = nil,
validTalents = nil,
footprint = "4x2x3",
mobile = nil,
roomSizeReq = nil,
roomMatReq = nil,
roomContainReq = nil,
inventorySlots = nil,
inventoryMaxWeight = nil,
inventoryRestrictions = nil,
NutrientElement = nil,
type = "CampsiteItem",
typeID = 0,
["Candle Stand"] = {
untranslated = "Candle Stand",
category = nil,
group = "Housing Objects",
description = "A fancy candelabra for providing small amounts of light.",
tagGroups = {
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